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Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase, which is found almost ubiquitously in sperm of invertebrates and vertebrates, supposedly mediates a carbohydrate-based transient sperm-egg coat binding. In ascidians and mammals, beta-hexosaminidase released at fertilization from eggs has been proposed to modify sperm receptor glycoproteins of the egg envelope, thus setting up a block to polyspermy. Previously, it was shown that in potential sperm receptor glycoproteins of the ascidian Phallusia mammillata, N-acetylglucosamine is the prevailing glycoside residue and that the egg harbors three active molecular forms of beta-hexosaminidase. In the present study, P. mammillata beta-hexosaminidase cDNA was isolated from an ovarian cDNA library and characterized. The deduced amino acid sequence showed a high similarity with other known beta-hexosaminidases; however, P. mammillata beta-hexosaminidase had a unique potential N-glycosylation site. A phylogenetic analysis suggested that P. mammillata beta-hexosaminidase developed independently after having branched off from the common ancestor gene of the chordate enzyme before two isoforms of the mammalian enzyme appeared. In situ hybridization revealed stage-specific expression of beta-hexosaminidase mRNA during oogenesis in the oocyte and in the accessory test and follicle cells. This suggests that the three egg beta-hexosaminidase forms are specific for the oocyte, test cells and follicle cells.  相似文献   

Eggs of the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi are activated by insemination and by treatment with calcium ionophore, leading to elevation of the vitelline coat. Here we describe the effects on egg activation of microinjection of guanosine 5'-(γ thio) triphosphate (GTPγS, a non-hydrolyzable GTP analog), heparin (an antagonist of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor) and a monoclonal antibody to the Rho GTP-binding protein. Microinjected GTPγS induced elevation of the vitelline coat, but not when it was co-injected with EGTA or heparin. Pre-injected heparin or the anti-Rho monoclonal antibody blocked subsequent sperm-induced elevation of the vitelline coat, but not calcium ionophore-induced elevation. We also demonstrated that the amount of cytosolic inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate was increased by insemination. These results strongly suggest that the Rho GTP-binding protein functions prior to the heparin-blocked inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor-mediated Ca2+ release in the sperm induced activation process of H. roretzi eggs.  相似文献   

The ascidian egg contains cytoplasmic determinants that specify the fate of larval muscle cells. In a previous study, we developed an experimental system to identify the molecular nature of muscle determinants, in which unfertilized Ciona savignyi eggs were fragmented into four pieces by centrifugation. When inseminated, only nucleated fragments (red fragments) develop into partial embryos that only show differentiation of epidermal cells. One type of enucleated fragment (black fragment) has the remarkable ability to promote muscle differentiation when fused with red fragments. In the present study, using this experimental system, we investigated the molecular nature of muscle determinants. UV irradiation of black fragments suppressed the ability to promote expression of the muscle-specific protein, myosin heavy chain. The wavelength of UV light responsible for the inactivation (250–275 nm) suggested that UV-sensitive targets are nucleic acids. Injection of poly(A)+ RNA isolated from an un-irradiated black-fragment-rich fraction into UV-irradiated black fragments partially recovered the ability to promote the expression of myosin heavy chain protein. Poly(A)+ RNA from a red-fragment-rich fraction did not rescue the suppression of UV-irradiated black fragments. These results suggest that maternal mRNAs enriched in black fragments are closely associated with muscle determinants in the ascidian egg.  相似文献   

In the ascidian embryo, a fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-like signal from presumptive endoderm blastomeres between the 32-cell and early 64-cell stages induces the formation of notochord and mesenchyme cells. However, it has not been known whether endogenous FGF signaling is involved in the process. Here it is shown that 64-cell embryos exhibit a marked increase in endogenous extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK/MAPK) activity. The increase in ERK activity was reduced by treatment with an FGF receptor 1 inhibitor, SU5402, and a MEK (ERK kinase/MAPKK) inhibitor, U0126. Both drugs blocked the formation of notochord and mesenchyme when embryos were treated at the 32-cell stage, but not at the 2- or 110-cell stages. The dominant-negative form of Ras also suppressed notochord and mesenchyme formation. Both inhibitors suppressed induction by exogenous basic FGF. These results suggest that the FGF signaling cascade is indeed necessary for the formation of notochord and mesenchyme cells during ascidian embryogenesis. It is also shown that FGF signaling is required for formation of the secondary notochord, secondary muscle and neural tissues, and at least ERK activity is necessary for the formation of trunk lateral cells and posterior endoderm. Therefore, FGF and MEK signaling are required for the formation of various tissues in the ascidian embryo.  相似文献   

Morphological changes in the tunic layers and migration of the test cells during swimming period in the larva of the ascidian, Ciona intestinalis , were observed by light and electron microscopy. The swimming period was divided into three stages. In stage 1, further formation of juvenile tunic layer started only in the larval trunk and neck region. In stage 2, the layer became swollen in the ventral and dorsal sides of the neck region and in stage 3, the swelling expanded backward. Concomitantly with these changes, the outermost larval tunic layer (outer cuticular layer), which had been formed before hatching, also swelled in the neck region in stage 2 and formed two humps in stage 3, although the layer did not change in the tail region during the swimming period. Test cells that were present over the entire larval tunic layer in stage 1 began to move from the surface of the fin toward that of the side of the body in stage 2, and finally gathered to form six bands running radially from the anterior end to the posterior end of the trunk region and aligned along the lateral sides of body in the tail region in stage 3. In electron microscopic observations, pseudopodia protruding from the test cells invaded the larval tunic, following which they extended proximate to the juvenile tunic in the trunk region. In the tail region, which had no juvenile tunic layer as that described, the pseudopodia invaded and remained adjacent to the surface of the epidermis or the sensory cilia protruded from the epidermis. Metamorphosis of the larvae, further tunic formation, degradation of adhesive papilla, attachment of larva to the substratum and tail resorption commenced after these morphological changes occurred. The possible role of the test cells in metamorphosis is discussed.  相似文献   

In the initial stage of ascidian fertilization sequential sperm–egg coat interactions assure successful species-specific fertilization. Sperm recognize, bind to, and then penetrate the egg investment that consists of follicle cells (FC) and an acellular vitelline coat (VC). To identify plasma proteins that recognize the egg coat, a membrane fraction was prepared from Phallusia mammillata sperm using nitrogen cavitation followed by three centrifugation steps. The purity of the membrane fractions was assessed by transmission electron microscopy and marker enzymes. Comparison of the electrophoretic pattern of sperm extracellular membrane domains labeled by radio-iodination or biotinylation and recorded by autoradiography or enhanced chemiluminescence, respectively, showed the non-radioactive procedure to be a convenient and efficient method. Isolated sperm membrane components were found to inhibit fertilization in a concentration-dependent manner and to bind mainly to the FC. Eggs were used as an affinity matrix to determine which of the solubilized sperm membrane proteins possess egg-binding activity. Three biotinylated proteins (66kDa, 120kDa and 140kDa) were found to bind to the VC. Assays probing heterospecific binding to Ascidia mentula eggs revealed that the 120kDa protein possesses species-specific binding activity. Thus, the current data suggest the 120 kDa sperm membrane protein as a candidate adhesion molecule with a possible role in gamete binding and species-specific recognition in P. mammillata .  相似文献   

 Cytoplasmic determinants that specify the fate of endoderm, muscle and epidermis cells are known to be localized in specific areas of fertilized eggs of ascidians. The presence of such cytoplasmic determinants in unfertilized eggs was demonstrated in previous studies, but no information has yet been proved about their distribution. To investigate the distribution of cytoplasmic determinants in unfertilized eggs, we devised a method for distinguishing the polarity of unfertilized eggs using vital staining and we performed cytoplasmic-transfer experiments by fusing blastomeres and cytoplasmic fragments from various identified regions of unfertilized eggs. Cytoplasmic fragments, that contained cortical and subcortical material, from five different positions along the animal-vegetal axis were prepared, and they were fused with a4.2 (presumptive-epidermis) or A4.1 (non-epidermis) blastomeres. The ectopic development of endoderm, muscle and epidermis cells that was promoted by the transplanted cytoplasm was assessed by examining the expression of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), myosin and epidermis-specific antigen, respectively. Differentiation of endoderm and muscle was observed at higher frequencies as cytoplasmic fragments closer to the vegetal pole were transplanted. Conversely, formation of epidermis was observed at higher frequencies as cytoplasmic fragments closer to the animal pole were transplanted. The results suggest that, in cortical and subcortical regions of unfertilized ascidian eggs, endoderm and muscle determinants are widely distributed along a gradient, with maximum activity at the vegetal pole, whilst epidermis determinants are also distributed along a gradient but with maximum activity at the animal pole. Recieved: 10 June 1996 / Accepted: 12 September 1996  相似文献   

Mitochondrial large ribosomal RNA (mtlrRNA) is transferred out of mitochondria and associates with germinal granules in Drosophila and Xenopus embryos. It has been revealed that mtlrRNA outside of mitochondria is required for formation of the germ-line progenitor, or pole cells in Drosophila. In the present study, the distribution of mtlrRNA was examined in embryos of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi, during cleavage stages by whole-mount in situ hybridization. Until the 4-cell stage, the distribution of mtlrRNA coincided with that of mitochondria. which are localized to the cortical cytoplasm in the posterior region of the embryos. Both mitochondria and mtlrRNA were preferentially partitioned into muscle-lineage blastomeres during cleavage stages. After the 8-cell stage, a discrepancy in intracellular localization of mitochondria and mtlrRNA became evident. Mitochondria translocated into central yolkless cytoplasm, while mtlrRNA remained in the posterior cortex in the posterior muscle-lineage b astomeres. The significance of the cortical localization of mtlrRNA in muscle precursor cells in ascidian embryos is obscure. However, the results suggest that mtlrRNA is also transferred out of mitochondria in early ascidian embryos and may play some roles in developmental processes.  相似文献   

The generation of distinct classes of motor neurons underlies the development of complex motile behavior in all animals and is well characterized in chordates. Recent molecular studies indicate that the ascidian larval central nervous system (CNS) exhibits anteroposterior regionalization similar to that seen in the vertebrate CNS. To extend the understanding about the diversity of motor neurons in the ascidian larva, we have identified the number, position, and projection of individual motor neurons in Halocynthia roretzi, using a green fluorescent protein under the control of a neuron-specific promoter. Three pairs of motor neurons, each with a distinct shape and innervation pattern, were identified along the anteroposterior axis of the neural tube: the anterior and posterior pairs extend their axons toward dorsal muscle cells, whereas the middle pair project their axons toward ventral muscle. Overexpression of a dominant-negative form of a potassium channel in these cells resulted in paralysis on the injected side, thus these cells must constitute the major population of motor neurons responsible for swimming behavior. Lim class homeobox genes have been known as candidate genes that determine subtypes of motor neurons. Therefore, the expression pattern of Hrlim, which is a Lim class homeobox gene, was examined in the motor neuron precursors. All three motor neurons expressed Hrlim at the tailbud stage, although each down-regulated Hrlim at a different time. Misexpression of Hrlim in the epidermal lineage led to ectopic expression of TuNa2, a putative voltage-gated channel gene normally expressed predominantly in the three pairs of motor neurons. Hrlim may control membrane excitability of motor neurons by regulating ion channel gene expression.  相似文献   

Cortical deformation and polar body extrusion are the principal events that occur at fertilization in the ascidian egg. We demonstrated that the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in the fertilized egg of Ciona savignyi increased at egg deformation (main peak) and then several small Ca2+ spikes (1st spikes) appeared before the first polar body extrusion. Brief Ca2+ spikes (2nd spikes), then appeared in the period between the first and second polar body extrusion. When eggs were fertilized in Ca2+-free artificial seawater, the main peak and 1st spikes appeared, but the 2nd spikes did not, suggesting that the Ca2+ required for the main peak and 1st spikes is released from the intracellular store in this species and that extracellular Ca2+ is required for the 2nd spikes. When [Ca2+]i was clamped at a low level (0.03–0.13 μmol/L) by injecting the egg with low-Ca2+ buffers and the egg was then inseminated, deformation, polar body extrusion and pronucleus formation were suppressed. In contrast, egg deformation and first polar body extrusion were induced without insemination when [Ca2+]i was 0.9 μmol/L. A higher Ca2+ concentration of 1.2–10.1 μmol/L was required for extrusion of the second polar body and pronucleus formation. These data suggest that sequential Ca2+ increases (i.e. main peak and 1st and 2nd spikes) are prerequisite for the deformation and polar body extrusion of the egg. Furthermore, in eggs arrested at the second meiotic metaphase after first polar body extrusion by the injection of Ca2+ buffer, subsequent injection of excess Ca2+ caused formation of an irregular second polar body-like protrusion, suggesting latent arrest at the second meiotic metaphase in the ascidian egg.  相似文献   

The tadpole larvae prosencephalon of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis contains a single large ventricle, along the inner walls of which lie two sensory organs: the otolith (a gravity-sensing organ) and the ocellus (a photo-sensing organ composed of a single cup-shaped pigment cell, about 20 photoreceptor cells, and three lens cells). Comparison has been drawn between the morphology and physiology of photoreceptor cells in the ascidian ocellus and the vertebrate eye. The development of vertebrate and invertebrate eyes requires the activity of several conserved genes and it is regulated by precise expression patterns and cell fate decisions common to several species. We have isolated a Ciona homeobox gene (Ci-Rx) that belongs to the paired-like class of homeobox genes. Rx genes have been identified from a variety of organisms and have been demonstrated to have a role in vertebrate eye formation. Ci-Rx is expressed in the anterior neural plate in the middle tailbud stage and subsequently in the larval stage in the sensory vesicle around the ocellus. Loss of Ci-Rx function leads to an ocellus-less phenotype that shows a loss of photosensitive swimming behavior, suggesting the important role played by Ci-Rx in basal chordate photoreceptor cell differentiation and ocellus formation. Furthermore, studies on Ci-Rx regulatory elements electroporated into Ciona embryos using LacZ or GFP as reporter genes indicate the presence of Ci-Rx in pigment cells, photoreceptors, and neurons surrounding the sensory vesicle. In Ci-Rx knocked-down larvae, neither basal swimming activity nor shadow responses develop. Thus, Rx has a role not only in pigment cells and photoreceptor formation but also in the correct development of the neuronal circuit that controls larval photosensitivity and swimming behavior. The results suggest that a Ci-Rx "retinal" territory exists, which consists of pigment cells, photoreceptors, and neurons involved in transducing the photoreceptor signals.  相似文献   

Background information. In the embryos of various animals, the body elongates after gastrulation by morphogenetic movements involving convergent extension. The Wnt/PCP (planar cell polarity) pathway plays roles in this process, particularly mediolateral polarization and intercalation of the embryonic cells. In ascidians, several factors in this pathway, including Wnt5, have been identified and found to be involved in the intercalation process of notochord cells. Results. In the present study, the role of the Wnt5 genes, Hr‐Wnt5α (Halocynthia roretzi Wnt5α) and Hr‐Wnt5β, in convergent extension was investigated in the ascidian H. roretzi by injecting antisense oligonucleotides and mRNAs into single precursor blastomeres of various tissues, including notochord, at the 64‐cell stage. Hr‐Wnt5α is expressed in developing notochord and was essential for notochord morphogenesis. Precise quantitative control of its expression level was crucial for proper cell intercalation. Overexpression of Wnt5 proteins in notochord and other tissues that surround the notochord indicated that Wnt5α plays a role within the notochord, and is unlikely to be the source of polarizing cues arising outside the notochord. Detailed mosaic analysis of the behaviour of individual notochord cells overexpressing Wnt5α indicated that a Wnt5α‐manipulated cell does not affect the behaviour of neighbouring notochord cells, suggesting that Wnt5α works in a cell‐autonomous manner. This is further supported by comparison of the results of Wnt5α and Dsh (Dishevelled) knockdown experiments. In addition, our results suggest that the Wnt/PCP pathway is also involved in mediolateral intercalation of cells of the ventral row of the nerve cord (floor plate) and the endodermal strand. Conclusion. The present study highlights the role of the Wnt5α signal in notochord convergent extension movements in ascidian embryos. Our results raise the novel possibility that Wnt5α functions in a cell‐autonomous manner in activation of the Wnt/PCP pathway to polarize the protrusive activity that drives convergent extension.  相似文献   

Many ascidian oocytes undergo 'spontaneous' germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) when transferred from the ovary to normal pH 8.2 sea water (SW); however, low pH inhibits GVBD, which can then be stimulated while remaining in the low pH SW. Oocytes of Boltenia villosa blocked from GVBD by pH 4 SW undergo GVBD in response to permeant cyclic AMP (8-bromo-cyclic AMP), phosphodiesterase inhibitors (isobutylmethylxanthine and theophylline) or the adenylyl cyclase activator forskolin. This suggests that cAMP increases during GVBD. Removal of the follicle cells or addition of a protease inhibitor inhibits GVBD in response to raised pH but not to forskolin, theophylline or 8 bromo-cAMP. Isolated follicle cells in low pH SW release protease activity in response to an increase in pH. These studies imply that the follicle cells release protease activity, which either itself stimulates an increase in oocyte cAMP level or reacts with other molecules to stimulate this process. Studies with the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase inhibitors U0126 and CI 1040 suggest that MAP kinase is not involved in GVBD. The Cdc25 inhibitor NSC 95397 inhibits GVBD at 200 n m in a reversible manner.  相似文献   

The unfertilized eggs (UFE) of the solitary ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi, which are released naturally, are strictly self‐sterile. However, ovarian eggs isolated after spawning, which are expected to develop into UFE on the following day, are self‐fertile. Some exogenous proteases‐trypsin, chymotrypsin, papain and elastase‐induced self‐sterility in the self‐fertile ovarian eggs within an hour in vitro. The establishment of self‐sterility by the exogenous protease did not require the synthesis of new protein, or the participation of follicle cells. Some of the ovarian eggs were able to differentiate into self‐sterile eggs spontaneously in vitro. The protein synthesis inhibitors puromycin and cycloheximide had no effect on the spontaneous establishment of self‐sterility. However, several protease inhibitors such as leupeptin, soybean trypsin inhibitor (SBTI) and antipain, did inhibit the spontaneous establishment of self‐sterility. The possible participation of trypsin‐like protease in the establishment of self‐sterility in the ovary is discussed. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 52:99–106, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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