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Abstract: There are three major breeding populations of southern elephant seals centered on Macquarie Island, Kerguelen-Heard Islands and South Georgia-Antarctic Peninsula. The composition of the diet differs between these populations based on published data from Signy Island and data presented here from Macquarie and Heard Islands. These differences in diet appear to be linked to the location at which seals were sampled ranging from the least Antarctic (Macquarie Island) to the most Antarctic (Signy Island). The major food remains consisted of cephalopod beaks and fish eye lenses. More benthic material was found at Heard Island than at Macquarie Island. The diet at Macquarie Island differed between summer and winter and between young animals and adults. The difficulty in collecting dietary samples of southern elephant seals near their main foraging areas makes the study of the feeding ecology of this species extremely difficult in comparison with other Southern Ocean species.  相似文献   

The extent of genetic variation and dispersal mechanisms were investigated over short distances of 1–100 m, and up to 3 km, by the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique, for the moss Sarconeurum glaciale , at three locations on Ross Island, Antarctica. At Arrival Heights, genetic variation occurred within single colonies, and the relationships between clumps indicated that they were dispersed down small, meltwater drainage channels by water. The genetic similarities between the colonies from Arrival Heights and others from Scott Base and Crater Hill, a few km away, together with the prevailing wind direction and absence of this moss in the intervening snow-covered area, suggested longer-distance dispersal by wind. Overall, the Ross Island samples appeared to form a single, polymorphic population that was distinct from another population at Canada Glacier, 110 km distant. Somatic mutation, rather than immigration of genetically different propagules from elsewhere, appeared to be the most probable cause of genetic variability in these haploid, vegetatively reproducing Antarctic moss populations. Initiation of recolonization of S. glaciale across a dirt track at Arrival Heights was also investigated by RAPDs, to investigate how regrowth of mosses in disturbed areas occurred in the extreme environment of Antarctica.  相似文献   

Commercial sealing in the 18th and 19th centuries had a major impact on the Antarctic and subantarctic fur seal populations (Arctocephalus gazella and A. tropicalis) in the Southern Ocean. The intensive and unrestricted nature of the industry ensured substantial reductions in population sizes and resulted in both species becoming locally extinct at some sites. However, both species are continuing to recover, through the recolonization of islands across their former range and increasing population size. This study investigated the extent and pattern of genetic variation in each species to examine the hypothesis that higher levels of historic sealing in A. gazella have resulted in a greater loss of genetic variability and population structure compared with A. tropicalis. A 316-bp section of the mitochondrial control region was sequenced and revealed nucleotide diversities of 3.2% and 4.8% for A. gazella and A. tropicalis, respectively. There was no geographical distribution of lineages observed within either species, although the respective PhiST values of 0.074 and 0.19 were significantly greater than zero. These data indicate low levels of population structure in A. gazella and relatively high levels in A. tropicalis. Additional samples screened with restriction endonucleases were incorporated, and the distribution of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and sequence haplotypes were examined to identify the main source populations of newly recolonized islands. For A. tropicalis, the data suggest that Macquarie Island and Iles Crozet were probably recolonized by females from Marion Island, and to a lesser extent Ile Amsterdam. Although there was less population structure within A. gazella, there were two geographical regions identified: a western region containing the populations of South Georgia and Bouvetoya, which were the probable sources for populations at Marion, the South Shetland and Heard Islands; and an eastern region containing the panmictic populations of Iles Kerguelen and Macquarie Island. The latter region may be a result of a pronounced founder effect, or represent a remnant population that survived sealing at Iles Kerguelen.  相似文献   

Sixty-six isolates of the moss Sarconeurum glaciale were collected from sites in continental Antarctica at Ross Island, southern Victoria Land and the Vestfold Hills. Genetic variation within and among the populations was estimated using isozymes and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technology. Isozyme results only reproducibly showed variation between the populations with one enzyme; RAPDs indicated significantly higher levels of genetic variability within and among the Vestfold Hills samples than in the Ross Sea region samples. A dendrogram produced from the RAPD bands suggested that the Ross Island and southern Victoria Land samples form one population, and those from the Vestfold Hills form a separate and more variable population, possibly resulting from separate colonisation events on the continent. Received: 15 March 1996 / Accepted: 1 May 1997  相似文献   

The RAPD technique (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) was used to assess the level of genetic diversity in Bryum pseudotriquetrum from Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Isolates were collected from two transects, and from several other geographically distinct populations within 150 km of Ross Island. Moss growth in one transect, sampled down a small exposed meltstream channel at Cape Chocolate, was very sparse with no other moss colonies found within several hundred meters. Isolates from this transect showed low levels of genetic variation, with many moss clumps appearing identical; these were probably dispersed by water along the channel. In another transect analysed from Granite Harbour, the moss colonies were large, luxuriant and protected by boulders. These isolates showed considerably higher levels of genetic variability than the Cape Chocolate samples, and both within- and between-clump variation was observed. Samples from other sites showed varying levels of genetic diversity. It appears from these results that the degree of protection from the harsh Antarctic environment can influence not only the type of moss growth, but also the level of genetic diversity. Evidence is presented for both short-distance dispersal by water and long-distance dispersal by wind. Received: 29 December 1997 / Accepted: 10 April 1998  相似文献   

The mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari Lönnberg E (1905) The Fishes of the Swedish South Polar Expedition. Wiss. Ergebnisse Schwedische Südpol- Exped. 1901–1903, vol 5, p 37 is widely distributed south of the Antarctic convergence and over shelf areas surrounding sub-Antarctic Islands. In order to evaluate global population structure in this species, we examined DNA sequence variation in four mitochondrial regions and four nuclear genes in icefish from four locations in the Atlantic Ocean sector and one location in the Indian Ocean. Despite small sample sizes, mitochondrial and nuclear gene data indicated the existence of at least three genetically distinct stocks: Heard Island, South Shetland Islands, and the remaining Atlantic populations (Shag Rocks, South Georgia, and Bouvet Island). The mitochondrial and nuclear SNP markers developed here will be useful for more extensive analyses of population structure in this species.  相似文献   

The continental coasts and remote islands in the high-latitude Southern Hemisphere, including the subantarctic region, are characterized by many endemic species, high abundance of taxa, and intermediate levels of biodiversity. The macroalgal flora of these locations has received relatively little attention. Filamentous green algae are prolific in the intertidal of southern islands, but the taxonomy, distribution, and evolutionary history of these taxa are yet to be fully explored, mostly due to the difficulty of access to some of these locations. In this study, we examined specimens of the order Cladophorales from various locations in the high-latitude Southern Hemisphere including the subantarctic (the Auckland Islands, Bounty Islands, Campbell Island, Macquarie Island, and Kerguelen Islands), as well as mainland New Zealand, the Chatham Islands, Chile, and Tasmania. The analyses of the rDNA sequences of the samples revealed the existence of two new clades in a phylogeny of the Cladophoraceae. One of these clades is described as the novel genus Vandenhoekia gen. nov., which contains three species that are branched or unbranched. The amended genus Rama is reinstated to accommodate the other clade, and contains four species, including the Northern Hemisphere “Cladophora rupestris.” In Rama both branched and unbranched morphologies are found. It is remarkable that gross morphology is not a predictor for generic affiliations in these algae. This study illustrates that much can still be learned about diversity in the Cladophorales and highlights the importance of new collections, especially in novel locations.  相似文献   

Summary The adult sizes and reproductive capabilities of populations of the cladoceran Daphniopsis studeri Rühe from freshwater and slightly saline lakes in the Vestfold Hills, Princess Elizabeth Land were monitored during December, 1990. The population of Crooked Lake was studied in detail from July 1990–March 1991. Limited samples were also obtained from Heard Island (sub Antarctic). Obligate parthenogenesis involving the production of subitaneous eggs appears to be the case. No males occurred. The overwintering populations of continental Antarctica consist mainly of adult females containing extensive fat reserves. The main reproductive effort occurs in spring. some females produce a smaller second brood during the summer. Reproductive output increases with adult size which is related to the nutrient status of the lake and its productivity. The Heard Island populations have a higher weight to length ratio than the Vestfold populations and have a much greater reproductive output.  相似文献   

Historically, king penguin populations on Macquarie Island have suffered greatly from human exploitation. Two large colonies on the island were drastically reduced to a single small colony as a result of harvesting for the blubber oil industry. However, recent conservation efforts have resulted in the king penguin population expanding in numbers and range to recolonize previous as well as new sites. Ancient DNA methods were used to estimate past genetic diversity and combined with studies of modern populations, we are now able to compare past levels of variation with extant populations on northern Macquarie Island. The ancient and modern populations are closely related and show a similar level of genetic diversity. These results suggest that the king penguin population has recovered past genetic diversity in just 80 years owing to conservation efforts, despite having seen the brink of extinction.  相似文献   

There are relatively few studies examining the latitudinal distribution of polar, subantarctic and temperate faunas on the bathyal seafloor across the Southern Ocean. Here, we investigate the relationship between the subantarctic Macquarie Ridge and adjacent regions of Antarctica (including the Ross Sea) and temperate Australia and New Zealand at depths of 200–2,500 m. We study the fauna at two levels of classification (1) morpho-species (MSPs) accepted by taxonomists and (2) evolutionary significant units defined as reciprocally monophyletic clades derived from phylogenies of mitochondrial DNA. The ophiuroid fauna on the Macquarie Ridge has a predominantly temperate origin, with far more MSPs shared with south-eastern Australia (78 % of species) and southern New Zealand (83 %) than neighbouring Antarctic regions (33 %). However, this asymmetry also reflects the relative species richness of these regions. Many species that are shared between Antarctica and the Macquarie Ridge have diverged into distinct mtDNA lineages indicative of a recent barrier to gene flow.  相似文献   

The only known population of the moss Pohlia nutans in continental Antarctica occurs on geothermally heated ground of volcanic Mt. Rittmann in northern Victoria Land. Colonisation by this bryophyte is due to peculiar environmental characteristics of the geothermal ground, because mosses do not normally grow in Antarctica at such elevations. Specimens from several moss patches within two sites of 80 m2 total area were analysed genetically to determine whether they all originated from a single colonisation event, whether the population is genetically diverse, and whether the temperature range of geothermal ground (17-35°C under moss colonies) affects rates of mutation. Both the RAPD technique and DNA sequencing of the conserved nuclear ribosomal RNA 18S-26S ITS region were used to compare this extremely isolated population with specimens of P. nutans from elsewhere in Antarctica. Like the moss Campylopus pyriformis on volcanic Mt. Melbourne, the Pohlia population exhibits low levels of genetic diversity and appears to be derived from a single immigration event followed by vegetative growth, mutation and dispersal.  相似文献   

Commercial sealers exterminated the original fur seal population at Macquarie Island in the early 1800s. The first breeding record since the sealing era was not reported until March 1955. Three species of fur seal now occur at Macquarie Island, the Antarctic (Arctocephalus gazella), subantarctic (A. tropicalis) and New Zealand (A. forsteri) fur seal. Census data from 54 breeding seasons in the period 1954–2007 were used to estimate population status and growth for each species. Between the 1950s and 1970s, annual increases in pup production for the species aggregate were low. Between 1986 and 2007, pup production of Antarctic fur seals increased by about 8.8% per year and subantarctic fur seals by 6.8% per year. The New Zealand fur seal, although the most numerous fur seal species on Macquarie Island, has yet to establish a breeding population, due to the absence of reproductively mature females. Hybridisation among species is significant, but appears to be declining. The slow establishment and growth of fur seal populations on Macquarie Island appears to have been affected by its distance from major population centres and hence low immigration rates, asynchronous colonisation times of males and females of each species, and extensive hybridisation.  相似文献   

Blood samples from southern elephant seals ( Mirounga leonina ) from Heard and Macquarie Islands were surveyed electrophoretically for protein variation. Thirty proteins encoded by a minimum of 35 loci were screened, four of which were found to be polymorphic. Statistically significant differences in allele frequencies were found between the two populations at three loci. Heterozygosity estimates for the Heard and Macquarie island populations were 0.034 ± 0.020 (mean ± standard error) and O.029 ± 0.017 respectively, with a Nei distance of 0.007. The findings suggest that the two populations may have diverged genetically and very limited gene flow exists between the islands, a finding consistent with limited information from mark-recapture studies.  相似文献   

The harsh climate and patchy distribution of habitable terrestrial ecosystems constrain soil invertebrate communities in continental Antarctica. The Windmill Islands in East Antarctica have a relatively gentle climate by Antarctic standards, and the region supports some of the most well-developed moss beds on the continent. These moss beds and soils are known to sustain invertebrate communities dominated by nematodes, rotifers and tardigrades, but our knowledge of the diversity and composition of these communities remains limited. We extracted soil fauna from 74 soil samples representing a wide range of microhabitats, and 24 moss samples, collected at Clark Peninsula, Bailey Peninsula and Robinson Ridge in the Windmill Islands during the 2012–2013 austral summer. Invertebrates were present in all samples, but densities varied considerably both within and between sites with limited correlation with edaphic variables or cover type. Taxa found included two species of nematodes (Plectus murrayi; Plectus frigophilus), one mite (Nanorchestes antarcticus) as well as tardigrades and rotifers (enumerated only). No springtails were found in this study, but individuals of the genus Cryptopygus were later recovered from moss collected near Casey Station. The Windmill Islands soils and moss beds support dense populations of soil fauna. However, despite the relatively mild climate conditions and favorable soil properties, species diversity is low. The diversity is possibly limited by recent deglaciation and limited dispersal opportunities to the region. Given favorable local conditions, it is likely that colonizing species will perform well, whether these arrive by natural means or are accidentally introduced by humans.  相似文献   

Throughout the Southern Hemisphere many terrestrial taxa have circum-Antarctic distributions. This pattern is generally attributed to ongoing dispersal (by wind, water, or migrating birds) or relict Gondwanan distributions. Few of these terrestrial taxa have extant representatives in Antarctica, but such taxa would contribute to our understanding of the evolutionary origins of the continental Antarctic fauna. Either these taxa have survived the harsh climate cooling in Antarctica over the last 23 Myr (Gondwanan/vicariance origin) or they have dispersed there more recently (<2 MYA). In this context, we examined mtDNA (COI) sequence variation in Cryptopygus and related extant Antarctic and subantarctic terrestrial springtails (Collembola). Sequence divergence was estimated under a maximum likelihood model (general time reversible+I+Gamma) between individuals from subantarctic islands, Australia, New Zealand, Patagonia, Antarctic Peninsula, and continental Antarctica. Recent dispersal/colonization (<2 MYA) of Cryptopygus species was inferred between some subantarctic islands, and there was a close association between estimated times of divergences based on a molecular clock and proposed geological ages of islands. Most lineages generally grouped according to geographic proximity or by inferred dispersal/colonization pathways. In contrast, the deep divergences found for the four endemic Antarctic species indicate that they represent a continuous chain of descent dating from the break up of Gondwana to the present. We suggest that the diversification of these springtail species (21-11 MYA) in ice-free glacial refugia throughout the Trans-Antarctic Mountains was caused by the glaciation of the Antarctic continent during the middle to late Miocene.  相似文献   

Poa annua is a cosmopolitan weed in turf grass. It is a widespread non-native species in the subantarctic and also occurs in the Antarctic Peninsula. It has highly variable morphology, longevity and reproductive capacity across both its invaded and native range. Little is known about the ecology of P. annua in the subantarctic, particularly its longevity, morphological variation across small spatial scales and competitive ability. We monitored individual P. annua plants on subantarctic Macquarie Island to assess their longevity; quantified morphology and biomass allocation across environmental gradients; and assessed community diversity indices in areas of varying P. annua density. We show that P. annua plants on Macquarie Island are perennial, and their morphology varies with elevation, animal disturbance and soil properties. At low altitude, coastal sites with high animal disturbance and deep, sandy soils, P. annua plants are larger and native plant diversity is low. Conversely, at high altitude sites P. annua plants are smaller and the diversity of native species is not reduced. This new information informs why P. annua is the most successful plant invader in the subantarctic and quantifies some key characteristics enabling an invasive species to function well beyond its natural range. Community ecology theory can also explain patterns in the ecology of P. annua on Macquarie Island.  相似文献   

Abstract:Thalli of the lichens Buellia frigida and Xanthoria elegans were collected from five different locations each 5–15 km apart in the Vestfold Hills, Princess Elizabeth Land, eastern Antarctica. A further collection was made from Mawson Station, Mac Robertson Land, eastern Antarctica, 660 km away. DNA was extracted from whole thalli and the ribosomal ITS region amplified by PCR using fungal specific primers. Resulting products were sequenced to gain an indication of whether or not variation was present within populations of lichen-forming fungi from continental Antarctica, and therefore of the availability of genetic resources to react to pressures such as climate change. Three genotypes ofB. frigida and two of X. elegans were detected in the Vestfold Hill collections. However, these differed by only one nucleotide position suggesting the presence of relatively little genetic variation, if the ITS region is indicative of the overall genome. Buellia frigida collected from Mawson Station had an identical ITS region sequence to the most common Vestfold Hills genotype, indicating that this species may have a low level of genetic variation across much of eastern Antarctica. In contrast, X. elegans collected from Mawson showed considerable genetic variation from the Vestfolds thalli, differing at 14·2% of nucleotide positions and had an identical ITS region sequence to an isolate from maritime Antarctica 4960 km away. Samples from the Vestfold Hills formed a distinct cluster in a phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequences from a worldwide collection of X. elegans isolates.  相似文献   

Aim The aim here was to assess whether the present‐day assemblage of subantarctic flowering plants is the result of a rapid post‐Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) colonization or whether subantarctic flowering plants survived on the islands in glacial refugia throughout the LGM. Location The circumpolar subantarctic region, comprising six remote islands and island groups between latitudes 46° and 55° S, including South Georgia in the South Atlantic Ocean, the Prince Edward Islands, Îles Crozet, Îles Kerguelen, the Heard Island group in the South Indian Ocean and Macquarie Island in the South Pacific Ocean. Methods Floristic affinities between the subantarctic islands were assessed by cluster analysis applied to an up‐to‐date dataset of the phanerogamic flora in order to test for the existence of provincialism within the subantarctic. A review of the primary literature on the palaeobotany, geology and glacial history of the subantarctic islands was carried out and supplemented with additional palaeobotanical data and new field observations from South Georgia, Île de la Possession (Îles Crozet) and Îles Kerguelen. Results First, a strong regionalism was observed, with different floras characterizing the islands in each of the ocean basins, and endemic species being present in the South Indian Ocean and South Pacific Ocean provinces. Second, the majority of the plant species were present at the onset of accumulation of post‐glacial organic sediment and there is no evidence for the natural arrival of new immigrants during the subsequent period. Third, a review of geomorphological data suggested that the ice cover was incomplete during the LGM on the majority of the islands, and ice‐free biological refugia were probably present even on the most glaciated islands. Main conclusions Several independent lines of evidence favour the survival of a native subantarctic phanerogamic flora in local refugia during the LGM rather than a post‐LGM colonization from more distant temperate landmasses in the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

RAPD analysis was used to examine the extent of genetic polymorphism in two populations of Gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua) from Antarctic Islands (Petermann and Livingston). The chosen two of three 10 mer oligonucleotide primers accordingly to preliminary results showed different levels of polymorphism in Gentoo penguins at Petermann Island (from 23.53 to 42.86%) and Livingston Island (from 52.94 to 57.14%). Nei's similarity coefficients were in range from 0.5606 (when Gentoo genome profiles were compared with RAPD profiles of two related penguin species: Pygoscelis adeliae (Adelie) and Pygoscelis antarctica (Chinstrep)) to 0.9281 among observed Gentoo penguin populations. Nei's distances values ranged from 0.0746 to 0.5787 among the populations and species. The obtained results will be used for further estimation of genetic diversity of Gentoo penguins and determination of their taxonomic status.  相似文献   

Quaternary glaciations in Antarctica drastically modified geographical ranges and population sizes of marine benthic invertebrates and thus affected the amount and distribution of intraspecific genetic variation. Here, we present new genetic information in the Antarctic limpet Nacella concinna, a dominant Antarctic benthic species along shallow ice‐free rocky ecosystems. We examined the patterns of genetic diversity and structure in this broadcast spawner along maritime Antarctica and from the peri‐Antarctic island of South Georgia. Genetic analyses showed that N. concinna represents a single panmictic unit in maritime Antarctic. Low levels of genetic diversity characterized this population; its median‐joining haplotype network revealed a typical star‐like topology with a short genealogy and a dominant haplotype broadly distributed. As previously reported with nuclear markers, we detected significant genetic differentiation between South Georgia Island and maritime Antarctica populations. Higher levels of genetic diversity, a more expanded genealogy and the presence of more private haplotypes support the hypothesis of glacial persistence in this peri‐Antarctic island. Bayesian Skyline plot and mismatch distribution analyses recognized an older demographic history in South Georgia. Approximate Bayesian computations did not support the persistence of N. concinna along maritime Antarctica during the last glacial period, but indicated the resilience of the species in peri‐Antarctic refugia (South Georgia Island). We proposed a model of Quaternary Biogeography for Antarctic marine benthic invertebrates with shallow and narrow bathymetric ranges including (i) extinction of maritime Antarctic populations during glacial periods; (ii) persistence of populations in peri‐Antarctic refugia; and (iii) recolonization of maritime Antarctica following the deglaciation process.  相似文献   

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