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Kisspeptin (KP) is a major positive regulator of the hypothalamo–pituitary–gonadal axis and affects female reproductive cyclicity in mammals. It offers an attractive alternative strategy to control reproduction in fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) protocols. We aimed to evaluate the effects of different doses of kisspeptin-10 (KP-10) on sow reproductive performance in FTAI protocols. One hundred ninety-eight weaned sows were divided into three groups at random. A FTAI–GnRH group of sows (n = 98) received 100 µg (2 mL) gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH; gonadorelin) by intramuscular injection at 96 h after weaning (t = 0 h); FTAI–KPL (KPL: low-dose KP-10, n = 50), and FTAI–KPH groups of sows (KPH: high-dose KP-10, n = 50) received 0.5 or 1 mg KP-10 (2 mL) respectively at 96 h after weaning. Sows were checked twice daily for oestrus. Ultrasonographic evaluations were performed to determine the follicular diameter and time of ovulation; blood samples were collected immediately before injection (t0 = 0 min) and at 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 min, 24 and 48 h postinjection. Sows were inseminated at 112 and 132 h after weaning. The oestrus rates (96 vs 92%; 96 vs 88%) and weaning-to-oestrus intervals (98.9 vs 98.6 h; 98.9 vs 97.1 h) were not affected by treatment, but oestrus in the FTAI–KPL group was significantly longer than in the FTAI–GnRH group (38.7 vs 30.0 h; P < 0.05). The peak LH concentrations were 1.29 times greater than at t0 = 0 in the FTAI–GnRH group, and 1.45 and 1.44 times greater than at t0 = 0 in the FTAI–KPL and FTAI–KPH groups, respectively. Follicular diameters and pregnancy rates (86 vs 88%, 86 vs 80%, respectively) did not differ between the treatments. Moreover, the total numbers of piglets born and those born alive did not differ among the three groups. These findings suggested that 0.5 mg KP-10 given at 96 h after weaning could be used in FTAI programmes to manage batch farrowing in sows.  相似文献   

The objective was to compare the reproductive performance of a new PGF-based timed artificial insemination (TAI) protocol in sheep (Synchrovine®: two doses of PGF, 7 d apart) to a traditional progesterone-eCG (P4-eCG) protocol, considering the effects of seminal state, AI-times, and AI-pathway. Three experiments involving 1297 multiparous Australian Merino ewes were done during the physiologic breeding season (location 32 °S-57 °W). Reproductive performance was assessed as non-return rate to service 21 d after AI (NRR21d), based on detection with androgenized wethers, as well as Fertility (pregnant/inseminated ewes), Prolificacy (fetuses/pregnant ewe), and Fecundity (fetuses/inseminated ewe), which were based on transabdominal ultrasonography 50 d after TAI. In Experiment 1, Synchrovine® treated ewes TAI cervically with fresh semen at 42, 48, or 54 h had similar NRR21d (0.51, 0.46, 0.57), Fertility (0.27, 0.31, 0.26), and Fecundity (0.29, 0.32, 0.27), all of which were lower (P < 0.05) than in a control P4-eCG group inseminated at 54 h (0.61, 0.48, 0.52, NRR21d, Fertility and Fecundity respectively). In Experiment 2, using chilled semen and cervical TAI, Synchrovine® treated ewes inseminated at 42 h yielded lower (P < 0.05) NRR21d, Fertility and Fecundity (0.28, 0.06, 0.06) compared to 48 (0.43, 0.24, 0.24) and 54 h (0.44, 0.22, 0.23). In Experiment 3 with chilled semen, Synchrovine® treated ewes TAI into the cervix at 51 or 57 h were similar in NRR21d (0.16 vs 0.20), Fertility (0.12 vs 0.14), and Fecundity (0.12 vs 0.15), respectively; but lower (P < 0.05) than P4-eCG treated ewes TAI at 54 h (0.34, 0.28, and 0.33 for NRR21d, Fertility and Fecundity respectively). Synchrovine® treated ewes intrauterine TAI at 51 or 57 h yielded similar NRR21d (0.51 vs 0.58), Fertility (0.43 vs 0.51), and Fecundity (0.45 vs 0.56) respectively, but lower (P < 0.05) results compared to P4-eCG treated ewes (0.75, 0.71, and 0.88 for NRR21d, Fertility and Fecundity respectively). In conclusion, AI-time in Synchrovine® treated ewes with fresh semen might be extended (42 to 54 h after the second PGF), but should be delayed to 48-54 h with chilled semen and cervical AI. Independent of the seminal state, AI-time or AI-pathway, Synchrovine® yielded lower reproductive results than a conventional P4-eCG protocol.  相似文献   

Triptorelin (TRI), a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist allowing ovulation synchronization in pigs, is indispensable for fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) protocols. However, the effect of FTAI using TRI (FTAI-TRI) on the reproductive performance is controversial. We performed a meta-analysis to determine whether FTAI-TRI affects reproductive performance of pigs, including pregnancy rate (PR), number of pigs born alive per litter (NBA), farrowing rate (FR) and total number of pigs born per litter (TNB). A total of 37 trials from 15 studies were extracted and analysed in Stata. A weighted mean difference (WMD) with 95% confidence interval (CI) was calculated for NBA and TNB, and risk ratio (RR) with 95% CI was calculated for PR and FR. Pregnancy rate, TNB and NBA data were applied to a fixed-effect protocol, and FR data were applied to a random-effect protocol. We found that for weaned sows, the FTAI-TRI group had comparable reproductive performance to the artificial insemination (AI) following oestrus detection (EDAI) group. Fixed-time AI has many advantages, including the elimination of the need to heat-check twice daily, so that FTAI-TRI is a good substitute for EDAI. Subgroup analysis indicated that the optimal timing of triptorelin treatment was 96 h after weaning, which gave significant positive effects on PR (RR = 1.08, P = 0.000) and non-significant positive effects on TNB (WMD = 0.12, P = 0.452). Triptorelin at a dose of 100 μg showed better effects than 200 μg, with significant positive effects on PR (RR = 1.09, P = 0.005) and FR (RR = 1.06, P = 0.036). So a single dose of 100 μg was recommended. The optimal protocol was insemination at 24 h and again at 48 h after triptorelin administration if they remained in standing oestrus, and this provided a significantly higher NBA (WMD = 0.59, P = 0.013) that increased by 0.59. For gilts, the FTAI-TRI group showed decreased (not significant) PR (RR = 0.96, P = 0.127) and significantly decreased FR (RR = 0.93, P = 0.013), TNB (WMD = −0.85, P = 0.006) and NBA (WMD = −0.98, P = 0.000), which were inferior to those in the EDAI group. In conclusion, the effects of FTAI-TRI on the reproductive performance of pigs were parity-, treatment timing-, insemination timing-, and dosage-dependent. Fixed-time AI using triptorelin could effectively replace the EDAI protocol for sows, but not for gilts.  相似文献   

The reproductive performance of gilts and sows from two regions in Norway was investigated in a retrospective analysis of data from the litter recording system. In the Northern region (North; between 65°N and 71°N), there are extreme shifts in natural photoperiod between winter and summer. In the Southern region (South; between 59°N and 60°30′N), photoperiodic changes are less dramatic.

Gilts were 8 days older at first mating or insemination in the North than in the South (P<0.01). A significantly lower proportion of sows in the North were mated or inseminated within 5 days post-weaning than in the South, a difference present both among primiparous and multiparous sows (P<0.01). Overall farrowing rate in the North was lower than in the South, but litter size (total number born) among those pigs that farrowed was larger. After correction for year, month, breed and age at first service, there were still lower odds of farrowing for gilts in North than in South. Neither for primiparous nor multiparous sows were regional differences in farrowing probability significant when year, month, breed and weaning to service interval were included in the model. Gilts and primiparous sows had a lower probability of farrowing following insemination during summer or autumn months, but service month was not significantly related to the farrowing probability of multiparous sows.

For gilts, litter size was positively related to age at first service. For sows, litter size was lowest at weaning to service intervals between 6 and 10 days. Total numbers of piglets born per litter were estimated to be 0.36, 0.38 and 0.55 larger in the North than in the South (differences in least square means; gilts, primiparous sows and multiparous sows, respectively) (P<0.01). Litter size was lower after service during natural long photoperiod than during the rest of the year.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of a GnRH agonist containing either 450 or 750 microg of deslorelin in an implant form or a gonadorelin injection (control) to induce ovulation in the Ovsynch protocol on pregnancy rates (PR), embryonic loss, and ovarian function in 593 lactating Holstein cows. Cows were given two injections of PGF2alpha 14 days apart, followed 14 days later by the Ovsynch protocol, and were timed artificially inseminated (TAI) at 68 +/- 3 days postpartum. Blood samples for determination of plasma progesterone concentrations were collected at 24 and 10 days prior to and 11 days after TAI. Pregnancy was diagnosed on Day 27 and reconfirmed on Day 41 after TAI. Non-pregnant, not re-inseminated cows at Day 27 had their ovaries examined by ultrasonography, and the number and size of follicles and presence of luteal tissue were determined. Simultaneously, these cows were re-synchronized with the Ovsynch protocol. Pregnancy during the re-synchronization period was determined between 35 and 41 days after insemination. On Day 27, PR were higher for control (39.0%) and deslorelin 450 microg (DESLORELIN 450) implant (41.3%) than for those receiving the deslorelin 750 microg (DESLORELIN 750) implant (27.5%; P<0.05). Pregnancy losses tended to decrease for DESLORELIN 450 compared with control (5.0% versus 12.7%; P<0.13). Plasma progesterone concentrations did not differ significantly among treatments. Deslorelin suppressed ovarian activity and decreased PR during the re-synchronization period compared with control. The percentage of non-pregnant animals that were re-inseminated by Day 27 was less for deslorelin compared with control. In conclusion, incorporation of an implant of the GnRH agonist deslorelin to induce ovulation in the Ovsynch protocol has the potential to reduce pregnancy losses, but the response was dependent upon implant concentration. Evaluation of lower doses to minimize the negative effects on subsequent fertility is warranted.  相似文献   

Recent EU legislation discourages the practice of resecting piglets’ needle teeth. However, the effect of leaving piglets’ teeth intact on the welfare of sows in farrowing crates is poorly understood. Therefore, the aim of the study was to compare the effects of clipping and grinding piglets’ needle teeth, compared to leaving them intact, on the welfare of sows in farrowing crates.

Six days pre-partum 60 multiparous sows were assigned to one of three treatments. Litters had their teeth clipped (C), ground (G) or left intact (I) at birth. Sows’ teats were inspected for lesions pre-partum (day −3) and on days 1, 4, 11, 18 and 27 post-partum. Instantaneous scan samples (5 min intervals) of sow behaviour were carried out during three 2 h periods on days 1, 4, 8, 14, 21 and 26. On days 1, 4 and 11 all piglets were removed from the crate for 60 min. On re-introduction of the piglets, sow maternal behaviour was recorded continuously for 20 min.

The number of sows with teat lesions tended to differ between treatments on days 11 (P = 0.06) and 18 (P = 0.10). There was an interactive effect between treatment and day on sow dog-sitting behaviour throughout lactation (P < 0.001) and a tendency for an interactive effect on posture-changing behaviour (P = 0.08). On day 21, I sows were dog-sitting in more observations than C sows (P < 0.05) and on day 26 in more observations than C and G sows (P < 0.001). There was an interaction between treatment and day in the latency of sows to suckle their piglets following 60 min separation (P < 0.05). On day 4, I sows had a shorter latency to suckle than C and G sows (P < 0.05). There was an effect of treatment on the number of sows that terminated bouts of post-suckling udder massage (P < 0.05). On day 4, more I than C sows terminated post-suckling udder massage (P = 0.01). Finally, there was an effect of treatment on the time spent lying in the ventral posture in the observations of maternal behaviour (P < 0.05). C sows spent less time lying in the ventral posture than G and I sows (P < 0.05).

There were indications that leaving the teeth intact and to a lesser extent grinding caused injury and disturbance to sows. In farrowing crates, leaving piglets’ teeth intact cannot be recommended.  相似文献   

The objective was to compare two protocols for synchronizing ovulation in lactating Holstein cows submitted to timed AI (TAI) or timed ET (TET). Within each farm (n = 8), cows (n = 883; mean ± SEM 166.24 ± 3.27 d postpartum, yielding 36.8 ± 0.34 kg of milk/d) were randomly assigned to receive either: 1) an intravaginal progesterone insert (CIDR®) with 1.9 g of progesterone + GnRH on Day -10, CIDR® withdrawal + PGF2α on Day -3, and 1 mg estradiol cypionate on Day -2 (treatment GP-P-E; nTAI = 180; nTET = 260); or 2) a CIDR® insert + 2 mg estradiol benzoate on Day -10, PGF2α on Day -3, CIDR® withdrawal + 1 mg estradiol cypionate on Day -2 (treatment EP-P-E; nTAI = 174; nTET = 269). Cows were subsequently randomly assigned to receive either TAI on Day 0 or TET on Day 7. Serum progesterone concentration on Day -3 was greater in GP-P-E than in EP-P-E (2.89 ± 0.15 vs 2.29 ± 0.15 ng/mL; P < 0.01), with no significant effect of group on serum progesterone on Day 7. Compared to cows submitted to TAI, those submitted to TET had greater pregnancy rates on Day 28 (44.0% [233/529] vs 29.7% [105/354]; P < 0.001) and on Day 60 (37.6% [199/529] vs 26.5 [94/354]; P < 0.001). However, there were no effects of treatments (GP-P-E vs EP-P-E; P > 0.10) on synchronization (87.0% [383/440] vs 85.3% [378/443]), conception (TAI: 35.3% [55/156] vs 33.8% [50/148]; TET: 50.7% [115/227] vs 51.3% [118/230]) and pregnancy rates on Days 28 (TAI: 30.5% [55/180] vs 28.7% [50/174]; TET: 44.2% [115/260] vs 43.9% [118/269]) and 60 (TAI: 27.2% [49/80] vs 25.9% [45/174]; TET: 38.8% [101/260] vs 36.4% [98/269]). In conclusion, GP-P-E increased serum progesterone concentrations on Day -3, but rates of synchronization, conception, and pregnancy were not significantly different between cows submitted to GP-P-E and EP-P-E protocols, regardless of whether they were inseminated or received an embryo.  相似文献   

Commercial use of group housing systems for lactating sows is limited, but the recent transition to group housing during gestation in the EU may result in a renewed interest in such systems. Therefore, this review aims to identify key factors that may contribute to the success or failure of group housing of lactating sows in comparison with individual housing by describing the variety in group housing systems and discussing animal behaviour and performance compared with individual housing. Group housing systems can be divided in multi-suckling (MS) systems, in which sows are grouped with their litters, and get-away (GA) systems, which include a separate communal area accessible to sows only. These systems differ in many aspects regarding management and layout but, compared with individual housing, generally provide more environmental complexity, more freedom of movement for the sows and more freedom to express behaviours related to, for example, maternal care and social interactions. Group housing poses several risks, such as disrupted nursing and an increased level of crushing during the MS phase, and in the GA systems there is a risk for early cessation of nursing. On the other hand, pre-weaning mingling of litters clearly benefits piglet social development and may improve adaptation to the post-weaning situation. In addition, group-housed sows may show lactational ovulation, which provides opportunities for insemination during an extended lactation period, which benefits the piglets. Gradual transitions in social and physical environment around gestation, farrowing, grouping and weaning seem to be key success factors for group housing systems during lactation. In addition, selection of suitable sows and quality of stockmanship seem important.  相似文献   

The farrowing process is one of the most energy-demanding activities for the modern hyperprolific sow. This study evaluated the effects of supply of energy on the expected date of farrowing on the farrowing kinetics and piglets’ performance during the first 24 h after birth. A total of 80 sows were used. The sows and their respective litters were considered as the experimental unit. On the expected day of farrowing, the sows were allocated to one of the following groups: sows that did not have access to feed from farrowing induction until the end of the farrowing process (CON, n = 40); sows fed 500 g of energetic supplement, which consisted of 250 g of the basal lactation diet plus 250 g of cane sugar, 18 h after farrowing induction (SUP, n = 40). The farrowing duration, farrowing assistance, birth interval, number of total born, stillborn and mummified piglets were recorded for each sow. Piglets were weighed individually at birth and 24 h later. The interval from birth to first suckle was evaluated individually for each piglet in 16 randomly selected litters (eight litters per treatment group). Blood glucose concentrations of six sows were measured shortly after expulsion of the first piglet. Farrowing duration, farrowing assistance and stillborn rate tended to be greater (P = 0.06, P = 0.09 and P = 0.07, respectively) in sows from the CON group compared to sows from the SUP group. However, there was no difference (P > 0.05) between the groups for birth interval. Colostrum intake was greater (P < 0.05) for piglets from the SUP group compared to piglets from the CON group. Additionally, BW gain of the piglets suckling the SUP group was greater (P < 0.05) than those suckling the CON group at 24 h after birth. The blood glucose concentrations during the expulsive stage of farrowing were greater (P < 0.05) in the SUP group than for sows from the CON group. In conclusion, supplying modern hyperprolific sows energy on the expected day of farrowing is a valuable nutritional intervention to improve the farrowing kinetics and piglets’ performance in early life.  相似文献   

Because intravaginal devices impregnated with 0.3 g of progesterone (i.e., CIDR-G) contain remaining hormone after their use in a Short-term Protocol (5 to 7 d of treatment), the reuse of these devices is proposed in goats. Two experiments were designed to study the effects of the reutilization of CIDR-G, establishing serum progesterone concentrations, follicular development, ovulatory response, and fertility. Experiment 1: Thirty dairy goats received a Short-term Protocol for 5 d using CIDR-G of first use (new devices, n = 10), second use (previously used for 5 d, n = 10), or third use (previously used twice for 5 d each time, n = 10). Goats were given (im) prostaglandin F (10 mg dinoprost) and eCG (300 IU) at device insertion and withdrawal, respectively. Serum progesterone concentrations induced by CIDR-G of first use were higher than CIDR-G of second or third use (P < 0.05); concentrations were consistently > 1 ng/mL in all females treated with reused devices. Estrus and ovulation were synchronized in 100% of goats (no differences among treatments). All females treated with new devices, but only 80% of females treated with re-used devices ovulated a new follicle that emerged after CIDR-G insertion (P = NS). Ovulation occurred between 60 and 70 h after device removal (no differences among groups). Experiment 2: In goats subjected to a Short-term Protocol followed by AI at 54 h after CIDR-G, pregnancy rates with CIDR-G of first, second, and third use were 75.3% (64/85), 67.4% (60/89), and 62.1% (54/87), respectively (devices of first versus third use, P < 0.05). In summary, intravaginal devices originally containing 0.3 g of progesterone appeared effective to synchronize estrus and ovulation after first, second and third use in the Short-term Protocol. Although the pregnancy rate with reused devices was acceptable (i.e., > 60%), it was significantly lower than that achieved with new devices and further studies to ensure adequate follicular turnover are required.  相似文献   

This study investigated sperm transport following superovulation and artificial insemination (AI) in the common brushtail possum, Trichosurus vulpecula. Females were superovulated by treatment with 15 IU pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) then 4 mg luteinizing hormone (LH) 78 h later. Inseminations were performed 27 h after LH (4 million motile spermatozoa/uterus). At 1.5, 3, 6, 9 and 12 h after AI (n=5 per group), females were euthanised and reproductive tracts removed for examination and flushed for sperm. No ovulations had occurred by 1.5 h, but 20% of animals had ovulated by 3 or 6 h, and 80% by 9 or 12 h. The mean numbers of spermatozoa recovered ranged from 249 to 275x10(3) in the uterus; 16-51x10(3) in the isthmus; 8-11x10(3) in the middle segment; and 6-16x10(3) in the ampulla at 1.5, 3 and 6 h after AI. Sperm numbers in all regions decreased at later times (P<0.05) except the isthmus, where 100x10(3) sperm were recovered by 12 h. Highly motile thumbtack sperm (a putative indicator of capacitation in marsupials), were recovered from the isthmus (20%), middle segment (50%) and ampulla (90%) at all sampling times, but not from the uterus. The epithelium of the oviduct segments contained mucus-secreting and ciliated cells and peak secretory activity was observed in the ampulla at 6 h. At 3, 6 and 12 h, many spermatozoa were found in epithelial folds within the isthmus. The present study has provided basic information on sperm transport and storage events within the female reproductive tract of T. vulpecula following superovulation and AI. It is concluded that this model may be useful to better understand pre-fertilization sperm maturation events in the possum, which could facilitate the development of IVF technology.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study of the efficiency of synchronization of ovulation and timed artificial insemination (TAI) was undertaken in a large group of Italian Mediterranean buffaloes at a commercial dairy. A total of 2791 synchronization protocols were carried out on 857 animals over 3 years. Of these protocols, 823 (29.5%) did not proceed beyond Day 7 (due to the absence of a vascularized CL) and 620 (22.2%) were discontinued on Day 10 (due to the absence of follicles >1.0 cm and tonic uteri); hence, 1443 (51.7%) protocols did not progress to TAI. Data were analyzed for four periods: P1, transition to spring (from breeding season to low breeding season); P2, low breeding season; P3, transition to fall (low breeding season to breeding season); and P4, breeding season. No differences were found among the four periods in terms of the proportion of protocols that did not result in TAI. Of the 857 buffaloes, 660 (77%) conceived and delivered a calf. The average number of TAI per pregnancy was 2.1 and ranged from 1.9 to 2.3 across years. Logistic regression analysis showed that buffaloes that calved during P3 had a higher odds ratio for pregnancy (1.380; P < 0.05) than buffaloes that calved in other periods. Pregnancy was also influenced by the calving to service period (odds ratio = 0.977; P < 0.01) and the pregnancy per AI (P/AI) at successive TAI (odds ratio = 1.480; P < 0.01). The pregnancy per AI at the first TAI (424/857, 49.5%) was greater (P < 0.01) than in subsequent TAI. The occurrence of late embryonic mortality (between Days 27 and 45 after TAI) was similar among the four periods. These findings indicated that there are distinct seasonal differences in the response of Italian Mediterranean buffaloes to synchronization and TAI.  相似文献   

The controversial data about antral follicle count (AFC) may be partially explained by the different criteria used to determine what is high, intermediate and low AFC. This study evaluated different classification methods for AFC groups, relating them to the conception rate, dominant follicle size and body condition score (BCS) in cows submitted to timed artificial insemination (TAI). Nelore cows (Bos indicus; n = 935), received a reproductive program consisting of TAI and natural breeding. Conception rate, BCS and dominant follicle size during TAI were evaluated by three AFC methodologies: i) mean and standard deviation: low (≤ 15 follicles); intermediate (≥ 16 to ≤ 44 follicles) or high (≥ 45 follicles); ii) quartiles: low (≤ 15 follicles); intermediate (≥ 16 to ≤ 39 follicles), or high (≥ 40 follicles); and iii) AFC score: I (low; ≤ 15 follicles); II (intermediate; ≥ 16 to ≤ 30 follicles); III (high; ≥ 31 to ≤ 44 follicles) or IV (very high; ≥ 45 follicles). Data were analyzed by a GLIMMIX and Tukey test or binary logistic regression model (P ≤ 0.05). The conception rate to TAI was influenced (P < 0.05) by AFC in the three methods classification, being the highest conception rate observed in the low AFC group regardless of method utilized: Mean (low 61.73%a, intermediate 54.02%ab and high 49.48%b), Quartiles (low 61.73%a, intermediate 53.59%ab and 51.46%b) and Score (I 61.73%a, II 54.80%ab, III 53.23%ab and IV 49.48%b). There were variations (P < 0.05) in the conception rate within the 2.50 to 2.75 BCS range for all AFC classification methods, with the low AFC females presenting the best results, regardless of the method used. Also, females with low AFC showed larger (P < 0.05) diameters of dominant follicles at the TAI regardless of method. The different methodologies used (Mean, Quartile and Score) to AFC classification showed a consistency between the main findings, and we believe that this standardization will facilitate the interpretation of data involving AFC.  相似文献   

Relationships between month and climatic factors (ambient temperature, relative humidity, RH, and rainfall) with litter size, conception rate, days from weaning to conception and mortalities at birth and preweaning were studied in large white pigs under research station (RS) and commercial farm (CF) conditions. In RS and CF 868 and 572 farrowing records, respectively, were involved. Litter size was almost evenly distributed in all months of the year, at both farms, despite significant (P<0.05) negative but low correlations between litter size and maximum (r=–0.272, RS) and minimum (r=–0.233, CR) temperatures in the month after conception. There were no significant differences in conception rate between months. However under RS conditions there were significant (P<0.05) correlations between minimum temperature and conception rate in the months prior to (r=–0.362) and at conception (r=–0.221). Days from weaning to conception were bimodally distributed with peak values occurring between January and June and October and December. Significant mortality at birth (P<0.05) and preweaning was generally highest in the cold rainy months of May to October. However, only under CF conditions were there significant correlations between minimum temperature in the month of birth and percentage mortalities at birth (r=–0.217) and preweaning (r=–0.250). Rainfall and RH had no significant (P>0.05) correlation with birth and preweaning mortalities.  相似文献   

To determine the efficacy of reducing the dosage of GnRH used in a protocol for synchronization of ovulation and timed AI, primiparous and multiparous lactating Holstein cows (n=237) were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatment groups. Ovulation was synchronized for cows in the first group using intramuscular injections of GnRH and PGF2 as follows: Day 0, 100 μg GnRH; Day 7, 25 mg PGF2; Day 9, 100 μg GnRH. Ovulation was synchronized in the second group of cows using the same injection schedule and dosage of PGF2 but only 50 μg GnRH per injection. All cows underwent a timed AI at 12 to 18 h after the second GnRH injection. The proportion of cows ovulating in response to the second GnRH injection (synchronization rate) and pregnancy status at 28 and 56 d post AI were determined using transrectal ultrasonography. The synchronization rate, double-ovulation rate, conception rate at 28 and 56 d post AI, and pregnancy loss from 28 to 56 d post AI did not differ statistically between treatment groups. For all cows, synchronization rate was 84.0%, and double-ovulation rate was 14.1%. Conception rates calculated using all cows receiving synchronization of ovulation were 41.1% at 28 d and 34.4% at 56 d post AI. Conception rates calculated for only synchronized cows were 47.6% at 28 d and 40.1% at 56 d post AI. For all cows, pregnancy loss from 28 to 56 d post AI was 13.5%, with an attrition rate of 0.5% per day. Estimated savings in hormone costs using 50 rather than 100 μg GnRH per injection for synchronizing ovulation were $6.40 per cow and $20.27 per pregnancy. Thus, decreasing the dosage of GnRH used for synchronization of ovulation and timed AI in lactating dairy cows reduces synchronization costs per cow and per pregnancy without compromising the efficacy of the synchronization protocol.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to develop a method for artificial insemination (AI) in the common marmoset, a New World primate species. For AI to be successful, sperm must be deposited at an appropriate site and time in the female reproductive tract, details of which are currently not available for Callitrichid species. Epididymal sperm were deposited in the cervix of 18 marmoset monkeys (Callithrix jacchus) around the time of expected ovulation using either 3, 2, or 1 inseminations. Six out of 18 females conceived, resulting in the first reported births following AI in this species. These pregnancies show that the presence of coagulum in the vagina and the stimulus of the female reproductive tract by natural mating are not essential for effective sperm transport in this species. Although 3 different timing regimes for sperm deposition relative to ovulation were employed, no protocol was demonstrably better than the others in terms of number of conceptions. The proportions of motile, live, and morphologically normal sperm in the suspensions used for AI were comparable with published values for ejaculates from fertile male macaques. These preliminary results indicate that births are possible following AI in marmosets: the technique could be used to aid effective genetic management of the species and possibly to facilitate captive breeding of endangered Callitrichids. Am J Primatol 41:37–43, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two experiments evaluated the effects of timing of the induction of ovulation in superstimulated lactating Holstein donor cows that were fixed-time artificially inseminated. Secondary objectives were to evaluate the effects of the timing of progesterone (P4) device removal (Experiment 1) or the addition of a second norgestomet implant (Experiment 2) during superstimulation. In Experiment 1, 12 cows were allocated to one of four treatment groups with the timing of P4 device removal (24 or 36 h) and pLH treatment (48 or 60 h), after the first PGF as main factors, in a Latin Square (cross-over) design. There was an interaction (P = 0.03) between time of P4 device removal and time of pLH treatment. Mean (± SEM) numbers of transferable embryos were higher when the P4 device was removed at 36 h and pLH was administered at 60 h after the first PGF (P36LH60 =6.3 ± 1.4) compared to other treatments (P24LH60 =3.7 ± 1.1; P24LH48 =2.4 ± 0.8; or P36LH48 =2.2 ± 0.7). In Experiment 2, 40 cows were randomly allocated into one of four treatments with the number of norgestomet implants (one or two) and the time of induction of ovulation with GnRH relative to the first PGF (48 vs. 60 h) as main effects. The mean number of transferable embryos was higher (P = 0.02) when GnRH was administered at 60 h (4.2 ± 1.3) compared to at 48 h (2.7 ± 0.8), and the number of freezable embryos was increased (P = 0.01) in cows receiving two (3.0 ± 1.0) rather than one norgestomet implant (1.5 ± 0.5). In summary, embryo production in lactating Holstein cows was increased when the ovulatory stimulus (pLH or GnRH) was given 60 h after the first PGF, particularly when the P4 device was removed 36 h after the first PGF and when two norgestomet ear implants were used during the superstimulation protocol.  相似文献   

The effects of estradiol benzoate (EB) and estradiol cypionate (EC) on induction of ovulation after a synchronized LH surge and on fertility of Bos indicus females submitted to timed AI (TAI) were evaluated. In Experiment 1, ovariectomized Nelore heifers were used to evaluate the effect of EB (n = 5) and EC (n = 5) on the circulating LH profile. The LH surge timing (19.6 and 50.5 h; P = 0.001), magnitude (20.5 and 9.4 ng/mL; P = 0.005), duration (8.6 and 16.5 h; P = 0.001), and area under the LH curve (158.6 and 339.4 ng/mL; P = 0.01) differed between the EB and EC treatments, respectively. In Experiment 2 (follicular responses; n = 60) and 3 (pregnancy per AI; P/AI; n = 953) suckled Bos indicus beef cows submitted to an estradiol/progesterone-based synchronization protocol were assigned to receive one of two treatments to induce synchronized ovulation: 1 mg of EB im 24 h after progesterone (P4) device removal or 1 mg of EC im at P4 device removal. There was no difference (P > 0.05) between EB and EC treatments on follicular responses (maximum diameter of the ovulatory follicle, 13.1 vs. 13.9 mm; interval from progesterone device removal to ovulation, 70.2 vs. 68.5 h; and ovulation rate, 77.8 vs. 82.8%, respectively). In addition, P/AI was similar (P < 0.22) between the cows treated with EB (57.5%; 277/482) and EC (61.8%; 291/471). In conclusion, despite pharmacologic differences, both esters of estradiol administered either at P4 device removal (EC) or 24 h later (EB) were effective in inducing an LH surge which resulted in synchronized ovulations and similar P/AI in suckled Bos indicus beef cows submitted to TAI.  相似文献   

Chloral hydrate (CH) is used as an anaesthetic agent in laboratory rats. Side effects occurring with high concentrations have mainly occurred in abdominal organs. The objective of the present study was to minimize these side effects following intraperitoneal administration of CH using lower concentrations. Animals were evaluated using different procedures including a general necropsy, intraperitoneal white cell counts, histology and duodenal peristalsis and acetylcholine-induced contractions. Results clearly show that lower concentrations of CH while keeping the same anaesthetic dose (400 mg/kg) will minimize the irritancy of CH on abdominal organs while providing the same level of anaesthesia.  相似文献   

In comparisons of females of two reptile tick species Aponomma hydrosauri and Amblyomma limbatum, Ap. hydrosauri was initially larger, and after mating on the host engorged faster and remained attached for a shorter time before completing engorgement and detaching. Amb. limbatum had a longer period of engorgement, and achieved a greater engorged weight. Engorged Amb. limbatum females laid significantly more eggs than equivalent sized Ap. hydrosauri. Although the two species are ecologically similar and were collected from the same site for this study, their reproductive differences probably reflect adaptations to different conditions in their largely allopatric ranges.  相似文献   

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