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Progestin-binding sites in uteri and oviducts of estrogen-treated and untreated 8-day-old mice were studied by thaw-mount autoradiography with [125I]progestin. In the untreated uteri, nuclear concentration of radiolabelled progestin was observed in all tissues of the uterus, with strongest nuclear labelling in luminal and glandular epithelia and in stroma. In the estrogen-treated uteri, the degree of labelling was markedly augmented in stroma and muscle, but much reduced in the luminal and glandular epithelia, compared to untreated uteri. In untreated oviducts, nuclear labelling was observed in stroma and muscle in all regions and in epithelium in the isthmic and uterine regions. The epithelium in infundibular and ampullar regions was only scarcely labelled. The estrogen-treatment augmented the labelling in stroma and muscle of the oviduct as in the uterus, but the labelling in epithelium was not affected. These results indicate that estrogen-treatment induces progesterone receptor differentially among tissue compartments both in the uterus and oviduct.  相似文献   

Summary Whole-body autoradiography demonstrated the different distribution of [125I]-C-ANP and [125I]-ANP to rat tissues. Highest enrichment of radioactivity of both labelled peptides was found in the kidney. In some organs we found remarkable differences between [125I]-ANP and [125I]-C-ANP. In the kidney cortex, especially in the glomeruli, as well as in the endocardium, the zona glomerulosa and the medulla of the adrenal gland, where high levels of radioactivity after [125I]-ANP administration were detected, no or just few radioactivity was found after administration of [125I]-C-ANP. On the other hand in the kidney papilla and the outer subcortical medulla, characteristic blackening was found after [125I]-C-ANP administration. Those differences might be important for the understanding of pharmacological actions of ANP analogues.This work is part of the doctoral thesis of Frank Heidemann to be presented at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, FRG  相似文献   

A single class of high-affinity binding sites for [125I]angiotensin III and [125I]angiotensin II were found in rat adrenal medulla and zona glomerulosa by quantitative autoradiography. In the medulla, Kd were 1.46 and 1.16 nM, and Bmax 1700 and 1700 fmol/mg protein, for [125I]angiotensin II and [125I]angiotensin III, respectively. In the zona glomerulosa, Kd were 0.86 and 0.90 nM, and Bmax 790 and 560 fmol/mg protein, for [125I]angiotensin II and [125I]angiotensin III, respectively. Unlabeled angiotensin III and angiotensin II displaced [125I]angiotensin III with similar potency in both adrenal zona glomerulosa and medulla. Our findings suggest that angiotensin III and angiotensin II might share the same binding sites in adrenal gland and support the hypothesis of a role for angiotensin III in the adrenal medulla and zona glomerulosa.  相似文献   

Whole-body autoradiography demonstrated the different distribution of [125I]-C-ANP and [125I]-ANP to rat tissues. Highest enrichment of radioactivity of both labelled peptides was found in the kidney. In some organs we found remarkable differences between [125I]-ANP and [125I]-C-ANP. In the kidney cortex, especially in the glomeruli, as well as in the endocardium, the zona glomerulosa and the medulla of the adrenal gland, where high levels of radioactivity after [125I]-ANP administration were detected, no or just few radioactivity was found after administration of [125I]-C-ANP. On the other hand in the kidney papilla and the outer subcortical medulla, characteristic blackening was found after [125I]-C-ANP administration. Those differences might be important for the understanding of pharmacological actions of ANP analogues.  相似文献   

Labelling index, S-phase duration and cell-cycle time of proliferating brain cells from 6-day-old chick embryos in culture were investigated autoradiographically after labelling with [3H]- and/or [14C]-thymidine. The dissociated cells were cultured in the absence or in the presence of brain extract from 8-day-old chick embryos. Cultures contained essentially two cell types, which could be easily distinguished by the size of their nuclei: small nuclei identified as belonging to precursor cells of neurons and large nuclei corresponding to astroglial cells. The labelling index of astroglial cells (16.4%) was about 2 times higher than that of the neuronal cells (9.9%). Under the influence of brain extract the labelling index of neuroblasts was nearly doubled while that of the astroglial cells remained nearly unchanged. From double-labelling experiments with [3H]- and [14C]-thymidine, the same S-phase duration of about 7 hr was found for both cell types cultured with or without brain extract. A cell-cycle duration of 39 hr for neuronal and of 29 hr for astroglial cells was found. The cycle times remained constant under the influence of brain extract. From the measured data mentioned above, a growth fraction of 50% (neuroblasts) and 68% (astroglial cells) was calculated in control cultures without brain extract. After addition of brain extract, the growth fraction increased for both cell types (neuroblasts: 92%; astroglial cells: 80%). The results demonstrate that more cells proliferate in the presence of brain extract, but the durations of the S-phase and the cell cycle remain unchanged.  相似文献   

To find a treatment that may be effective against micrometastases of advanced, stage III or IV neuroblastoma, [125I]metaiodobenzylguanidine (125I-MIBG) was used in a phase I toxicity trial. In seven patients, thrombocytopenia was encountered with absorbed whole body doses of 85-135 rad from 125I-MIBG, but the dosimetry was imprecise in predicting bone marrow injury. Three patients survived for over one year, results that may indicate efficacy of 125I-MIBG therapy.  相似文献   

The luminal epithelium of the oviduct (magnum) of laying quails is composed of ciliated cells and mucous cells. Ciliogenesis was observed in some of the mucous cells. Both centrioles of the diplosome migrate to the top of the cell, and one of them induces the formation of a rudimentary cilium. In some of the other cells, that are filled with mucous granules, the formation of basal bodies by an acentriolar pathway was observed. In these cells, numerous, dense fibrous masses are associated with the forming face of the Golgi apparatus. In the Golgi zone, generative complexes composed of a deuterosome and some forming procentrioles were found. Cilia develop from completed basal bodies. During ciliogenesis, the Golgi apparatus is disorganized, and generally the production of mucous granules is arrested. The nucleus is also modified: it becomes larger and the chromatin is dispersed. It is assumed that mucous cells are able to be transformed into ciliated cells in the oviduct of laying quails.  相似文献   

The toxic effects of the short-lived (T 1/2 = 13.2 h) Auger-electron-emitting isotope 123I, incorporated in the form of 123IUdR into the DNA of V79 cells in vitro, have been investigated and compared to those of 125IUdR. For the concentrations tested, the rate of incorporation of 123IUdR at any time is proportional to the concentration of extracellular radioactivity. The curve for survival of clonogenic cells decreases exponentially and exhibits no shoulder at low doses. The mean lethal dose (D37) to the nucleus is 79 +/- 9 cGy and is about the same as that obtained previously with 125IUdR. However, the total number of decays needed to produce this D37 with 123IUdR is about twice that required with 125IUdR, approximately equal to the ratio of the energy deposited in microscopic volumes by 125I and 123I, respectively. This correlation suggests that nuclear recoil, electronic excitation, and chemical transmutation are probably of minor importance to the observed biological toxicity with either isotope. The results also indicate that there are no saturation effects in the decay of 125IUdR in the DNA of V79 cells (i.e., all of the emitted energy is biologically effective) and that each of the two steps involved in the 125I decay is equally effective in causing biological damage.  相似文献   

J L McDonel 《Biochemistry》1980,19(21):4801-4807
125I-Labeled enterotoxin from Clostridium perfringens was utilized to characterize the association of the enterotoxin with cells isolated from rabbit intestine and tissue homogenates from liver, kidney, and brain. The enterotoxin was found to bind in a specific and saturable manner to cells from intestine and to tissue homogenates from liver and kidney but not the brain. Detailed studies of the binding were carried out with the ileal epithelial intestinal cells. The rate and amount of binding of enterotoxin to cells appeared to be temperature dependent. Apparent affinity and association and dissociation rate constants were calculated for what appeared to be two classes of saturable binding sites. The amount of enterotoxin molecules that bound per milligram of cell protein was similar in tissue of intestinal, liver, and kidney origin (approximately 10(13) molecules/mg of cell protein). Spontaneous dissociation into the supernatant medium was observed to be much slower than expected from calculations based on the rate of association. Chaotropic ions did not enhance dissociation of the enterotoxin from cells. Enterotoxin binding was demonstrated to be heat labile (binding ability was lost after the enterotoxin was heated for 10 min at 60 degrees C). A mechanism is described whereby the enterotoxin binds and then is inserted into the membrane where it becomes trapped.  相似文献   

[125I]TID, a small photoreactive lipophylic reagent, was used to label intrinsic proteins of rabbit and rat sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes. A 160,000 glycoprotein, the Ca2+-ATPase and polypeptides of mol. wt 53-55,000, 30,000, 20,000 and 6000 dalton were labelled suggesting that these proteins are integral membrane components.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to evaluate changes in myocardial meta-[125I]iodobenzylguanidine ([125I]MIBG) uptake and distribution with age in awake spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) with respect to Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. Rats were randomly divided into two groups, one for measuring myocardial [125I]MIBG uptake and distribution 4 h after its injection and the second for evaluating myocardial catecholamine concentrations. Mean arterial blood pressure, cardiac hypertrophy index (heart/body weight ratio), and heart rate were significantly higher with increasing age in SHR compared with matched WKY rats. Myocardial catecholamine concentrations and turnover did not differ between the two strains and were significantly decreased with increasing age. Myocardial [125I]MIBG uptake determined by gamma counting was similar in WKY rats and SHR and did not vary significantly with age when expressed as uptake density. However, in both strains of rats, [125I]MIBG uptake determined by autoradiography was significantly greater at the base of the heart than at the apex and midventricular levels, and the uptake values of young rats were significantly higher than those of older rats. In 21-week-old WKY rats and SHR, the highest [125I]MIBG uptake values were found in the right ventricle. Thus, quantitative autoradiography allowed detection of significant changes in myocardial [125I]MIBG uptake and showed its heterogeneous distribution in the rat heart.  相似文献   

After injection of [3H]-1,25(OH)2-vitamin D3 (soltriol), nuclear labeling is found in Sertoli cells of testes, being highest at the stage of spermiosis, in epithelium of efferent ductules and caput epididymidis and in connective tissue cells of epididymis, in lamina propria and muscular sheath of deferent duct, and in epithelium and muscular sheath of dorsal and ventral prostate of the mouse. This labeling pattern is characteristic for [3H]-soltriol and differs from that for [3H]-dihydrotestosterone and [3H]-estradiol, although with overlap. The nuclear labeling with [3H]-soltriol suggests an action of the hormone on certain processes during spermatogenesis, on sperm maturation, on epididymal fluid resorption, and on secretion and transport of spermatozoa.  相似文献   

The binding sites for [3H]corticosterone (3HB) and [3H]aldosterone (3HA) within the hippocampal area of the mouse brain have been studied by autoradiography in competition experiments. Excess unlabelled aldosterone (A) or corticosterone (B) both abolished the nuclear accumulation of radioactivity within neurons observed after injection of either 3HA or 3HB. Experiments where a subcutaneous injection of a "pure glucocorticoid' RU26988 was given before injection of 3HA alone showed a marked accumulation of radioactivity within neuronal nuclei of the hippocampus suggesting the presence of 3HA binding sites distinct from classical type II glucocorticoid receptors. In addition, when RU26988 was given before the injection of 3HA associated with a 30- or 100-fold excess of either A or B, the cell nuclear accumulation of radioactivity was no longer observed. These results showed that in our in vivo experimental conditions, B displayed the same ability as A to occupy 3HA binding sites, supporting the view that in mouse hippocampal neuronal nuclei, the aldosterone-binding and corticosterone-preferring sites represent the same molecular entity.  相似文献   

In rat uterine mince incubated in vitro [3H]inositol was found to be incorporated into phosphatidylinositol (PI) predominantly via a pathway which could be markedly and dose dependently activated with Mn2+ (0.1-10 mM) and inhibited by Ca2+ (1-10 mM). These ions had no effect on the incorporation of [32P]phosphate (32P) into PI indicating a distinct inositol-exchange mechanism for the labeling of PI with [3H]inositol. Treatment of ovariectomized rats for 5 days with 2 micrograms estradiol dipropionate (EDP) increased about 3-fold (when measured in the presence of 1 mM Mn2+) and 4-5-fold (when measured in the presence of 1 mM Ca2+) the inositol-exchange activity in the rat uterus, and these effects were suppressed by 40 and 30% respectively by the concomitant administration of 2 mg progesterone (P). EDP alone or in combination with P increased to the same extent (by a factor of 2-3) the rate of labeling with 32P of phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and plasmenylethanolamine (PmE). The labeling rate of PI was increased 1.5-1.7-fold by treatment with EDP and this increase was selectively augmented further to about 2.5-fold by the simultaneous administration of P. Treatment with P alone had no significant effect on the incorporation of either labeled precursor. Steroid hormone treatments had no effect on the amount of these phospholipids in 100 mg uterine tissue, but they increased about 1.7-fold the rate of labeling of ATP with 32P. We conclude that P, when administered together with estradiol, regulates differentially the turnover of the inositol and phosphate moieties of PI with possible physiological consequences.  相似文献   

The preparation of iodinated N-chloroacetyltyramine and its evaluation as a specific sulfhydryl reagent are described. N-Chloroacetyltyramine was synthesized by a carbodiimide-mediated condensation of chloro- or iodoacetic acid and tyramine·HCL, and the crystalline product was iodinated in a reaction with chloramine T to yield either a 3,5-[125I]diiodotyramine derivative, or a trace-iodinated product when carrier-free 125I was employed. These iodinated derivatives react specifically with sulfhydryl groups, as judged by their ability to label reduced but not unreduced ribonuclease A and immunoglobulin E. Specific activities of 1 Ci/mmole in 125I or 131I can be readily achieved with both the diiodinated and trace-iodinated (carrier-free) derivatives, and the specific activity of the former can be used directly to quantitate sulfhydryl groups in subnanomolar quantities of protein. N-Chloroacetyl 125I-labeled tyramine prepared by trace iodination with carrier-free 125I is more useful when very high specific activities (100–1000 mCi/μmol) are required. The utility of these reagents is discussed.  相似文献   

A significant retention of [125I]triiodothyronine ([125I]T3) in the retrobulbar orbital area of mice has been previously shown. The present study was initiated to determine tissue and intracellular localization of the thyroid hormone in the above area which is concerned in human Graves' disease of the thyroid.Male and female Balb C mice were intravenously injected with 0.1 mL of [125I]T3 (0.2 mCi/gmg). At various time intervals (30 s-10 min) the animals were sacrificed, bled and periorbital tissues were isolated under a dissecting microscope. Three series of samples were prepared: (a) frozen samples for cryomicrotome sections, (b) samples fixed in 10% formaldehyde for paraffin embedded tissues and (c) samples fixed in paraformaldehyde (2%), glutaldehyde (2%) and 0.1 M sodium cacodylate for embedding in Epon-Araldite-DDSA. Sections 5 μ m and 400–600 Å thick for light and electron microscopy, respectively, were coated with Ilford L4 emulsion and exposed for 9–21 days. Light microscope autoradiography demonstrated that [125I]T3 injected intravenously is rapidly transported in the cells of fat tissue of the peribulbar orbital area and tissues with glandular or muscular function: the hormone showed a high affinity for the intra- and extraorbital lacrymal gland cells, the cells of the Harder's gland, those of the sebaceous and meibomian glands of the eye-lids, as well as for local muscular structures. Electron microscope autoradiography showed that radioactivity is already localized inside the cells 30 s after the i.v. injection of [125I]T3 and it is distributed throughout the cytoplasm, with a higher concentration in the vesicles of the Harder's gland cells (rich in lipids and porphyrin), in the endoplasmic reticulum and the mitochondria of the lacrymal glands. 10 min after injection, a shifting of the radioactivity towards the nucleus area was observed. In conclusion, after vivo injection, the thyroid hormone rapidly penetrates the cells of fat glandular and muscular tissues in the orbital area. Intracellularly, the affinity of the hormone for the secretory vesicles, rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and nucleus suggest that T3 could play a role in secretory and metabolic functions of the tissues in the retrobulbar orbital area.  相似文献   

B Raboy  H A Parag    R G Kulka 《The EMBO journal》1986,5(5):863-869
[125I]Ubiquitin introduced into permeabilized hepatoma tissue culture (HTC) cells rapidly forms conjugates with endogenous proteins. A characteristic pattern of low mol. wt conjugates is obtained which includes the ubiquitinated histone, uH2A, and unknown molecular species with MrS of 14, 23, 26 (two bands) and 29 kd. A broad spectrum of higher mol. wt conjugates is also produced. The formation of all conjugates is absolutely dependent on ATP, and upon depletion of ATP they are rapidly broken down. The 14, 23 and 29 kd species are found in all subcellular fractions examined. uH2A is located exclusively in the nuclear fraction. The pair of 26 kd bands is specifically associated with the ribosome fraction. A considerable percentage of the higher mol. wt conjugates sediments with the small particle (100,000 g) fraction in the ultracentrifuge but is solubilized with deoxycholate, indicating that there are many membrane-associated conjugates. The pattern of ubiquitin conjugation in interphase and metaphase cells was compared. The incorporation of ubiquitin into uH2A was markedly reduced in metaphase cells whereas its incorporation into other low mol. wt conjugates and into high mol. wt conjugates was affected slightly, if at all. This shows that the known decrease of uH2A levels in metaphase is due to a specific effect on histone ubiquitination and not to a general decrease in ubiquitination activity or increase of isopeptidase activity. Changes in the levels of uH2A during mitosis measured by immunoblotting were similar to those estimated in permeabilized cells. These experiments indicate that permeabilized cells provide a useful approach to the study of rapidly turning over ubiquitin conjugates in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

We measured the toxicity and mutagenicity induced in human diploid lymphoblasts by various radiation doses of X-rays and two internal emitters. [125I]iododeoxyuridine ([125I]dUrd) and [3H]thymidine ([3H]TdR), incorporated into cellular DNA. [125I]dUrd was more effective than [3H]TdR at killing cells and producing mutations to 6-thioguanine resistance (6TGR). No ouabain-resistant mutants were induced by any of these agents. Expressing dose as total disintegrations per cell (dpc), the D0 for cell killing for [125I]dUrd was 28 dpc and for [3H]TdR was 385 dpc. The D0 for X-rays was 48 rad at 37°C. The slopes of the mutation curves were approximately 75 × 10−8 6TGR mutants per cell per disintegration for [125I]dUrd and 2 × 10−8 for [3H]TdR. X-Rays induced 8 × 10−8 6TGR mutants per cell per rad. Normalizing for survival, [125I]dUrd remained much more mutagenic at low doses (high survival levels) than the other two agents. Treatment of the cells at either 37°C or while frozen at −70°C yielded no difference in cytotoxicity or mutation for [125I]dUrd or [3H]TdR, whereas X-rays were 6 times less effective in killing cells at −70°C.

Assuming that incorporation was random throughout the genome, the mutagenic efficiencies of the radionuclides could be calculated by dividing the mutation rate by the level of incorporation. If the effective target size of the 6TGR locus is 1000–3000 base pairs, then the mutagenic efficiency of [125I]dUrd is 1.0–3.0 and of [3H]TdR is 0.02–0.06 total genomic mutations per cell per disintegration. 125I disintegrations are known to produce localized DNA double-strand breaks. If these breaks are potentially lethal lesions, they must be repaired, since the mean lethal dose (D0) was 28 dpc. The observations that a single dpc has a high probability of producing a mutation (mutagenic efficiency 1.0–3.0) would suggest, however, that this repair is extremely error-prone. If the breaks need not be repaired to permit survival, then lethal lesions are a subset of or are completely different from mutagenic lesions.  相似文献   

Mice were injected intravenously and intraperitoneally with preparations of intestinal nucleoprotein, spleen nuclei, mouse thymus cells, or human kidney T cells whose DNA had been labeled with both [3H]thymidine (TdR) and [125I]-iododeoxyuridine (IUdR). Since free TdR is reutilized more efficiently than free IUdR produced by enzymic hydrolysis of the exogenous DNA, the ratio of [3H]TdR/[125I]IUdR in the DNA fraction of the tissues of the recipient mice provides a measure of the amount of intact exogenous DNA in the tissue. In most instances, the doubly labeled exogenous DNA was almost completely hydrolyzed within 1 day injection, but survival of the DNA from whole cells could be demonstrated in some cases.  相似文献   

Endocytosis of [125I]iodixanol was studied in vivo and in vitro in rat liver cells to determine fluid phase endocytic activity in different liver cells (hepatocytes, Kupffer cells and endothelial cells). The Kupffer cells were more active in the uptake of [l25I]iodixanol than parenchymal cells or endothelial cells. Inhibition of endocytic uptake via clathrin-coated pits (by potassium depletion and hypertonic medium) reduced uptake of [125I]iodixanol much more in Kupffer cells and endothelial cells than in hepatocytes. To gain further information about the importance of clathrin-mediated fluid phase endocytosis, the expression of proteins known to be components of the endocytic machinery was investigated. Using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting, endothelial cells and Kupffer cells were found to express approximately fourfold more rab4, rab5 and rab7 than parenchymal cells, while clathrin was expressed at a higher level in endothelial cells than in Kupffer cells and hepatocytes. Using electron microscopy it was shown that liver endothelial cells contained approximately twice as many coated pits per membrane unit than the parenchymal and Kupffer cells, thus confirming the immunoblotting results concerning clathrin expression. Electron microscopy on isolated liver cells following fluid phase uptake of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) showed that HRP-containing organelles had a different morphology in the different cell types: In the liver endothelial cells HRP was in small, tubular endosomes, while in Kupffer cells HRP was mainly found in larger structures, reminiscent of macropinosomes. Parenchymal cells contained HRP in small vacuolar endosomes with a punctuated distribution. In conclusion, we find that the Kupffer cells and the endothelial cells have a higher pinocytic activity than the hepatocytes. The hepatocytes do, however, account for most of the total hepatic uptake. The fluid phase endocytosis in liver endothelial cells depends mainly on clathrin-mediated endocytosis, while the parenchymal cells have additional clathrin-independent mechanisms that may play an important role in the uptake of plasma membrane components. In the Kupffer cells the major uptake of fluid phase markers seems to take place via a macropinocytic mechanism.  相似文献   

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