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The nucleotide sequence of 16S rDNA from Euglena gracilis chloroplasts has been determined representing the first complete sequence of an algal chloroplast rRNA gene. The structural part of the 16S rRNA gene has 1491 nucleotides according to a comparative analysis of our sequencing results with the published 5'- and 3'-terminal "T1-oligonucleotides" from 16S rRNA from E. gracilis. Alignment with 16S rDNA from Zea mays chloroplasts and E. coli reveals 80 to 72% sequence homology, respectively. Two deletions of 9 and 23 nucleotides are found which are identical in size and position with deletions observed in 16S rDNA of maize and tobacco chloroplasts and which seem to be characteristic for all chloroplast rRNA species. We also find insertions and deletions in E. gracilis not seen in 16S rDNA of higher plant chloroplasts. The 16S rRNA sequence of E. gracilis chloroplasts can be folded by base pairing according to the general 16S rRNA secondary structure model.  相似文献   

RNA and protein synthesis in the myocardium were stimulated after a short preincubation period with calcium. This elevation of macromolecular synthesis persisted in the absence of the ion for at least four hours. It appears that the uptake and/or the concentration of intracellular calcium induced a persistent and optimum enhancement of RNA and protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Complete sequence of Euglena gracilis chloroplast DNA.   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
We report the complete DNA sequence of the Euglena gracilis, Pringsheim strain Z chloroplast genome. This circular DNA is 143,170 bp, counting only one copy of a 54 bp tandem repeat sequence that is present in variable copy number within a single culture. The overall organization of the genome involves a tandem array of three complete and one partial ribosomal RNA operons, and a large single copy region. There are genes for the 16S, 5S, and 23S rRNAs of the 70S chloroplast ribosomes, 27 different tRNA species, 21 ribosomal proteins plus the gene for elongation factor EF-Tu, three RNA polymerase subunits, and 27 known photosynthesis-related polypeptides. Several putative genes of unknown function have also been identified, including five within large introns, and five with amino acid sequence similarity to genes in other organisms. This genome contains at least 149 introns. There are 72 individual group II introns, 46 individual group III introns, 10 group II introns and 18 group III introns that are components of twintrons (introns-within-introns), and three additional introns suspected to be twintrons composed of multiple group II and/or group III introns, but not yet characterized. At least 54,804 bp, or 38.3% of the total DNA content is represented by introns.  相似文献   

The arrangement and the nucleotide sequence of the tRNA genes in the 2.0-kilobase-pair EcoRI restriction fragment EcoQ of Euglena gracilis Klebs, strain Z Pringsheim chloroplast DNA have been determined. This fragment, cloned in pBR325 to form the plasmid pEZC300, contains five tRNA genes. The DNA insert of this plasmid, a known tRNA gene locus (Orozco, E.M., Jr., and Hallick, R.B. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 3258-3264) has been mapped by Southern gel analysis using a 32P-labeled oligodeoxynucleotide tRNA gene probe. The DNA sequence of 870 base pairs (bp) from EcoQ containing the entire tRNA gene locus was determined. The organization of this tRNA gene cluster on the E. gracilis chloroplast chromosome is tRNAUUGGln-14-BP spacer-RNAGCUSer-175-bp spacer-tRNACAUMet-12-bp spacer-tRNAGCCGly-5-bp spacer-tRNAUGUThr. The tRNAUUGGln and tRNAGCUSer gene sequences are of the opposite polarity as the other three gene sequences, but of the same polarity as the rRNA genes. The tRNAMet gene is a putative initiator tRNA. The five tRNA genes are separated and flanked by A-T-rich spacer sequences. This gene arrangement is consistent with the model that E. gracilis chloroplast tRNA genes are transcribed into multicistronic tRNA precursors. The DNA sequences have been used to deduce the primary and secondary structures of the tRNAs.  相似文献   

The three tandemly repeated ribosomal RNA operons from the chloroplast genome of Euglena gracilis Klebs, Pringsheim Strain Z each contain a 5 S rRNA gene distal to the 23 S rRNA gene (Gray, P.W., and Hallick, R.B. (1979) Biochemistry 18, 1820-1825). We have cloned two distinct 5 S rRNA genes, and determined the DNA sequence of the genes, their 5'- and 3'-flanking sequences, and the 3'-end of the adjacent 23 S rRNA genes. The two genes exhibit sequence polymorphism at five bases within the "procaryotic loop" coding region, as well as internal restriction endonuclease site heterogeneity. These restriction endonuclease site polymorphisms are evident in chloroplast DNA, and not just the cloned examples of 5 S genes. Chloroplast 5 S rRNA was isolated, end labeled, and sequenced by partial enzymatic degradation. The same polymorphisms found in 5 S rDNA are present in 5 S rRNA. Therefore, both types of 5 S rRNA genes are transcribed and are present in chloroplast ribosomes.  相似文献   

The tRNA-coding locus of the 8.2-kilobase pair (kbp) Eco RI fragments Eco G of Euglena gracilis Klebs, strain Z Pringsheim chloroplast DNA was chosen for detailed analysis. Two recombinant plasmids, pPG14, containing Eco G and the vector pMB9, and pEZC23, containing the chloroplast DNA fragment HindIII B cloned in pBR322 were employed for the study. The tRNA locus was mapped to an 0.8-kbp region of Eco G also present in HindIII B. The DNA sequence of a 1.6 kbp from HindIII B, containing the entire tRNA gene locus was determined. Four tRNA genes were identified from the DNA sequence. The gene organization is tRNAVal-16 bp spacer-tRNAAsn-3 bp spacer-tRNAArg-45 bp spacer-tRNALeu. The tRNALeu gene is of the opposite polarity as the other three genes. This is the first evidence of such a tRNA cluster for a chloroplast genome. Also evident from the DNA sequence, 132 bp from the 5'-end of the tRNALeu gene, is a putative gene or pseudogene for a chloroplast protein.  相似文献   

1. Chloroplast DNA was isolated from autotrophically and mixotrophically grown Euglena gracilis cells. 2. Aliquots of chloroplast DNA were mechanically degraded to an average molecular weight of 4-7 X 10(6) and G+C-rich DNA fragments (density 1.701 g/cm3) were separated from the bulk DNA (density 1.685 g/cm3) using preparative CsCl density gradients. 3. Total chloroplast DNA and its DNA subfractions, which first were characterized with respect to average G+C content and hybridization capacity for chloroplast rRNA, were hydrolysed with restriction endonucleases (endo R-EcoRI, end R-HindII, endoR-HindIII, endo R-HindII+III, endoR-Hpal, endo R-HpaII and endoR-HaeIII). The fragments were separated on gels under a variety of electrophoretic conditions. 4. With each enzyme tested, a rather large number of bands was obtained. In all cases, different banding patterns were obtained for total DNA, and the DNA subfractions. 5. Chloroplast DNA from autotrophically and mixotrophically grown cells gave identical banding patterns. 6. Digestion of total DNA with the endoR-HaeIII yielded 51-52 fragments separated in the gels in a total of 36 bands of which 11-12 bands were composed of 2-3 fragments as estimated by densitometry. The molecular weights of all fragments combined was 87 X 10(6) or 95% of the genome (92 X 10(6)). 7. Chloroplast RNA hybridized to 5.1% with total chloroplast DNA, equal to three RNA cistrons per genome (Mr92 X 10(6)). These cistrons are located on seven different types of endo R-HaeIII fragments. The hybridising fragments are preferentially found in the G+C-rich subfraction and in bands which are composed of 2-3 fragments.  相似文献   

P W Gray  R B Hallick 《Biochemistry》1979,18(9):1820-1825
Ribosomal RNA (5S) from Euglena gracilis chloroplasts was isolated by preparative electrophoresis, labeled in vitro with 125I, and hybridized to restriction nuclease fragments from chloroplast DNA or cloned chloroplast DNA segments. Euglena chloroplast 5S rRNA is encoded in the chloroplast genome. The coding region of 5S rRNA has been positioned within the 5.6 kilobase pair (kbp) repeat which also codes for 16S and 23S rRNA. There are three 5S rRNA genes on the 130-kbp genome. The order of RNAs within a single repeat is 16S-23S-5S. The organization and size of the Euglena chloroplast ribosomal repeat is very similar to the ribosomal RNA operons of Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

A. Scheer  B. Parthier 《Planta》1982,156(3):274-281
Transfer of light-grown autotrophic Euglena gracilis cells to darkness and carbon (glucose) containing heterotrophic media causes structural and functional decomposition of the photosynthetic apparatus. The process can be ascribed to a strict diluting-out mechanism of stroma constituents among the progeny, as shown for ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase, EC, and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (Aa-RS; especially Leu-RS, EC activities. The diluting-out effect of thylakoid membranes and chlorophyll seems to be superimposed by additional degradations, beginning soon after the transfer of cells to darkness. Cultivation of cells in darkness in 0.03 M KCl or without utilizable organic carbon (resting media) preserves chloroplast structure and function over a long period, indicating negligible turnover in these cells. Thus, under both growing and resting conditions, darkness induces the arrest of synthesis of plastid constituents. Experiments with the inhibitors cycloheximide, chloramphenicol, and nalidixic acid demonstrate that chloroplast dedifferentiation does not require organelle gene expression, but it is more strictly dependent on biosynthetic events in the nucleo-cytoplasmic compartment than the reverse process, light-induced chloroplast formation. Since cycloheximide at low concentrations in growth medium causes a marked suppression of precursor uptake or re-utilization similar to that in cells of resting media, intracellular precursor deficiency is suggested to control the observed blockade in cytoplasmic synthesis of plastid proteins. On the other hand, darkness might signalize the stop of gene expression in the organelles.Abbreviations Aa aminoacid - CH cycloheximide - CM chloramphenicol - Leu-RS leucyl-tRNA synthetase - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - TCA trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   

Euglena gracilis chloroplast DNA has an average buoyant density of 1.685 gm/cm3, corresponding to 25 mol% G . C base pairs. To test for base compositional heterogeneity within this 130 kilobase pairs (kbp) genome, previously mapped restriction endonuclease fragments were isolated, and characterized by equilibrium buoyant density centrifugation. The chloroplast DNA can be characterized as containing two major buoyant density components. A segment of 17 kbp, representing 13% of the genome and containing the rRNA genes is 43--44 mol% G . C. The remaining 113 kbp, accounting for 87% of the genome, has an average 20--21 mol% G . C content.  相似文献   

P W Gray  R B Hallick 《Biochemistry》1977,16(8):1665-1671
A physical map of the Euglena gracilis chloroplast genome has been constructed, based on cleavage sites of Euglena gracilis chloroplast DNA treated with bacterial restriction endonucleases. Covalently close, circular chloroplast DNA is cleaved by restriction endonuclease SalI into three fragments and by restriction endonuclease BamHI into six fragments. These nine cleavage sites have been ordered by fragment molecular weight analysis, double digestions, partial digestions, and by digestion studies of isolated DNA fragments. A fragment pattern of the products of EcoRI restriction endonuclease digestion of Euglena chloroplast DNA is also described. One of these fragments has been located on the cleavage site map.  相似文献   

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