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Outwardly rectifying Cl channels were originally thought to be the central element in cystic fibrosis. The role of these channels in CF was questioned to such an extent that doubts were rasied about the validity of the original experiments. Recent data reestablishes a role for outwardly rectifying Cl channels (ORCC) in CF and suggests that the protein encoded by the CF gene, the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR), can effect the regulation of more than one channel in the airway. This minireview deals with the rise, fall, and resurrection of the role of outwardly rectifying Cl channels in CF.  相似文献   

Defective activation of chloride channels is a hallmark of cystic fibrosis (CF). Recently we have described activation of a volume-sensitive, outwardly rectifying chloride conductance (I(OR)) through the src-like tyrosine kinase p56(lck). Here we show that p56(lck) activates I(OR) independently of CFTR. In lymphocytes from healthy donors, chloride channels could be opened by either intracellular cAMP, p56(lck) or osmotic swelling. In CF lymphocytes, p56(lck) and cell swelling but not cAMP could activate chloride channels. Regulation of I(OR) by p56(lck) thus represents an alternative pathway of stimulating membrane chloride conductance that is left intact in cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

Summary The outer membrane of mechanically prepared protoplasmic droplets fromAcetabularia mediterranea has been investigated by patch-clamp techniques. These membranes are shown to consist of physiologically intact plasmalemma. With the Cl pump inhibited, microscopic currents through K+-selective channels were studied. These currents compare well with macroscopic K+ currents as previously determined by standard microelectrode techniques and tracer flux measurements. There is about one K+ channel per m2 in the plasmalemma. The current-voltage relationship (I–V curve) of the main open channel (channel A) is sigmoid over a voltage range between about –100 and +100 mV with saturation currents of about ±10 pA. A second species (or different state of channel A) of K+-selective channels (channel B) differs from channel A by smaller saturation currents (about ±7 pA) and a much smaller open probability. The open probability of channel A increases from almost zero at large negative voltages to about 1/2 at large positive voltages. Taking the closed times into account, the mean steady-stateI–V curve of channel A displays outward rectification about the equilibrium voltage for K+ and negative slope conductance at larger negative voltages. The open channelI–V curve of the open channels A and B, the changes of theI–V curve of the open channel A upon variation of the external K+ concentration, as well as the mean steady-stateI–V curves of channel A are described by simple reaction kinetic models, the parameters of which are determined to fit the experimental data. The results are discussed with respect to data from other K+ channels in plants and with respect to regulation of the cytoplasmic K+ concentration inAcetabularia.  相似文献   

The multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is an active drug transporter which can expel hydrophobic compounds from cells. Expression of P-gp has many effects on cells and tissues and the physiological function, or functions, of P-gp are still unclear. Recently, expression of P-gp has been associated with altered activity of chloride channels which play a role in regulating cell volume of response to osmotic shock or nutrient uptake. The nature and physiological role of this association has been a subject of some debate. In this article, mechanisms by which P-gp might influence cell volume-activated chloride currents is discussed, and the potential physiological role of this regulation considered.  相似文献   

Summary Patch-clamp measurements were made on osteoblast-like cells isolated from embryonic chick calvaria. Cell-attachedpatch measurements revealed two types of high conductance (100–250 pS) channels, which rapidly activated upon 50–100 mV depolarization. One type showed sustained and the other transient activation over a 10-sec period of depolarization. The single-channel conductances of these channel types were about 100 or 250 pS, depending on whether the pipettes were filled with a low K+ (3mm) or high K+ (143mm) saline, respectively. The different reversal potentials under these conditions were consistent with at least K+ conduction. Whole-cell measurements revealed the existence of two types of outward rectifying conductances. The first type conducts K+ ions and activates within 20–200 msec (depending on the stimulus) upon depolarizing voltage steps from <–60 mV to >–30 mV. It inactivates almost completely with a time constant of 2–3 sec. Recovery from inactivation is biphasic with an initial rapid phase (1–2 sec) followed by a slow phase (>20 sec). The second whole-cell conductance activates at positive membrane potentials of >+50 mV. It also rapidly turns on upon depolarizing voltage steps. Activation may partly disappear at the higher voltages. Its single channels of 140 pS conductance were identified in the whole cell and did conduct K+ ions but were not highly Cl or Na+ selective. The results show that osteoblasts may express various types of voltage controlled ionic channels. We predict a role for such channels in mineral metabolism of bone tissue and its control by osteoblasts.  相似文献   

The physiologically indispensable chloride channel (CLC) family is split into two classes of membrane proteins: chloride channels and chloride/proton antiporters. In this article we focus on the relationship between these two groups and specifically review the role of protons in chloride-channel gating. Moreover, we discuss the evidence for proton transport through the chloride channels and explore the possible pathways that the protons could take through the chloride channels. We present results of a mutagenesis study, suggesting the feasibility of one of the pathways, which is closely related to the proton pathway proposed previously for the chloride/proton antiporters. We conclude that the two groups of CLC proteins, although in principle very different, employ similar mechanisms and pathways for ion transport.  相似文献   

Summary Patch-clamp studies of single ion channel currents in freshly isolated murine B lymphocytes are characterized here according to their respective unitary conductances, ion selectivities, regulatory factors, distributions and kinetic behavior. The most prevalent ion channel in murine B lymphocytes is a large conductance (348 pS) nonselective anion channel. This report characterizes additional conductances including: two chloride channels (40 and 128 pS), a calcium-activated potassium channel (93 pS), and an outwardly rectifying potassium channel which displays two distinct conductances (18 and 30 pS). Like the anion channel, both chloride channels exhibit little activity in the cellattached patch configuration. The kinetic behavior of all of these channels is complex, with variable periods of bursting and flickering activity interspersed between prolonged closed/open intervals (dwell times). It is likely that some of these channels play an important role in the signal transduction of B cell activation.  相似文献   

Volume-sensitive outwardly rectifying (VSOR) Cl- channels have been electrophysiologically identified in human and mouse mesangial cells, but the functional role of VSOR Cl- channels in mesangial cell apoptosis is not clear. The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the role of VSOR Cl- channels in oxidative stress-induced mesangial cell apoptosis. H2O2-induced Cl- currents showed phenotypic properties of VSOR Cl- channels, including outward rectification, voltage-dependent inactivation at more positive potentials, sensitivity to hyperosmolarity, and inhibition by VSOR Cl- channel blockers. Moreover, blockage of VSOR Cl- channels by DIDS (100 microM), NPPB (10 microM) or niflumic acid (10 microM) rescued mesangial cell apoptosis induced by H2O2. Treatment with 150 microM H2O2 for 2h resulted in significant reduction of cell volume, in contrast, nuclear condensation and/or fragmentation were not observed and the caspase-3 activity was also not increased. The early-phase alterations in cell volume were markedly abolished by pretreatment with VSOR Cl- channel blockers. We conclude that VSOR Cl- channels are involved in H2O2-induced apoptosis in cultured mesangial cells and its mechanism is associated with apoptotic volume decrease processes.  相似文献   

目的:观察阻断和激活氯通道对葛根素注射液致家兔溶血反应的影响,探讨氯通道在葛根素注射液溶血反应中的作用。方法:将不同浓度的葛根素注射液(0.75、1.5、3、6、12 mg/ml)与家兔红细胞悬液共孵育6 h,使用细胞图像记录系统观测葛根素注射液是否诱导红细胞溶血,酶标仪、流式细胞仪检测红细胞溶血率,并观测激活和阻断氯通道对葛根素注射液溶血作用的影响。结果:葛根素注射液可引起家兔红细胞体外溶血,在所观察的1.5 mg/ml~12 mg/ml范围内,溶血效应呈浓度依赖性增强(n=3,P<0.01)。氯通道阻断剂Tamoxifen (20 μmol/L)、ATP (10 mmol/L)可有效抑制葛根素注射液的溶血作用(n=3~5,P<0.01);而使用低浓度ATP (50 μmol/L)激活氯通道,则显著增强葛根素注射液的溶血作用(n=4,P<0.01)。结论:葛根素注射液的体外溶血效应呈浓度依赖性,氯通道激活与葛根素注射液诱导的溶血反应密切相关。  相似文献   

Pi YL  Ma JH  Zhang PH  Duan JJ 《生理学报》2006,58(5):471-476
本文采用双微电极电压钳方法研究了中华大蟾蜍卵母细胞内源性电压门控型离子通道的成分及其生理特性。卵母细胞去极化至 -30 mV 及更正电压时,有一持续的电压依赖性外向电流出现。钾离子通道拮抗剂四乙基氯化氨(tetraethy-lammonium chloride, TEA, 10 mmol/L)和 4- 氨基吡啶(4-aminopyridine, 4-AP, 10 mmol/L)协同作用时,该电流只能被抑制到最大电流幅度的(23.4±0.72)%。但是,上述浓度的TEA和4-AP 与氯离子通道拮抗剂5- 硝基-2, 3- 苯酚丙胺苯甲酸盐 (5-nitro-2,3-phenypropylamino benzoate, NPPB, 30 μmol/L)、无钙 Ringer 氏液或钙离子通道拮抗剂维拉帕米(40 μmol/L)协同作用时,可分别将此外向电流抑制到最大电流幅度的(2.1±0.08)%、(2.2±0.04)% 和(3.1±0.15)%。结果表明,中华大蟾蜍卵母细胞质膜上除有钾离子电流之外,还存在钙依赖性的氯离子电流。  相似文献   

Summary The voltage- and time-dependent properties of whole-cell, multi-channel (outside-out), and single channel inwardly-rectifying K+ currents were studied using adult and neonatal rat, and embryonic chick ventricular myocytes. Inward rectification of the current-voltage relationship was found in the whole-cell and single channel measurements. The steady-state single channel probability of opening decreased with hyperpolarization from EK, as did the mean open time, thereby explaining the time-dependent inactivation of the macroscopic current. Myocytes dialysed with a Mg++-free K+ solution (to remove the property of inward rectification) displayed a quasi-linear current-voltage relationship. The outward K+ currents flowing through the modified inward rectifier channels were able to be blocked by the local anesthetic and anti-arrhythmic agent, lidocaine.  相似文献   

成年大鼠海马CA1区锥体神经元外向整流氯离子单通道特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用膜片钳内面向外式技术,在急性分离成年大鼠海马CAl区锥体细胞上记录到了外向整流氯离子通道(outwardly rectifying chloride channel,ORCC).长时间去极化(≥60 mV)刺激后,在30%的游离膜片上记录到有外向整流特性的单通道氯电流,膜电位在-60 mV到0 mV之间的单通道电导为(16.58±1.54) pS(n=10),而在0 mV到+60 mV之间电导为(40.92±3.17) pS.通道开放概率有明显的电压依赖性(膜电位-60 mV时,Po=0.44±0.12;膜电位为+60 mV时,Po=0.86±0.06, n=10).在对称Cl浓度(150 mmol/L)时,通道翻转电位为(-4.17±1.84) mV.当溶液中部分NaCl被葡萄糖酸钠替代后,翻转电位为:(-34.23±4.86) mV ([Cli/[Clo=(30 mmol/L)/(150 mmol/L)),接近氯离子通道的理论值,这表明通道具有氯离子选择性.浴槽液中分别加入氯通道阻断剂DIDS和SITS可以使+40 mV的通道开放概率从(0.83±0.06)和(0.86±0.06)分别降低到(0.12±0.05)和(0.13±0.04)(n=5),冲洗后可使开放概率基本恢复.上述研究结果显示,在成年大鼠海马CA1神经元上存在外向整流氯离子通道.  相似文献   

Summary Inward currents in the murine macrophage-like cell line J774.1 were studied using the whole-cell and cell-attached variations of the patch-clamp technique. When cells were bathed in Na Hanks' (KCl=4.5mm, NaCl=145mm), and the electrode contained Na-free K Hanks' (KCl=145mm) single-channel currents were observed at potentials below –40 mV which showed inward rectification, were K-selective, and were blocked by 2.5mm Ba in the pipette. Single-channel conductance was 29 pS, and was proportional to the square root of [K] o . Channels manifested complex kinetics, with multiple open and closed states. The steady-state open probability of the channel was voltage dependent, and declined from 0.9 to 0.45 between –40 and –140 mV. When hyperpolarizing voltage pulses were repetitively applied in the cell-attached patch mode, averaged single-channel currents showed inactivation. Inactivation of inwardly rectifying whole-cell current was measured in Na Hanks' and in two types of Na-free Hanks': one with a normal K concentration (4.5mm) and the other containing 145mm K. Inactivation was shown to have Na-dependent and Na-independent components. Properties of single-channel current were found to be sufficient to account for the behavior of the macroscopic current, except that single-channel current showed a greater degree of Na-independent inactivation than whole-cell current.  相似文献   

In the present study, the whole-cell patch-clamp technique was applied to investigate the influence of co-application of zinc ions and sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC) on the SPC-induced shift of the activation midpoint and slowing of activation kinetics of Kv1.3 channels in human T lymphocytes. The results obtained provided evidence that the effects exerted by SPC and Zn were not additive. The shift was significantly diminished in a concentration-dependent manner upon co-application of 10 M SPC and Zn in the concentration range 10–300 M. However, the shift was not abolished in the presence of 100 and 300 M of Zn co-applied with SPC. It was shown that the extent of the shift upon SPC and Zn co-application was similar to the shift observed for Zn applied without SPC. The slowing of the activation kinetics was also diminished upon SPC and Zn co-application; however, no clear dependence on concentration was observed. Moreover, the slowing was not abolished in the presence of 100 and 300 M of Zn. It was shown that the slowing of the activation kinetics upon Zn and SPC co-application was primarily due to the effect exerted by SPC. The steepness of the voltage dependence of steady-state activation of the channels was not changed upon SPC and Zn co-application. Possible mechanisms underlying the observed phenomena and their possible physiological significance are discussed.Abbreviations 4-AP 4-aminopyridine - SPC sphingosylphosphorylcholine - TL human T lymphocyte  相似文献   

钙激活氯离子通道对大鼠肺动脉张力的调节作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究钙激活氯离子通道及其通道阻断剂尼氟灭酸(niflumic acid,NFA)、indaryloxyacetic acid(IAA-94)在苯福林(phenylephrine,PE)引起的肺动脉收缩中的作用。方法:常规离体血管灌流法检测肺动脉环张力;采用钙荧光探针(Fura-2/AM)负载急性酶分离法(胶原酶Ⅰ型和木瓜蛋白酶)获得的大鼠肺动脉平滑肌细胞(PASMCs),观察NFA和IAA-94对PE诱导的PASMCs胞浆游离钙离子浓度([Ca^2+]i)的影响,用荧光分光光度计法检测[Ca^2+]i。结果:钙激活氯离子通道阻断剂NFA和IAA-94可以舒张PE引起的肺动脉环收缩;NFA和IAA-94对KCl引起的血管收缩无影响;PE可以引起[Ca^2+]i升高,NFA和IAA-94对PE诱导[Ca^2+]i升高无影响。结论:钙激活氯离子通道在生理状态下与血管活性药(PE)引起的肺动脉张力变化有关,这为研究其在低氧肺血管收缩中的作用提供了新的线索。  相似文献   

Invertebrate γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-gated chloride channels (GABACls) and glutamate-gated chloride channels (GluCls), which function as inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors, are important targets of insecticides and antiparasitic agents. The antagonism of GABACls and GluCls by 4-isobutyl-3-isopropylbicyclophosphorothionate (PS-14) was examined in cultured cockroach and rat neurons using a whole-cell patch-clamp method. The results indicated that PS-14 selectively blocks cockroach GABACls relative to cockroach GluCls and rat GABACls. PS-14 represents a useful probe for the study of insect GABA receptors.  相似文献   

The acid-sensitive outwardly rectifying (ASOR) anion channel has been found in non-neuronal cell types and was shown to be involved in acidotoxic death of epithelial cells. We have recently shown that the ASOR channel is sensitive to temperature. Here, we extend those results to show that temperature-sensitive ASOR anion channels are expressed in cortical neurons and involved in acidotoxic neuronal cell death. In cultured mouse cortical neurons, reduction of extracellular pH activated anionic currents exhibiting phenotypic properties of the ASOR anion channel. The neuronal ASOR currents recorded at pH 5.25 were augmented by warm temperature, with a threshold temperature of 26 °C and the Q10 value of 5.6. After 1 h exposure to acidic solution at 37 °C, a large population of neurons suffered from necrotic cell death which was largely protected not only by ASOR channel blockers but also by reduction of temperature to 25 °C. Thus, it is suggested that high temperature sensitivity of the neuronal ASOR anion channel provides, at least in part, a basis for hypothermic neuroprotection under acidotoxic situations associated with a number of pathological brain states.  相似文献   

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