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We have examined the three-dimensional organization of the yeast genome during quiescence by a chromosome capture technique as a means of understanding how genome organization changes during development. For exponentially growing cells we observe high levels of inter-centromeric interaction but otherwise a predominance of intrachromosomal interactions over interchromosomal interactions, consistent with aggregation of centromeres at the spindle pole body and compartmentalization of individual chromosomes within the nucleoplasm. Three major changes occur in the organization of the quiescent cell genome. First, intrachromosomal associations increase at longer distances in quiescence as compared to growing cells. This suggests that chromosomes undergo condensation in quiescence, which we confirmed by microscopy by measurement of the intrachromosomal distances between two sites on one chromosome. This compaction in quiescence requires the condensin complex. Second, inter-centromeric interactions decrease, consistent with prior data indicating that centromeres disperse along an array of microtubules during quiescence. Third, inter-telomeric interactions significantly increase in quiescence, an observation also confirmed by direct measurement. Thus, survival during quiescence is associated with substantial topological reorganization of the genome.  相似文献   

The microtubule cytoskeleton is a highly dynamic network. In dividing cells, its complex architecture not only influences cell shape and movement but is also crucial for chromosome segregation. Curiously, nothing is known about the behavior of this cellular machinery in quiescent cells. Here we show that, upon quiescence entry, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae microtubule cytoskeleton is drastically remodeled. Indeed, while cytoplasmic microtubules vanish, the spindle pole body (SPB) assembles a long and stable monopolar array of nuclear microtubules that spans the entire nucleus. Consequently, the nucleolus is displaced. Kinetochores remain attached to microtubule tips but lose SPB clustering and distribute along the microtubule array, leading to a large reorganization of the nucleus. When cells exit quiescence, the nuclear microtubule array slowly depolymerizes and, by pulling attached centromeres back to the SPB, allows the recovery of a typical Rabl-like configuration. Finally, mutants that do not assemble a nuclear array of microtubules are impaired for both quiescence survival and exit.  相似文献   

Cells perpetually face the decision to proliferate or to stay quiescent. Here we show that upon quiescence establishment, Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells drastically rearrange both their actin and microtubule (MT) cytoskeletons and lose their polarity. Indeed, while polarity markers are lost from cell extremities, actin patches and cables are reorganized into actin bodies, which are stable actin filament–containing structures. Astonishingly, MTs are also stabilized and rearranged into a novel antiparallel bundle associated with the spindle pole body, named Q-MT bundle. We have identified proteins involved in this process and propose a molecular model for Q-MT bundle formation. Finally and importantly, we reveal that Q-MT bundle elongation is involved in polarity reestablishment upon quiescence exit and thereby the efficient return to the proliferative state. Our work demonstrates that quiescent S. pombe cells assemble specific cytoskeleton structures that improve the swiftness of the transition back to proliferation.  相似文献   

The essence of SNPs.   总被引:146,自引:0,他引:146  
A J Brookes 《Gene》1999,234(2):177-186
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are an abundant form of genome variation, distinguished from rare variations by a requirement for the least abundant allele to have a frequency of 1% or more. A wide range of genetics disciplines stand to benefit greatly from the study and use of SNPs. The recent surge of interest in SNPs stems from, and continues to depend upon, the merging and coincident maturation of several research areas, i.e. (i) large-scale genome analysis and related technologies, (ii) bio-informatics and computing, (iii) genetic analysis of simple and complex disease states, and (iv) global human population genetics. These fields will now be propelled forward, often into uncharted territories, by ongoing discovery efforts that promise to yield hundreds of thousands of human SNPs in the next few years. Major questions are now being asked, experimentally, theoretically and ethically, about the most effective ways to unlock the full potential of the upcoming SNP revolution.  相似文献   

The amino acid glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in a range of organisms from Caenorhabditis elegans to mammals, and it mediates the information processing that underlies essentially all behavior. Recent advances in our understanding of glutamate storage and release now illuminate how this ubiquitous amino acid can function as a signalling molecule.  相似文献   

Regulation of proliferation and quiescence in response to intra- or extracellular environmental signals are important for medicine and basic biology. Quiescence is relevant to tumorigenesis and tissue regeneration, and the maintenance of post-mitotic cells is important with regard to a number of senescence-related diseases such as neurodegeneration. We employ fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, as a model to study quiescence and longevity as this lower eukaryote has a long chronological life span (over months) in quiescence that is induced by nitrogen starvation. We recently reported that autophagy and the proteasome cooperate in proper mitochondrial maintenance in the quiescent phase. Such cooperativity is not found in proliferating cells. In quiescence, the proteasome is required for normal mitochondrial functions; inactivation of the proteasome results in a large accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), diminished mitochondrial function, and the elevation of proteins and compounds having anti-oxidant activities. Autophagy contributes to preventing the lethal accumulation of ROS by degrading mitochondria, the primary source of ROS. Our results indicate that the degradation of mitochondria by autophagy during proteasome dysfunction is a defense mechanism of quiescenct cells against the accumulation of ROS.  相似文献   

Senescence and quiescence are frequently used as interchangeable terms in the literature unwittingly. Despite the fact that common molecules play role in decision of cell cycle arrest, senescent and quiescent cells have some distinctive phenotypes at both molecular and morphological levels. Thus, in this review we summarized the features of senescence and quiescence with respect to visual characteristics and prominent key molecules. A PubMed research was conducted for the key words; “senescence”, “quiescence” and “cell cycle arrest”. The results which are related to cell cycle control were selected. The selection criteria of the target articles used for this review included also key cell cycle molecules such as p53, pRB, p21, p16, mTOR, p27, etc. The results were not evaluated statistically. The mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) has been claimed to be key molecule in switching on/off senescence/quiescence. Specifically, although maximal p53 activation blocks mTOR and causes quiescence, partial p53 activation sustains mTOR activity and causes senescence subsequently. In broader perspective, quiescence occurs due to lack of nutrition and growth factors whereas senescence takes place due to aging and serious DNA damages. Contrary to quiescence, senescence is a degenerative process ensuing a certain cell death. We highlighted several differences between senescence and quiescence and their key molecules in this review. Whereas quiescence (cell cycle arrest) is only one half of the senescence, the other half is growth stimulation which causes actual senescence phenotype.  相似文献   


Using the examples of phyllotaxis and the process of graduated development of plant photosynthetic apparatus the author shows that the principle of golden section is an implication of the principle of optimal construction (maximal simplicity). The principle of optimal construction is characterized by minimum of numerical relations between integer and its parts, that indicate the fractal character of studied objects and processes organized according to the golden section principle.  相似文献   

Glucose as a source of energy is centrally important to our understanding of life. We investigated the cell division-quiescence behavior of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe under a wide range of glucose concentrations (0-111 mM). The mode of S. pombe cell division under a microfluidic perfusion system was surprisingly normal under highly diluted glucose concentrations (5.6 mM, 1/20 of the standard medium, within human blood sugar levels). Division became stochastic, accompanied by a curious division-timing inheritance, in 2.2-4.4 mM glucose. A critical transition from division to quiescence occurred within a narrow range of concentrations (2.2-1.7 mM). Under starvation (1.1 mM) conditions, cells were mostly quiescent and only a small population of cells divided. Under fasting (0 mM) conditions, division was immediately arrested with a short chronological lifespan (16 h). When cells were first glucose starved prior to fasting, they possessed a substantially extended lifespan (~14 days). We employed a quantitative metabolomic approach for S. pombe cell extracts, and identified specific metabolites (e.g. biotin, trehalose, ergothioneine, S-adenosyl methionine and CDP-choline), which increased or decreased at different glucose concentrations, whereas nucleotide triphosphates, such as ATP, maintained high concentrations even under starvation. Under starvation, the level of S-adenosyl methionine increased sharply, accompanied by an increase in methylated amino acids and nucleotides. Under fasting, cells rapidly lost antioxidant and energy compounds, such as glutathione and ATP, but, in fasting cells after starvation, these and other metabolites ensuring longevity remained abundant. Glucose-starved cells became resistant to 40 mM H(2)O(2) as a result of the accumulation of antioxidant compounds.  相似文献   

Physical load increases sympathetic nervous activity, which results in an increased cardiac output, constriction of peripheral vessels, and elevated systemic blood pressure. These changes are outcomes of two mechanisms: the central command from cerebral structures that trigger voluntary movements to activate the vasomotor center and the reflexes initiated by mechanical and metabolic changes in a working muscle. The latter mechanism of the sympathetic system activation is termed ergoreflex. The main effects of ergoreflex on the indices of systemic hemodynamics are the following: activation of mechanosensitive afferents mainly leads to inhibition of the tonic vagal effects on the heart, which explains the rapid increase in heartbeats upon loading; activation of chemosensitive afferents comes with some delay in pace with metabolite accumulation in muscles and leads to an increase in efferent sympathetic activity and a rise in blood pressure. The metabolic reflex effect is particularly high in the case of muscle fatigue. This review deals with the mechanisms underlying the ergoreflex and their adaptation to hypodynamia, physical training, and some pathologies.  相似文献   

Mcm2-7 proteins are generally considered to function as a heterohexameric complex, providing helicase activity for the elongation step of DNA replication. These proteins are loaded onto replication origins in M-G1 phase in a process termed licensing or pre-replicative complex formation. It is likely that Mcm2-7 proteins are loaded onto chromatin simultaneously as a pre-formed hexamer although some studies suggest that subcomplexes are recruited sequentially. To analyze this process in fission yeast, we have compared the levels and chromatin binding of Mcm2-7 proteins during the fission yeast cell cycle. Mcm subunits are present at approximately 1 x 10(4) molecules/cell and are bound with approximately equal stoichiometry on chromatin in G1/S phase cells. Using a single cell assay, we have correlated the timing of chromatin association of individual Mcm subunits with progression through mitosis. This showed that Mcm2, 4 and 7 associate with chromatin at about the same stage of anaphase, suggesting that licensing involves the simultaneous binding of these subunits. We also examined Mcm2-7 chromatin association when cells enter a G0-like quiescent state. Chromatin binding is lost in this transition in a process that does not require DNA replication or the selective degradation of specific subunits.  相似文献   

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