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DsbA蛋白是大肠杆菌周质空间内的巯基 /二硫键氧化酶 ,主要催化底物蛋白质二硫键的形成。利用定点突变结合色氨酸类似物标记技术 ,研究了DsbA蛋白的氧化还原性质和构象变化。结果显示 :(1 )DsbA蛋白的还原态比氧化态的结构更加稳定 ,说明DsbA的强氧化性来源于氧化态构象的紧张状态 ;(2 )DsbA氧化和还原态间特殊的荧光变化主要来源于Trp76在不同状态间微观环境的差异 ;(3 )色氨酸类似物标记不会对DsbA蛋白的结构和功能产生明显的影响 ,利用1 9F NMR进一步证实了DsbA氧化还原状态间的构象变化 ,而且这种变化主要影响Trp76的局部环境 ,而对Trp1 2 6的局部环境没有太大的影响  相似文献   

Thiol/disulfide oxidoreductases like thioredoxin, glutaredoxin, DsbA, or protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) share the thioredoxin fold and a catalytic disulfide bond with the sequence Cys-Xaa-Xaa-Cys (Xaa corresponds to any amino acid). Despite their structural similarities, the enzymes have very different redox properties, which is reflected by a 100,000-fold difference in the equilibrium constant (K(eq)) with glutathione between the most oxidizing member, DsbA, and the most reducing member, thioredoxin. Here we present a systematic study on a series of variants of thioredoxin from Escherichia coli, in which the Xaa-Xaa dipeptide was exchanged by that of glutaredoxin, PDI, and DsbA. Like the corresponding natural enzymes, all thioredoxin variants proved to be stronger oxidants than the wild-type, with the order wild-type < PDI-type < DsbA-type < glutaredoxin-type. The most oxidizing, glutaredoxin-like variant has a 420-fold decreased value of K(eq), corresponding to an increase in redox potential by 75 mV. While oxidized wild-type thioredoxin is more stable than the reduced form (delta deltaG(ox/red) = 16.9 kJ/mol), both redox forms have almost the same stability in the variants. The pH-dependence of the reactivity with the alkylating agent iodoacetamide proved to be the best method to determine the pKa value of thioredoxin's nucleophilic active-site thiol (Cys32). A pKa of 7.1 was measured for Cys32 in the reduced wild-type. All variants showed a lowered pKa of Cys32, with the lowest value of 5.9 for the glutaredoxin-like variant. A correlation of redox potential and the Cys32 pKa value could be established on a quantitative level. However, the predicted correlation between the measured delta deltaG(ox/red) values and Cys32 pKa values was only qualitative.  相似文献   

DsbA is a protein-folding catalyst from the periplasm of Escherichia coli that interacts with newly translocated polypeptide substrate and catalyzes the formation of disulfide bonds in these secreted proteins. The precise nature of the interaction between DsbA and unfolded substrate is not known. Here, we give a detailed analysis of the DsbA crystal structure, now refined to 1.7 A, and present a proposal for its interaction with peptide. The crystal structure of DsbA implies flexibility between the thioredoxin and helical domains that may be an important feature for the disulfide transfer reaction. A hinge point for domain motion is identified-the type IV beta-turn Phe 63-Met 64-Gly 65-Gly 66, which connects the two domains. Three unique features on the active site surface of the DsbA molecule-a groove, hydrophobic pocket, and hydrophobic patch-form an extensive uncharged surface surrounding the active-site disulfide. Residues that contribute to these surface features are shown to be generally conserved in eight DsbA homologues. Furthermore, the residues immediately surrounding the active-site disulfide are uncharged in all nine DsbA proteins. A model for DsbA-peptide interaction has been derived from the structure of a human thioredoxin:peptide complex. This shows that peptide could interact with DsbA in a manner similar to that with thioredoxin. The active-site disulfide and all three surrounding uncharged surface features of DsbA could, in principle, participate in the binding or stabilization of peptide.  相似文献   

Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), an essential folding catalyst and chaperone of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), has four structural domains (a-b-b'-a'-) of approximately equal size. Each domain has sequence or structural homology with thioredoxin. Sedimentation equilibrium and velocity experiments show that PDI is an elongated monomer (axial ratio 5.7), suggesting that the four thioredoxin domains are extended. In the presence of physiological levels (<1 mM) of Zn(2+) and other thiophilic divalent cations such as Cd(2+) and Hg(2+), PDI forms a stable dimer that aggregates into much larger oligomeric forms with time. The dimer is also elongated (axial ratio 7.1). Oligomerization involves the interaction of Zn(2+) with the cysteines of PDI. PDI has active sites in the N-terminal (a) and C-terminal (a')thioredoxin domains, each with two cysteines (CGHC). Two other cysteines are found in one of the internal domains (b'). Cysteine to serine mutations show that Zn(2+)-dependent dimerization occurs predominantly by bridging an active site cysteine from either one of the active sites with one of the cysteines in the internal domain (b'). The dimer incorporates two atoms of Zn(2+) and exhibits 50% of the isomerase activity of PDI. At longer times and higher PDI concentrations, the dimer forms oligomers and aggregates of high molecular weight (>600 kDa). Because of a very high concentration of PDI in the ER, its interaction with divalent ions could play a role in regulating the effective concentration of these metal ions, protecting against metal toxicity, or affecting the activity of other (ER) proteins that use Zn(2+) as a cofactor.  相似文献   

Mammalian metallothionein (MT) contains 20 cysteine residues involved in the two metal clusters without a disulfide bond. The redox reaction of the Cys thiols was proposed to be associated with the metal distribution of MT. The E. coli DsbA protein is extremely active in facilitating thiol/disulfide exchange both in vivo and in vitro. To further investigate the redox properties of MT, reaction between MT and DsbA was carried out in vitro by fluorescence detection. Equilibrium characterization indicates that the reaction is stoichiometric (1:1) under certain conditions. Kinetic study gives a rate constant of the redox reaction of 4.42 × 105 sec–1 M–1, which is 103-fold larger than that of glutathione reacting with DsbA. Metal-free MT (apo-MT) shows a higher equilibrium reduction potential than MT, but exhibits an indistinguishable kinetic rate. Oxidation of MT by DsbA leads to metal release from the clusters. The characteristic fluorescence increase during reduction of DsbA may provide a sensitive probe for exploring the redox properties of some reductants of biological interest. The result also implies that oxidation of Cys thiols may influence the metal release or delivery from MT.  相似文献   

Generalized increases in protein oxidation and protein degradation in response to mild oxidative stress have been widely reported, but only a few individual proteins have actually been shown to undergo selective, oxidation-induced proteolysis. Our goal was to find such proteins in Clone 9 liver cells exposed to hydrogen peroxide. Using metabolic radiolabeling of intracellular proteins with [35S]cysteine/methionine, and analysis by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-D PAGE), we found at least three labeled proteins ("A," "B," and "C") whose levels were decreased significantly more than the generalized protein loss after mild oxidative stress. "Protein C" was excised from 2-D PAGE and subjected to N-terminal amino acid microsequencing. "Protein C" was identified as Protein Disulfide Isomerase or PDI (E.C., and this identity was reconfirmed by Western blotting with a C-terminal anti-PDI monoclonal antibody. A combination of quantitative radiometry and Western blotting in 2-D PAGE revealed that PDI was selectively degraded and then new PDI was synthesized, following H2O2 exposure. PDI degradation was blocked by inhibitors of the proteasome, and by cell treatment with proteasome C2 subunit antisense oligonucleotides, indicating that the proteasome was largely responsible for oxidation-induced PDI degradation.  相似文献   

An engineering tool for controlling flux distribution on metabolic pathways to an appropriate state is highly desirable in bioproduction. An optogenetic switch, which regulates gene expression by light illumination is an attractive on/off switchable system, and is a promising way for flux control with an external stimulus. We demonstrated a light-inducible flux control between glycolysis and the methylglyoxal (MGO) pathway in Escherichia coli using a CcaS/CcaR system. CcaR is phosphorylated by green light and is dephosphorylated by red light. Phosphorylated CcaR induces gene expression under the cpcG2 promoter. The tpiA gene was expressed under the cpcG2 promoter in a genomic tpiA deletion strain. The strain was then cultured with glucose minimum medium under green or red light. We found that tpiA messenger RNA level under green light was four times higher than that under red light. The repression of tpiA expression led to a decrease in glycolytic flux, resulting in slower growth under red light (0.25 hr −1) when compared to green light (0.37 hr −1). The maximum extracellular MGO concentration under red light (0.2 mM) was higher than that under green light (0.05 mM). These phenotypes confirm that the MGO pathway flux was enhanced under red light.  相似文献   

The role of periplasmic disulfide oxidoreductase DsbA in Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 (STEC) was investigated. Deletion of dsbA (DeltadsbA) significantly decreased cell motility and alkaline phosphatase activity in STEC. STEC DeltadsbA also showed greater sensitivity to menadione and under low pH conditions. Significant reductions in surface attachment to both biotic (HT-29 epithelial cells) and abiotic (polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride) surfaces were observed in STEC DeltadsbA. In addition, no biofilm formation was detected in STEC DeltadsbA compared to wild-type cells in glass capillary tubes under continuous flow-culture system conditions. In the nematode model Caenorhabditis elegans-killing assay, the deletion of dsbA in STEC resulted in attenuated virulence compared to wild-type cells. STEC DeltadsbA was also found to have a reduced ability to colonize the nematode gut. These results suggest that DsbA plays important roles in biofilm formation and virulence in STEC cells.  相似文献   

Disturbance of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteostasis is a common feature of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Protein disulfide isomerases (PDIs) are ER foldases identified as possible ALS biomarkers, as well as neuroprotective factors. However, no functional studies have addressed their impact on the disease process. Here, we functionally characterized four ALS‐linked mutations recently identified in two major PDI genes, PDIA1 and PDIA3/ERp57. Phenotypic screening in zebrafish revealed that the expression of these PDI variants induce motor defects associated with a disruption of motoneuron connectivity. Similarly, the expression of mutant PDIs impaired dendritic outgrowth in motoneuron cell culture models. Cellular and biochemical studies identified distinct molecular defects underlying the pathogenicity of these PDI mutants. Finally, targeting ERp57 in the nervous system led to severe motor dysfunction in mice associated with a loss of neuromuscular synapses. This study identifies ER proteostasis imbalance as a risk factor for ALS, driving initial stages of the disease.  相似文献   

C H Hu  C L Tsou 《FEBS letters》1991,290(1-2):87-89
During the regeneration of native ribonuclease A (RNase) from the disulfide scrambled molecule by protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), the substrate forms a covalent intermediate with the enzyme through disulfide linkage(s). This has been shown by the appearance of a band at the molecular weight position expected in SDS-PAGE at the same time as the increase in RNase activity. The new band decreased when the regeneration of RNase activity approached completion and disappeared by treatment of the reaction mixture with excess dithiothreitol.  相似文献   

Protein disulfide isomerases (PDIs) are responsible for catalyzing the proper oxidation and isomerization of disulfide bonds of newly synthesized proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Here, it is shown that human PDI (PDIA1) dimerizes in vivo and proposed that the dimerization of PDI has physiological relevance by autoregulating its activity. The crystal structure of the dimeric form of noncatalytic bb′ domains of human PDIA1 determined to 2.3 Å resolution revealed that the formation of dimers occludes the substrate binding site and may function as a mechanism to regulate PDI activity in the ER.  相似文献   

Expression of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli often results in the formation of insoluble inclusion bodies, In case of expression of eukaryotic proteins containing cysteine, which may form disulfide bonds in the native active protein, often nonnative inter- and intramolecular disulfide bonds exist in the inclusion bodies. Hence, several methods have been developed to isolate recombinant eukaryotic polypeptides from inclusion bodies, and to generate native disulfide bonds, to get active proteins. This article summarizes the different steps and methods of isolation and renaturation of eukaryotic proteins containing disulfide bonds, which have been expressed in E. coli as inclusion bodies, and shows which methods originally developed for studying the folding mechanism of naturally occurring proteins have been successfully adapted for reactivation of recombinant eukaryotic proteins. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A genetically engineered protein consisting of the 120 residues at the N-terminus of human protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) has been characterized by 1H, 13C, and 15N NMR methods. The sequence of this protein is 35% identical to Escherichia coli thioredoxin, and it has been found also to have similar patterns of secondary structure and beta-sheet topology. The results confirm that PDI is a modular, multidomain protein. The last 20 residues of the N-terminal domain of PDI are some of those that are similar to part of the estrogen receptor, yet they appear to be an intrinsic part of the thioredoxin fold. This observation makes it unlikely that any of the segments of PDI with similarities to the estrogen receptor comprise individual domains.  相似文献   

Partially purified rat liver Δ5-3-ketosteroid isomerase (EC is profoundly and specifically activated by reduced glutathione (GSH). This stimulating effect shows normal saturating kinetics, and both Km and Vmax are pH-dependent. The binding of GSH is independent of the concentration of Δ5-androstene-3,17-dione, whereas the Km for Δ5-androstene-3,17-dione is markedly reduced by saturating levels of GSH. The same catalytic site appears to isomerize both Δ5-androstene-3,17-dione and Δ5-pregnene-3,20-dione. Several steroidal inhibitors compete with Δ5-androstene-3,17-dione, whereas S-methyl-glutathione competes with GSH. This activation of Δ5-3-ketosteroid isomerase is also observed in the livers of other species (calf, guinea pig, human), and represents a hitherto unrecognized function of reduced glutathione.  相似文献   

A potential vaccine candidate, Necator americanus secretory protein (Na-ASP1), against hookworm infections, has been expressed in Pichia pastoris. Na-ASP1, a 45 kDa protein containing 20 cysteines, was directed outside the cell by fusing the protein to the preprosequence of the alpha-mating factor of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Most of the protein produced by single copy clones was secreted outside the cell. However, increasing gene copy number of Na-ASP1 protein in P. pastoris saturated secretory capacity and therefore, decreased the amount of secreted protein in clones harboring multiple copies of Na-ASP1 gene. Overexpression of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident, homologous chaperone protein, protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) was able to increase the secretion of (Na-ASP1) protein in high copy clones. The effect of PDI levels on secretion of Na-ASP1 protein was examined in clones with varying copy number of PDI gene. Increase in secreted Na-ASP1 secretion is correlated well with the PDI copy number. Increasing levels of PDI also increased overall Na-ASP1 protein production in all the clones. Nevertheless, there was still accumulation of intracellular Na-ASP1 protein in P. pastoris clones over-expressing Na-ASP1 and PDI proteins.  相似文献   

Ticks belonging to arthropoda are blood feeding, geographically widespread ectoparasites of mammals, reptiles and birds. Their saliva contains active substances that protect them from host immune attack and allow for transmission of various pathogens during the feeding process. Characterization of tick saliva components can therefore contribute to the development of effective methods for the control of tick-borne diseases.

Here we describe the identification and basic characterization of a gene encoding a 55 kDa protein found in the salivary glands (SG) of Amblyomma variegatum tick. Based on the primary structure and homology to the family of protein disulfide isomerases (PDI; EC the gene was named AvPDI. The 1461 nt long AvPDI open reading frame codes for a 487 amino acid protein. In vitro expressed AvPDI was exclusively localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. RT-PCR and Western blot analysis revealed that AvPDI expression is not restricted to the SG of the tick. More detailed analysis on tissue slides from SG detected an AvPDI specific signal in granular cells of the acini type II and III. Finally, reductase activity of AvPDI was confirmed in an insulin assay. The structural and functional characteristics suggest that AvPDI is another member of the PDI protein family and represents the first more closely characterized PDI in the ticks.  相似文献   

Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) interacts with secretory proteins, irrespective of their thiol content, late during translocation into the ER; thus, PDI may be part of the quality control machinery in the ER. We used yeast pdi1 mutants with deletions in the putative peptide binding region of the molecule to investigate its role in the recognition of misfolded secretory proteins in the ER and their export to the cytosol for degradation. Our pdi1 deletion mutants are deficient in the export of a misfolded cysteine-free secretory protein across the ER membrane to the cytosol for degradation, but ER-to-Golgi complex transport of properly folded secretory proteins is only marginally affected. We demonstrate by chemical cross-linking that PDI specifically interacts with the misfolded secretory protein and that mutant forms of PDI have a lower affinity for this protein. In the ER of the pdi1 mutants, a higher proportion of the misfolded secretory protein remains associated with BiP, and in export-deficient sec61 mutants, the misfolded secretory protein remain bounds to PDI. We conclude that the chaperone PDI is part of the quality control machinery in the ER that recognizes terminally misfolded secretory proteins and targets them to the export channel in the ER membrane.  相似文献   

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