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Rates of oxygen absorption into glucose solutions were measured using an immobilized-enzyme reactor, in which magnetite-containing beads of immobilized glucose oxidase were moved by a revolving magnetic field to reduce the mass transfer resistances at the gas–liquid interface and around the bead. Data were also obtained for oxygen absorption into glucose solutions containing soluble or immobilized glucose oxidase (without magnetite), as well as for physical absorption of oxygen. The rates of physical absorption for the runs with the magnetite-containing beads increased because of mechanical stirring caused by spinning of the beads at the gas-liquid interface. In this case the experimental enhancement factors were found to be larger than those predicted on the basis of the film theory for gas absorption with a pseudo-first order reaction.  相似文献   

Effect of albumin on oleic acid lymphatic absorption in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The aim of this study was to investigate how fatty acid absorption was affected when exogenous fatty acids were complexed with albumin in absence of bile. Experiments were carried out in vivo, in order to study overall absorption processes. 2. An equimolar mixture of 14C oleic acid, palmitic acid and monopalmitin was infused intraduodenally in bile- and pancreatic juice-diverted rats. 3. Lipids were emulsified with either sodium taurocholate or fatty acids complexed with albumin. 4. Lymphatic lipid output was compared during the 6 hr following infusion of 90 mumol of the radioactive lipid mixture. 5. Lymphatic radioactive lipid recovery was significantly decreased by albumin. 6. Only 17% of the infused radioactivity was recovered in lymph when fatty acids were complexed with albumin against 37% when lipids were emulsified with sodium taurocholate. 7. Unrecovered lymph radioactivity was found at the distal part of intestine. Moreover, albumin significantly decreased lymph flow. 8. We conclude that undigested albumin acted at the luminal level of lipid absorption processes and specifically decreased fatty acid uptake.  相似文献   

Gymnemic acid, a mixture of triterpene glycosides extracted from the leaves of Gymnema sylvestre, is known to inhibit the intestinal absorption of glucose in human and rats. This work examined the effect of gymnemic acid on oleic acid absorption by the method of intestinal perfusion in rats. The results showed the following. (i) Gymnemic acid potently inhibited the absorption of oleic acid in intestine. (ii) This inhibition was dose dependent and reversible. (iii) The extent of inhibition and the recovery progress were extremely similar to that of glucose absorption. (iv) Taurocholate did not affect the inhibitory effect of gymnemic acid on oleic acid absorption, but lowering its concentration facilitated the recovery from the inhibition. (v) The absorption of oleic acid was not affected by other glycosides such as phloridzin, stevioside, and glycyrrhizin. These new findings are important for understanding the roles of gymnemic acid in therapy of diabetes mellitus and obesity.  相似文献   

The uptake of 2 mM 14C-glucose by H. diminuta during 1-min incubations was inhibited by addition of 10 mM sodium taurocholate (NaTC) to the incubation media. Preincubation in 10 mM NaTC for 30 min did not increase the inhibition, suggesting that the inhibition was competitive. This was confirmed with a standard Lineweaver-Burk experiment. Addition of 0.35 mM oleic acid to the NaTC micelles did not alter the level of inhibition. Sodium glycocholate (NaGC) did not inhibit the uptake of glucose by H. diminuta. The uptake of glucose by H. microstoma was also inhibited by NaTC, and was not affected by NaGC. H. diminuta absorbed 3.62 mumoles of oleic acid/g dry wt during 15-min incubations in mixed micelles of 10 mM NaTC and 0.35 mM oleic acid. The total uptake was determined as the sum of the ethanol extractable and nonextractable 3H-oleic acid. In 15 mM NaTC, the uptake of oleic acid was reduced by 50%; at 30 mM NaTC the uptake of oleic acid decreased by half again. Substituting NaGC for NaTC, the greatest uptake of oleic acid, 2.63 mumoles/g dry wt, was from mixed micelles of 15 mM NaGC and 0.35 mM oleic acid. Lesser amounts of oleic acid were absorbed from mixed micelles at 5 or 30 mM NaGC. H. microstoma exhibited a similar pattern of oleic acid uptake from mixed micelles with NaTC and NaGC. At all bile salt concentrations tested, H. microstoma absorbed more oleic acid than H. diminuta and incorporated more oleic acid into the nonextractable pool. The possible roles of bile salts in the absorption of oleic acid as indicated by the results herein are discussed.  相似文献   

Synthesis of oleic acid by Euglena gracilis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In this study, we investigated in rats if hydroxycitric acid (HCA) reduces the postprandial glucose response by affecting gastric emptying or intestinal glucose absorption. We compared the effect of regulator HCA (310 mg/kg) and vehicle (control) on the glucose response after an intragastric or intraduodenal glucose load to investigate the role of altered gastric emptying. Steele's one-compartment model was used to investigate the effect of HCA on systemic glucose appearance after an intraduodenal glucose load, using [U-(13)C]-labeled glucose and d-[6,6-(2)H(2)]-labeled glucose. Because an effect on postabsorptive glucose clearance could not be excluded, the effect of HCA on the appearance of enterally administered glucose in small intestinal tissue, liver, and portal and systemic circulation was determined by [U-(14)C]glucose infusion. Data show that HCA treatment delays the intestinal absorption of enterally administered glucose at the level of the small intestinal mucosa in rats. HCA strongly attenuated postprandial blood glucose levels after both intragastric (P < 0.01) and intraduodenal (P < 0.001) glucose administration, excluding a major effect of HCA on gastric emptying. HCA delayed the systemic appearance of exogenous glucose but did not affect the total fraction of glucose absorbed over the study period of 150 min. HCA treatment decreased concentrations of [U-(14)C]glucose in small intestinal tissue at 15 min after [U-(14)C]glucose administration (P < 0.05), in accordance with the concept that HCA delays the enteral absorption of glucose. These data support a possible role for HCA as food supplement in lowering postprandial glucose profiles.  相似文献   

Stimulation of hepatic cholesterol biosynthesis by oleic acid   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Livers from normal fed male rats were perfused in vitro with an erythrocyte-free, bloodless medium containing serum albumin (3%), and glucose (100 mg %). Oleic acid (663 μmoles) bound to albumin, or albumin alone, was infused at a constant rate. Biosynthesis of cholesterol was evaluated by incorporation of radioactivity from 3H2O. Oleic acid stimulated output of cholesterol (1.60 ± 0.08 SEM vs 1.18 ± 0.04 μmoles/g) but did not change the concentration of cholesterol in the liver or hepatic microsomes. Incorporation of 3H into cholesterol was stimulated by oleate; dpm per μmole cholesterol/dpm per μg atom H was 3.94 ± 0.33, 3.46 ± 0.32, and 4.46 ± 0.37 in the total cholesterol of liver, perfusate, and microsomes, respectively, when oleate was infused. Corresponding values when oleate was not infused were 1.71 ± 0.23, 1.62 ± 0.20, and 2.09 ± 0.26, respectively (P<0.001 in all cases). It is suggested that the stimulation of biosynthesis of cholesterol by oleate results from the obligatory requirement of cholesterol, as a moiety of the very low density lipoprotein, for the secretion of triglyceride by the liver.  相似文献   

Resting cells of Nocardia paraffinaeCBS 255 58 anaerobically converted oleic acid to 10-hydroxystearic acid (optimum activity at 35°C and pH 7). Addition of oleic acid (0.22 mg/ml of medium), as an inducer, improved the hydroxylating activity. The biocatalyst was inactivated by sonication, lyophilization and heating, but kept 65% of its initial activity after five freeze-thawing treatments. This activity appeared to be located either in the cells or bound to the plasmic membrane.  相似文献   

Oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) by copper ions is not influenced by glucose in a concentration range between 1 and 20 mM. LDL-oxidation by peroxynitrite or the simultaneous action of nitrogen monoxide and superoxide, produced by morpholino-sydnonimine (SIN-1) is considerably enhanced by typical hydroxyl-radical scavengers such as formate or mannitol and by glucose. Since both free radicals, nitrogen monoxide and superoxide, are produced by activated leukocytes and endothelial cells the presented reaction might represent a simple model for the cooperative function of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and glucose in certain diabetic blood vessel diseases such as atherogenesis and retinopathy.  相似文献   

The minimum dietary intake of oleic acid that is indispensable to maintain a normal content of this fatty acid in several tissues (heart, muscle, kidney and testis) was determined in the rat. For this purpose, a dose-effect study was conducted using an experimental protocol with 7 groups of rats who received a diet in which the oleic acid level varied from 0 to 6000 mg per 100 g diet, but the other ingredients were identical (in particular the essential fatty acids, linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid). Female rats were fed the diets from two weeks before mating, and their pups were killed aged either 21 or 60 days. When the level of oleic acid in the diet was increased, the main modifications observed in 21-day-old deficient pups were as follows: (i) for 18:1n-9, in the liver, muscle, heart, kidney, and testis, a plateau was reached at about 4 g oleic acid per 100 g diet. Below this level, the higher the dose the greater the response; (ii) for 16:1n-7, the concentration decreased in the liver, muscle, heart, kidney and testis; (iii) the concentration of 18:1n-7 decreased in the kidney, muscle, and testis; (iv) some minor modifications were noted for the other fatty acids. In mother's milk at 14 days of lactation, when dietary oleic acid increased, the levels of 18:1(n-9) also increased; the increase was regular and did not reach a plateau. In 60-day-old rats, the results were generally similar to those in 21-day-old rats, but with some differences, in particular a slight decrease in oleic acid concentration in the liver and kidney at the highest dietary oleic acid level.  相似文献   

Fast J  Mossberg AK  Nilsson H  Svanborg C  Akke M  Linse S 《FEBS letters》2005,579(27):6095-6100
HAMLET (human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells) is a complex between alpha-lactalbumin and oleic acid that induces apoptosis in tumor cells, but not in healthy cells. Heteronuclear nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to determine the structure of 13C-oleic acid in HAMLET, and to study the 15N-labeled protein. Nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy shows that the two ends of the fatty acid are in close proximity and close to the double bond, indicating that the oleic acid is bound to HAMLET in a compact conformation. The data further show that HAMLET is a partly unfolded/molten globule-like complex under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

A strategy for Rhizopus arrhizus lipase production enhancement by feeding oleic acid was developed. The oleic acid was proved to have strong inducing effect on lipase production, but high concentration oleic acid could repress lipase production. The decrease rate of oleic acid concentration using peanut oil as initial carbon source was figured out according to the change of oleic acid concentration in the fermentation broth. Our feeding strategy designed based on the decrease rate of oleic acid could avoid the repression of lipase production that is caused by high concentration of oleic acid in the fermenting liquor, and this strategy worked as a new feeding method showing excellent performance. The maximum lipase activity was gained by feeding dilute oleic acid every 12 h starting at 60 h, which maintained the oleic acid concentration around 18 mg/L, and the lipase activity was 31% higher than that of no feeding.  相似文献   

Gas-liquid chromatography with radioactivity detection (Radio-GLC) was investigated as an analytical means of determining the fractional turnover rates of plasma free fatty acids. For this purpose normal dogs were infused with 1.838 muCi/min of [1-14C]oleic acid complexed with albumin and plasma samples were taken at 0 to 110 minutes. The plasma free fatty acids were isolated by a modified Dole extraction and the methyl esters, prepared by diazomethylation, were identified and quantitated by GLC and radio-GLC using radioactive methyl heptadecanoate as internal standard. The study demonstrates that physiologically feasible infusion rates and loads of radioactive acids can be found which permit accurate analyses of plasma free fatty acids by radio-GLC. During a 2-hour infusion no labeled acid other than oleic appeared in plasma indicating that the method could be used to study the turnover of a mixture of fatty acids simultaneously. These results also indicate that conventional methods of determination of radioactivity in purified extracts can be employed without concern for recycling of label among the fatty acids, at least over short periods of time. The radio-GLC technique described yields approximately 20% higher fractional turnover times for oleic acid than do standard methods.  相似文献   

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