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Pulses of plant-available nutrients to the soil solution are expected to occur during the dynamic winter–spring transition in arctic tundra. Our aims were to quantify the magnitude of these potential nutrient pulses, to understand the sensitivity of these pulses to winter conditions, and to characterize and integrate the environmental and biogeochemical dynamics of this period. To test the hypotheses that snow depth, temperature and soil water—and not snow nutrient content—are important controls on winter and spring biogeochemistry, we sampled soil from under ambient and deepened snow every 3 days from late winter to spring, in addition to the snowpack at the start of thaw. Soil and microbial biogeochemical dynamics were divided into distinct phases that correlated with steps in soil temperature and soil water. Soil solution and microbial pools of C, N and P fluctuated with strong peaks and declines throughout the thaw, especially under deepened snow. Snowpack nutrient accumulation was negligible relative to these biogeochemical peaks. All nutrient and microbial peaks declined simultaneously at the end of snowmelt and so this decline was delayed by 15 days under deepened snow. The timing of these nutrient pulses is critical for plant species nutrient availability and landscape nutrient budgets. This detailed and statistically-based characterisation of the winter–spring transition in terms of environmental and biogeochemical variables should provide a useful foundation for future biogeochemical process-based studies of thaw, and indicate that spring thaw and possibly growing season biogeochemical dynamics are sensitive to present and future variability in winter snow depth.  相似文献   

The Alaskan tussock tundra is a strongly nutrient-limited ecosystem, where almost all vascular plant species are mycorrhizal. We established a long-term removal experiment to document effects of arctic plant species on ecto- and ericoid mycorrhizal fungi and to investigate whether species interactions and/or nutrient availability affect mycorrhizal colonization. The treatments applied were removal of Betula nana (Betulaceae, dominant deciduous shrub species), removal of Ledum palustre (Ericaceae, dominant evergreen shrub species), control (no removal), and each of these three treatments with the addition of fertilizer. After 3 years of Ledum removal and fertilization, we found that overall ectomycorrhizal colonization in Betula was significantly reduced. Changes in ectomycorrhizal morphotype composition in removal and fertilized treatments were also observed. These results suggest that the effect of Ledum on Betula 's mycorrhizal roots is due to sequestration of nutrients by Ledum, leading to reduced nutrient availability in the soil. In contrast, ericoid mycorrhizal colonization was not affected by fertilization, but the removal of Betula and to a lower degree of Ledum resulted in a reduction of ericoid mycorrhizal colonization suggesting a direct effect of these species on ericoid mycorrhizal colonization. Nutrient availability was only higher in fertilized treatments, but caution should be taken with the interpretation of these data as soil microbes may effectively compete with the ion exchange resins for the nutrients released by plant removal in these nutrient-limited soils.  相似文献   

Mycorrhizal diversity in arctic and alpine tundra: an open question   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

We investigated whether phytoplankton communities in two lakes in SW Greenland were phosphorus or nitrogen limited. The study lakes have contrasting water chemistry (mean conductivities differ ten fold) and are located near Kangerlussuaq, SW Greenland (~67°N, 51°W). A microcosm nutrient enrichment experiment was performed in June 2003 to determine whether nitrate or phosphate addition stimulated phytoplankton growth. Samples were analysed for species composition, biomass, and alkaline phosphatase activity (APA). Initially, both lakes had extremely low total phosphorus but high total nitrogen concentrations and high APA, suggesting that the phytoplankton were phosphorus limited prior to the start of the experiment. The phytoplankton composition and biomass (mainly Ochromonas spp.) responded to phosphate but not to nitrate addition. In both lakes, chlorophyll a increased significantly when phosphate was added. Furthermore, APA was significantly lower in the two lakes when phosphate was added compared to the control and the nitrogen addition treatment. The dominance of mixotrophic phytoplankton and high DOC values suggest that these lakes may be regulated by microbial loop processes.  相似文献   

We investigated the thermal ecology of three Alaskan streams. Monument Creek (MC) and Little Poker Creek (LPC) are subarctic streams in interior Alaska; LPC is in a permafrost-dominated valley. Imnavait Creek (IC) is an arctic tundra beaded stream in the northern foothills of the Brooks Range. Water temperatures were recorded with automated dataloggers hourly (LPC) or bi-hourly (MC and IC). Records for MC extend through almost three entire years, while data from IC (three years) and LPC (one year) represent the majority of the ice-free season. We also collected winter water/ice temperatures from IC (1989–1990). Mean annual water temperatures were 1.1 °C (LPC), 2.3 °C (MC), and 2.9 °C (IC), while maxima were 5.8 °C (LPC), 13.0 °C (MC), and 21.4 °C (IC). Water temperature rose in the spring about twice as fast (both mean and maximum daily increase) in MC as in LPC, and again about twice as fast in IC as in MC. A similar pattern was observed during the autumnal decline in water temperature. Maximum daily amplitude followed a similar pattern, with MC (6.6 °C) intermediate between LPC (4.1°) and IC (11.6°). LPC accumulated approximately 400 degree-days above 0 °C, MC approximately 950 degree-days, and IC approximately 1000 degree-days. Although it is about 450 km north of the other streams, the tundra stream (IC) accumulated more degree-days, had higher maximum and mean temperatures, greater daily temperature amplitude, and steeper slopes of vernal temperature rise and autumnal temperature decline than the subarctic streams (LPC and MC). The absence of a canopy of riparian plants, channel morphology, and continuous sunlight during the arctic mid-summer accounted for these higher temperatures. Beaded tundra streams provide a highly seasonal (< 120 d ice-free) and spatially and temporally complex thermal environment.  相似文献   

Microbial‐derived nitrogen (N) is now recognized as an important source of soil organic N. However, the mechanisms that govern the production of microbial necromass N, its turnover, and stabilization in soil remain poorly understood. To assess the effects of elevated temperature on bacterial and fungal necromass N production, turnover, and stabilization, we incubated 15N‐labeled bacterial and fungal necromass under optimum moisture conditions at 10°C, 15°C, and 25°C. We developed a new 15N tracing model to calculate the production and mineralization rates of necromass N. Our results showed that bacterial and fungal necromass N had similar mineralization rates, despite their contrasting chemistry. Most bacterial and fungal necromass 15N was recovered in the mineral‐associated organic matter fraction through microbial anabolism, suggesting that mineral association plays an important role in stabilizing necromass N in soil, independently of necromass chemistry. Elevated temperature significantly increased the accumulation of necromass N in soil, due to the relatively higher microbial turnover and production of necromass N with increasing temperature than the increases in microbial necromass N mineralization. In conclusion, we found elevated temperature may increase the contribution of microbial necromass N to mineral‐stabilized soil organic N.  相似文献   

In the high-arctic archipelago of Svalbard, the pink-footed goose (Anser brachyrhynchus) population has increased dramatically over the last decades. The population increase and the corresponding range expansion suggest a substantial increase in the potential for disturbance of the tundra caused by goose herbivory. In this study, we used surveys of pink-footed goose grubbing from two separate years (2007 and 2012) to examine the temporal changes in the prevalence of grubbing in central Spitsbergen. During this time period, the Svalbard-breeding pink-footed goose population had increased from 56,400 to 80,000 individuals. We compared grubbing prevalence between the 2 years, standardising the comparison by using a published model of habitat suitability for grubbing (Speed et al. in Ecosystems 12:349-359, 2009) as a covariate. Habitat suitability was a significant predictor of grubbing prevalence across both years, with higher grubbing probability in habitats predicted to be more suitable for grubbing. The probability of grubbing was on average 4 times higher in 2012 than in 2007. In 2007, all tundra habitats had a probability of <27 % of being grubbed whilst in 2012, there was a probability for being grubbed of more than 34 % in the least suitable habitat and around 59 % in the most suitable habitat. The increase in grubbing prevalence demonstrates a great need for monitoring the expanding pink-footed goose population and its impact on the tundra landscape.  相似文献   

Increasing the ionic strength of rat liver chromatin solutions above 0.4 M causes increasing viscosity. This indicates transformation of the compact chromatin molecules to more elongated forms. In the range of 0.4–0.5 M ionic strength histone H1 is dissociating continuously from the chromatin and the quaternary structure chromatin unravels. At ionic strength higher than 0.5 M the viscosities of chromatin solutions are furthermore increasing due to structural deformation. Near 0.7 M ionic strength the core histones H2A and H2B begin to dissociate from the chromatin, and the opening of the nucleosome cores leads to increasing elongation of the chromatin molecules.  相似文献   

Codons expanded by a silent position (quadruplet or tetracodons) may solve the conundrum that at life's origins, the weak tricodon–anticodon interactions could not promote translation in the absence of complex ribosomes. Modern genomes have isolated tetracodons resulting from insertion mutations. Some bioinformatic analyses suggest that tetracoding stretches overlap with regular mitochondrial protein coding genes. These tetragenes are probably decoded by (antisense) tRNAs with expanded anticodons. They are GC-rich, which produce stronger basepairs than A:T interactions, suggesting expression at high temperatures. The hypothesis that tetracoding is an adaptation to high temperatures is tested here by comparing predicted mitochondrial tetracoding in Lepidosauria (lizards, amphisbaenia, and Sphenodon), in relation to body temperature, expecting more tetracoding in species with high body temperature. The association between tRNAs with expanded anticodons and tetracoding previously described for mammals and Drosophila is confirmed for Lepidosauria. Independent evidence indicates that tetracoding increases with body temperature, supporting the hypothesis that tetracoding is an adaptation for efficient translation when conditions (temperature) make triplet codon-anticodons too unstable to allow efficient protein elongation.  相似文献   

Apoptosis plays an important role in determining efficacies of bioreactors employing hybridoma cells. Exposure to a 42°C shock for 1 h increased the apoptosis extent (DNA fragmentation) by 32% in CC9C10 hybridoma. Further, glutamine at 2 mM decreased temperature-induced apoptosis by about 20%.  相似文献   

Abrupt temperature reduction in winter wheat at either autumn seedling stage prior to vernalisation or early spring crown stage can cause severe crop damage and reduce production. Many studies have reported the physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying cold acclimation in winter wheat by comparing it with spring wheat. However, processes associated with abrupt temperature reduction in autumn seedling stage prior to vernalisation in winter wheat are less understood. In this study, physiological and molecular responses of winter wheat seedlings to abrupt low temperature (LT) stress were characterised in the relatively LT‐tolerant winter wheat cultivar Shixin 828 by comparing it with the relatively LT‐sensitive cultivar Shiluan 02‐1 using a combination of physiological, proteomics and biochemical approaches. Shixin 828 was tolerant to abrupt LT stress, while Shiluan 02‐1 exhibited high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and leaf cell death. Significant increases in relative abundance of antioxidant‐related proteins were found in Shixin 828 leaves, which correlate with observed higher antioxidant enzyme activity in Shixin 828 compared to Shiluan 02‐1. Proteomics analysis also indicated that carbohydrate metabolism‐related proteins were more abundant in Shiluan 02‐1, correlating with observed accumulation of soluble sugars in Shiluan 02‐1 leaves. Amino acid analysis revealed a strong response to LT stress in wheat leaves. A negative effect of exogenous sucrose on LT tolerance was also found. This study indicates that high ROS scavenging capacity and high abundance of photosynthesis‐related proteins might play a role in winter wheat response to abrupt LT stress. In contrast, excess accumulation of soluble sugars might be disadvantageous for LT tolerance in the wheat cultivar Shiluan 02‐1.  相似文献   

Seedling recruitment is a bottleneck for population dynamics and range shift. The vital rates linked to recruitment by seed are impacted by amplified drought induced by climate change. In the Mediterranean region, autumn and winter seedling emergence and mortality may have strong impact on the overall seedling recruitment. However, studies focusing on the temporal dynamic of recruitment during these seasons are rare. This study was performed in a deciduous Mediterranean oak forest located in southern France and quantifies the impact of amplified drought conditions on autumn and winter seedling emergence and seedling mortality rates of two herbaceous plant species with meso‐Mediterranean and supra‐Mediterranean distribution (respectively, Silene italica and Silene nutans). Seedlings were followed from October 2019 to May 2020 in both undisturbed and disturbed plots where the litter and the aboveground biomass have been removed to create open microsites. Amplified drought conditions reduced seedling emergence and increased seedling mortality for both Silene species but these negative effects were dependent on soil disturbance conditions. Emergence of S. italica decreased only in undisturbed plots (−7%) whereas emergence of Snutans decreased only in disturbed plots (−10%) under amplified drought conditions. The seedling mortality rate of Sitalica was 51% higher under amplified drought conditions in undisturbed plots while that of Snutans was 38% higher in disturbed plots. Aridification due to lower precipitation in the Mediterranean region will negatively impact the seedling recruitment of these two Silene species. Climate change effects on early vital rates may likely have major negative impacts on the overall population dynamic.  相似文献   

1. We studied the effect of substratum movement on the communities of adjacent mountain and spring tributaries of the Ivishak River in arctic Alaska (69°1′N, 147°43′W). We expected the mountain stream to have significant bed movement during summer because of storm flows and the spring stream to have negligible bed movement because of constant discharge. 2. We predicted that the mountain stream would be inhabited only by taxa able to cope with frequent bed movement. Therefore, we anticipated that the mountain stream would have lower macroinvertebrate species richness and biomass and a food web with fewer trophic levels and lower connectance than the spring stream. 3. Substrata marked in situ indicated that 57–66% of the bed moved during summer in the mountain stream and 4–20% moved in the spring stream. 4. Macroinvertebrate taxon richness was greater in the spring (25 taxa) than in the mountain stream (20 taxa). Mean macroinvertebrate biomass was also greater in the spring (4617 mg dry mass m?2) than in the mountain stream (635 mg dry mass m?2). Predators contributed 25% to this biomass in the spring stream, but only 7% in the mountain stream. 5. Bryophyte biomass was >1000 times greater in the spring stream (88.4 g ash‐free dry mass m?2) than the mountain stream (0.08 g ash‐free dry mass m?2). We attributed this to differences in substratum stability between streams. The difference in extent of bryophyte cover between streams probably explains the high macroinvertebrate biomass in the spring stream. 6. Mean food‐web connectance was similar between streams, ranging from 0.18 in the spring stream to 0.20 in the mountain stream. Mean food chain length was 3.04 in the spring stream and 1.83 in the mountain stream. Dolly Varden char (Salvelinus malma) was the top predator in the mountain stream and the American dipper (Cinclus mexicanus) was the top predator in the spring stream. The difference in mean food chain length between streams was due largely to the presence of C. mexicanus at the spring stream. 7. Structural differences between the food webs of the spring and mountain streams were relatively minor. The difference in the proportion of macroinvertebrate biomass contributing to different trophic levels was major, however, indicating significant differences in the volume of material and energy flow between food‐web nodes (i.e. food web function).  相似文献   

Exercise metabolism in two species of cod in arctic waters   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The northern range of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), overlaps the southern range of the Greenland cod (Gadus ogac), in the coastal waters of Western Greenland. The availability of a temperate water species (G. morhua) in the same area and oceanographic conditions as a polar species (G. ogac) presented us with the ideal circumstances to test the hypothesis of metabolic cold adaptation (MCA) since many of the problems associated with MCA studies (adaptation of the animals beyond their normal temperature range or mathematical extrapolation of data to common temperatures) could thus be avoided. We therefore used a swim tunnel to measure oxygen consumption in fish at 4°C over a range of swimming speeds and following exhaustion, monitored the size of the oxygen debt and time of oxygen debt repayment. There were no significant differences in standard (60–72 mg O2 kg–1· hr–1), routine (76 mg O2 kg–1·hr–1), active (137mg O2 kg–1·hr–1), or maximal (157 mg O2 kg–1·hr–1) metabolic rate, metabolic scope (2.5) or critical swimming speed (2.2 BL·s–1) between the two species. Following exhaustive swimming, however, the half-time for oxygen debt repayment in G. ogac (43 min) was almost twice that of G. morhua (25 min). Despite its circumpolar distribution, therefore, there was no evidence of MCA in G. ogac.  相似文献   

Tolerance to low temperature and paraquat-mediated oxidative stress was investigated in two Zea mays genotypes, VA36 and A619, grown at 25/22 C and 16/14 C for 50 d after germination. VA36, the tolerant genotype, showed an enhanced resistance to paraquat as compared to A619, the sensitive genotype, when grown at low temperature. In VA36, superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase activities increased during growth at both 25/22 °C or 16/14 °C. In A619, superoxide dismutase activity was similar in plants grown at both 16/14 °C or 25/22 °C. Ascorbate peroxidase activity was always significantly lower in plants grown at low temperature than in plants grown at 25/22 °C. The total ascorbate peroxidase activity was correlated with the cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase protein content in all but A619 plants grown at low temperature for 25 d. The isozyme pattern of SOD showed a higher abundance of MnSOD in VA36 than in A619 and of FeSOD in A619 compared to VA36. Growth at low temperature enhanced resistance to paraquat infiltration more in VA36 than in A619. SOD and APX activities were generally higher and more stable with the increase of paraquat concentration in VA36 than in A619. Damage indicated by Fv/Fm and ion leakage after paraquat infiltration were generally higher in plants grown at 25/22 °C than at 16/14 °C and higher in A619 than in VA36. However, no causal link is proved between the extent of damage and the increase of SOD and APX activities alone. It is suggested that tolerance to oxidative stress requires an integrated enhancement of the antioxidant system.  相似文献   

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