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Asymmetric meiotic divisions in mammalian oocytes are driven by the eccentric positioning of the spindle, along with a dramatic reorganization of the overlying cortex, including a loss of microvilli and formation of a thick actin cap. Actin polarization relies on a Ran-GTP gradient centered on metaphase chromosomes; however, the downstream signaling cascade is not completely understood. In a recent study, we have shown that Ran promotes actin cap formation via the polarized activation of Cdc42. The related GTPase Rac is also activated in a polarized fashion in the oocyte cortex and co-localizes with active Cdc42. In other cells, microvilli collapse can be triggered by inactivation of the ERM (Ezrin/Radixin/Moesin) family of actin-membrane crosslinkers under the control of Rac. Accordingly, we show here that Ran-GTP promotes a substantial loss of phosphorylated ERMs in the cortex overlying the spindle in mouse oocytes. However, this polarized phospho-ERM exclusion zone was unaffected by Rac or Cdc42 inhibition. Therefore, we suggest that Ran activates two distinct pathways to regulate actin cap formation and microvilli disassembly in the polarized cortex of mouse oocytes. The possibility of a crosstalk between Rho GTPase and ERM signaling and a role for ERM inactivation in promoting cortical actin dynamics are also discussed.  相似文献   

Breakdown of microvilli is a common early event in various types of apoptosis, but its molecular mechanism and implications remain unclear. ERM (ezrin/radixin/moesin) proteins are ubiquitously expressed microvillar proteins that are activated in the cytoplasm, translocate to the plasma membrane, and function as general actin filament/plasma membrane cross-linkers to form microvilli. Immunofluorescence microscopic and biochemical analyses revealed that, at the early phase of Fas ligand (FasL)–induced apoptosis in L cells expressing Fas (LHF), ERM proteins translocate from the plasma membranes of microvilli to the cytoplasm concomitant with dephosphorylation. When the FasL-induced dephosphorylation of ERM proteins was suppressed by calyculin A, a serine/threonine protein phosphatase inhibitor, the cytoplasmic translocation of ERM proteins was blocked. The interleukin-1β–converting enzyme (ICE) protease inhibitors suppressed the dephosphorylation as well as the cytoplasmic translocation of ERM proteins. These findings indicate that during FasL-induced apoptosis, the ICE protease cascade was first activated, and then ERM proteins were dephosphorylated followed by their cytoplasmic translocation, i.e., microvillar breakdown. Next, to examine the subsequent events in microvillar breakdown, we prepared DiO-labeled single-layered plasma membranes with the cytoplasmic surface freely exposed from FasL-treated or nontreated LHF cells. On single-layered plasma membranes from nontreated cells, ERM proteins and actin filaments were densely detected, whereas those from FasL-treated cells were free from ERM proteins or actin filaments. We thus concluded that the cytoplasmic translocation of ERM proteins is responsible for the microvillar breakdown at an early phase of apoptosis and that the depletion of ERM proteins from plasma membranes results in the gross dissociation of actin-based cytoskeleton from plasma membranes. The physiological relevance of this ERM protein–based microvillar breakdown in apoptosis will be discussed.  相似文献   

The ERM proteins (ezrin, radixin and moesin) are known for connecting the actin cytoskeleton to the plasma membrane. They have been found to associate with lipid rafts as well as to be important for endosomal sorting and receptor signaling. However, little is known about the role of ERM proteins in retrograde transport and lipid homeostasis. In this study, we show that ezrin and moesin are important for efficient cell surface association of Shiga toxin (Stx) as well as for its retrograde transport. Furthermore, we show that depletion of these proteins influences endosomal dynamics and seems to enhance Stx transport toward lysosomes. We also show that knockdown of Vps11, a subunit of the HOPS complex, leads to increased retrograde Stx transport and reverses the inhibiting effect of ezrin and moesin knockdown. Importantly, retrograde transport of the plant toxin ricin, which binds to both glycolipids and glycoproteins with a terminal galactose, seems to be unaffected by ezrin and moesin depletion.   相似文献   

Altered phosphorylation status of the C-terminal Thr residues of Ezrin/Radixin/Moesin (ERM) is often linked to cell shape change. To determine the role of phophorylated ERM, we modified phosphorylation status of ERM and investigated changes in cell adhesion and morphology. Treatment with Calyculin-A (Cal-A), a protein phosphatase inhibitor, dramatically augmented phosphorylated ERM (phospho-ERM). Cal-A-treatment or expression of phospho-mimetic Moesin mutant (Moesin-TD) induced cell rounding in adherent cells. Moreover, reattachment of detached cells to substrate was inhibited by either treatment. Phospho-ERM, Moesin-TD and actin cytoskeleton were observed at the plasma membrane of such round cells. Augmented cell surface rigidity was also observed in both cases.Meanwhile, non-adherent KG-1 cells were rather rich in phospho-ERM. Treatment with Staurosporine, a protein kinase inhibitor that dephosphorylates phospho-ERM, up-regulated the integrin-dependent adhesion of KG-1 cells to substrate.These findings strongly suggest the followings: (1) Phospho-ERM inhibit cell adhesion, and therefore, dephosphorylation of ERM proteins is essential for cell adhesion. (2) Phospho-ERM induce formation and/or maintenance of spherical cell shape. (3) ERM are constitutively both phosphorylated and dephosphorylated in cultured adherent and non-adherent cells.  相似文献   

Altered phosphorylation status of the C-terminal Thr residues of Ezrin/Radixin/Moesin (ERM) is often linked to cell shape change. To determine the role of phophorylated ERM, we modified phosphorylation status of ERM and investigated changes in cell adhesion and morphology. Treatment with Calyculin-A (Cal-A), a protein phosphatase inhibitor, dramatically augmented phosphorylated ERM (phospho-ERM). Cal-A-treatment or expression of phospho-mimetic Moesin mutant (Moesin-TD) induced cell rounding in adherent cells. Moreover, reattachment of detached cells to substrate was inhibited by either treatment. Phospho-ERM, Moesin-TD and actin cytoskeleton were observed at the plasma membrane of such round cells. Augmented cell surface rigidity was also observed in both cases.

Meanwhile, non-adherent KG-1 cells were rather rich in phospho-ERM. Treatment with Staurosporine, a protein kinase inhibitor that dephosphorylates phospho-ERM, up-regulated the integrin-dependent adhesion of KG-1 cells to substrate.

These findings strongly suggest the followings: (1) Phospho-ERM inhibit cell adhesion, and therefore, dephosphorylation of ERM proteins is essential for cell adhesion. (2) Phospho-ERM induce formation and/or maintenance of spherical cell shape. (3) ERM are constitutively both phosphorylated and dephosphorylated in cultured adherent and non-adherent cells.  相似文献   

Abstract. CD44 has been identified as a membrane-binding partner for ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) proteins, plasma membrane/actin filament cross-linkers. ERM proteins, however, are not necessarily colocalized with CD44 in tissues, but with CD43 and ICAM-2 in some types of cells. We found that glutathione-S-transferase fusion proteins with the cytoplasmic domain of CD43 and ICAM-2, as well as CD44, bound to moesin in vitro. The regions responsible for the in vitro binding of CD43 and CD44 to moesin were narrowed down to their juxta-membrane 20–30–amino acid sequences in the cytoplasmic domain. These sequences and the cytoplasmic domain of ICAM-2 (28 amino acids) were all characterized by the positively charged amino acid clusters. When E-cadherin chimeric molecules bearing these positively charged amino acid clusters of CD44, CD43, or ICAM-2 were expressed in mouse L fibroblasts, they were co-concentrated with ERM proteins at microvilli, whereas those lacking these clusters were diffusely distributed on the cell surface. The specific binding of ERM proteins to the juxta-membrane positively charged amino acid clusters of CD44, CD43, and ICAM-2 was confirmed by immunoprecipitation and site-directed mutagenesis. From these findings, we conclude that ERM proteins bind to integral membrane proteins bearing a positively charged amino acid cluster in their juxta-membrane cytoplasmic domain.  相似文献   

Vitronectin (VN) is an extracellular matrix protein abundantly present in blood and a wide variety of tissues and plays important roles in a number of biological phenomena mainly through its binding to αV integrins. However, its definite function in the brain remains largely unknown. Here we report the identification of telencephalin (TLCN/ICAM-5) as a novel VN receptor on neuronal dendrites. VN strongly binds to TLCN, a unique neuronal member of the ICAM family, which is specifically expressed on dendrites of spiny neurons in the mammalian telencephalon. VN-coated microbeads induce the formation of phagocytic cup-like plasma membrane protrusions on dendrites of cultured hippocampal neurons and trigger the activation of TLCN-dependent intracellular signaling cascade including the phosphorylation of ezrin/radixin/moesin actin-binding proteins and recruitment of F-actin and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate for morphological transformation of the dendritic protrusions. These results suggest that the extracellular matrix molecule VN and its neuronal receptor TLCN play a pivotal role in the phosphorylation of ezrin/radixin/moesin proteins and the formation of phagocytic cup-like structures on neuronal dendrites.  相似文献   

The cell cortex serves as a critical nexus between the extracellular environment/cell membrane and the underlying cytoskeleton and cytoplasm. In many cells, the cell cortex is organized and maintained by the Ezrin, Radixin and Moesin (ERM) proteins, which have the ability to interact with both the plasma membrane and filamentous actin. Although this membrane-cytoskeletal linkage function is critical to stability of the cell cortex, recent studies indicate that this is only a part of what ERMs do in many cells. In addition to their role in binding filamentous actin, ERMs regulate signaling pathways through their ability to bind transmembrane receptors and link them to downstream signaling components. In this review we discuss recent evidence in a variety of cells indicating that ERMs serve as scaffolds to facilitate efficient signal transduction on the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The small GTPases Rho and Rac regulate actin filament assembly and the formation of integrin adhesion complexes to produce stress fibers and lamellipodia, respectively, in mammalian cells. Although numerous candidate effectors that might mediate these responses have been identified using the yeast two-hybrid and affinity purification techniques, their cellular roles remain unclear. We now describe a biological assay that allows components of the Rho and Rac signaling pathways to be identified. Permeabilization of serum-starved Swiss 3T3 cells with digitonin in the presence of guanosine 5′-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTPγS) induces both actin filament and focal adhesion complex assembly through activation of endogenous Rho and Rac. These responses are lost when GTPγS is added 6 min after permeabilization, but can be reconstituted using concentrated cytosolic extracts. We have achieved a 10,000-fold purification of the activity present in pig brain cytosol and protein sequence analysis shows it to contain moesin. Using recombinant proteins, we show that moesin and its close relatives ezrin and radixin can reconstitute stress fiber assembly, cortical actin polymerization and focal complex formation in response to activation of Rho and Rac.  相似文献   

The amyloid precursor protein (APP) can be cleaved by α-secretases in neural cells to produce the soluble APP ectodomain (sAPPα), which is neuroprotective. We have shown previously that activation of the purinergic P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) triggers sAPPα shedding from neural cells. Here, we demonstrate that the activation of ezrin, radixin, and moesin (ERM) proteins is required for the P2X7R-dependent proteolytic processing of APP leading to sAPPα release. Indeed, the down-regulation of ERM by siRNA blocked the P2X7R-dependent shedding of sAPPα. We also show that P2X7R stimulation triggered the phosphorylation of ERM. Thus, ezrin translocates to the plasma membrane to interact with P2X7R. Using specific pharmacological inhibitors, we established the order in which several enzymes trigger the P2X7R-dependent release of sAPPα. Thus, a Rho kinase and the MAPK modules ERK1/2 and JNK act upstream of ERM, whereas a PI3K activity is triggered downstream. For the first time, this work identifies ERM as major partners in the regulated non-amyloidogenic processing of APP.  相似文献   

L-selectin regulates the recruitment of naive lymphocytes from the bloodstream to secondary lymphoid organs, mediating their initial capture and subsequent rolling along high endothelial cell surface-expressed ligands in peripheral lymph nodes. In vivo, distribution of L-selectin and cell surface levels determine the tethering efficiency and rolling velocity of leukocytes, respectively. Treatment of naive lymphocytes with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) induces rapid ectodomain proteolytic down-regulation (shedding) of surface L-selectin via a protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent pathway. In an attempt to isolate proteins that are involved in regulating L-selectin expression, an affinity column was constructed using the 17-amino acid cytoplasmic tail of L-selectin. Affinity purification of extracts from lymphocytes, pre-treated with or without PMA, allowed identification of proteins that interact with the affinity column under one condition but not the other. By using this approach, members of the Ezrin-Radixin-Moesin family of proteins were found to interact specifically with the cytoplasmic tail of L-selectin. Moesin from PMA-stimulated lymphocytes, but not from unstimulated lymphocytes, bound to L-selectin tail. In contrast, ezrin from unstimulated or PMA-stimulated lymphocytes associated with L-selectin tail with equal affinity. Furthermore, the PKC inhibitor Ro 31-8220 significantly reduced the interaction of moesin, but not ezrin, with L-selectin. Alanine mutations of membrane-proximal basic amino acid residues in the cytoplasmic domain of L-selectin identified arginine 357 as a critical residue for both ezrin and moesin interaction. Finally, BIAcore affinity analysis confirmed that N-terminal moesin interacts specifically with L-selectin cytoplasmic tail, with relatively high affinity (K(d) approximately 40 nm). Based on these findings, although moesin and ezrin bind to a similar region of the cytoplasmic tail of L-selectin, moesin binding is dependent on PKC activation, which suggests that ezrin and moesin are regulated differently in lymphocytes.  相似文献   

PTEN is a well known tumor suppressor through the negative regulation of the PI3K signaling pathway. Here we report that PTEN plays an important role in regulating mitotic timing, which is associated with increased PTEN phosphorylation in the C-terminal tail and its localization to chromatin. Pulldown analysis revealed that Plk1 physically interacted with PTEN. Biochemical studies showed that Plk1 phosphorylates PTEN in vitro in a concentration-dependent manner and that the phosphorylation was inhibited by Bi2635, a Plk1-specific inhibitor. Deletional and mutational analyses identified that Plk1 phosphorylated Ser-380, Thr-382, and Thr-383, but not Ser-385, a cluster of residues known to affect the PTEN stability. Interestingly, a combination of molecular and genetic analyses revealed that only Ser-380 was significantly phosphorylated in vivo and that Plk1 regulated the phosphorylation, which was associated with the accumulation of PTEN on chromatin. Moreover, expression of phospho-deficient mutant, but not wild-type PTEN, caused enhanced mitotic exit. Taken together, our studies identify Plk1 as an important regulator of PTEN during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy/autophagy is an essential catabolic process that targets a wide variety of cellular components including proteins, organelles, and pathogens. ATG7, a protein involved in the autophagy process, plays a crucial role in maintaining cellular homeostasis and can contribute to the development of diseases such as cancer. ATG7 initiates autophagy by facilitating the lipidation of the ATG8 proteins in the growing autophagosome membrane. The noncanonical isoform ATG7(2) is unable to perform ATG8 lipidation; however, its cellular regulation and function are unknown. Here, we uncovered a distinct regulation and function of ATG7(2) in contrast with ATG7(1), the canonical isoform. First, affinity-purification mass spectrometry analysis revealed that ATG7(2) establishes direct protein–protein interactions (PPIs) with metabolic proteins, whereas ATG7(1) primarily interacts with autophagy machinery proteins. Furthermore, we identified that ATG7(2) mediates a decrease in metabolic activity, highlighting a novel splice-dependent function of this important autophagy protein. Then, we found a divergent expression pattern of ATG7(1) and ATG7(2) across human tissues. Conclusively, our work uncovers the divergent patterns of expression, protein interactions, and function of ATG7(2) in contrast to ATG7(1). These findings suggest a molecular switch between main catabolic processes through isoform-dependent expression of a key autophagy gene.  相似文献   

The ERM proteins (ezrin, radixin, and moesin) are a group of band 4.1-related proteins that are proposed to function as membrane/cytoskeletal linkers. Previous biochemical studies have implicated RhoA in regulating the association of ERM proteins with their membrane targets. However, the specific effect and mechanism of action of this regulation is unclear. We show that lysophosphatidic acid stimulation of serum-starved NIH3T3 cells resulted in relocalization of radixin into apical membrane/actin protrusions, which was blocked by inactivation of Rho by C3 transferase. An activated allele of RhoA, but not Rac or CDC42Hs, was sufficient to induce apical membrane/actin protrusions and localize radixin or moesin into these structures in both Rat1 and NIH3T3 cells. Lysophosphatidic acid treatment led to phosphorylation of radixin preceding its redistribution into apical protrusions. Significantly, cotransfection of RhoAV14 or C3 transferase with radixin and moesin revealed that RhoA activity is necessary and sufficient for their phosphorylation. These findings reveal a novel function of RhoA in reorganizing the apical actin cytoskeleton and suggest that this function may be mediated through phosphorylation of ERM proteins.  相似文献   

Cell division is inherently mechanical, with cell mechanics being a critical determinant governing the cell shape changes that accompany progression through the cell cycle. The mechanical properties of symmetrically dividing mitotic cells have been well characterized, whereas the contribution of cellular mechanics to the strikingly asymmetric divisions of female meiosis is very poorly understood. Progression of the mammalian oocyte through meiosis involves remodeling of the cortex and proper orientation of the meiotic spindle, and thus we hypothesized that cortical tension and stiffness would change through meiotic maturation and fertilization to facilitate and/or direct cellular remodeling. This work shows that tension in mouse oocytes drops about sixfold during meiotic maturation from prophase I to metaphase II and then increases ∼1.6-fold upon fertilization. The metaphase II egg is polarized, with tension differing ∼2.5-fold between the cortex over the meiotic spindle and the opposite cortex, suggesting that meiotic maturation is accompanied by assembly of a cortical domain with stiffer mechanics as part of the process to achieve asymmetric cytokinesis. We further demonstrate that actin, myosin-II, and the ERM (Ezrin/Radixin/Moesin) family of proteins are enriched in complementary cortical domains and mediate cellular mechanics in mammalian eggs. Manipulation of actin, myosin-II, and ERM function alters tension levels and also is associated with dramatic spindle abnormalities with completion of meiosis II after fertilization. Thus, myosin-II and ERM proteins modulate mechanical properties in oocytes, contributing to cell polarity and to completion of meiosis.  相似文献   

Ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) proteins have been thought to play a central role in the organization of cortical actin-based cytoskeletons including microvillar formation through cross-linking actin filaments and integral membrane proteins such as CD43, CD44, and ICAM-2. To examine the functions of these ERM-binding membrane proteins (ERMBMPs) in cortical morphogenesis, we overexpressed ERMBMPs (the extracellular domain of E-cadherin fused with the transmembrane/cytoplasmic domain of CD43, CD44, or ICAM-2) in various cultured cells. In cultured fibroblasts such as L and CV-1 cells, their overexpression significantly induced microvillar elongation, recruiting ERM proteins and actin filaments. When the ERM-binding domains were truncated from these molecules, their ability to induce microvillar elongation became undetectable. In contrast, in cultured epithelial cells such as MTD-1A and A431 cells, the overexpression of ERMBMPs did not elongate microvilli. However, in the presence of EGF, overexpression of ERMBMPs induced remarkable microvillar elongation in A431 cells. These results indicated that ERMBMPs function as organizing centers for cortical morphogenesis by organizing microvilli in collaboration with activated ERM proteins. Furthermore, immunodetection with a phosphorylated ERM-specific antibody and site-directed mutagenesis suggested that ERM proteins phosphorylated at their COOH-terminal threonine residue represent activated ERM proteins.  相似文献   

Neutral endopeptidase 24.11 (NEP) is a cell surface peptidase expressed by numerous tissues including prostatic epithelial cells. We reported that NEP inhibits prostate cancer cell proliferation and cell migration by enzymatic inactivation of neuropeptide substrates and through protein-protein interaction independent of catalytic function. The cytoplasmic domain of NEP contains a positively charged amino acid cluster, previously identified as a binding site for ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) proteins. We report here that NEP co-immunoprecipitates with ERM proteins in NEP-expressing LNCaP prostate cancer cells and MeWo melanoma cells. Co-immunoprecipitation showed that ERM proteins associate with wild-type NEP protein but not NEP protein containing a truncated cytoplasmic domain or point mutations replacing the positively charged amino acid cluster. In vitro binding assays showed that NEP binds directly to recombinant N terminus fragments of ERM proteins at the positively charged amino acid cluster within the NEP cytoplasmic domain. Binding of ERM proteins to NEP results in decreased binding of ERM proteins to the hyaluronan receptor CD44, a main binding partner of ERM proteins. Moreover, cells expressing wild-type NEP demonstrate decreased adhesion to hyaluronic acid and cell migration. These data suggest that NEP can affect cell adhesion and migration through direct binding to ERM proteins.  相似文献   

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