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Since its discovery in 1992, mGluR5 has attracted significant attention and been linked to several neurological and psychiatric diseases. Ligand development was initially focused on the orthosteric binding pocket, but lack of subtype selective ligands changed the focus to the transmembrane allosteric binding pocket. This strategy has resulted in several drug candidates in clinical testing. In the present article we explore the orthosteric and allosteric binding pockets in terms of structure and ligand recognition across the mGluR subtypes and groups, and discuss the clinical potential of ligands targeting these pockets. We have performed binding mode analyses of non- and group-selective orthosteric ligands based on molecular docking in mGluR crystal structures and models. For the analysis of the allosteric binding pocket we have combined data from all mGluR5-mutagenesis studies, collectively reporting five negative allosteric modulators and 47 unique mutations, and compared it to the closest related homolog, mGluR1.  相似文献   

Hsp90 chaperones contain an N-terminal ATP binding site that has been effectively targeted by competitive inhibitors. Despite the myriad of inhibitors, none to date have been designed to bind specifically to just one of the four mammalian Hsp90 paralogs, which are cytoplasmic Hsp90α and β, endoplasmic reticulum GRP94, and mitochondrial Trap-1. Given that each of the Hsp90 paralogs is responsible for chaperoning a distinct set of client proteins, specific targeting of one Hsp90 paralog may result in higher efficacy and therapeutic control. Specific inhibitors may also help elucidate the biochemical roles of each Hsp90 paralog. Here, we present side-by-side comparisons of the structures of yeast Hsp90 and mammalian GRP94, bound to the pan-Hsp90 inhibitors geldanamycin (Gdm) and radamide. These structures reveal paralog-specific differences in the Hsp90 and GRP94 conformations in response to Gdm binding. We also report significant variation in the pose and disparate binding affinities for the Gdm-radicicol chimera radamide when bound to the two paralogs, which may be exploited in the design of paralog-specific inhibitors.  相似文献   

Fragment-based drug design is one of the most promising approaches for discovering novel and potent inhibitors against therapeutic targets. The first step of the process consists of identifying fragments that bind the protein target. The determination of the fragment binding mode plays a major role in the selection of the fragment hits that will be processed into drug-like compounds. Comparing the binding modes of analogous fragments is a critical task, not only to identify specific interactions between the protein target and the fragment, but also to verify whether the binding mode is conserved or differs according to the fragment modification. While X-ray crystallography is the technique of choice, NMR methods are helpful when this fails. We show here how the ligand-observed saturation transfer difference (STD) experiment and the protein-observed 15N-HSQC experiment, two popular NMR screening experiments, can be used to compare the binding modes of analogous fragments. We discuss the application and limitations of these approaches based on STD-epitope mapping, chemical shift perturbation (CSP) calculation and comparative CSP sign analysis, using the human peroxiredoxin 5 as a protein model.  相似文献   

Allosteric interactions of the molecular chaperone Hsp90 with a large cohort of cochaperones and client proteins allow for molecular communication and event coupling in signal transduction networks. The integration of cochaperones into the Hsp90 system is driven by the regulatory mechanisms that modulate the progression of the ATPase cycle and control the recruitment of the Hsp90 clientele. In this work, we report the results of computational modeling of allosteric regulation in the Hsp90 complexes with the cochaperones p23 and Aha1. By integrating protein docking, biophysical simulations, modeling of allosteric communications, protein structure network analysis and the energy landscape theory we have investigated dynamics and stability of the Hsp90-p23 and Hsp90-Aha1 interactions in direct comparison with the extensive body of structural and functional experiments. The results have revealed that functional dynamics and allosteric interactions of Hsp90 can be selectively modulated by these cochaperones via specific targeting of the regulatory hinge regions that could restrict collective motions and stabilize specific chaperone conformations. The protein structure network parameters have quantified the effects of cochaperones on conformational stability of the Hsp90 complexes and identified dynamically stable communities of residues that can contribute to the strengthening of allosteric interactions. According to our results, p23-mediated changes in the Hsp90 interactions may provide “molecular brakes” that could slow down an efficient transmission of the inter-domain allosteric signals, consistent with the functional role of p23 in partially inhibiting the ATPase cycle. Unlike p23, Aha1-mediated acceleration of the Hsp90-ATPase cycle may be achieved via modulation of the equilibrium motions that facilitate allosteric changes favoring a closed dimerized form of Hsp90. The results of our study have shown that Aha1 and p23 can modulate the Hsp90-ATPase activity and direct the chaperone cycle by exerting the precise control over structural stability, global movements and allosteric communications in Hsp90.  相似文献   

A fundamental role of the Hsp90 chaperone in regulating functional activity of diverse protein clients is essential for the integrity of signaling networks. In this work we have combined biophysical simulations of the Hsp90 crystal structures with the protein structure network analysis to characterize the statistical ensemble of allosteric interaction networks and communication pathways in the Hsp90 chaperones. We have found that principal structurally stable communities could be preserved during dynamic changes in the conformational ensemble. The dominant contribution of the inter-domain rigidity to the interaction networks has emerged as a common factor responsible for the thermodynamic stability of the active chaperone form during the ATPase cycle. Structural stability analysis using force constant profiling of the inter-residue fluctuation distances has identified a network of conserved structurally rigid residues that could serve as global mediating sites of allosteric communication. Mapping of the conformational landscape with the network centrality parameters has demonstrated that stable communities and mediating residues may act concertedly with the shifts in the conformational equilibrium and could describe the majority of functionally significant chaperone residues. The network analysis has revealed a relationship between structural stability, global centrality and functional significance of hotspot residues involved in chaperone regulation. We have found that allosteric interactions in the Hsp90 chaperone may be mediated by modules of structurally stable residues that display high betweenness in the global interaction network. The results of this study have suggested that allosteric interactions in the Hsp90 chaperone may operate via a mechanism that combines rapid and efficient communication by a single optimal pathway of structurally rigid residues and more robust signal transmission using an ensemble of suboptimal multiple communication routes. This may be a universal requirement encoded in protein structures to balance the inherent tension between resilience and efficiency of the residue interaction networks.  相似文献   

Outer hair cells boost auditory performance in mammals. This amplification relies on an expansive array of intramembranous molecular motors, identified as prestin, that drive somatic electromotility. By measuring nonlinear capacitance, the electrical signature of electromotility, we are able to assess prestin's conformational state and interrogate the effectiveness of anions on prestin's activity. We find that the affinity of anions depends on the state of prestin that we set with a variety of perturbations (in membrane tension, temperature, and voltage), and that movement into the expanded state reduces the affinity of prestin for anions. These data signify that anions work allosterically on prestin. Consequently, anions are released from prestin's binding site during expansion, i.e., during hyperpolarization. This is at odds with the extrinsic voltage sensor model, which suggests that prestin-bound intracellular anions are propelled deep into the membrane. Furthermore, we hypothesize that prestin's susceptibility to many biophysical forces, and notably its piezoelectric nature, may reflect anion interactions with the motor.  相似文献   

R Aligue  H Akhavan-Niak    P Russell 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(24):6099-6106
Wee1 protein kinase regulates the length of G2 phase by carrying out the inhibitory tyrosyl phosphorylation of Cdc2-cyclin B kinase. Mutations were isolated that suppressed the G2 cell cycle arrest caused by overproduction of Wee1. One class of swo (suppressor of wee1 overproduction) mutation, exemplified by swo1-26, also caused a temperature sensitive lethal phenotype in a wee1+ background. The swo1+ gene encodes a member of the Hsp90 family of stress proteins. Swo1 is essential for viability at all temperatures. Swo1 coimmunoprecipitates with Wee1, showing that the two proteins interact. The swo1-26 mutant undergoes premature mitosis when grown at a semi-permissive temperature. These data strongly indicate that formation of active Wee1 tyrosine kinase requires interaction with Swo1, perhaps in a manner analogous to the previously demonstrated interaction between Hsp90 and v-src tyrosine kinase. These observations demonstrate a unexpected role for Hsp90 in cell cycle control.  相似文献   

SQN (SQUINT) is the Arabidopsis ortholog of the immunophilin CyP40 (cyclophilin 40) and promotes microRNA activity by promoting the activity of AGO1. In animals and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, CyP40 promotes protein activity in association with the protein chaperone Hsp90. To determine whether CyP40 also acts in association with Hsp90 in plants, we examined the interaction between SQN and Hsp90 in vitro and tested the importance of this interaction for the function of SQN in planta. We found that SQN interacts with cytoplasmic Hsp90 proteins but not with Hsp90 proteins localized to chloroplasts, mitochondria, or the endoplasmic reticulum. The interaction between SQN and Hsp90 in vitro requires the MEEVD domain of Hsp90, as well as several conserved amino acids within the tetratricopeptide repeat domain of SQN. Amino acid substitutions that disrupt the interaction between SQN and Hsp90 in vitro also impair the activity of SQN in planta. Our results indicate that the interaction between CyP40 and Hsp90 is conserved in plants and that this interaction is essential for the function of CyP40.  相似文献   

膜窖是脂筏的一种特殊类型,在哺乳动物的内皮细胞、脂肪细胞及平滑肌细胞质膜上分布尤为丰富。近年来对于膜窖的区室化调节与生理功能及其应用于药物设计方面的研究日益受到关注,如利用基因剔除、荧光共振能量转移等技术研究窖蛋白功能及膜窖内信号蛋白的互相作用,从而为新型药物的设计打下理论基础。  相似文献   

The Hsp90 chaperone system interacts with a wide spectrum of client proteins, forming variable and dynamic multiprotein complexes that involve the intervention of cochaperone partners. Recent results suggest that the role of Hsp90 complexes is to establish interactions that suppress unwanted client activities, allow clients to be protected from degradation and respond to biochemical signals. Cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) provided the first key molecular picture of Hsp90 in complex with a kinase, Cdk4, and a cochaperone, Cdc37. Here, we use a combination of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and advanced comparative analysis methods to elucidate key aspects of the functional dynamics of the complex, with different nucleotides bound at the N-terminal Domain of Hsp90. The results reveal that nucleotide-dependent structural modulations reverberate in a striking asymmetry of the dynamics of Hsp90 and identify specific patterns of long-range coordination between the nucleotide binding site, the client binding pocket, the cochaperone and the client. Our model establishes a direct atomic-resolution cross-talk between the ATP-binding site, the client region that is to be remodeled and the surfaces of the Cdc37-cochaperone.  相似文献   

Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) plays a central role in signal transduction and has emerged as a promising target for anti-cancer therapeutics, but its molecular mechanism is poorly understood. At physiological concentration, Hsp90 predominantly forms dimers, but the function of full-length monomers in cells is not clear. Hsp90 contains three domains: the N-terminal and middle domains contribute directly to ATP binding and hydrolysis and the C domain mediates dimerization. To study the function of Hsp90 monomers, we used a single-chain strategy that duplicated the C-terminal dimerization domain. This novel monomerization strategy had the dual effect of stabilizing the C domain to denaturation and hindering intermolecular association of the ATPase domain. The resulting construct was predominantly monomeric at physiological concentration and did not function to support yeast viability as the sole Hsp90. The monomeric construct was also defective at ATP hydrolysis and the activation of a kinase and steroid receptor substrate in yeast cells. The ability to support yeast growth was rescued by the addition of a coiled-coil dimerization domain, indicating that the parental single-chain construct is functionally defective because it is monomeric.  相似文献   

Curcumin (diferuloylmethane) is a potent anti-inflammatory and anti-tumorigenic agent that has shown preclinical activity in diverse cancers. Curcumin up-regulates heat shock protein 70 (hsp70) mRNA in several different cancer cell lines. Hsp70 contributes to an escape from the apoptotic effects of curcumin by several different mechanisms including prevention of the release of apoptosis inducing factor from the mitochondria and inhibition of caspases 3 and 9. Previously we showed that the combination of curcumin plus a heat shock protein inhibitor was synergistic in its down-regulation of the proliferation of a human schwannoma cell line (HEI-193) harboring an NF2 mutation, possibly because curcumin up-regulated hsp70, which also binds merlin, the NF2 gene product. In order to determine if curcumin also interacts directly with hsp70 and to discover other binding partners of curcumin, we synthesized biotinylated curcumin (bio-curcumin) and treated HEI-193 schwannoma cells. Cell lysates were prepared and incubated with avidin-coated beads. Peptides pulled down from this reaction were sequenced and it was determined that biotinylated curcumin bound hsp70, hsp90, 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase, and a β-actin variant. These binding partners may serve to further elucidate the underlying mechanisms of curcumin’s actions.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of the catalytic subunit α of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKAc) with three adenosine analogue-oligoarginine conjugates (ARCs) are presented. The rationally designed ARCs include moieties that, in combination, target both the ATP- and the peptide-substrate-binding sites of PKAc, thereby taking advantage of high-affinity binding interactions offered by the ATP site while utilizing an additional mechanism for target specificity via binding to the peptide substrate site. The crystal structuresdemonstrate that, in accord with the previously reported bisubstrate character of ARCs, the inhibitors occupy both binding sites of PKAc. Further, they show new binding modes that may also apply to natural protein substrates of PKAc, which have not been revealed by previous crystallographic studies. The crystal structures described here contribute to the understanding of the substrate-binding patterns of PKAc and should also facilitate the design of inhibitors targeting PKAc and related protein kinases.  相似文献   

Hsp100 chaperones cooperate with the Hsp70 chaperone system to disaggregate and reactivate heat-denatured aggregated proteins to promote cell survival after heat stress. The homology models of Hsp100 disaggregases suggest the presence of a conserved network of ionic interactions between the first nucleotide binding domain (NBD1) and the coiled-coil middle subdomain, the signature domain of disaggregating chaperones. Mutations intended to disrupt the putative ionic interactions in yeast Hsp104 and bacterial ClpB disaggregases resulted in remarkable changes of their biochemical properties. These included an increase in ATPase activity, a significant increase in the rate of in vitro substrate renaturation, and partial independence from the Hsp70 chaperone in disaggregation. Paradoxically, the increased activities resulted in serious growth impediments in yeast and bacterial cells instead of improvement of their thermotolerance. Our results suggest that this toxic activity is due to the ability of the mutated disaggregases to unfold independently from Hsp70, native folded proteins. Complementary changes that restore particular salt bridges within the suggested network suppressed the toxic effects. We propose a novel structural aspect of Hsp100 chaperones crucial for specificity and efficiency of the disaggregation reaction.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiological agent of Chagas disease, an illness that affects about 10 million people, mostly in South America, for which there is no effective treatment or vaccine. In this context, transgenic parasites expressing reporter genes are interesting tools for investigating parasite biology and host-parasite interactions, with a view to developing new strategies for disease prevention and treatment. We describe here the construction of a stably transfected fluorescent T. cruzi clone in which the GFP gene is integrated into the chromosome carrying the ribosomal cistron in T. cruzi Dm28c. This fluorescent T. cruzi produces detectable amounts of GFP only at replicative stages (epimastigote and amastigote), consistent with the larger amounts of GFP mRNA detected in these forms than in the non replicative trypomastigote stages. The fluorescence signal was also strongly correlated with the total number of parasites in T. cruzi cultures, providing a simple and rapid means of determining the growth inhibitory dose of anti-T.cruzi drugs in epimastigotes, by fluorometric microplate screening, and in amastigotes, by the flow cytometric quantification of T. cruzi-infected Vero cells. This fluorescent T. cruzi clone is, thus, an interesting tool for unbiased detection of the proliferating stages of the parasite, with multiple applications in the genetic analysis of T. cruzi, including analyses of host-parasite interactions, gene expression regulation and drug development.  相似文献   

The receptor tyrosine kinase HER2 is associated with a number of human malignancies and is an important therapeutic target. The antibody‐drug conjugate trastuzumab emtansine (T‐DM1; Kadcyla®) is recommended as a first‐line treatment for patients with HER2‐positive metastatic breast cancer. T‐DM1 combines the antibody‐induced effects of the anti‐HER2 antibody trastuzumab (Herceptin®) with the cytotoxic effect of the tubulin inhibitor mertansine (DM1). For DM1 to have effect, the T‐DM1‐HER2 complex has to be internalized and the trastuzumab part of T‐DM1 has to be degraded. HER2 is, however, considered endocytosis‐resistant. As a result of this, trastuzumab is only internalized to a highly limited extent, and if internalized, it is rapidly recycled. The exact reasons for the endocytosis resistance of HER2 are not clear, but it is stabilized by heat‐shock protein 90 (Hsp90) and Hsp90 inhibitors induce internalization and degradation of HER2. HER2 can also be internalized upon activation of protein kinase C, and contrary to trastuzumab alone, the combination of two or more anti‐HER2 antibodies can induce efficient internalization and degradation of HER2. With intention to find ways to improve the action of T‐DM1, we investigated how different ways of inducing HER2 internalization leads to degradation of trastuzumab. The results show that although both Hsp90 inhibition and activation of protein kinase C induce internalization of trastuzumab, only Hsp90 inhibition induces degradation. Furthermore, we find that antibody internalization and degradation are increased when trastuzumab is combined with the clinically approved anti‐HER2 antibody pertuzumab (Perjeta®).  相似文献   


The effects of incubation temperature and allosteric modulators were studied on [3H]nitrendipine binding to guinea-pig cardiac membranes. Incubation temperature only slightly affected the ability of nifedipine and verapamil derivatives to inhibit binding. By contrast, the Ca2+ channel blockers d-cis-diltiazem and fostedil (KB-944) stimulated [3H]nitrendipine binding in a temperature-dependent manner (37° > 25° > 4° C). The stimulatory effect of fostedil could be related to a decrease (2.3-fold at 37° C) in the rate of radioligand binding site dissociation, without significant effects on association kinetics. Both fostedil and d-cis-diltiazem caused a shift to the right of the concentration-inhibition curve of tiapamil, a negative allosteric modulator of [3H]nitrendipine binding. Neither compound affected the ability of nifedipine, a competitive antagonist, to inhibit radioligand binding. This selective effect of fostedil or d-cis-diltiazem may be useful for testing whether potential Ca2+ channel blockers interact in a competitive as opposed to allosteric manner with the dihydropyridine site. Varying the incubation temperature may also be useful in detecting compounds which act as positive allosteric modulators (stimulators) of dihydropyridine binding.  相似文献   

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