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The karyotypes of nine strains including three transformants of the chestnut blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica were analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and cytology using a fluorescence microscope. Cytology of the mitotic metaphase showed n = 9 for both standard strain EP155 and field strain GH2 infected by Cryphonectria hypovirus 3. Chromosomes were morphologically characterized by size, heterochromatic segment, and constriction. PFGE resolved 5 or 6 chromosomal DNA bands ranging from 3.3 Mbp to 9.7 Mbp, but accurate determination of the chromosome number was hampered by clumping of some bands. Banding profiles in PFGE were similar among the strains except for GH2, in which a chromosome translocation was detected by Southern blot analysis. By integrating the data from cytology and PFGE, the genome size of C. parasitica was estimated to be ca. 50 Mbp. This is the first report of a cytological karyotype in the order Diaporthales.  相似文献   

In nature, the chestnut blight fungus, Cryphonectria parasitica, has a mixed mating system; i.e., individuals in the same population have the ability to self and outcross. In the laboratory, C. parasitica appears to have a bipolar self-incompatibility system, typical of heterothallic ascomycetes; selfing is rare, although demonstrable. In this report we describe the cloning and sequencing of both mating-type idiomorphs and their flanking regions at the MAT locus in C. parasitica. The two idiomorphs, MAT1-1 and MAT1-2, are structurally similar to those of other pyrenomycetes described to date. MAT1-1 encodes three genes (MAT1-1-1, MAT1-1-2, and MAT1-1-3) and MAT1-2 encodes a single gene (MAT1-2-1). Unlike MAT idiomorphs in some ascomycetes, the sequences at both ends of the idiomorphs in C. parasitica show a relatively gradual, rather than abrupt, transition from identity in the flanking regions to almost complete dissimilarity in the coding regions. The flanking regions have repetitive polypyrimidine (T/C) and polypurine (A/G) tracts; the significance of these repetitive tracts is unknown. Although we found repetitive tracts in the flanks and gradual transition zones at the ends of the idiomorphs, we found no special features that would explain how selfing occurs in an otherwise self-incompatible fungus.  相似文献   

As in plants, fungi exhibit wide variation in reproductive strategies and mating systems. Although most sexually reproducing fungi are either predominantly outcrossing or predominantly selfing, there are some notable exceptions. The haploid, ascomycete chestnut blight pathogen, Cryphonectria parasitica, has previously been shown to have a mixed mating system in one population in USA. In this report, we show that both selfing and outcrossing occur in 10 additional populations of C. parasitica sampled from Japan, Italy, Switzerland and USA. Progeny arrays from each population were assayed for segregation at vegetative incompatibility (vic) and DNA fingerprinting loci. Outcrossing rates (t(m)) were estimated as the proportion of progeny arrays showing segregation at one or more loci, corrected by the probability of nondetection of outcrossing (alpha). Estimates of t(m) varied from 0.74 to 0.97, with the lowest rates consistently detected in USA populations (0.74-0.78). Five populations (four in USA and one in Italy) had t(m) significantly less than 1, supporting the conclusion that these populations exhibit mixed mating. The underlying causes of variation in outcrossing rates among populations of C. parasitica are not known, but we speculate that--as in plants--outcrossing is a function of ecological, demographic and genetic factors.  相似文献   

Cortesi P  McCulloch CE  Song H  Lin H  Milgroom MG 《Genetics》2001,159(1):107-118
Vegetative incompatibility in fungi has long been known to reduce the transmission of viruses between individuals, but the barrier to transmission is incomplete. In replicated laboratory assays, we showed conclusively that the transmission of viruses between individuals of the chestnut blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica is controlled primarily by vegetative incompatibility (vic) genes. By replicating vic genotypes in independent fungal isolates, we quantified the effect of heteroallelism at each of six vic loci on virus transmission. Transmission occurs with 100% frequency when donor and recipient isolates have the same vic genotypes, but heteroallelism at one or more vic loci generally reduces virus transmission. Transmission was variable among single heteroallelic loci. At the extremes, heteroallelism at vic4 had no effect on virus transmission, but transmission occurred in only 21% of pairings that were heteroallelic at vic2. Intermediate frequencies of transmission were observed when vic3 and vic6 were heteroallelic (76 and 32%, respectively). When vic1, vic2, and vic7 were heteroallelic, the frequency of transmission depended on which alleles were present in the donor and the recipient. The effect of heteroallelism at two vic loci was mostly additive, although small but statistically significant interactions (epistasis) were observed in four pairs of vic loci. A logistic regression model was developed to predict the probability of virus transmission between vic genotypes. Heteroallelism at vic loci, asymmetry, and epistasis were the dominant factors controlling transmission, but host genetic background also was statistically significant, indicating that vic genes alone cannot explain all the variation in virus transmission. Predictions from the logistic regression model were highly correlated to independent transmission tests with field isolates. Our model can be used to estimate horizontal transmission rates as a function of host genetics in natural populations of C. parasitica.  相似文献   

Chestnut blight fungus, Cryphonectria parasitica , and its hypovirus present a useful model system for investigating the mechanisms of hypoviral infection. To identify gene products associated with fungal pathogenicity and hypoviral regulation, we attempted a proteomic analysis of the virus-free EP155/2 strain and its isogenic virus-infected UEP1 strain in response to tannic acid (TA), which is abundant in the bark of chestnut trees. In this study, pretreatment of mycelia grown on TA-supplemented media was developed for proteomic analysis. Approximately 704 proteins from the mycelia of the EP155/2 strain were reproducibly present in 3 independent extractions. Among these, 111 and 79 spots were found to be responsive to hypovirus infection and TA supplementation, respectively. The TA-grown UEP1 strain yielded 28 spots showing an expression pattern different from that of untreated UEP1. Thirty protein spots showing considerable differences in spot density were selected for further analysis. Hybrid tandem LC-MS/MS spectrometry of the 30 selected protein spots revealed that 29 were identified while 1 was unidentified. Among the identified 29 proteins, 15 were metabolic enzymes; 5 were stress-related, of which 4 were heat-shock proteins and 1 was glutathione S-transferase; 5 were signaling and cellular process-related proteins; 2 were structural proteins; and 2 matched proteins of hypothetical genes.  相似文献   

We report on 53 microsatellite loci for use in population genetic or linkage mapping studies in Cryphonectria parasitica. In 40 isolates collected from throughout the Northern Hemisphere, the number of alleles per locus ranged from two to 14 (mean 5.17) with gene diversity values ranging from 0.049 to 0.859 (mean 0.437). Samples from Asia were more diverse than those from Europe and North America. Most of the markers (48 of 53) were developed from an expressed sequence tag library, and hence, offer the opportunity to examine population structure or provide genome location information for specific expressed genes vs. anonymous genomic regions.  相似文献   

Studies on the population biology of the chestnut blight fungus, Cryphonectria parasitica, have previously been carried out with dominant restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) fingerprinting markers. In this study, we describe the development of 11 codominant markers from randomly amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs). RAPD fragments were cloned and sequenced, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers were designed flanking insertions/deletions. Primers labelled with fluorescent dyes were combined in multiplex reactions to assay five or six loci simultaneously in a capillary sequencing system. These codominant markers have the potential to complement RFLP methods for studying C. parasitica.  相似文献   

Spatial structure of both nuclear and mitochondrial RFLPs were studied in several populations of the chestnut blight fungus, Cryphonectria parasitica, using a variety of spatial autocorrelation tests designed to detect nonrandom patterns. Fungal individuals were sampled from cankers on infected chestnut trees, and the location of each tree was mapped. Single-locus nuclear RFLPs, nuclear fingerprints, and mitochondrial DNA haplotypes were determined for each individual. Individuals with the same DNA fingerprint genotypes occurred closer together than would be expected at random in four of the five plots, while mitochondrial DNA haplotypes were aggregated in all five plots. Genetic distances between individuals, expressed as one minus the proportion of shared restriction fragment size classes for fingerprints and mitochondrial haplotypes, were significantly correlated with Euclidean distances between individuals in four of the five populations, but these correlations were very weak (r < 0.18). The same DNA fingerprint and single-copy nuclear RFLP alleles occurred on the same trees or immediately neighbouring trees more often than would be expected at random. Most of the aggregation for all three genetic markers occurred among individuals within the same cluster of chestnut stems or on neighbouring trees. Lack of spatial autocorrelation in one population was probably due to sampling on a larger scale that was too coarse to detect any patterns. Significant aggregation of genotypes in C. parasitica is most likely caused by some degree of restricted dispersal within populations. The implications of restricted dispersal are discussed in relation to the breeding system and isolation by distance in populations of. C. parasitica.  相似文献   

Hydrophobins are abundant small hydrophobic proteins that are present on the surfaces of many filamentous fungi. The chestnut blight pathogen Cryphonectria parasitica was shown to produce a class II hydrophobin, cryparin. Cryparin is the most abundant protein produced by this fungus when grown in liquid culture. When the fungus is growing on chestnut trees, cryparin is found only in the fungal fruiting body walls. Deletion of the gene encoding cryparin resulted in a culture phenotype typical of hydrophobin deletion mutants of other fungi, i.e., easily wettable (nonhydrophobic) hyphae. When grown on the natural substrate of the fungus, however, cryparin-null mutation strains were unable to normally produce its fungal fruiting bodies. Although the stromal pustules showed normal development initially, they were unable to erupt through the bark of the tree. The hydrophobin cryparin thus plays an essential role in the fitness of this important plant pathogen by facilitating the eruption of the fungal fruiting bodies through the bark of its host tree.  相似文献   

The prototype hypovirus CHV1-EP713 causes virulence attenuation and severe suppression of asexual sporulation and pigmentation in its host, the chestnut blight fungus, Cryphonectria parasitica. We identified a factor associated with symptom induction in C. parasitica using a transformation of C. parasitica strain EP155 with a full-length cDNA clone from a mild mutant virus strain, Cys(72). This was accomplished by using mutagenesis of the transformant fungal strain TCys(72)-1 by random integration of plasmid pHygR, conferring hygromycin resistance. The mutant, namA (after nami-gata, meaning wave shaped), showed an irregular fungal morphology with reduced conidiation and pigmentation while retaining similar levels of virulence and virus accumulation relative to TCys(72)-1- or Cys(72)-infected strain EP155. However, the colony morphology of virus-cured namA (VC-namA) was indistinguishable from those of EP155 and virus-cured TCys(72)-1 [VC-TCys(72)-1]. The phenotypic difference between VC-namA and VC-TCys(72)-1 was found only when these strains infected with the wild type or certain mutant CHV1-EP713 strains but not when infected with Mycoreovirus 1. Sequence analysis of inverse-PCR-amplified genomic DNA fragments and cDNA identified the insertion site of the mutagenic plasmid in exon 8 of the nam-1 gene. NAM-1, comprising 1,257 amino acids, shows sequence similarities to counterparts from other filamentous fungi and possesses the CorA domain that is conserved in a class of Mg(2+) transporters from prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Complementation assays using the wild-type and mutant alleles and targeted disruption of nam-1 showed that nam-1 with an extension of the pHygR-derived sequence contributed to the altered phenotype in the namA mutant. The molecular mechanism underlying virus-specific fungal symptom modulation in VC-namA is discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic nonself recognition systems such as vegetative incompatibility operate in many filamentous fungi to regulate hyphal fusion between genetically dissimilar individuals and to restrict the spread of virulence-attenuating mycoviruses that have potential for biological control of pathogenic fungi. We report here the use of a comparative genomics approach to identify seven candidate polymorphic genes associated with four vegetative incompatibility (vic) loci of the chestnut blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica. Disruption of candidate alleles in one of two strains that were heteroallelic at vic2, vic6, or vic7 resulted in enhanced virus transmission, but did not prevent barrage formation associated with mycelial incompatibility. Detailed characterization of the vic6 locus revealed the involvement of nonallelic interactions between two tightly linked genes in barrage formation, heterokaryon formation, and asymmetric, gene-specific influences on virus transmission. The combined results establish molecular identities of genes associated with four C. parasitica vic loci and provide insights into how these recognition factors interact to trigger incompatibility and restrict virus transmission.  相似文献   

Chestnut blight is controlled in Europe by using Cryphonectria hypovirus CHV1, a non-encapsulated RNA virus. The chestnut blight fungus, Cryphonectria parasitica, is weakened by the virus, and healing tissue growth occurs in the host tree. Transmission of this cytoplasmic hypovirus is restricted by the incompatibility system of the fungus, so that the hypovirus can be transmitted only between isolates of the same or closely related vegetative compatibility (vc) types. Hypovirulent isolates of C. parasitica (all of the French subtype CHV1-F1) from Castilla y León (NW Spain) were compared with virulent isolates in both laboratory (cut stems) and field inoculations (in two orchards in the province of León and one orchard in the province of Zamora). The tests were performed with the most common vc types in the region, EU1 and EU11. The cut stem assay revealed that the hypovirulent isolates of vc type EU1 did not reduce the growth of virulent cankers. By contrast, four hypovirulent strains H1, H4, H5 and H6 (all vc type EU11) reduced the growth of virulent isolates in the cut stem assay. Field tests showed that hypovirulent isolates of EU1 and EU11 were effective in reducing canker in both orchards in León with all treatments tested; however, in Zamora, where only EU11 was tested, all the treatments failed except H1, which was able to reduce growth of the canker eighteen months after the inoculation. The development of hypovirulence suggests that hypovirus subtype F1 is well adapted in the province of León. Both naturally extended and inoculated hypoviruses appear to have reduced the incidence of the canker, thus improving chestnut stands. However, the inoculations were not as effective in the orchards in Zamora. This indicates that the disease could be controlled in Castilla y León by inoculation of trees with hypovirulent strains, but that more tests should be done in provinces where the hypovirus is still not present.  相似文献   

The 3'- and 5'-terminal sequences of the five large double-stranded RNA species (L-dsRNA; 4.5-6.0 X 10(6) daltons) of EP713, a hypovirulent strain of Endothia parasitica, were determined by mobility-shift and enzymatic methods. All the L-dsRNAs appeared to have identical terminal sequences. A heteropolymer sequence was found at one 3'-terminus and a poly(A) sequence of variable length at the other. It was possible to label only one 5'-terminus using polynucleotide kinase and [gamma-32P]ATP, and this was shown to be a poly(U) sequence of variable length. We propose that the dsRNAs have the following structure, where X represents a blocking group: (Formula: see text). A recombinant plasmid containing dsRNA-related sequences was constructed. Hybridization analysis using the recombinant probe indicated that the sequence homology among the L-dsRNAs extended beyond these terminal regions and was also shared by small dsRNAs (0.3-0.45 X 10(6) daltons).  相似文献   

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