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Soil erosion has been a common environmental problem in the Loess Plateau in China. This study aims to better understand the losses of soil organic carbon (SOC) induced by water erosion. Laboratory-simulated rainfall experiments were conducted to investigate the characteristics of SOC loss induced by water erosion. The applied treatments included two rainfall intensities (90 and 120 mm h-1), four slope gradients (10°, 15°, 20°, and 25°), and two typical soil types- silty clay loam and silty loam. Results showed that the sediment OC enrichment ratios (ERoc) in all the events were relative stable with values ranged from 0.85 to1.21 and 0.64 to 1.52 and mean values of 0.98 and 1.01 for silty clay loam and silty loam, respectively. Similar to the ERoc, the proportions of different sized particles in sediment showed tiny variations during erosion processes. No significant correlation was observed between ERoc values and the proportions of sediment particles. Slope, rainfall intensity and soil type almost had no impact on ERoc. These results indicate that the transportation of SOC during erosion processes was nonselective. While the mean SOC loss rates for the events of silty clay loam and silty loam were 0.30 and 0.08 g m-2 min-1, respectively. Greater differences in SOC loss rates were found in events among different soil types. Meanwhile, significant correlations between SOC loss and soil loss for all the events were observed. These results indicated that the amount of SOC loss was influenced primarily by soil loss and the SOC content of the original soil. Erosion pattern and original SOC content are two main factors by which different soils can influence SOC loss. It seems that soil type has a greater impact on SOC loss than rainfall characteristics on the Loess Plateau of China. However, more kinds of soils should be further studied due to the special formation processes in the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

The revegetation of abandoned farmland significantly influences soil organic C (SOC) and total N (TN). However, the dynamics of both soil OC and N storage following the abandonment of farmland are not well understood. To learn more about soil C and N storages dynamics 30 years after the conversion of farmland to grassland, we measured SOC and TN content in paired grassland and farmland sites in the Zhifanggou watershed on the Loess Plateau, China. The grassland sites were established on farmland abandoned for 1, 7, 13, 20, and 30 years. Top soil OC and TN were higher in older grassland, especially in the 0–5 cm soil depths; deeper soil OC and TN was lower in younger grasslands (<20 yr), and higher in older grasslands (30 yr). Soil OC and N storage (0–100 cm) was significantly lower in the younger grasslands (<20 yr), had increased in the older grasslands (30 yr), and at 30 years SOC had increased to pre-abandonment levels. For a thirty year period following abandonment the soil C/N value remained at 10. Our results indicate that soil C and TN were significantly and positively correlated, indicating that studies on the storage of soil OC and TN needs to focus on deeper soil and not be restricted to the uppermost (0–30 cm) soil levels.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) reflects soil quality and plays a critical role in soil protection, food safety, and global climate changes. This study involved grid sampling at different depths (6 layers) between 0 and 100 cm in a catchment. A total of 1282 soil samples were collected from 215 plots over 8.27 km2. A combination of conventional analytical methods and geostatistical methods were used to analyze the data for spatial variability and soil carbon content patterns. The mean SOC content in the 1282 samples from the study field was 3.08 g·kg−1. The SOC content of each layer decreased with increasing soil depth by a power function relationship. The SOC content of each layer was moderately variable and followed a lognormal distribution. The semi-variograms of the SOC contents of the six different layers were fit with the following models: exponential, spherical, exponential, Gaussian, exponential, and exponential, respectively. A moderate spatial dependence was observed in the 0–10 and 10–20 cm layers, which resulted from stochastic and structural factors. The spatial distribution of SOC content in the four layers between 20 and 100 cm exhibit were mainly restricted by structural factors. Correlations within each layer were observed between 234 and 562 m. A classical Kriging interpolation was used to directly visualize the spatial distribution of SOC in the catchment. The variability in spatial distribution was related to topography, land use type, and human activity. Finally, the vertical distribution of SOC decreased. Our results suggest that the ordinary Kriging interpolation can directly reveal the spatial distribution of SOC and the sample distance about this study is sufficient for interpolation or plotting. More research is needed, however, to clarify the spatial variability on the bigger scale and better understand the factors controlling spatial variability of soil carbon in the Loess Plateau region.  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau reacts particularly sensitively to possible effects of climate change. Approximately two thirds of the total area is affected by permafrost. To get a better understanding of the role of permafrost on soil organic carbon pools and stocks, investigations were carried out including both discontinuous (site Huashixia, HUA) and continuous permafrost (site Wudaoliang, WUD). Three organic carbon fractions were isolated using density separation combined with ultrasonic dispersion: the light fractions (<1.6 g cm−3) of free particulate organic matter (FPOM) and occluded particulate organic matter (OPOM), plus a heavy fraction (>1.6 g cm−3) of mineral associated organic matter (MOM). The fractions were analyzed for C, N, and their portion of organic C. FPOM contained an average SOC content of 252 g kg−1. Higher SOC contents (320 g kg−1) were found in OPOM while MOM had the lowest SOC contents (29 g kg−1). Due to their lower density the easily decomposable fractions FPOM and OPOM contribute 27% (HUA) and 22% (WUD) to the total SOC stocks. In HUA mean SOC stocks (0–30 cm depth) account for 10.4 kg m−2, compared to 3.4 kg m−2 in WUD. 53% of the SOC is stored in the upper 10 cm in WUD, in HUA only 39%. Highest POM values of 36% occurred in profiles with high soil moisture content. SOC stocks, soil moisture and active layer thickness correlated strongly in discontinuous permafrost while no correlation between SOC stocks and active layer thickness and only a weak relation between soil moisture and SOC stocks could be found in continuous permafrost. Consequently, permafrost-affected soils in discontinuous permafrost environments are susceptible to soil moisture changes due to alterations in quantity and seasonal distribution of precipitation, increasing temperature and therefore evaporation.  相似文献   

Despite efforts to understand the factors that determine soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in terrestrial ecosystems, there remains little information on how SOC turnover time varies among ecosystems, and how SOC turnover time and C input, via plant production, differentially contribute to regional patterns of SOC stocks. In this study, we determined SOC stocks (gC m−2) and used soil radiocarbon measurements to derive mean SOC turnover time (years) for 0–10 cm mineral soil at ten sites across North America that included arctic tundra, northern boreal, northern and southern hardwood, subtropical, and tropical forests, tallgrass and shortgrass prairie, mountain grassland, and desert. SOC turnover time ranged 36-fold among ecosystems, and was much longer for cold tundra and northern boreal forest and dry desert (1277–2151 years) compared to other warmer and wetter habitats (59–353 years). Two measures of C input, net aboveground production (NAP), determined from the literature, and a radiocarbon-derived measure of C flowing to the 0–10 cm mineral pool, I, were positively and SOC turnover time was negatively associated with mean annual evapotranspiration (ET) among ecosystems. The best fit model generated from the independent variables NAP, I, annual mean temperature and precipitation, ET, and clay content revealed that SOC stock was best explained by the single variable I. Overall, these findings indicate the primary role that C input and the secondary role that C stabilization play in determining SOC stocks at large regional spatial scales and highlight the large vulnerability of the global SOC pool to climate change.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate variations in soil organic carbon (SOC) in arid areas due to differences in the cultivation history, land use, and soil salinization. The study area is the lower Sangong River basin on the piedmont of the northern TianShan mountains, which experiences heavy land-use activities. In 1982 and 2005,127(152) and 74 (161) samples in old (new) oasis were collected from each site at the surface soil (i.e., 0–20 cm). The data reveal that the mean value of the surface soil organic carbon content of the old oasis was higher than that of the new oasis by 4.01 g/kg in 1982 and 3.79 g/kg in 2005. Additionally, the soil organic carbon content decreased more rapidly in the newly reclaimed oasis than in the old oasis from 1982 to 2005. The spatial pattern of the SOC content was correlated with the exploitation time in the new oasis, the agricultural land use history, and the SOC content. The decreasing trend is clearer in the high SOC content area than in the low SOC content area. Farmland is the largest carbon pool in both the new and old oases. The carbon density of the old oasis was higher than that of the new oasis by 4.01 and 3.79 g/kg in 1982 and 2005 respectively. The loss of SOC in the agricultural watershed of the arid region in NW China is obvious. Improvements of land management practices, such as no tillage, straw returning to soil, and balanced fertilization techniques, should be adopted to increase the SOC content.  相似文献   

Alpine grassland of the Tibetan Plateau is an important component of global soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, but insufficient field observations and large spatial heterogeneity leads to great uncertainty in their estimation. In the Three Rivers Source Region (TRSR), alpine grasslands account for more than 75% of the total area. However, the regional carbon (C) stock estimate and their uncertainty have seldom been tested. Here we quantified the regional SOC stock and its uncertainty using 298 soil profiles surveyed from 35 sites across the TRSR during 2006–2008. We showed that the upper soil (0–30 cm depth) in alpine grasslands of the TRSR stores 2.03 Pg C, with a 95% confidence interval ranging from 1.25 to 2.81 Pg C. Alpine meadow soils comprised 73% (i.e. 1.48 Pg C) of the regional SOC estimate, but had the greatest uncertainty at 51%. The statistical power to detect a deviation of 10% uncertainty in grassland C stock was less than 0.50. The required sample size to detect this deviation at a power of 90% was about 6–7 times more than the number of sample sites surveyed. Comparison of our observed SOC density with the corresponding values from the dataset of Yang et al. indicates that these two datasets are comparable. The combined dataset did not reduce the uncertainty in the estimate of the regional grassland soil C stock. This result could be mainly explained by the underrepresentation of sampling sites in large areas with poor accessibility. Further research to improve the regional SOC stock estimate should optimize sampling strategy by considering the number of samples and their spatial distribution.  相似文献   

Dynamics of cropland soil organic carbon (SOC) in response to different management practices and environmental conditions across North China Plain (NCP) were studied using a modeling approach. We identified the key variables driving SOC changes at a high spatial resolution (10 km×10 km) and long time scale (90 years). The model used future climatic data from the FGOALS model based on four future greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration scenarios. Agricultural practices included different rates of nitrogen (N) fertilization, manure application, and stubble retention. We found that SOC change was significantly influenced by the management practices of stubble retention (linearly positive), manure application (linearly positive) and nitrogen fertilization (nonlinearly positive) – and the edaphic variable of initial SOC content (linearly negative). Temperature had weakly positive effects, while precipitation had negligible impacts on SOC dynamics under current irrigation management. The effects of increased N fertilization on SOC changes were most significant between the rates of 0 and 300 kg ha−1 yr−1. With a moderate rate of manure application (i.e., 2000 kg ha−1 yr−1), stubble retention (i.e., 50%), and an optimal rate of nitrogen fertilization (i.e., 300 kg ha−1 yr−1), more than 60% of the study area showed an increase in SOC, and the average SOC density across NCP was relatively steady during the study period. If the rates of manure application and stubble retention doubled (i.e., manure application rate of 4000 kg ha−1 yr−1 and stubble retention rate of 100%), soils across more than 90% of the study area would act as a net C sink, and the average SOC density kept increasing from 40 Mg ha−1 during 2010s to the current worldwide average of ∼55 Mg ha−1 during 2060s. The results can help target agricultural management practices for effectively mitigating climate change through soil C sequestration.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) represents a significant pool of carbon within the biosphere. Climatic shifts in temperature and precipitation have a major influence on the decomposition and amount of SOC stored within an ecosystem. We have linked net primary production algorithms, which include the impact of enhanced atmospheric CO2 on plant growth, to the Soil Organic Carbon Resources And Transformations in EcoSystems (SOCRATES) model to develop a SOC map for the North Central Region of the United States between the years 1850 and 2100 in response to agricultural activity and climate conditions generated by the CSIRO Mk2 Global Circulation Model (GCM) and based on the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) IS92a emission scenario. We estimate that the current day (1990) stocks of SOC in the top 10 cm of the North Central Region to be 4692 Mt, and 8090 Mt in the top 20 cm of soil. This is 19% lower than the pre-settlement steady state value predicted by the SOCRATES model. By the year 2100, with temperature and precipitation increasing across the North Central Region by an average of 3.9°C and 8.1 cm, respectively, SOCRATES predicts SOC stores of the North Central Region to decline by 11.5 and 2% (in relation to 1990 values) for conventional and conservation tillage scenarios, respectively.  相似文献   

同小流域土壤侵蚀一样,小流域土壤氮素随洪流流失也受到植被覆盖度的影响,通常经过调整小流域内土地利用结构以达到控制水土流失.该研究以8.27 km2纸坊沟流域和1:400比例流域模型为研究对象,研究植被覆盖度和综合治理对纸坊沟流域土壤氮素流失的影响.结果表明:在模拟降雨下,当流域植被覆盖度分别为60%、40%、20%和0时,流域模型铵态氮流失量分别为87.08、44.31、25.16和13.71 kg/km2,硝态氮为85.50、74.05、63.95和56.23 kg/km2,全氮为0.81、1.18、1.98和7.51 t/km2;在自然降雨下,1998年与1992年相比,全流域年土壤侵蚀量为1 086 t/km2和1 119 t/km2,氮素流失量为8 758.5和7 562.2 kg,减少了15.8%,其中农地减少了52.0%.流域对降水中的矿质氮具有过滤作用,硝态氮的过滤作用明显高于铵态氮.洪流泥沙中<20 μm微团聚体富集造成了泥沙有机质和全氮的富集.植被覆盖虽能有效地减少流域土壤侵蚀和全氮的流失,却能增加土壤矿质氮的流失.坡地退耕还林草可显著减少流域土壤氮素流失.  相似文献   

植被覆盖度和综合治理对纸坊沟流域土壤氮素流失的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
同小流域土壤侵蚀一样,小流域土壤氮素随洪流流失也受到植被覆盖度的影响,通常经过调整小流域内土地利用结构以达到控制水土流失。该研究以8.27 km2纸坊沟流域和1:400比例流域模型为研究对象,研究植被覆盖度和综合治理对纸坊沟流域土壤氮素流失的影响。结果表明:在模拟降雨下,当流域植被覆盖度分别为60%、40%、20%和0时,流域模型铵态氮流失量分别为87.08、44.31、25.16和13.71 kg/km2,硝态氮为85.50、74.05、63.95和56.23 kg/km2,全氮为0.81、1.18、1.98和7.51 t/km2;在自然降雨下,1998年与1992年相比,全流域年土壤侵蚀量为1 086 t/km2和1 119 t/km2,氮素流失量为8 758.5和7 562.2 kg,减少了15.8%,其中农地减少了52.0%。流域对降水中的矿质氮具有过滤作用,硝态氮的过滤作用明显高于铵态氮。洪流泥沙中<20 mm微团聚体富集造成了泥沙有机质和全氮的富集。植被覆盖虽能有效地减少流域土壤侵蚀和全氮的流失,却能增加土壤矿质氮的流失。坡地退耕还林草可显著减少流域土壤氮素流失。  相似文献   

Cropland afforestation has been widely found to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil total nitrogen (STN); however, the magnitudes of SOC and STN accumulation and regulating factors are less studied in dry, marginal lands, and therein the interaction between soil carbon and nitrogen is not well understood. We examined the changes in SOC and STN in younger (5–9-year-old) and older (25–30-year-old) black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L., an N-fixing species) plantations that were established on former cropland along a precipitation gradient (380 to 650 mm) in the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China. The SOC and STN stocks of cropland and plantations increased linearly with precipitation increase, respectively, accompanying an increase in the plantation net primary productivity and the soil clay content along the increasing precipitation gradient. The SOC stock of cropland decreased in younger plantations and increased in older plantations after afforestation, and the amount of the initial loss of SOC during the younger plantations’ establishment increased with precipitation increasing. By contrast, the STN stock of cropland showed no decrease in the initial afforestation while tending to increase with plantation age, and the changes in STN were not related to precipitation. The changes in STN and SOC showed correlated and were precipitation-dependent following afforestation, displaying a higher relative gain of SOC to STN as precipitation decreased. Our results suggest that the afforestation of marginal cropland in Loess Plateau can have a significant effect on the accumulation of SOC and STN, and that precipitation has a significant effect on SOC accumulation but little effect on STN retention. The limitation effect of soil nitrogen on soil carbon accumulation is more limited in the drier area rather than in the wetter sites.  相似文献   

A dry soil layer (DSL) is a common soil desiccation phenomenon that generally forms at a particular depth in the soil profile because of climatic factors and poor land management, and this phenomenon can influence the water cycle and has been observed on the Loess Plateau of China and other similar regions around the world. Therefore, an investigation of the DSL formation depth (DSLFD), thickness (DSLT) and mean water content (MWDSL) on the Loess Plateau can provide valuable information. This paper synthesized 69 recent publications (1,149 observations of DSLs from 73 sites) that focused on DSLs in this region, and the results indicated that DSLs are significantly affected by climatic and vegetation factors. The mean annual precipitation had a significant positive relationship with DSLFD (p = 0.0003) and MWDSL (p<0.0001) and a negative relationship with DSLT (p = 0.0071). Crops had the lowest DSLT and highest MWDSL values compared with other vegetation types. A significant correlation was observed between the occurrence of DSLs and the years since planting for grasses, shrubs, trees and orchards, and the severity of DSLs increased with increasing planting years and wheat yield. Our results suggest that optimizing land-use management can mitigate DSL formation and development on the Loess Plateau. Understanding the dominant factors affecting DSLs will provide information for use in guidelines for the sustainable development of economies and restoration of natural environments experiencing water deficiencies.  相似文献   

陕北黄土高原丘陵沟壑区植被覆盖变化及其对气候的响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用1982~2007年GIMMS、SPOT VEGETATION两种NDVI数据集和气候资料对陕北黄土高原丘陵沟壑区植被覆盖变化趋势及其与气候的关系进行了分析,结果显示:(1)近26年来该区的植被覆盖总体上处于上升趋势,大致经历了3个阶段: 1982~1998年植被覆盖在波动中缓慢增加,1999~2001年植被覆盖处于一个相对的低谷,2003~2007年植被覆盖快速增加.(2)四季植被活动增强,以秋季NDVI增加最为显著;NDVI的年平均标准差在波动中逐年减小,高覆盖植被面积所占的比例在增加,植被覆盖状况趋于转好.(3)研究区内14个县(区)年平均NDVI线性倾向值都为正值,说明植被覆盖都在增加,但增加的显著性和幅度不同.(4)近26年来陕北黄土高原丘陵沟壑区年平均温度呈极显著(P<0.001)的上升趋势,年降水量具有减少的趋势;春季NDVI与温度之间存在着明显(P<0.10)正相关关系,夏季NDVI与温度之间存在着显著(P<0.05)负相关关系;夏季NDVI与降水量之间存在着极显著(P<0.01)正相关关系,同时夏季NDVI与春季降水量之间存在着显著(P<0.05)正相关关系,且夏季各月降水量对植被覆盖的影响具有滞后效应.研究表明,春季升温和退耕还林(草)生态建设工程是植被增加的主要原因,夏季水分状况是该区植被生长的制约因素.  相似文献   

根据黄土高原南北样带尺度的人工刺槐林(Robinia pseudoacacia)的年轮宽度资料,分析了该地区刺槐树木生长趋势,以及刺槐年表对气候响应随降雨梯度变化规律。研究结果表明延安以北的刺槐样点(绥德、神木)年轮指数近期趋于下降,树木有生长衰退现象;而延安以南刺槐样点(延安、富县、宜君、永寿)年轮指数近期趋于上升,树木无生长衰退现象。气候响应结果表明,刺槐年表对气候响应均以延安样点最为敏感,表现年表与温度的负相关关系,以及年表与降雨和干旱指数的正相关关系,而延安以北和以南刺槐样点对气候响应敏感性均较低。黄土高原中部延安地区地处森林草原过渡带,刺槐生长对外界环境变化最为敏感,年表中气候信号也较强;延安以南地区地处森林植被带,气候条件较为适宜刺槐林生长,因而年表中气候信号较弱;延安以北地区地处草原植被带,气候条件比较恶劣,刺槐生长对干旱气候已有一定适应性特征,因而年表中气候信号也较弱。  相似文献   

西北黄土高原柠条种植区土壤微生物多样性分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
柠条锦鸡儿(Caragana korshinskii)是我国黄土高原区重要的饲用豆科灌木植物。为揭示土壤微生物与柠条种植之间的关系,采用未培养技术提取样品宏基因组DNA,分别构建柠条根表、根际和自然土16SrDNA文库,分析各文库微生物群落的变化。结果显示,随距离柠条根部渐远,微生物数量呈现递减趋势。聚类分析发现,变形杆菌纲是根表土壤区系中的优势微生物种群(70.3%),尤其存在大量α-Proteobacteria类的能诱使植物形成根瘤的根瘤菌和对植物有促生作用的γ-Proteobacteria类微生物;而在根际和自然土中,酸杆菌属(Acidobacteria)和古菌(Archaea)数量较多。柠条根际的多样性指数最高,而根表和自然土微生物类群具有较高的优势度,表现出从根表、根际植物相关微生物到自然土单一简单微生物类群的过渡。说明植物根系和土壤环境与微生物类群具有相互选择性。  相似文献   

子午岭林区生态系统转换对土壤有机碳特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
生态系统转换影响土壤有机碳的动态、循环及环境质量.本研究分析了子午岭林区农田、草地、灌丛和森林不同生态系统土壤总有机碳、活性有机碳和稳定性有机碳含量.结果显示:各生态系统中,表层(0~10 cm)土壤总有机碳含量显著高于深层土壤(40~70 cm).与农田生态系统表层土壤相比,草地、灌丛、森林生态系统土壤总有机碳含量分别增加82.07%、121.67%和183.16%,深层土壤有机碳含量也有类似的趋势;从增加的绝对值来看,表层土壤活性有机碳含量分别增加2.24、4.13和5.43 g/kg,土壤稳定性有机碳含量分别增加4.76、6.23和10.18g/kg.表明农田生态系统转换为林、草生态系统,有利于土壤有机碳的积累.而且,土壤作为碳“汇”的功能增强,更有利于CO2固定和生态环境改善.  相似文献   

To initially characterize the dynamics and environmental controls of CO2, ecosystem CO2 fluxes were measured for different vegetation zones in a deep-water wetland on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau during the growing season of 2002. Four zones of vegetation along a gradient from shallow to deep water were dominated, respectively by the emergent species Carex allivescens V. Krez., Scirpus distigmaticus L., Hippuris vulgaris L., and the submerged species Potamogeton pectinatus L. Gross primary production (GPP), ecosystem respiration (Re), and net ecosystem production (NEP) were markedly different among the vegetation zones, with lower Re and GPP in deeper water. NEP was highest in the Scirpus-dominated zone with moderate water depth, but lowest in the Potamogeton-zone that occupied approximately 75% of the total wetland area. Diurnal variation in CO2 flux was highly correlated with variation in light intensity and soil temperature. The relationship between CO2 flux and these environmental variables varied among the vegetation zones. Seasonal CO2 fluxes, including GPP, Re, and NEP, were strongly correlated with aboveground biomass, which was in turn determined by water depth. In the early growing season, temperature sensitivity (Q10) for Re varied from 6.0 to 8.9 depending on vegetation zone. Q10 decreased in the late growing season. Estimated NEP for the whole deep-water wetland over the growing season was 24 g C m−2. Our results suggest that water depth is the major environmental control of seasonal variation in CO2 flux, whereas photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) controls diurnal dynamics.  相似文献   

有机肥对陇东黄土旱塬冬小麦产量和土壤养分的调控效应   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
以冬小麦'陇鉴301'为材料,在大田条件下于2005~2008年在甘肃陇东旱塬研究了不同有机肥料对旱塬冬小麦产量、水分利用效率及土壤肥力的影响.结果表明:不同化肥有机肥料配施处理对旱塬冬小麦产量、水分利用效率和土壤养分含量有明显的调控效应,并以氮磷化肥与生物有机肥配施处理表现最佳,其籽粒产量、水分利用效率和土壤养分含量最高.与单施化肥对照相比,氮磷化肥配施生物有机肥处理3年平均籽粒产量和水分利用效率分别显著增加17.53%和16.42%,3年平均土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效磷含量分别提高11.4%、8.9%、0.2%、19.7%.因此,氮磷化肥与生物有机肥配施可以有效改善陇东黄土旱塬区农田土壤肥力,提高冬小麦水分利用效率,显著增加冬小麦产量,可能是该区农田目前最佳的施肥方式.  相似文献   

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