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Characteristics of the distribution of 31 HLA antigens of classes I (A, B, and Cw) and II (DR) in Nagornyi Karabakh Armenians are reported for the first time. It has been found that the antigens most common in this population are A2, A3, A9, B5, B7, B12, Cw4, DR4, DR2, and DR3; the least common antigens are B15, B16, and B40. The results are compared with the data for Armenians living in Armenia and those for major ethnic groups. The frequencies of HLA antigens in Nagornyi Karabakh Armenians match those in Armenians living in Armenia. In the HLA-antigen distribution, Armenians are generally close to Caucasoids.  相似文献   

Beta2-microglobulin-bound T-cell membrane components containing both human TL-like antigens and HLA(A, B, C) antigens were partially purified from Renex 30-solubilized membrane material of cells of a human T-cell-type leukemia cell line, HPB-ALL. The radioiodinated preparation was subjected to limited papain digestion; the HLA(A, B, C) antigens split, whereas a large portion of the human TL-like antigens remained intact. The antigen molecules were recovered by lentil-lectin affinity chromatography and separated by gel filtration on the basis of the induced difference in molecular size. The human TL-like-antigen preparation thus obtained was essentially free of HLA(A, B, C) antigens. The human TL-like antigens were immunospecifically precipitated and the component polypeptide, heavy and light, chains were separated by acid dissociation followed by gel filtration. The component chains were compared with the corresponding chains of HLA(A, B, C) antigens obtained similarly from the same HPB-ALL cells with respect to their fragmentation patterns on chemical or enzymatic cleavage. The results provided convincing evidence for the identity of the light chains of human TL-like antigens and HLA(A, B, C) antigens, and also evidence suggesting the presence of substantial differences in the fundamental structure of the heavy chains of human TL-like antigens and HLA(A, B, C) antigens.A unit of the New York State Department of Health.  相似文献   

The distribution of HLA class I and class II determinants was investigated in 48 patients with parenchymal neurocysticercosis and in 295 healthy controls of the same ethnic group, the Mexican Mestizo population. Two antigens, A28 and DQw2, showed significantly differences in frequency between patients and controls; HLA A28 was increased (39.6% versus 15.6%; pc = 0.008), and HLA DQw2 was decreased (4.2% versus 31.7%; pc = 0.004) in neurocysticercosis patients. The relative risk for developing the disease in HLA A28 positive individuals was 3.55. Our results show that the major histocompatibility complex plays some role in the susceptibility and resistance to parenchymal neurocysticercosis, but the HLA genetic background of patients with neurocysticercosis does not seem to influence the severity of inflammatory response against cysticerci, nor is the disease sex related.  相似文献   

The frequencies of different HLA-A and -B alleles in 77 Australian patients with hemochromatosis have been compared with frequencies of HLA alleles not associated with hemochromatosis in 63 of their heterozygous relatives and with published population frequencies. As for all other populations reported, an association of HLA-A3 and HLA-B7 with the disease was found. A weak association with HLA-B12 was also detected. No other significant positive or negative associations with HLA alleles were detected. In addition, HLA-A2 and -B12 were in significant linkage disequilibrium in patients but not in controls, which may indicate a new mutation or recent recombination between HLA-A and hemochromatosis either in our patient group or in the founding population. HLA-A1 and -B8 and HLA-A29 and -B12 were in linkage disequilibrium in controls but not in patients, suggesting that this population is not segregating a hemochromatosis allele on either of these haplotypes. Genetic linkage analysis using the program LIPED showed strong linkage in 23/24 families, most of which had additional HLA alleles (other than A3 and B7) associated with hemochromatosis. This provides evidence for a single hemochromatosis locus, possibly with more than one allele.  相似文献   

Gene and haplotype frequencies for HLA-A and HLA-B antigens were determined in Milwaukee blood donors of German and Polish descent. Gene frequencies for A25 and B18 were significantly higher in Poles than in Germans. Significant gametic associations were noted for A1-B8, A29-B12 and AW30-B13 in both populations. Gametic association for A3-B7 was only found in Germans, while the A25-B18 haplotype frequency was significantly increased in Poles. Since the latter haplotype has also been found in Yugoslavs, Ukrainians and Czechs, it is possible that A25-B18 represents a Slavonic marker.  相似文献   

As tested by anti-A and anti-B sera, blood drawn from 30,000 inhabitans of Bogotá, Colombia, showed the following phenotype percentages: A — 26.5, B — 8.0, AB — 1.1, and O — 64.4. The allele frequencies were: A — 0.150, B — 0.048, and O — 0.802. In the same samples anti-D (Rh0) was used: 94.6% of the individuals carried the D antigen. All bloods were typed with fresh commercial sera. No back-typing was performed. Hemolytic disease of the newborn, caused by Rh-Hr isoimmunization, is more frequent (0.40%) in Bogotá than should be expected for a population having only (5.4%) or less “Rh negative” individuals. This paradoxical fact was observed in the analysis of 12,672 deliveries in an obstetrical hospital of Bogotá. A possible explanation could be the multiparity of Colombian women since the possibility of isoimmunization and hemolytic disease increases with each succeeding pregnancy in a given woman. Also it is well established that when Rh-Hr incompatibility is combined with ABO incompatibility, it is less apt to produce disease than when it occurs alone. AO isoimmunization should therefore be less frequent in Bogotá than in populations that have a higher frequency of A individuals. Thus, the women of Bogotá are less “protected” from Rh-Hr immunization by ABO incompatibility.  相似文献   

Blood samples from 103 Kotas and 58 Badagas residing in the Nilgiri Hills, South India, were examined for HLA-A and -B antigen profiles. The Kota group was characterized by fairly high frequencies of A2 and B7 antigens as well as the haplotype A2-B7. The frequencies of Aw19, A28, and Bw22 were found to be higher in Badagas than in Kotas. The results are compared with the literature available on other Indian populations.  相似文献   

Attempts of cross absorption where sera of anti-HLA A2 + B17, anti-HLA A2 and anti-HLA B17 with thrombocytes were absorbed from donors of HLA A2 positive, B17 negative and HLA A2 negative, B17 positive, revealed that anti-HLA A2 and anti-HLA B17 could be eliminated from the sera of both HLA types on the platelets. Thus, the findings allow the existence of a common determinant of HLA A2 and B17-antigens to be assumed. This is the first case where the evidence of a cross reaction between antigens of two different HLA loci with human sera could be established.  相似文献   

A supratype analysis of a North Italian population was performed, using 16 polymorphisms in the HLA region spanning the HLA-A-DP segment. Fourteen supratypes were identified, mostly corresponding to those found in other Caucasiod populations. The degree of their conservation both within the B-DR/DQ region and in the regions telomeric and centromeric from HLA-A and DP was evaluated and linkage disequilibria among several DR and DP alleles were identified. Notably, the degree of association with DP increased when the DR marker was part of a conserved B-DR/DQ supratype. These data are relevant to the definition of the genetic structure of the population and to the prediction of probabilities of histocompatibility matching between unrelated individuals.  相似文献   

As is the case with many other autoimmune diseases, there is an association between vitiligo and HLA complex. HLA subtypes vary with racial/ethnic background. The purpose of this study was to determine which HLA class I antigens and HLA class II alleles are associated with Turkish vitiligo patients. Forty-one patients with vitiligo and 61 healthy control subjects were typed for HLA class II alleles. Thirty-three out of 41 patients with vitiligo and 100 healthy transplant donors were typed for HLA class I antigens. HLA DNA typing was performed by polymerase chain reaction/sequence specific primer method for class II. HLA typing for class I was performed by serological method. The frequency of HLA DRB1*03 was 0.6340 in patients compared to 0.2950 in controls (P = 0.0014). The frequency of HLA DRB1*04 was found to be 0.6830 in patients compared to 0.2950 in controls (P = 0.00026). The allele HLA DRB1*07 was present in 0.390 of patients compared to 0.0820 of the controls (P = 0.0004). A preventive antigen for the manifestation of vitiligo has not been identified in this study. Our findings suggest that DRB1*03, DRB1*04 and DRB1*07 alleles are genetic markers for general susceptibility to vitiligo in a Turkish population.  相似文献   

Pecularities of distribution of 40 HLA antigens within the Uzbek population of the Ferghana Valley have been studied. The frequencies of these antigens are subdivided into three main groups having frequencies characteristic of the following populations: Caucasoid population (A9, B40, Bw22 etc.); Mongoloid population (B8, B7, B12); Middle Asian population (Aw31, B13, B16, Bw35), probably. The Uzbek population contains haplotypes both of Europeoid (Aw30, B13; A3, Bw35) and Mongoloid origin (A9, B40) and, probably, of the local origin (A1, B14; A1, Bw53; Aw32, B40). The data on the HLA genetics of the Uzbeks confirm the historical, linguistic and anthropological information concerning the role of inhabitants of the Central Asia in ethnogenesis and formation of the modern Uzbek population.  相似文献   

Summary Frequencies of recently described HLA-A,-B (antigens or splits) and HLA-C and HLA-DR antigens are studied in a 450 normal Spaniards sample. The linkage disequilibria are also calculated. HLA-DR7 is more frequent than in any other population studied. Aw30-B18 and Aw33-B14 associations are common and specific Spanish, Basque, and Sardinian HLA features. A11-B27 association is found in our Spanish sample and also in Basques.HLA-Bw4,-Bw6 antigens are analyzed by family mating and segregation and also using unrelated individuals. It shows a good fit as a genetic system. HLA-B antigens are included either in Bw4 or Bw6 according to expectations from other Caucasoid population results. The possibility of a common and North African origen (Iberians) for Spaniards, Basques, and Sardinians is discussed on the basis of presently available HLA data.  相似文献   

The aim was to confirm the influence of HLA Class II antigens on the progression of HCV infection and to assess the relationship between these antigens and histological damage, HCV viral load and HCV genotype. 143 patients were enrolled and divided into three groups. Group A included 34 anti-HCV positive, HCV-RNA negative patients with ALT persistently normal; group B included 39 patients with HCV-RNA positive and abnormal ALT level; group C included 70 normal subjects. Serological HCL typing was performed with lymphocytotoxicity test by Terasaky and McClelland, using lymphobeads HLC class II. The frequency of HLA DR11 (5) was significantly higher in the control group (52.9%) and in group A (64.7%), than in group B (28.2%). Allele HLA DR6 was demonstrated in a similar proportion (26%) among control group and group B, while HLA DR14 (6) was less frequent among controls (18% vs 1.4%). In group A the frequency of HLA DR14 (6) was 3% compared to group B, HLA DR17 (3) was prevalent (15.4%) in group B. Liver damage was associated with the detection of HLA DR14 (6) and HLD DR17 (3) antigens. Significantly lower levels of HCV-RNA were measured in subjects with HLA DR11 (5) than in these with either DR6 or DR17 (3). HLA class II antigens appear crucial for resolution or progression of HCV hepatitis. The punctual identification of these genetic factors may, therefore, prove to be useful in predicting disease evolution, in guiding the appropriate therapy for patients with poor prognosis, and in encouraging the development of now therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Two hundred and thirty Russian Moscovities (108 healthy individuals and 122 cadaver kidney donors) were typed for antigens HLA-DR1-DRw10, HLA-DRw52-DRw53, and HLA-DQw1 and DQw3. HLA-DR1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 were investigated in all individuals, the other having been only studied in portions of the material. The HLA class 2 antigens' polymorphism in Russian population has been shown to have features common to all Caucasians. Most widely distributed antigen is DR2 (phenotype frequency is 36%). Antigens DRw8, DR9 and DRw10 are rare. DR allele distribution demonstrated perfect fits to Hardy--Weinberg expectations. Antigens DR5 and DR4 are considered most difficult to define at early stage of the study.  相似文献   

Objective: The objective was to determine the prevalences of overweight and obesity in regional Australian children and to examine the association between BMI and indicators of socioeconomic status (SES). Research Methods and Procedures: Regionally representative cross‐sectional survey of 2184 children, 4 to 12 years of age, was conducted, and the socio‐demographic characteristics of their parents from regional Victoria, Australia, 2003 to 2004, were obtained. Results: The prevalences of overweight and obesity were 19.3 ± 0.8% (proportion ± standard error) and 7.6 ± 0.6%, respectively, using international criteria, and the proportion of overweight/obese girls was significantly higher than that of boys (29.6 ± 1.4% vs. 23.9 ± 1.3%, χ2 = 9.01, p = 0.003). Children from households of lower SES had higher odds of being overweight/obese; lower SES was defined by lower paternal education (adjusted odds ratio, 1.18; 95% confidence interval, 1.08 to 1.30) and lower area‐level SES (adjusted odds ratio, 1.13; 95% confidence interval, 1.02 to 1.25), adjusted for age, gender, height, and clustering by school. Discussion: The prevalences of overweight and obesity are increasing in Australian children by about one percentage point per year. This equates to ~40,000 more overweight children each year, placing Australian children among those at highest risk around the world. In addition, girls are more likely to be overweight, and there is a general trend for children of lower SES to be at even greater risk of overweight and obesity.  相似文献   

HLA antigens and affective disorders   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A total of 168 patients with different types of affective disorders were examined with respect to their HLA antigens. The frequency of the A10 antigen was found to be increased in the patients particularly in those with the unipolar type of disease. The frequency of the A1 antigen was decreased among unipolar patients. A decreased frequency of the B7 antigen was found in the total material of patients, and in particular in those with a bipolar type of disease. Our results were in disagreement with findings by other investigators. So far there is no conclusive evidence for association between any HLA antigen and affective disorders.  相似文献   

The character of the distribution of the antigens of the HLA system at different seasons has been studied in 160 patients with generalized forms of meningococcal infection. The occurrence of HLA-Bw16 (the marker of the population gene of susceptibility to meningococcal infection) has proved to be inversely correlated with the seasonal morbidity level.  相似文献   

HLA antigens, phytohemagglutinin stimulation, and corticosteroid response.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although it is clear that the major histocompatibility complex is associated with lymphocyte glucocorticoid sensitivity in mice, there has been less evidence for a similar relationship in man. We have typed 158 individuals for: (1) 13 A locus and 16 B locus antigens, (2) degree of stimulation of their purified lymphocytes by phytohemagglutinin A (PHA), and (3) degree of inhibition of the PHA stimulation by prednisolone and prednisolone-21-hemisuccinate. In contrasts of individuals with a particular antigen (homozygous or heterozygous) with all remaining individuals, HLA-B7 was found to be associated with an enhancing effect on the log stimulation by PHA while other antigens of these series did not have significant associations. In similar contrasts, A10 was associated with a decrease in sensitivity to glucocorticoid inhibition of PHA stimulation as measured by the log I50 of the suppression of PHA stimulation. Other antigens of these series were not found to have significant associations with the glucocorticoid sensitivity of lymphocytes in this assay.  相似文献   

To identify possible associations between host genetic factors and the onset of liver fibrosis following Schistosoma japonicum infection, the major histocompatibility class II alleles of 84 individuals living on an island (Jishan) endemic for schistosomiasis japonica in the Poyang Lake Region of Southern China were determined. Forty patients exhibiting advanced schistosomiasis, characterised by extensive liver fibrosis, and 44 age and sex-matched control subjects were assessed for the class II haplotypes HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1. Two HLA-DRB1 alleles, HLA-DRB1*0901 (P=0.012) and *1302 (P=0.039), and two HLA-DQB1 alleles, HLA-DQB1*0303 (P=0.012) and *0609 (P=0.037), were found to be significantly associated with susceptibility to fibrosis. These associated DRB1 and DQB1 alleles are in very strong linkage disequilibrium, with DRB1*0901-DQB1*0303 and DRB1*1302-DQB1*0609 found as common haplotypes in this population. In contrast, the alleles HLA-DRB1*1501 (P=0.025) and HLA-DQB1*0601 (P=0.022) were found to be associated with resistance to hepatosplenic disease. Moreover, the alleles DQB1*0303 and DRB1*0901 did not increase susceptibility in the presence of DQB1*0601, indicating that DQB1*0601 is dominant over DQB1*0303 and DRB1*0901. The study has thus identified both positive and negative associations between HLA class II alleles and the risk of individuals developing moderate to severe liver fibrosis following schistosome infection.  相似文献   

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