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In a simple salts medium, monolayers of IEC-6 intestinal cells achieved concentrations of unmetabolized formycin B (an analog of inosine) about 6-fold higher than in the medium. Rates of formycin B influx were a saturable function of Na+ concentrations in the medium. Although IEC-6 cells possess sites with high affinity for nitrobenzylthioinosine, a potent inhibitor of equilibrative (facilitated diffusion) nucleoside transport systems in certain cell types, the inhibitor had only minor effects on formycin B uptake in IEC-6 cells, but reduced efflux of the analog from these cells. These findings indicate the joint presence in IEC-6 cells of nucleoside transporters of two types, one that is concentrative and Na+-dependent, and another that is sensitive to nitrobenzylthioinosine and apparently equilibrative.  相似文献   

Sodium-dependent nucleoside transport in mouse leukemia L1210 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nucleoside permeation in L1210/AM cells is mediated by (a) equilibrative (facilitated diffusion) transporters of two types and by (b) a concentrative Na(+)-dependent transport system of low sensitivity to nitrobenzylthioinosine and dipyridamole, classical inhibitors of equilibrative nucleoside transport. In medium containing 10 microM dipyridamole and 20 microM adenosine, the equilibrative nucleoside transport systems of L1210/AM cells were substantially inhibited and the unimpaired activity of the Na(+)-dependent nucleoside transport system resulted in the cellular accumulation of free adenosine to 86 microM in 5 min, a concentration three times greater than the steady-state levels of adenosine achieved without dipyridamole. Uphill adenosine transport was not observed when extracellular Na+ was replaced by Li+, K+, Cs+, or N-methyl-D-glucammonium ions, or after treatment of the cells with nystatin, a Na+ ionophore. These findings show that concentrative nucleoside transport activity in L1210/AM cells required an inward transmembrane Na+ gradient. Treatment of cells in sodium medium with 2 mM furosemide in the absence or presence of 2 mM ouabain inhibited Na(+)-dependent adenosine transport by 50 and 75%, respectively. However, because treatment of cells with either agent in Na(+)-free medium decreased adenosine transport by only 25%, part of this inhibition may be secondary to the effects of furosemide and ouabain on the ionic content of the cells. Substitution of extracellular Cl- by SO4(-2) or SCN- had no effect on the concentrative influx of adenosine.  相似文献   

Mouse splenocytes and hamster peritoneal exudate cells (PEC), including macrophages, were shown to contain a predominantly Na(+)-dependent and inhibitor (6-[(4-nitrobenzyl)-mercapto]purine ribonucleoside, NBMPR)-resistant transport system for adenosine and other nucleosides. Adenosine (1 microM) was transported about equally in mouse thymocytes and human monocytes from peripheral blood by a Na(+)-dependent system and the NBMPR-sensitive facilitated diffusion system. Hamster PEC also transported inosine, tubercidin, formycin B, uridine, and thymidine in a NBMPR-insensitive manner. With the exception of formycin B, all nucleosides were phosphorylated intracellularly to varying degree, adenosine being almost fully phosphorylated. During the time course of routine experiments (30 s) formycin B was concentrated twofold over external medium levels (1 microM) without any drop-off in the transport rate. On the basis of metabolic studies it was estimated that uridine and tubercidin were also transported against a concentration gradient. Inosine, guanosine, 2'-deoxyadenosine, tubercidin, formycin B, and the pyrimidines uridine, thymidine, and cytidine (all 100 microM) inhibited transport of adenosine and inosine about 50-100%, while 3'-deoxyinosine showed weak inhibitory action. Transport of thymidine was strongly inhibited by nucleosides except by 3'-deoxyinosine. The Na(+)-dependent, active, and concentration transport system appears to be a feature of many immune-type cells, and its presence offers particular conceptual possibilities for the therapy of infections located in these cells.  相似文献   

Nucleoside transport in Walker 256 cells was reexamined using formycin B, a nonmetabolized analog of inosine. In the presence of dipyridamole to inhibit the equilibrative (facilitated diffusion) transporter previously described in these cells, the initial rate of uptake of 1 microM formycin B was 10-fold greater in Na(+)-containing medium than in Na(+)-free medium. In the presence of Na+ and dipyridamole the intracellular concentration of formycin B exceeded that in the medium within one min and was 6-fold greater than that of the medium by 5 min. Na(+)-dependent transport of formycin B was inhibited by low concentrations of inosine, but not thymidine. Furthermore, Na(+)-dependent transport of uridine, but not thymidine, was apparent in the presence of dipyridamole. These data indicate that Walker 256 cells have, in addition to the previously described equilibrative transporter, a concentrative nucleoside transporter. The specificity of this transporter appears to correspond to one of the two Na(+)-dependent transporters previously described in mouse intestinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Differentiation and maturation of enterocytes occur with migration from the crypt to villus compartments. To investigate the effect of epithelial cell differentiation on sodium-dependent D-glucose transport, brush-border membrane vesicles were prepared from small intestinal epithelial cell suspensions selectively isolated from villus and crypt populations. Enterocytes were isolated with a morphologically monitored sequential cell dissociation method. Thymidine kinase, sucrase, and alkaline phosphatase activities were measured as differentiation markers of specific cell populations. Brush-border membrane vesicles were purified and their kinetic characteristics defined with a rapid filtration method under conditions of a zero-trans, 100 mM cis-NaSCN gradient. Typical "overshoot" phenomena characteristic of sodium D-glucose cotransport were observed for both villus (five- to eight-fold equilibrium values) and crypt brush-border membrane vesicles (two- to four-fold equilibrium values). Kinetics analyses of the initial D-glucose flux in brush-border membrane vesicles suggested the presence of at least two sodium-dependent D-glucose carriers in the villus and only a single carrier in the crypt compartments. These data indicate that sodium D-glucose cotransport occurs in brush-border membranes of both villus and crypt populations. Moreover, quantitative and qualitative differences between these two membrane populations suggest that epithelial D-glucose transport processes are differentiation dependent and reflect the degree of enterocyte development.  相似文献   

Mature, confluent monolayer cultures of IEC-6 rat intestinal epithelial cells in conventional growth media express both Na(+)-linked, concentrative nucleoside transport (NT) activity and equilibrative, inhibitor-sensitive NT activity, but do not show morphologic differentiation. Na(+)-dependent fluxes of Ado and formycin B were minor in early subconfluent IEC-6 monolayers, but increased severalfold to become the major component of influx of these agents in confluent monolayers grown in medium containing Nu-Serum, a commercial medium supplement with a low serum content. In monolayers cultured in medium with fetal bovine serum, cell proliferation rates were similar to those in medium supplemented with Nu-Serum, but expression of Na(+)-linked NT activity was 6-8-fold lower than in monolayers grown in the latter medium. Inclusion of hydrocortisone in growth medium with Nu-Serum caused a 2-fold increase in the expression of Na(+)-linked NT activity. Experiments in which components of medium supplementation were withheld showed that insulin and epidermal growth factor were important in expression of the Na(+)-linked NT activity. Because the Na(+)-linked NT system has a brush border location in fresh intestinal epithelium, it is concluded that the regulated expression of this activity in the IEC-6 monolayers is a differentiative change.  相似文献   

Characterization of mouse lymphoma cells with altered nucleoside transport   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A mutant clone (NT-1) of a T-cell lymphoma was selected for its ability to grow in HAT medium (hypoxanthine, aminopterin and thymidine) in the presence of the nucleoside transport inhibitor P-nitrobenzyl-6-mercaptoinosine (NBMI). NT-1 cells contain half the number of NBMI binding sites present on the parental S49 cells and are partially able to transport nucleosides in the presence of the transport inhibitor (NBMI). These observations suggest that the mutant cells are heterozygous for nucleoside transport proteins and contain two types of transport proteins: the first protein can both bind and is inhibited by NBMI similar to the wild type phenotype, and the second is an altered protein. The altered transport protein apparently lost its NBMI binding sites without a parallel loss of nucleoside transport ability suggesting that the nucleoside transported sites are separate from the binding sites of the transport inhibitor.  相似文献   

In rat small intestine, the active transport of organic solutes results in significant depolarization of the membrane potential measured in an epithelial cell with respect to a grounded mucosal solution and in an increase in the transepithelial potential difference. According to the analysis with an equivalent circuit model for the epithelium, the changes in emf's of mucosal and serosal membranes induced by active solute transport were calculated using the measured conductive parameters. The result indicates that the mucosal cell membrane depolarizes while the serosal cell membrane remarkably hyperpolarizes on the active solute transport. Corresponding results are derived from the calculations of emf's in a variety of intestines, using the data that have hitherto been reported. The hyperpolarization of serosal membrane induced by the active solute transport might be ascribed to activation of the serosal electrogenic sodium pump. In an attempt to determine the causative factors in mucosal membrane depolarization during active solute transport, cell water contents and ion concentrations were measured. The cell water content remarkably increased and, at the same time, intracellular monovalent ion concentrations significantly decreased with glucose transport. Net gain of glucose within the cell was estimated from the restraint of osmotic balance between intracellular and extracellular fluids. In contrast to the apparent decreases in intracellular Na+ and K+ concentrations, significant gains of Na+ and K+ occurred with glucose transport. The quantitative relationships among net gains of Na+, K+ and glucose during active glucose transport suggest that the coupling ratio between glucose and Na+ entry by the carrier mechanism on the mucosal membrane is approximately 1:1 and the coupling ratio between Na+-efflux and K+-influx of the serosal electrogenic sodium pump is approximately 4:3 in rat small intestine. In addition to the electrogenic ternary complex inflow across the mucosal cell membrane, the decreases in intracellular monovalent ion concentrations, the temporary formation of an osmotic pressure gradient across the cell membrane and the streaming potential induced by water inflow through negatively charged pores of the cell membrane in the course of an active solute transport in intestinal epithelial cells are apparently all possible causes of mucosal membrane depolarization.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the use of IEC-6 cells as a model for studying lead (Pb) transport by intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) and examined potential transport mechanisms for Pb uptake and extrusion. Pb accumulation in IEC-6 cells exposed to 5 and 10 μM Pb for up to 60 min was time- and dose-dependent. Reduction of incubation temperature significantly reduced the total cellular Pb content of IEC-6 cells. Simultaneous exposure of cells to zinc (Zn) and Pb resulted in decreased total cellular Pb contents compared to total cellular Pb contents of cells exposed to Pb only. IEC-6 cells treated with ouabain (1 mM) or sodium azide (1 mM) and 5 μM Pb accumulated more Pb than cells exposed to Pb only. Cells treated withp-chloromercuribenzensulfonic acid (50 μM),p-chloromercuribenzoic acid (50 μM), or iodoacetimide (50 μM) accumulated less Pb than cells treated with Pb only. We conclude that Pb uptake by IEC-6 cells depends on the extracellular Pb concentration. Our data suggest that the mechanism of Pb uptake by IECs is complex, and that Pb transport in IEC-6 cells is time- and temperature-dependent, involves sulfhydryl groups, and is decreased by the presence of Zn. Extrusion of Pb is at least partially dependent on metabolic energy.  相似文献   

Two homologous fungal short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) proteins have been cloned from the fungus Curvularia lunata (teleomorph: Cochliobolus lunatus) and expressed in Escherichia coli: trihydroxynaphthalene reductase (3HNR), an enzyme of the melanin biosynthetic pathway that catalyzes the conversion of 1,3,8-trihydroxynaphthalene to vermelone, and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17beta-HSDcl), which acts on androgens and estrogens, although its physiological substrate remains to be defined. In the present study, we have compared the structures, specificities to substrates and inhibitors, temperature and pH optima of 3HNR and 17beta-HSDcl. Sequence analysis and homology-built models revealed that these enzymes are highly similar. Both of these enzymes are NADP(H)-preferring reductases and act on steroids at position 17; however, 17beta-HSDcl presented considerably higher initial rates than 3HNR. In vitro, 17beta-HSDcl preferably catalyzed the reduction of 4-estrene-3,17-dione, while the best steroid substrate for 3HNR was 5alpha-androstane-3,17-dione. On the other hand, 2,3-dihydro-2,5-dihydroxy-4H-benzopyran-4-one (DDBO), an artificial substrate of 3HNR, was oxidized rapidly by 3HNR, while it was not a substrate for 17beta-HSDcl. Additionally, our data show that tricyclazole, a specific inhibitor of 3HNR, is 100-fold less effective for 17beta-HSDcl inhibition, while flavonoids can inhibit both 3HNR and 17beta-HSDcl. We have also examined the effects of temperature and pH on the oxidation of DDBO by 3HNR and the oxidation of 4-estrene-17beta-ol-3-one by 17beta-HSDcl. The apparent optimal temperature for 3HNR activity was between 25 and 30 degrees C, while it was between 40 and 45 degrees C for 17beta-HSDcl activity. The pH optimum of 3HNR activity was between 8 and 9, and for 17beta-HSDcl, between 7 and 8. Our data show that in spite of high homology and similar backbone structure, differences between 3HNR and 17beta-HSDcl were not only in substrate specificities, but also in temperature and pH optima.  相似文献   

We studied the regulation of nucleoside transporters in intestinal epithelial cells upon exposure to either differentiating or proliferative agents. Rat intestinal epithelial cells (line IEC-6) were incubated in the presence of differentiating (glucocorticoids) or proliferative (EGF and TGF-alpha) agents. Nucleoside uptake rates and nucleoside transporter protein and mRNA levels were assessed. The signal transduction pathways used by the proliferative stimuli were analyzed. We found that glucocorticoids induce an increase in sodium-dependent, concentrative nucleoside transport rates and in protein and mRNA levels of both rCNT2 and rCNT1, with negligible effects on the equilibrative transporters. EGF and TGF-alpha induce an increase in the equilibrative transport rate, mostly accounted for by an increase in rENT1 activity and mRNA levels, rENT2 mRNA levels remaining unaltered. This effect is mimicked by another proliferative stimulus that functions as an in vitro model of epithelial wounding. Here, rENT1 activity and mRNA levels are also increased, although the signal transduction pathways used by the two stimuli are different. We concluded that differentiation of rat intestinal epithelial cells is accompanied by increased mature enterocyte features, such as concentrative nucleoside transport (located at the brush border membrane of the enterocyte), thus preparing the cell for its ultimate absorptive function. A proliferative stimulus induces the equilibrative nucleoside activities (mostly through ENT1) known to be located at the basolateral membrane, allowing the uptake of nucleosides from the bloodstream for the increased demands of the proliferating cell.  相似文献   

Derived from bile duct epithelia (BDE), secretion by liver cyst-lining epithelia is positioned to drive cyst expansion but the responsible ion flux pathways have not been characterized. Cyst-lining epithelia were isolated and cultured into high resistance monolayers to assess the ion secretory pathways. Electrophysiologic studies showed a marked rate of constitutive transepithelial ion transport, including Cl(-) secretion and Na(+) absorption. Na(+) absorption was amiloride-sensitive, suggesting the activation of epithelial sodium channels (ENaC). Further, both cAMP(i) and extracellular ATP induced robust secretory responses. Western blotting and immunohistologic analysis of liver cyst epithelia demonstrated expression of P2X4, a potent purinergic receptor in normal BDE. Luminometry and bioassaying measured physiologically relevant levels of ATP in a subset of liver cyst fluid samples. Liver cyst epithelia also displayed a significant capacity to degrade extracellular ATP. In conclusion, regulated ion transport pathways are present in liver cyst epithelia and are positioned to direct fluid secretion into the lumen of liver cysts and promote increases in liver cyst expansion and growth.  相似文献   

Single mouse intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) may be isolated by the use of a combination of methods used for the isolation of IEC from other species. Isolated cells remain viable for several hours. The membrane integral enzymes alkaline phosphatase and leucine aminopeptidase of isolated IEC are localized to the brush borders of IEC in tissue and in most newly isolated IEC. With time, both enzymes are found distributed over the entire cell surface. Redistribution appears to occur by diffusion in the plane of the membrane. It is slowed, but not blocked, if cells are maintained at 0 degrees C instead of at 37 degrees C, and it is not blocked by fixation in 0.5-3% paraformaldehyde. Drugs that alter cell membrane potential or that affect cell levels of ATP enhance the rate of redistribution of the enzymes.  相似文献   

From a mutagenized population of wild-type mouse (S49) T-lymphoma cells, a clone, 80-5D2, was isolated in a single step by virtue of its ability to survive in 80 nM 5-fluorouridine. Unlike previously isolated nucleoside transport-deficient cell lines (A. Cohen, B. Ullman, and D. W. Martin, Jr., J. Biol. Chem. 254:112-116, 1979), 80-5D2 cells were only slightly less sensitive to growth inhibition by a variety of cytotoxic nucleosides and were capable of proliferating in hypoxanthine-amethopterin-thymidine-containing medium. The molecular basis for the phenotype of 80-5D2 cells was incomplete deficiency in the ability of the mutant cells to translocate nucleosides across the plasma membrane. Interestingly, mutant cells were more capable than wild-type cells of transporting the nucleobase hypoxanthine. Residual transport of adenosine into 80-5D2 cells was just as sensitive to inhibition by nucleosides and more sensitive to inhibition by hypoxanthine than that in wild-type cells, indicating that the phenomena of ligand binding and translocation can be uncoupled genetically. The 80-5D2 cells lacked cell surface binding sites for the potent inhibitor of nucleoside transport p-nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBMPR) and, consequently, were largely resistant to the physiological effects of NBMPR. However, the altered transporter retained its sensitivity to dipyridamole, another inhibitor of nucleoside transport. The biochemical phenotype of the 80-5D2 cell line supports the hypothesis that the determinants that comprise the nucleoside carrier site, the hypoxanthine carrier site, the NBMPR binding site, and the dipyridamole binding site of the nucleoside transport function of mouse S49 cells are genetically distinguishable.  相似文献   

Amino acid transport across the plasma membrane is essential for supplying enterocytes with amino acids for cellular metabolism. We studied amino acid transport during ischemic conditions using human intestinal epithelial cell line Caco-2. Cells were incubated under nutrient-deprived (phosphate-buffered saline, PBS), hypoxic, and ischemic (PBS+hypoxia) conditions. Ischemia resulted in a significant decrease in glutamine transport by a mechanism that decreased V(max) without affecting K(m). The expression of system ATB degrees (glutamine transporter) mRNA decreased in the ischemic and nutrient-deprived groups, suggesting that the down-regulation of glutamine transport is due to modification of expression of the ATB degrees gene. The transport of glutamate and leucine, DNA synthesis, and intracellular glutathione also decreased in the ischemic group. These findings throw some light on the mechanism of intestinal epithelial damage during ischemia.  相似文献   

Inorganic phosphate, amino acids and sugars are of obvious importance in lung metabolism. We investigated sodium-coupled transports with these organic and inorganic substrates in type II alveolar epithelial cells from adult rat after one day in culture. Alveolar type II cells actively transported inorganic phosphate and alanine, a neutral amino acid, by sodium-dependent processes. Cellular uptakes of phosphate and alanine were decreased by about 80% by external sodium substitution, inhibited by ouabain (30 and 41%, respectively) and displayed saturable kinetics. Two sodium-phosphate cotransport systems were characterized: a high-affinity one (apparent Km = 18 microM) with a Vmax of 13.5 nmol/mg protein per 10 min and a low-affinity one (apparent Km = 126 microM) with a Vmax of 22.5 nmol/mg protein per 10 min. Alanine transport had an apparent Km of 87.9 microM and a Vmax of 43.5 nmol/mg protein per 10 min. By contrast, cultured alveolar type II cells did not express sodium-dependent hexose transport. Increasing time in culture decreased Vmax values of the two phosphate transport systems on day 4 while sodium-dependent alanine uptake was unchanged. This study demonstrated the existence of sodium-dependent phosphate and amino acid transports in alveolar type II cells similar to those documented in other epithelial cell types. These sodium-coupled transports provide a potent mechanism for phosphate and amino acid absorption and are likely to play a role in substrate availability for cellular metabolism and in regulating the composition of the alveolar subphase. The decrease in phosphate uptake with time in culture is parallel to decrease in surfactant synthesis reported in cultured alveolar type II cells, suggesting that phosphate availability for surfactant synthesis may be accomplished by a sodium-dependent phosphate uptake.  相似文献   

The overall goal of this study was to determine the mechanisms by which nucleosides are transported in choroid plexus. Choroid plexus tissue slices obtained from rabbit brain were depleted of ATP with 2,4-dinitrophenol. Uridine and thymidine accumulated in the slices against a concentration gradient in the presence of an inwardly directed Na+ gradient. The Na(+)-driven uptake of uridine and thymidine was saturable with Km values of 18.1 +/- 2.0 and 13.0 +/- 2.3 microM and Vmax values of 5.5 +/- 0.3 and 1.0 +/- 0.2 nmol/g/s, respectively. Na(+)-driven uridine uptake was inhibited by naturally occurring ribo- and deoxyribonucleosides (adenosine, cytidine, and thymidine) but not by synthetic nucleoside analogs (dideoxyadenosine, dideoxycytidine, cytidine arabinoside, and 3'-azidothymidine). Both purine (guanosine, inosine, formycin B) and pyrimidine nucleosides (uridine and cytidine) were potent inhibitors of Na(+)-thymidine transport with IC50 values ranging between 5 and 23 microM. Formycin B competitively inhibited Na(+)-thymidine uptake and thymidine trans-stimulated formycin B uptake. These data suggest that both purine and pyrimidine nucleosides are substrates of the same system. The stoichiometric coupling ratios between Na+ and the nucleosides, guanosine, uridine, and thymidine, were 1.87 +/- 0.10, 1.99 +/- 0.35, and 2.07 +/- 0.09, respectively. The system differs from Na(+)-nucleoside co-transport systems in other tissues which are generally selective for either purine or pyrimidine nucleosides and which have stoichiometric ratios of 1. This study represents the first direct demonstration of a unique Na(+)-nucleoside co-transport system in choroid plexus.  相似文献   

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