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DNA repair mutants of Rhodobacter sphaeroides.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The genome of the photosynthetic eubacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 comprises two chromosomes and five endogenous plasmids and has a 65% G+C base composition. Because of these characteristics of genome architecture, as well as the physiological advantages that allow this organism to live in sunlight when in an anaerobic environment, the sensitivity of R. sphaeroides to UV radiation was compared with that of the more extensively studied bacterium Escherichia coli. R. sphaeroides was found to be more resistant, being killed at about 60% of the rate of E. coli. To begin to analyze the basis for this increased resistance, a derivative of R. sphaeroides, strain 2.4.1 delta S, which lacks the 42-kb plasmid, was mutagenized with a derivative of Tn5, and the transposon insertion mutants were screened for increased UV sensitivity (UVs). Eight UVs strains were isolated, and the insertion sites were determined by contour-clamped homogeneous electric field pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. These mapped to at least five different locations in chromosome I. Preliminary analysis suggested that these mutants were deficient in the repair of DNA damage. This was confirmed for three loci by DNA sequence analysis, which showed the insertions to be within genes homologous to uvrA, uvrB, and uvrC, the subunits of the nuclease responsible for excising UV damage.  相似文献   

Site-specific genome engineering technologies are increasingly important tools in the postgenomic era, where biotechnological objectives often require organisms with precisely modified genomes. Rare-cutting endonucleases, through their capacity to create a targeted DNA strand break, are one of the most promising of these technologies. However, realizing the full potential of nuclease-induced genome engineering requires a detailed understanding of the variables that influence resolution of nuclease-induced DNA breaks. Here we present a genome engineering reporter system, designated 'traffic light', that supports rapid flow-cytometric analysis of repair pathway choice at individual DNA breaks, quantitative tracking of nuclease expression and donor template delivery, and high-throughput screens for factors that bias the engineering outcome. We applied the traffic light system to evaluate the efficiency and outcome of nuclease-induced genome engineering in human cell lines and identified strategies to facilitate isolation of cells in which a desired engineering outcome has occurred.  相似文献   

When chromosomal replication is impeded in the presence of DNA damage, members of a newly discovered UmuC/DinB/Rev1/Rad30 superfamily of procaryotic and eucaryotic DNA polymerases catalyze translesion synthesis at blocked replication forks. Although these polymerases share sequence elements essentially unrelated to the standard replication and repair enzymes, some of them (such as the SOS-induced Escherichia coli pol V) catalyze 'error-prone' translesion synthesis leading to large increases in mutation, whereas others (an example being the Xeroderma pigmentosum variant gene product XPV pol eta) carry out aberrant, yet nonmutagenic translesion synthesis. Ongoing studies of these low fidelity polymerases could provide new insights into the mechanism of somatic hypermutation, a key element in the immune response.  相似文献   

DNA repair, genome stability, and aging   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Aging can be defined as progressive functional decline and increasing mortality over time. Here, we review evidence linking aging to nuclear DNA lesions: DNA damage accumulates with age, and DNA repair defects can cause phenotypes resembling premature aging. We discuss how cellular DNA damage responses may contribute to manifestations of aging. We review Sir2, a factor linking genomic stability, metabolism, and aging. We conclude with a general discussion of the role of mutant mice in aging research and avenues for future investigation.  相似文献   

Some features of highly reiterated DNA in rat genome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In order to study the possible relationship between gene amplification and DNA repair we analyzed the amplification of the CAD gene in four mutants hypersensitive to UV light (CHO43RO, CHO7PV, UV5 and UV61) isolated in vitro from Chinese hamster cell lines (CHO-K1 and AA8). These mutants are characterized by different defects in the nucleotide excision repair mechanism and represent complementation groups 1, 9, 2, and 6 respectively. To evaluate the amplification ability of each cell line we measured the rate of appearance of PALA resistant clones with the Luria and Delbrück fluctuation test. Resistance to PALA is mainly due to amplification of the CAD gene. In the mutants CHO43RO, UV5 and CHO7PV we reproducibly found an amplification rate lower than in the parental cell lines (2–5 times), while in UV61 the amplification rate was about 4 times higher. This result indicates that each mutant is characterized by a specific amplification ability and that the unefficient removal of UV induced DNA damage can be associated with either a higher or a lower amplification rate. However, the analysis of randomly isolated CHO-K1 clones with normal UV sensitivity has shown variability in their amplification ability, making it difficult to relate the specific amplification ability of the mutants to the DNA repair defect and suggesting clonal heterogeneity of the parental population.  相似文献   



Encephalitozoon cuniculi is a member of a distinctive group of single-celled parasitic eukaryotes called microsporidia, which are closely related to fungi. Some of these organisms, including E. cuniculi, also have uniquely small genomes that are within the prokaryotic range. Thus, E. cuniculi has undergone a massive genome reduction which has resulted in a loss of genes from diverse biological pathways, including those that act in DNA repair.  相似文献   

Studies done in prokaryotes and eukaryotes have indicated that DNA sequence divergence decreases the frequency of homologous recombination. To determine which step(s) of homologous recombination is sensitive to DNA sequence divergence in mammalian cells we have used an assay that does not rely on the recovery of functional products. The assay is based on the acquisition by homologous recombination of endogenous LINE-1 sequences by exogenous LINE-1 sequences. In parallel experiments, we introduced into mouse cells two gapped exogenous LINE-1 sequences, one from the mouse, L1Md-A2, and the other from the rat, L1Rn-3. Although L1Rn-3 is on average less than 85% homologous to the LINE-1 elements of the mouse, the frequency of homologous recombination with endogenous LINE-1 elements obtained with L1Rn-3 was the same as the one obtained with L1Md-A2 which is on average 95% homologous to the LINE-1 elements of the mouse. The endogenous LINE-1 sequences rescued by L1Rn-3 were 8-18% divergent from L1Rn-3 sequences, whereas those rescued by L1Md-A2 were 2-5% divergent from L1Md-A2 sequences. The gap which had been introduced into the exogenous LINE-1 sequences had been precisely repaired in 50% of the recombinants obtained with L1Md-A2. None of the L1Rn-3 recombinants showed precise gap repair.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Conditional targeting of the DNA repair enzyme hOGG1 into mitochondria   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been suggested to be a key factor in the etiologies of many diseases and in the normal process of aging. Although the presence of a repair system to remove this damage has been demonstrated, the mechanisms involved in this repair have not been well defined. In an effort to better understand the physiological role of recombinant 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase/apurinic lyase (OGG1) in mtDNA repair, we constructed an expression vector containing the gene for OGG1 downstream of the mitochondrial localization sequence from manganese-superoxide dismutase. This gene construct was placed under the control of a tetracycline-regulated promoter. Transfected cells that conditionally expressed OGG1 in the absence of the tetracycline analogue doxycycline and targeted this recombinant protein to mitochondria were generated. Western blots of mitochondrial extracts from vector- and OGG1-transfected clones with and without doxycycline revealed that removal of doxycycline for 4 days caused an approximate 8-fold increase in the amount of OGG1 protein in mitochondria. Enzyme activity assays and DNA repair studies showed that the doxycycline-dependent recombinant OGG1 is functional. Functional studies revealed that cells containing recombinant OGG1 were more proficient at repairing oxidative damage in their mtDNA, and this increased repair led to increased cellular survival following oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The recent ability to inactivate specific genes in mice has significantly accelerated our understanding of molecular, cellular, and even behavioral aspects of normal and disease processes. However, this ability has also demonstrated the extreme complexity of genetic determination in mammals, in particular, that genes in the same family or pathway can be functionally redundant and that a given gene often has multiple roles. Thus, inactivation of a gene often does not indicate its complete spectrum of functions. To circumvent this problem, many new tools and novel applications of classic techniques have been developed to place spatial and temporal restrictions on the genomic alterations. These approaches include chimera and mosaic studies, organ transplantation, complementation assays, dominant negative mutants, conditional gene knockouts, and lineage-specific gene rescue. Not only has this opened up more sophisticated ways to make genomic alterations, but it has provided the opportunity to create animal models for sporadic human genetic diseases. BioEssays 20 :200–208, 1998. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

DNA mismatch repair is an important pathway of mutation avoidance. It also contributes to the cytotoxic effects of some kinds of DNA damage, and cells defective in mismatch repair are resistant, or tolerant, to the presence of some normally cytotoxic base analogues in their DNA. The absence of a particular mismatch binding function from some mammalian cells confers resistance to the base analogues O6-methylguanine and 6-thioguanine in DNA. Cells also acquire a spontaneous mutator phenotype as a consequence of this defect. Impaired mismatch binding can cause an instability in DNA microsatellite regions that comprise repeated dinucleotides. Microsatellite DNA instability is common in familial and sporadic colon carcinomas as well as in a number of other tumours. Several independent lines of investigation have identified defects in mismatch repair proteins that are causally related to these cancers.  相似文献   

The occurrence of bacteria with a reduced genome, such as that found in Mycoplasmas, raises the question as to which genes should be enough to guarantee the genomic stability indispensable for the maintenance of life. The aim of this work was to compare nine Mycoplasma genomes in regard to DNA repair genes. An in silico analysis was done using six Mycoplasma species, whose genomes are accessible at GenBank, and M. synoviae, and two strains of M. hyopneumoniae, whose genomes were recently sequenced by The Brazilian National Genome Project Consortium and Southern Genome Investigation Program (Brazil) respectively. Considering this reduced genome model, our comparative analysis suggests that the DNA integrity necessary for life can be primarily maintained by nucleotide excision repair (NER), which is the only complete repair pathway. Furthermore, some enzymes involved with base excision repair (BER) and recombination are also present and can complement the NER activity. The absence of RecR and RecO-like ORFs was observed only in M. genitalium and M. pneumoniae, which can be involved with the conservation of gene order observed between these two species. We also obtained phylogenetic evidence for the recent acquisition of the ogt gene in M. pulmonis and M. penetrans by a lateral transference event. In general, the presence or nonexistence of repair genes is shared by all species analyzed, suggesting that the loss of the majority of repair genes was an ancestral event, which occurred before the divergence of the Mycoplasma species.  相似文献   

The common cytokine receptor chain, gp130, controls the activity of a group of cytokines, namely, IL-6, IL-11, IL-27, ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), oncostatin M (OSM), cardiotrophin-1 (CT-1), cardiotrophin-like cytokine (CLC) and neuropoietin (NPN). This family of cytokines is involved in multiple different biological processes, including inflammation, acute phase response, immune responses and cell survival. To analyze the different components of the gp130 network, mouse mutants for the single cytokine were generated by conventional gene targeting. However, since the cytokines of the IL-6 family show redundancy, it does not reveal the complete picture. Therefore, the study of mice with a cell type specific inactivation of the gp130 receptor chain is an approach that will subsequently allow the dissection of the cellular cytokine network. Here, we summarize the experimental results of the conditional gp130 mutants published so far.  相似文献   

DNA mismatch repair (MMR) is initiated when the MutS protein recognizes damaged DNA. Crystal structures of MutS bound to mispaired and unpaired DNA show how MutS distinguishes damaged from undamaged DNA and explain how a broad variety of DNA mismatch lesions can be detected. The structures suggest mechanisms for the ATP-induced structural regulation of multistep DNA repair processes.  相似文献   

Recentstudies have shown that wild-type and recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV and rAAV) genomes persist in human tissue predominantly as double-stranded (ds) circular episomes derived from input linear single-stranded virion DNA. Using self-complementary recombinant AAV (scAAV) vectors, we generated intermediates that directly transition to ds circular episomes. The scAAV genome ends are palindromic hairpin-structured terminal repeats, resembling a double-stranded break repair intermediate. Utilizing this substrate, we found cellular DNA recombination and repair factors to be essential for generating circular episomal products. To identify the specific cellular proteins involved, the scAAV circularization-dependent vector was used as a reporter in 19 mammalian DNA repair-deficient cell lines. The results show that RecQ helicase family members (BLM and WRN), Mre11 and NBS1 of the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) complex, and ATM are required for efficient scAAV genome circularization. We further demonstrated that the scAAV genome requires ATM and DNA-PK(CS), but not NBS1, to efficiently convert to a circular form in nondividing cells in vivo using transgenic mice. These studies identify specific pathways involved for further elucidating viral and cellular mechanisms of DNA maintenance important to the viral life cycle and vector utilizations.  相似文献   

The past two years have seen a substantial increase in knowledge regarding the enzymology of DNA excision repair. These data support a growing body of information which suggests that transcribed nucleotide sequences are preferentially subject to excision repair. It is possible that these mechanisms, or related ones, are relevant to the molecular evolution of sequences that appear not to evolve according to models which do not take into account regional sequence differences in the extent of DNA repair.  相似文献   

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