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A new principle of aerobic aromatic metabolism has been postulated, which is in contrast to the known pathways. In various bacteria the aromatic substrate benzoate is first converted to its coenzyme A (CoA) thioester, benzoyl-CoA, which is subsequently attacked by an oxygenase, followed by a non-oxygenolytic fission of the ring. We provide evidence for this hypothesis and show that benzoyl-CoA conversion in the bacterium Azoarcus evansii requires NADPH, O(2) and two protein components, BoxA and BoxB. BoxA is a homodimeric 46 kDa iron-sulphur-flavoprotein, which acts as reductase. In the absence of BoxB, BoxA catalyses the benzoyl-CoA stimulated artificial transfer of electrons from NADPH to O(2) via free FADH(2) to produce H(2)O(2). Physiologically, BoxA uses NADPH to reduce BoxB, a monomeric 55 kDa iron-protein that acts as benzoyl-CoA oxygenase. The product of benzoyl-CoA oxidation was identified by NMR spectroscopy as its dihydrodiol derivative, 2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxybenzoyl-CoA. This suggests that BoxBA act as a benzoyl-CoA dioxygenase/reductase. Unexpectedly, benzoyl-CoA transformation by BoxBA was greatly stimulated when another enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase-like protein, BoxC, was added that catalysed the further transformation of the dihydrodiol product formed from benzoyl-CoA. The benzoyl-CoA oxygenase system has very low similarity to known (di)oxygenase systems and is the first member of a new enzyme family.  相似文献   

A new pathway for aerobic benzoate oxidation has been postulated for Azoarcus evansii and for a Bacillus stearothermophilus-like strain. Benzoate is first transformed into benzoyl coenzyme A (benzoyl-CoA), which subsequently is oxidized to 3-hydroxyadipyl-CoA and then to 3-ketoadipyl-CoA; all intermediates are CoA thioesters. The genes coding for this benzoate-induced pathway were investigated in the beta-proteobacterium A. evansii. They were identified on the basis of N-terminal amino acid sequences of purified benzoate metabolic enzymes and of benzoate-induced proteins identified on two-dimensional gels. Fifteen genes probably coding for the benzoate pathway were found to be clustered on the chromosome. These genes code for the following functions: a putative ATP-dependent benzoate transport system, benzoate-CoA ligase, a putative benzoyl-CoA oxygenase, a putative isomerizing enzyme, a putative ring-opening enzyme, enzymes for beta-oxidation of CoA-activated intermediates, thioesterase, and lactone hydrolase, as well as completely unknown enzymes belonging to new protein families. An unusual putative regulator protein consists of a regulator protein and a shikimate kinase I-type domain. A deletion mutant with a deletion in one gene (boxA) was unable to grow with benzoate as the sole organic substrate, but it was able to grow with 3-hydroxybenzoate and adipate. The data support the proposed pathway, which postulates operation of a new type of ring-hydroxylating dioxygenase acting on benzoyl-CoA and nonoxygenolytic ring cleavage. A beta-oxidation-like metabolism of the ring cleavage product is thought to lead to 3-ketoadipyl-CoA, which finally is cleaved into succinyl-CoA and acetyl-CoA.  相似文献   

The aerobic catabolism of benzoate was studied in the Gram-negative proteobacterium Azoarcus evansii and in the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus stearothermophilus. In contrast to earlier proposals, benzoate was not converted into hydroxybenzoate or gentisate. Rather, benzoyl-CoA was a product of benzoate catabolism in both microbial species under aerobic conditions in vivo. Benzoyl-CoA was converted into various CoA thioesters by cell extracts of both species in oxygen- and NADPH-dependent reactions. Using [ring-(13)C(6)]benzoyl-CoA as substrate, cis-3,4-[2,3,4,5,6-(13)C(5)]dehydroadipyl-CoA, trans-2,3-[2,3,4,5,6-(13)C(5)]dehydroadipyl-CoA, the 3,6-lactone of 3-[2,3,4,5,6-(13)C(5)]hydroxyadipyl-CoA, and 3-[2,3,4,5,6-(13)C(5)]hydroxyadipyl-CoA were identified as products by NMR spectroscopy. A protein mixture of A. evansii transformed [ring-(13)C(6)]benzoyl-CoA in an NADPH- and oxygen-dependent reaction into 6-[2,3,4,5,6-(13)C(5)]hydroxy-3-hexenoyl-CoA. The data suggest a novel aerobic pathway of benzoate catabolism via CoA intermediates leading to beta-ketoadipyl-CoA, an intermediate of the known beta-ketoadipate pathway.  相似文献   

In the beta-proteobacterium Azoarcus evansii, the aerobic metabolism of 2-aminobenzoate (anthranilate), phenylacetate, and benzoate proceeds via three unprecedented pathways. The pathways have in common that all three substrates are initially activated to coenzyme A (CoA) thioesters and further processed in this form. The two initial steps of 2-aminobenzoate metabolism are catalyzed by a 2-aminobenzoate-CoA ligase forming 2-aminobenzoyl-CoA and by a 2-aminobenzoyl-CoA monooxygenase/reductase (ACMR) forming 2-amino-5-oxo-cyclohex-1-ene-1-carbonyl-CoA. Eight genes possibly involved in this pathway, including the genes encoding 2-aminobenzoate-CoA ligase and ACMR, were detected, cloned, and sequenced. The sequence of the ACMR gene showed that this enzyme is an 87-kDa fusion protein of two flavoproteins, a monooxygenase (similar to salicylate monooxygenase) and a reductase (similar to old yellow enzyme). Besides the genes for the initial two enzymes, genes for three enzymes of a beta-oxidation pathway were found. A substrate binding protein of an ABC transport system, a MarR-like regulator, and a putative translation inhibitor protein were also encoded by the gene cluster. The data suggest that, after monooxygenation/reduction of 2-aminobenzoyl-CoA, the nonaromatic CoA thioester intermediate is metabolized further by beta-oxidation. This implies that all subsequent intermediates are CoA thioesters and that the alicyclic carbon ring is not cleaved oxygenolytically. Surprisingly, the cluster of eight genes, which form an operon, is duplicated. The two copies differ only marginally within the coding regions but differ substantially in the respective intergenic regions. Both copies of the genes are coordinately expressed in cells grown aerobically on 2-aminobenzoate.  相似文献   

The Azoarcus evansii gene which codes for phenylacetate-CoA ligase, an enzyme involved in the aerobic degradation of phenylacetate, was isolated from a genomic library, using as the probe a fragment of the gene which encodes the isoenzyme that is induced under anaerobic conditions. By this means both the gene and its flanking sequences were recovered. The gene is homologous to the phenylacetate-CoA ligase genes of Pseudomonas putida U and Escherichia coli W. Induction by phenylacetate under aerobic growth conditions was demonstrated using lacZ fusions. Western analysis showed that phenylacetate-CoA ligase is involved in the degradation of the aromatic amino acid phenylalanine. Genes coding for the phenylacetate-CoA ligase and for the putative hydroxylating enzyme were expressed in E. coli. Detection of 2-hydroxyphenylacetate in the recombinant E. coli strain indicated hydroxylation of phenylacetyl-CoA. The gene pacL, which codes for the putative ring-opening enzyme was mutated to enable the isolation of intermediates in aerobic phenylacetic acid degradation, which were characterized by GC-MS and NMR analyses.  相似文献   

The aerobic metabolism of phenylacetic acid (PA) and 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (4-OHPA) was investigated in the beta-proteobacterium Azoarcus evansii. Evidence for the existence of two independent catabolic pathways for PA and 4-OHPA is presented. 4-OHPA metabolism involves the formation of 2,5-dihydroxyphenylacetate (homogentisate) and maleylacetoacetate catalyzed by specifically induced 4-OHPA 1-monooxygenase and homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase. The metabolism of PA starts by its activation to phenylacetyl-CoA (PA-CoA) via an aerobically induced phenylacetate-coenzyme A ligase. Phenylalanine (Phe) aerobic metabolism in this bacterium proceeds also via PA and PA-CoA. Whole cells of A. evansii transformed [1-(14)C]PA to (14)C-phenylacetyl-CoA and subsequently to a number of unknown labeled products, which were also observed in PA-degrading bacteria from different phylogenetic groups, i.e. Escherichia coli, Rhodopseudomonas palustrisand Bacillus stearothermophilus. A chromosomal region from A. evansiiof 11.5 kb containing a cluster of 11 phenylacetic acid catabolic ( paa) genes ( paaYZGHIKABCDE) was sequenced and characterized. The derived gene products were similar to the characterized putative gene products involved in PA catabolism in E. coli and Pseudomonas putida and to other putative PA catabolic gene products of diverse bacteria. RT-PCR analysis of the paa genes of A. evansiigrowing aerobically with PA showed a probable organization of the paa genes in three operons. The similarity of the PA metabolic products pattern and of gene sequences suggests a common aerobic bacterial PA pathway.  相似文献   

Phenylacetate-coenzyme A ligase (PA-CoA ligase; AMP forming, EC 6.2. 1.30), the enzyme catalyzing the first step in the aerobic degradation of phenylacetate (PA) in Azoarcus evansii, has been purified and characterized. The gene (paaK) coding for this enzyme was cloned and sequenced. The enzyme catalyzes the reaction of PA with CoA and MgATP to yield phenylacetyl-CoA (PACoA) plus AMP plus PPi. The enzyme was specifically induced after aerobic growth in a chemically defined medium containing PA or phenylalanine (Phe) as the sole carbon source. Growth with 4-hydroxyphenylacetate, benzoate, adipate, or acetate did not induce the synthesis of this enzyme. This enzymatic activity was detected very early in the exponential phase of growth, and a maximal specific activity of 76 nmol min(-1) mg of cell protein(-1) was measured. After 117-fold purification to homogeneity, a specific activity of 48 micromol min(-1) mg of protein(-1) was achieved with a turnover number (catalytic constant) of 40 s(-1). The protein is a monomer of 52 kDa and shows high specificity towards PA; other aromatic or aliphatic acids were not used as substrates. The apparent K(m) values for PA, ATP, and CoA were 14, 60, and 45 microM, respectively. The PA-CoA ligase has an optimum pH of 8 to 8.5 and a pI of 6.3. The enzyme is labile and requires the presence of glycerol for stabilization. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified protein showed no homology with other reported PA-CoA ligases. The gene encoding this enzyme is 1, 320 bp long and codes for a protein of 48.75 kDa (440 amino acids) which shows high similarity with other reported PA-CoA ligases. An amino acid consensus for an AMP binding motif (VX2SSGTTGXP) was identified. The biochemical and molecular characteristics of this enzyme are quite different from those of the isoenzyme catalyzing the same reaction under anaerobic conditions in the same bacterium.  相似文献   

The aerobic benzoate metabolism in Azoarcus evansii follows an unusual route. The intermediates of the pathway are processed as coenzyme A (CoA) thioesters and the cleavage of the aromatic ring is non-oxygenolytic. The enzymes of this pathway are encoded by the box gene cluster which harbors a gene, orf1, coding for a putative thioesterase. Benzoyl-CoA thioesterase activity (20 nmol min−1 mg−1 protein) was present in cells grown aerobically on benzoate, but was lacking in cells grown on other aromatic or aliphatic substrates under oxic or anoxic conditions. The gene was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli to produce a C-terminal His-tag fusion protein. The recombinant enzyme was a homotetramer of 16 kDa subunits. It catalyzed not only the hydrolysis of benzoyl-CoA, but also of 2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxybenzoyl-CoA, the second intermediate in the pathway. The enzyme exhibited higher activity with mono-substituted derivatives of benzoyl-CoA, showing highest activity with 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA. Di-substituted derivatives of benzoyl-CoA, phenylacetyl-CoA, and aliphatic CoA thioesters were not hydrolyzed but some acted as inhibitors. The thioesterase appears to protect the cell from CoA pool depletion. It may constitute the prototype of a new subfamily within the hotdog fold enzyme superfamily.  相似文献   

A novel aerobic benzoate pathway has recently been discovered in various bacteria in which benzoate is first converted to benzoyl-CoA. The further downstream steps are associated with the gene products of the benzoate oxidation gene cluster (box) on the Azoarcus evansii chromosome. Benzoyl-CoA is oxidized to 2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxybenzoyl-CoA (benzoyl-CoA dihydrodiol) by benzoyl-CoA oxygenase/reductase BoxBA in the presence of molecular oxygen. This study identified the next, ring cleaving step catalysed by BoxC. The boxC gene was expressed in a recombinant Escherichia coli strain as a fusion protein with maltose binding protein (BoxC(mal)) and the wild type as well as the recombinant proteins were purified and studied. BoxC catalyses the reaction 2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxybenzoyl-CoA + H(2)O --> 3,4-dehydroadipyl-CoA semialdehyde + HCOOH. This is supported by the following results. Assays containing [ring-(13)C(6)]benzoyl-CoA, benzoyl-CoA oxygenase/reductase, BoxC(mal) protein, NADPH and semicarbazide were analysed directly by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The products were identified as the semicarbazone of [2,3,4,5,6-(13)C(5)]3,4-dehydroadipyl-CoA semialdehyde; the missing one-carbon unit being formate. The same reaction mixture without semicarbazide yielded a mixture of the hydrate of [2,3,4,5,6-(13)C(5)]3,4-dehydroadipyl-CoA semialdehyde and [2,3,4,5,6-(13)C(5)]4,5-dehydroadipyl-CoA semialdehyde. BoxC, a 122 kDa homodimeric enzyme (61 kDa subunits), is termed benzoyl-CoA-dihydrodiol lyase. It contains domains characteristic for enoyl-CoA hydratases/isomerases, besides a large central domain with no significant similarity to sequences in the database. The purified protein did not require divalent metals, molecular oxygen or any cosubstrates or coenzymes for activity. The complex reaction is part of a widely distributed new principle of aerobic aromatic metabolism in which all intermediates are coenzyme A thioesters and the actual ring-cleavage reaction does not require molecular oxygen.  相似文献   

The conversion of [(14)C]benzoyl-coenzyme A (CoA) to nonaromatic products in the denitrifying beta-proteobacterium Azoarcus evansii grown anaerobically on benzoate was investigated. With cell extracts and 2-oxoglutarate as the electron donor, benzoyl-CoA reduction occurred at a rate of 10 to 15 nmol min(-1) mg(-1). 2-Oxoglutarate could be replaced by dithionite (200% rate) and by NADPH ( approximately 10% rate); in contrast NADH did not serve as an electron donor. Anaerobic growth on aromatic compounds induced 2-oxoglutarate:acceptor oxidoreductase (KGOR), which specifically reduced NADP(+), and NADPH:acceptor oxidoreductase. KGOR was purified by a 76-fold enrichment. The enzyme had a molecular mass of 290 +/- 20 kDa and was composed of three subunits of 63 (gamma), 62 (alpha), and 37 (beta) kDa in a 1:1:1 ratio, suggesting an (alphabetagamma)(2) composition. The native enzyme contained Fe (24 mol/mol of enzyme), S (23 mol/mol), flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD; 1.4 mol/mol), and thiamine diphosphate (0.95 mol/mol). KGOR from A. evansii was highly specific for 2-oxoglutarate as the electron donor and accepted both NADP(+) and oxidized viologens as electron acceptors; in contrast NAD(+) was not reduced. These results suggest that benzoyl-CoA reduction is coupled to the complete oxidation of the intermediate acetyl-CoA in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Electrons generated by KGOR can be transferred to both oxidized ferredoxin and NADP(+), depending on the cellular needs. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis revealed that the open reading frames for the three subunits of KGOR are similar to three adjacently located open reading frames in Bradyrhizobium japonicum. We suggest that these genes code for a very similar three-subunit KGOR, which may play a role in nitrogen fixation. The alpha-subunit is supposed to harbor one FAD molecule, two [4Fe-4S] clusters, and the NADPH binding site; the beta-subunit is supposed to harbor one thiamine diphosphate molecule and one further [4Fe-4S] cluster; and the gamma-subunit is supposed to harbor the CoA binding site. This is the first study of an NADP(+)-specific KGOR. A similar NADP(+)-specific pyruvate oxidoreductase, which contains all domains in one large subunit, has been reported for the mitochondrion of the protist Euglena gracilis and the apicomplexan Cryptosporidium parvum.  相似文献   

BoxA is the reductase component of the benzoyl-coenzyme A (CoA) oxidizing epoxidase enzyme system BoxAB. The enzyme catalyzes the key step of an hitherto unknown aerobic, CoA-dependent pathway of benzoate metabolism, which is the epoxidation of benzoyl-CoA to the non-aromatic 2,3-epoxybenzoyl-CoA. The function of BoxA is the transfer of two electrons from NADPH to the epoxidase component BoxB. We could show recently that BoxB is a diiron enzyme, whereas here we demonstrate that BoxA harbors an FAD and two [4Fe-4S] clusters per protein monomer. The characterization of BoxA was hampered by severe oxygen sensitivity; the cubane [4Fe-4S] clusters degrade already with traces of oxygen. Interestingly, the adventitiously formed [3Fe-4S] centers could be reconstituted in vitro by adding Fe(II) and sulfide to retrieve the native cubane centers. BoxA is the first example of a reductase of this type that has an FAD and two bacterial ferredoxin-type [4Fe-4S] clusters. In other cases within the catalytically versatile family of diiron enzymes, the related reductases have plant-type ferredoxin or Rieske-type [2Fe-2S] centers only.  相似文献   

A bacterium, strain 22Lin, was isolated on cyclohexane-1,2-diol as sole electron donor and carbon source and nitrate as electron acceptor. Cells are motile rods and are facultatively anaerobic. A phylogenetic comparison based on the total 16S rRNA gene sequence allowed the assignment of the isolate to the genus Azoarcus. Cyclohexanol, cyclohexanone, cyclohexane-1,3-diol, and cyclohexane-1,3-dione, which are oxidized by a different denitrifying strain, did not support denitrifying growth of isolate 22Lin. On the contrary, cyclohexanol (I50 = 37 μM) and cyclohexanone (I50 = 28 μM) inhibited growth on cyclohexane-1,2-diol, but not on acetate. NAD was reduced by crude extracts of strain 22Lin in the presence of cyclohexane-1,2-dione, but not in the presence of cyclohexanone or cyclohexane-1,3-dione. The formation of 6-oxohexanoate from cyclohexane-1,2-dione and of adipate during NAD reduction suggests that strain 22Lin possesses a carbon–carbon hydrolase that transforms cyclohexane-1,2-dione into 6-oxohexanoate. This pathway was once observed in an aerobic pseudomonad that was lost and could not be reisolated. Here, the application of strictly anoxic enrichment conditions enabled the reisolation of another strain (22Lin) that uses this pathway. Received: 3 February 1997 / Accepted: 12 May 1997  相似文献   

Benzoate, a strategic intermediate in aerobic aromatic metabolism, is metabolized in various bacteria via an unorthodox pathway. The intermediates of this pathway are coenzyme A (CoA) thioesters throughout, and ring cleavage is nonoxygenolytic. The fate of the ring cleavage product 3,4-dehydroadipyl-CoA semialdehyde was studied in the beta-proteobacterium Azoarcus evansii. Cell extracts contained a benzoate-induced, NADP(+)-specific aldehyde dehydrogenase, which oxidized this intermediate. A postulated putative long-chain aldehyde dehydrogenase gene, which might encode this new enzyme, is located on a cluster of genes encoding enzymes and a transport system required for aerobic benzoate oxidation. The gene was expressed in Escherichia coli, and the maltose-binding protein-tagged enzyme was purified and studied. It is a homodimer composed of 54 kDa (without tag) subunits and was confirmed to be the desired 3,4-dehydroadipyl-CoA semialdehyde dehydrogenase. The reaction product was identified by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy as the corresponding acid 3,4-dehydroadipyl-CoA. Hence, the intermediates of aerobic benzoyl-CoA catabolic pathway recognized so far are benzoyl-CoA; 2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxybenzoyl-CoA; 3,4-dehydroadipyl-CoA semialdehyde plus formate; and 3,4-dehydroadipyl-CoA. The further metabolism is thought to lead to 3-oxoadipyl-CoA, the intermediate at which the conventional and the unorthodox pathways merge.  相似文献   

Summary The benzoate metabolism of Aspergillus niger was studied as part of a design to clone the benzoate-4-hydroxylase gene of this fungus on the basis of complementation. Filtration enrichment techniques yielded mutants defective for different steps of benzoate degradation: bph (benzoate-4-hydroxylase), phh (4-hydroxybenzoate-3-hydroxylase) and prc (protocatechuate ring cleavage) mutants. In this way the degradation pathway for benzoate, involving the formation of 4-hydroxybenzoate and 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate has been confirmed. In addition a mutant sensitive to benzoate has been found. Complementation tests in somatic diploids showed that the bph mutants belonged to two complementation groups. The major group is probably defective in the structural gene (bphA). All phh mutants tested belonged to one complementation group. The prc mutants could be divided into several groups on the basis of their growth on different aromatic substrates and on the basis of the complementation test. The phh and both bph mutations are shown to be located on different chromosomes.Offprint requests to: C. J. Bos  相似文献   

The sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfococcus multivorans uses various aromatic compounds as sources of cell carbon and energy. In this work, we studied the initial steps in the aromatic metabolism of this strictly anaerobic model organism. An ATP-dependent benzoate coenzyme A (CoA) ligase (AMP plus PPi forming) composed of a single 59-kDa subunit was purified from extracts of cells grown on benzoate. Specific activity was highest with benzoate and some benzoate derivatives, whereas aliphatic carboxylic acids were virtually unconverted. The N-terminal amino acid sequence showed high similarities with benzoate CoA ligases from Thauera aromatica and Azoarcus evansii. When cultivated on benzoate, cells strictly required selenium and molybdenum, whereas growth on nonaromatic compounds, such as cyclohexanecarboxylate or lactate, did not depend on the presence of the two trace elements. The growth rate on benzoate was half maximal with 1 nM selenite present in the growth medium. In molybdenum- and/or selenium-depleted cultures, growth on benzoate could be induced by addition of the missing trace elements. In extracts of cells grown on benzoate in the presence of [75Se]selenite, three radioactively labeled proteins with molecular masses of approximately 100, 30, and 27 kDa were detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis. The 100- and 30-kDa selenoproteins were 5- to 10-fold induced in cells grown on benzoate compared to cells grown on lactate. These results suggest that the dearomatization process in D. multivorans is not catalyzed by the ATP-dependent Fe-S enzyme benzoyl-CoA reductase as in facultative anaerobes but rather involves unknown molybdenum- and selenocysteine-containing proteins.  相似文献   

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