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The locus of origin of the inflorescence in the tuber of BalanophoraJ.R. & G. Forst, is predetermined. A small nest of deep-seatedhypodermal cell-layers of the tuber, encircled by compositeconducting strands, becomes meristematic and organizes a morecompact club-shaped body. Its anterior broader end is sharplydelimited from the rest of the tuber tissue. One or two celllayers of the tuber abutting its broader end break down to forma lysigenous cavity that enlarges schizogenously. These changescoincide with cessation of growth of the composite conductingstrands. The inflorescence axis redifferentiates epidermal andhypodermal tissues prior to the initiation of flowers. The procambialsystem of the inflorescence originates from (1) the base ofthe inflorescence in the tuber and (2) the shoulder regionsof the composite conducting strands; the two extensively anastomosewith each other and yet remain wholly independent of the hostvasculature. Balanophora, inflorescence, ontogeny  相似文献   

Procedures are described for the differential staining of starch grains of the potato tuber with hematoxylin, and for double staining with safranin 0 and fast green FCF. The staining effects obtained are made possible by the action of a swelling agent. Staining with hematoxylin is preceded by the swelling action of formaldehyde. In staining with safranin 0 and fast green FCF, the formaldehyde is added to the staining solution. The results obtained are as follows: (1) a clavate-shaped, central structure composed of small particles arranged in definite layers is revealed within the grain; (2) differential staining of the locus of the grain and the lamellae alternating with it in a small region around the longitudinal axis of the grain; (3) the simultaneous staining and separation of the grain into a cone-shaped peripheral portion and a spherical body containing the locus of the grain which emerges from it; and (4) differential staining of a ring or layer of substance around a spherical refractive body within the grain.  相似文献   

利用离体培养技术,以榨菜的3个主栽品种的子叶、带柄子叶和下胚轴为外植体,对影响榨菜植株再生的关键因素进行了优化.结果表明,培养25d不定芽的分化率最高;最佳不定芽诱导的激素组合为6-BA 2 mg/L+NAA 0.2 mg/L,其中带柄子叶不定芽的分化率达94.4%;“蔺市草腰子”和“郫县榨菜”容易诱导不定芽,而“永安小叶”不容易被诱导,说明基因型的影响比较大;不定根的最佳诱导激素为NAA 0.2 mg/L,其生根率为83.4%.榨菜高效离体再生体系的成功建立,为榨菜遗传转化、突变体筛选和种质资源保存打下了基础.  相似文献   

The Subunit Structure of Potato Tuber ADPglucose Pyrophosphorylase   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase has been extensively purified from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber tissue to study its structure. By employing a modified published procedure (JR Sowokinos, J Preiss [1982] Plant Physiol 69: 1459-1466) together with Mono Q chromatography, a near homogeneous enzyme preparation was obtained with substantial improvement in enzyme yield and specific activity. In single dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels, the enzyme migrated as a single polypeptide band with a mobility of about 50,000 daltons. Analysis by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, however, revealed the presence of two types of subunits which could be distinguished by their slight differences in net charge and molecular weight. The smaller potato tuber subunit was recognized by antiserum prepared against the smaller spinach leaf 51 kilodalton ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase subunit. In contrast, the anti-54 kilodalton raised against the spinach leaf subunit did not significantly react to the tuber enzyme subunits. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the potato tuber ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase is not composed of a simple homotetramer as previously suggested, but is a product of two separate and distinct subunits as observed for the spinach leaf and maize enzymes.  相似文献   

通过印度块菌子囊果石蜡切片的显微观察,对印度块菌子囊果包被及子实层的显微结构、子囊及子囊孢子的发育过程进行研究.结果表明:(1)印度块菌子囊果是由包被和子实层构成,子囊果的表面密被大量大小不一的疣状突起,包被由外皮层和内皮层构成;子实层由封闭的、大小不一的产孢组织构成,在产孢组织中包含有侧丝、产囊丝、子囊和子囊内的子囊孢子;(2)成熟印度块菌子囊果横切面上有明暗相间的迷宫状纹脉;(3)子囊卵形,由产囊丝顶端的细胞发育而来;(4)成熟子囊孢子红褐色,椭圆形至近球形不等,子囊孢子双层壁,外壁密布有刺状纹饰.子囊孢子在子囊内的发育过程中常出现败育现象,每个成熟子囊中含有1~5个子囊孢子(常见4个).  相似文献   

Truffles are one of the most valuable edible fungi and have drawn extensive research interests worldwide. In Taiwan, two species of truffle, Tuber formosanum and Tuber furfuraceum , have been identified and reported. Although the morphological features of these two truffles have been described, lack of molecular identification has led to difficulties with firmly establishing their relatedness to other truffles. In this study, we utilized the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and β-tubulin gene sequences to generate the phylogenetic relationship of T. formosanum and T. furfuraceum with other taxonomic relatives. Our analysis revealed five/three major phylogenetic clades according to the 5.8S-ITS2/β-tubulin gene sequences and corroborated with their morphological characterization. Tuber formosanum highly resembles the Tuber indicum B complex, while T. furfuraceum is most similar to Tuber huidongense . Based on a molecular clock, we estimated that T. furfuraceum and T. formosanum would have diverged from their close relatives in mainland China between 10.2 and 4.1 Ma, respectively. Based on the results, we propose that these two Tuber species found in Taiwan might originate from the common ancestors with some truffle species in China. However, due to a long divergence time and geographical separation, they have evolved into indigenous species of Taiwan.  相似文献   

The two morphologically similar truffles Tuber aestivum and T. uncinatum have caused confusion because T. uncinatum is regarded by different authors, as either a distinct species, variety, subspecies, or synonym of T. aestivum. A clarification of the relationship between the two truffles would help both conservation biology and cultivation. We aimed both to test the reliability of the only quantitative morphological character used to distinguish the two taxa, i.e. the height of the spore reticulum, and to compare sequences of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. Our study included 117 fruit bodies of T. aestivum and T. uncinatum, originating from eight European countries. The results showed that the spore reticulum height is not diagnostic. The phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequences from 81 fruit bodies and an additional 32 sequences from GenBank showed that T. aestivum and T. uncinatum were intermingled in one highly supported (100% bootstrap) monophyletic clade, separate from its sister species Tuber mesentericum. We conclude that T. aestivum and T. uncinatum are synonyms and the species should be named T. aestivum, as the oldest name has priority. For traders, T. aestivum syn. T. uncinatum should be used until conformity has been reached.  相似文献   

Seven galloyl, caffeoyl and (S)-hexahydroxydiphenoyl (HHDP) esters of dihydrochalcone glucosides were isolated from Balanophora tobiracola; based on spectroscopic and chemical evidence, their structures were determined to be 6'-O-galloyl-, 3',4'-di-O-galloyl-, 4',6'-di-O-galloyl-, 4',6'-O-(S)-HHDP-, 3'-O-galloyl-4',6'-O-(S)-HHDP-, 3'-O-caffeoyl-4',6'-O-(S)-HHDP-3-hydroxyphloretin 4'-O-beta-D-glucosides and 3'-O-galloyl-4',6'-O-(S)-HHDP-phloretin 4'-O-beta-D-glucoside, respectively. By contrast, these compounds were not found in the taxonomically related B. japonica. The 3'-galloyl-4',6'-HHDP esters of the dihydrochalcone glucosides showed strong inhibitory activities against alpha-glucosidase. Four known compounds were also isolated namely, (+/-)-eriodictyol 7-O-beta-D-glucoside, 1-O-caffeoyl-3-O-galloyl-beta-D-glucose, phloretin 4'-O-beta-D-glucoside, and 3-hydroxyphloretin 4'-O-beta-D-glucoside.  相似文献   

Two new truffles species, Tuber alboumbilicum and Tuber pseudobrumale are described based on collections from Southwest China. T. alboumbilicum is characterized by its white umbilicate ascomata. T. pseudobrumale is similar to T. pseudoexcavatum, but differs in spinulose ascospores. Molecular analysis also supported T. alboumbilicum and T. pseudobrumale as two new species. T. alboumbilicum grows in mycorrhizal association with Tsuga chinensis at elevations of 2,710 m. T. pseudobrumale grows in mycorrhizal association with Pinus yunnanensis in limestone soils, and has a pleasant aroma and is good edible.  相似文献   

印度蛇菰[Balanophora indica(Arn.)Griff.]隶属于蛇菰科蛇菰属,是一种寄生植物。根状茎黄橙色到棕色,表面粗糙并具有星状疣;分枝近球形,直径0.5~5.6 cm,很少圆筒状。雄花序红色,卵球形椭圆形,(5~10)cm×(2~6)cm。雄花:略带红色,辐射对称,每朵被一个粗壮的截形苞片包围。花被裂片4~6,椭圆形披针形,(3~7)mm×(1~2.5)mm,聚药雄蕊椭圆形卵形,长2.5~5 mm,具柄;花药4或5,U形,纵向开裂。雌花序球状,直径3~5 cm。花期10~12月。  相似文献   

Balanophora indica(Arn.)Griff.belongs to Balanophoraceae.Plants dioecious.Rhizome yellowish orange to brown,surface coarsely tessellated and with stellate warts;branches subglobose,0.5-5.6 cm in diam,rarely cylindric.Scapes yellow,7.2-20 cm.Male inflorescences red,ovoid-ellipsoid,(5-10)cm×(2-6)cm.Male flowers:reddish,actinomorphic,each subtended by a single stout and truncate bract.Perianth lobes 4-6,elliptic-lanceolate,(3-7)mm×(1-2.5)mm.Synandria elliptic-ovate,2.5-5 mm,stalked;anthers 4 or 5,U-shaped,longitudinally dehiscent.Female inflorescences globose,3-5 cm in diam.Spadicles subclavate,to 2 mm,apical 1/2 to 2/3 ellipsoid-obovoid;cuticular ridges of apical cells short but distinct and congested all over.Female flowers:basally on spadicles and main axis of inflorescence.Flowering October to December.  相似文献   

从湖北恩施地区产蛇菰(Balanophora japonicaMakino)中得到4个成分,分别鉴定为蛇麻脂醇乙酯(lupeolacetate,1)、β-香树脂醇乙酯(-βamyrin acetate,2)、没食子酸(gallic acid,3)和β-谷甾醇(-βsitosterol,4),其中化合物1、2和3为首次从该植物中得到。  相似文献   

Balanophora japonica and B. yakushimensis are two putatively agamospermic taxa previously reported from southern Japan. Their inflorescences superficially represent those of B. laxiflora and B. fungosa. In this study we confirmed their presence in Taiwan by morphological and phylogenetic analysis using nuclear 18S rDNA and nrITS sequences with related taxa. B. japonica, B. yakushimensis, and B. laxiflora formed a well-supported clade that is distinct from other Balanophora. All three taxa also show considerable differences on morphological and nucleotide sequence differences, therefore the name of B. yakushimensis is retained. The results provide new insights on the intrageneric classification of Balanophora and suggest the positioning of female flowers should be down-weighted. We also successfully identify the hosts of B. japonica and B. yakushimensis by amplifying chloroplast matK sequences from the connected root tissues. The results showed that B. japonica parasitizes on Symplocos species, and that B. yakushimensis parasitizes on Distylium racemosum in Japan and Schima superba in Taiwan’s population.  相似文献   

麦冬与山麦冬块根形态发育的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用石蜡切片法,对不同发育阶段的麦冬和山麦冬块根进行了显微观察,结果表明麦冬和山麦冬块根均是在不定根的根尖部位形成,其生长发育主要依靠皮层细胞层数的增加和皮层细胞体积的增大来实现,但在麦冬与山麦冬中,两者在块根膨大中所起的作用有所不同:皮层细胞层数的增加和皮层细胞体积的增大在麦冬块根膨大的过程中均起着重要作用,而在山麦冬块根膨大的过程中则以皮层细胞层数的增加为主,皮层细胞体积的增大为辅。  相似文献   

Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology - The effect of low-frequency plasma treatment of chitosan films on the surface chemical structure, morphology, and properties, including the ability to...  相似文献   

邓琳  黄玲  初彩华  王茜  詹卉  王曙光 《植物研究》2019,39(6):801-807
棉花竹(Fargesia fungosa)是箭竹属重要经济竹种,有关其花器官的形态与解剖结构研究至今尚无报道。本文通过对棉花竹花器官的形态与解剖结构进行观察和分析,结果显示棉花竹花序为“混合花序”,小穗基部具潜伏芽,由单个叶片形成的“佛焰苞”包裹多枚小穗。小穗单次发生,均长3.05±0.390 cm,每枚小穗具有3~7朵小花,小花均长1.85±0.167 cm,颖片2枚。每朵小花皆具有内、外稃各1片,3枚浆片,雄蕊3枚,雌蕊1枚组成。未成熟花药具有4药室,花药壁由外到内依次为表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层。花药成熟后纵裂散粉。成熟花粉粒为2或3细胞型,且具有1个萌发孔。子房1室,上位,侧膜胎座,倒生胚珠,雌蕊具2分叉羽毛状柱头。花药发育异常,导致出现大量败育现象。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对成熟印度块菌子囊果的内部结构进行了观察,以系统揭示其子囊果内部组织特征,为块菌属的分类以及块菌属真菌子囊果的生理研究奠定基础。观察结果进一步证明,成熟印度块菌子囊果横切面上的白色迷宫状脉络是由不育的侧丝构成,而暗脉则是被侧丝缠绕并包裹着的可育的菌丝组织,即产孢组织,这些白色脉络和暗脉就构成了印度块菌子囊果横切面上迷宫状的纹脉;产孢组织中,可观察到正在发育的大大小小的子囊被缠绕在一起的大量产囊丝与侧丝包裹着,形成密密麻麻微小的类似蜂巢状结构;子囊孢子游离于子囊中,成熟子囊孢子表面有刺状纹饰,刺的顶端有小弯钩。单个子囊内含的子囊孢子大小与其内含的子囊孢子数目有关,子囊内所含的子囊孢子越多,子囊孢子就越小。  相似文献   

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