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The crystal structure of C-phycocyanin, a light-harvesting phycobiliprotein from cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) Spirulina platensis has been solved by molecular replacement technique. The crystals belong to space group P2(1) with cell parameters a = 107.20, b = 115.40, c = 183.04 A; beta = 90.2 degrees. The structure has been refined to a crystallographic R factor of 19.2% (R(free) = 23.9%) using the X-ray diffraction data extending up to 2.2 A resolution. The asymmetric unit of the crystal cell consists of two (alphabeta)6-hexamers, each hexamer being the functional unit in the native antenna rod of cyanobacteria. The molecular structure resembles that of other reported C-phycocyanins. However, the unique form of aggregation of two (alphabeta)6-hexamers in the crystal asymmetric unit, suggests additional pathways of energy transfer in lateral direction between the adjacent hexamers involving beta155 phycocyanobilin chromophores.  相似文献   

Quasielastic neutron scattering measurements of dry and 35% D2O hydrated amorphous protein powder of C-phycocyanin were made as a function of temperature ranging from 313K down to 100K. The protein is grown from blue-green algae cultured in D2O and is deuterated up to 99%. The scattering is thus dominated by coherent scattering. Within the best energy resolution of the time-of-flight instrument, which is 28 mueV FWHM, the scattering appears entirely elastic. For this reason we are able to extract a coherent Debye-Waller factor by making an independent measurement of the static structure factor. We observe a considerable difference in the q dependence of the Debye-Waller factor between the dry and hydrated proteins; furthermore, there is an interesting temperature dependence of the Debye-Waller factor that is quite different from that predicted for dense hard-sphere liquids.  相似文献   

The molecular understanding of protein stabilization by the disaccharide trehalose in extreme temperature or hydration conditions is still debated. In the present study, we investigated the role of trehalose on the dynamics of the protein C-phycocyanin (C-PC) by neutron scattering. To single out the motions of C-PC hydrogen (H) atoms in various trehalose/water environments, measurements were performed in deuterated trehalose and heavy water (D(2)O). We report that trehalose decreases the internal C-PC dynamics, as shown by a reduced diffusion coefficient of protein H atoms. By fitting the Elastic Incoherent Structure Factor-which gives access to the "geometry" of the internal proton motions-with the model of diffusion inside a sphere, we found that the presence of trehalose induces a significantly higher proportion of immobile C-PC hydrogens. We investigated, by elastic neutron scattering, the mean square displacements (MSDs) of deuterated trehalose/D(2)O-embedded C-PC as a function of temperature in the range of 40-318 K. Between 40 and approximately 225 K, harmonic MSDs of C-PC are slightly smaller in samples containing trehalose. Above a transition temperature of approximately 225 K, we observed anharmonic motions in all trehalose/water-coated C-PC samples. In the hydrated samples, MSDs are not significantly changed by addition of 15% trehalose but are slightly reduced by 30% trehalose. In opposition, no dynamical transition was detected in dry trehalose-embedded C-PC, whose hydrogen motions remain harmonic up to 318 K. These results suggest that a role of trehalose would be to stabilize proteins by inhibiting some fluctuations at the origin of protein unfolding and denaturation.  相似文献   

Cytochrome b5 was reconstituted with a highly deuterated phospholipid to form ordered multilayers consisting of repeated centrosymmetric pairs of asymmetric lipid-protein bilayers. Lamellar neutron diffraction data were collected to approximately 29 A resolution, and have been interpreted using models for the interaction of the membrane-binding domain of cytochrome b5 with the lipid bilayer. A range of different models was examined, and those in which the protein penetrates well into the bilayer, possibly spanning it, are favored.  相似文献   

Results are presented from Z-pinch experiments performed in the S-300 facility (Kurchatov Institute) at a maximum current of 2 MA and current rise time of 100 ns. The Z-pinch load was a 1-cm-long 1-cmdiameter cylindrical array made of 40 tungsten wires with a total mass of 160 μg, at the axis of which a 100-μm-diameter (CD2) n deuterated fiber was installed. Hard X-ray and neutron signals were recorded using five scintillation detectors oriented in one radial and two axial directions. The maximum neutron yield from the DD reaction reached 3 × 109 neutrons per shot. The average neutron energy was determined from time-of-flight measurements and Monte Carlo simulations under the assumption that the neutron emission time was independent of the neutron energy. The average neutron energy in different experiments was found to vary within the range 2.5–2.7 MeV. The fact that the average neutron energy was higher than 2.45 MeV (the energy corresponding to the DD reaction) is attributed to the beam-target collisional mechanism for the acceleration of deuterons to 100–500 keV.  相似文献   

Strategy for a protein purification design using C-phycocyanin extract   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A variety of techniques have been developed for the separation and recovery of proteins. The cost of purifying the product is frequently determined by the desired quality of the final product, which is evaluated by measuring the purity. In this work the design of a protein purification process for C-phycocyanin, a phycobiliprotein that can be used in the food and medical industries, was established. The study evaluated the use of ammonium sulfate precipitation, ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration to purify C-phycocyanin in a variety of sequences. The final design included the C-phycocyanin extraction step, precipitation with ammonium sulfate and ion exchange chromatography. When the elution step was studied, the kind of elution and pH were considered in order to obtain a product with a final purity of 4.0 with a purification factor of 6.35, so that, at the end of the strategy, C-phycocyanin of analytical grade would be obtained.  相似文献   

Galdieria phlegrea is a polyextremophilic red alga belonging to Cyanidiophyceae. Galdieria phlegrea C-phycocyanin (GpPC), an abundant light-harvesting pigment with an important role in energy capture and transfer to photosystems, is the C-phycocyanin (C-PC) with the highest thermal stability described so far. GpPC also presents interesting antioxidant and anticancer activities. The X-ray structure of the protein was here solved. GpPC is a [(αβ)3]2 hexamer, with the phycocyanobilin chromophore attached to Cys84α, Cys82β and Cys153β. Details of geometry and interaction with solvent of the chromophores are reported. Comparison with the structure of a C-PC in the entire Porphyridium purpureum phycobilisome system reveals that linker polypeptides have a significant effect on the local structure of the chromophores environment. Comparative analyses with the structures of other purified C-PCs, which were carried out including re-refined models of G. sulphuraria C-PC, reveal that GpPC presents a significantly higher number of inter-trimer salt bridges. Notably, the higher number of salt bridges at the (αβ)3/(αβ)3 interface is not due to an increased number of charged residues in this region, but to subtle conformational variations of their side chains, which are the result of mutations of close polar and non-polar residues.  相似文献   

The possibility that c-phycocyanin serves as a nitrogen source in Spirulina platensis during nitrogen starvation was studied. The following evidence was obtained in support of this idea. 1. Under favourable conditions for growth, c-phycocyanin existed in large excess in the algal cells. 2. When the supply of nitrogen was low, about 30–50% of the c-phycocyanin disappeared without any effect on the maximal growth rate. 3. A culture which was deprived of nitrogen continued to grow unaffectedly for a period, the duration of which depended on the c-phycocyanin content in the cell before nitrogen starvation was initiated. 4. c-phycocyanin was the only nitrogenous compound that was depleted during the course of nitrogen starvation when growth was yet unaffected. 5. When protein synthesis was inhibited either by nitrogen starvation or by methionine sulfoximine (MSO), phycocyanin content began to decline immediately and growth continued at normal rates as long as c-phycocyanin did not decline below 50%. 6. The decrease in c-phycocyanin content during nitrogen starvation was accompanied by an increase in proteolytic activity.  相似文献   

The conversion of solar radiation to chemical energy by photosynthetic organisms provides the primary driving force for life on earth. Light energy is captured by a variety of pigments, usually bound to proteins, which vary with different types of organisms. We report here the 1.45 A resolution three-dimensional structure of one such pigment protein, C-phycocyanin, from Synechococcus elongatus. The structure is at the highest resolution achieved for any such phycobiliprotein. This level of resolution was made possible by implementing a novel crystallization method whereby nucleation is decoupled from subsequent growth, by incubating crystallizing drops for 7h under nucleation conditions and then transferring them to metastable conditions for growth. This is done without touching the crystallization drops throughout the process.  相似文献   

Reversible denaturation of C-phycocyanin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The amount of 11s aggregate in phycocyanin, normally stimulated by hydrophobic forces, is dramatically increased by the presence of deuterium oxide. Proteins in which hydrophobic forces are not proposed as a mechanism for aggregation are unaffected by deuterium oxide. These observations are consistent with the lower critical micelle concentration reported for ionic detergents in deuterium oxide. Phycocyanin samples containing a majority of material sedimenting faster than 11s were also investigated in the presence of deuterium oxide with the following findings: the most rapidly sedimenting species in water buffer is 24s; in deuterium oxide more than 10% of the protein sediments at 67s and substantial amounts of other species with sedimentation coefficients larger than 24s are present. These large quantities of species sedimenting faster than 24s are found in deuterium oxide buffers from pD5.5 to 7.0. Sucrose-density-gradient studies in deuterium oxide at pD6.0 confirm the presence of large amounts of more rapidly sedimenting species. Spectrophotometric studies on fractions from the sucrose-density-gradient experiments indicate with the presence of higher aggregates a red shift of the visible-absorption maximum and an enhancement of the E(620)/E(280) ratio. Fluorescence-emission studies show a greater relative fluorescence efficiency for these higher aggregates and are consistent with the suggested enhancement of higher aggregates in deuterium oxide. The existence of phycocyanin aggregates of such a large size is suggested to be of importance in vivo, with phycocyanin playing a role as a structural protein.  相似文献   

Elucidating protein structure in amorphous solids is central to the rational design of stable lyophilized protein drugs. Hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry was applied to lyophilized powders containing calmodulin (17 kDa) and exposed to D(2)O vapor at controlled relative humidity (RH) and temperature. H/D exchange was influenced by RH and by the inclusion of calcium chloride and/or trehalose in the solid. The effects were not exhibited uniformly along the protein backbone but occurred in a site-specific manner, with calcium primarily influencing the calcium-binding loops and trehalose primarily influencing the alpha-helices. The results demonstrate that the method can provide quantitative and site-specific structural information on proteins in amorphous solids and on changes in structure induced by protein cofactors and formulation excipients. Such information is not readily available with other techniques used to characterize proteins in the solid state, such as Fourier transform infrared, Raman, and near-infrared spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Cleavage of phycocyanobilin from C-phycocyanin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The effect of a number of inorganic anions on the quaternary structure of C-phycocyanin has been investigated by fluorescence polarization. Dissociation to monomer occurred in the order: SCN > ClO4 > NO3 > Br > Cl. These results suggest that hydrophobic interactions are important in the hexamer-monomer equilibrium of C-phycocyanin.  相似文献   

An efficient total synthesis of 1,5-di(trideuteromethyl)protoporphyrin-IX (3) dimethyl ester from monopyrrole precursors is described, the synthesis proceeding through crystalline tripyrrene and a,c-biladiene salt intermediates. The 2- and 4-vinyl groups in (3) are formed from the corresponding (2-chloroethyl) substituents by way of base-promoted dehydrochlorination. In protio solvents, this synthetic step is shown to exchange out preferentially deuterons in the 1-methyl group, and this observation is exploited in an efficient synthesis of the 1,3-di(trideuteromethyl)protoporphyrin-IX (22) dimethyl ester from 2,4-diacetyldeuteroporphyrin-IX (20) dimethyl ester (which is in turn accessible from commercially available protoporphyrin-IX (5)). Thus, basic exchange in deuterated solvent of (20) gives the deuterated analog, which after reduction and dehydration gives the 1,3-di(trideuteromethyl)protoporphyrin-IX analog (22), in which the vinyl H2 and propionic CH2·CO functions have also become deuterated.  相似文献   

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