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Circadian rhythms are regulated by an internal clock, which is itself synchronized to environmental cues such as light and temperature. It is widely assumed that the circadian system is adapted to local cues, which vary enormously across habitats, yet the comparative data necessary for testing this idea are lacking. We examined photic and thermal resetting of the circadian clock in five species of Anolis lizards whose microhabitats differ in the amounts of sun and shade. The primary circadian oscillator in Anolis is the pineal gland, which produces the hormone melatonin. A flow-through culture system was employed to measure rhythmic melatonin output from individually cultured pineal glands. All species showed temperature-compensated circadian rhythms of pineal melatonin. Light caused significant phase delays of the melatonin rhythm, and this effect varied among species. Controlling for phylogenetic differences, the results indicate that the pineal glands of shade-dwelling species are more sensitive to photic resetting than species living in more brightly illuminated habitats. The differences were not due to variation in free-running period, but may be due to variation in oscillator phase and/or robustness. Surprisingly, thermal resetting was not statistically significant. Overall, the results suggest that the Anolis circadian system is adapted to photic habitat.  相似文献   

Interaction of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus 100NCJB with bacteria Campylobacter jejuni (strains 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) and Helicobacter pylori, strain TX30a, was confirmed. The results indicate that lytic activity of bdellovibrios both in liquid media and cells attached to a surface was observed. The potential use of the antimicrobial activity of predatory bacteria for environmental bioprotection and public health is discussed.  相似文献   

There are three most important bacterial causative agents of serious infections that could be misused for warfare purposes: Bacillus anthracis (the causative agent of anthrax) is the most frequently mentioned one; however, Fracisella tularensis (causing tularemia) and Yersinia pestis (the causative agent of plague) are further bacterial agents enlisted by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention into the category A of potential biological weapons. This review intends to summarize basic information about these bacterial agents. Military aspects of their pathogenesis and the detection techniques suitable for field use are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on population analysis of the DRB1, DQA1, DQB1 and TNFA allele frequency distribution patterns, regional features of immunogenetic structure of the population of West Siberia were investigated. Statistically significant linkage disequilibrium within the HLA class II region, as well as between the TNFA and DRB1, DQA1, and DQB1 was demonstrated. Population frequency distribution patterns of two- and multilocus haplotypes were examined.  相似文献   

To overexpress the chitosanase gene (csn) in F. solani, a vector based on pCAMBIA 1300 was constructed. The csn gene, which is under control of the Aspergillus nidulans gpdA promoter and A. nidulans trpC terminator, was introduced back into the F. solani genome by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation, and the herbicide-resistance gene bar from Streptomyces hygroscopicus was used as the selection marker. Transformants which showed a significant increase in chitosanase production (~2.1-fold than control) were obtained. Southern blot analysis indicated that most transformants had a single-copy T-DNA integration.  相似文献   

Pilobolus crystallinus shows unique photoresponses at various growing stages. cDNAs for putative photoreceptors were cloned from this fungus. Three genes named pcmada1, pcmada2, and pcmada3 were identified from the PCR fragments, and amplified with degenerated primers for the LOV domain, which is conserved in many blue-light receptors. Deduced amino acid sequences for PCMADA1, PCMADA2, and PCMADA3 had one light-oxygen-voltage (LOV)-sensing and two PER-ARNT-SIM (PAS) domains. A zinc finger DNA-binding motif was conserved in the C-terminals of PCMADA1 and PCMADA3. However, PCMADA2 lacked the zinc finger motif. Expression of pcmada1 was suppressed by blue light whereas that of pcmada3 was promoted by blue-light irradiation.  相似文献   

The intron sequence of chloroplast rpS16 and the secondary structure of its pre-mRNA were characterized for the first time in 26 Allium sativum accessions of different ecologo-geographical origins and seven related Allium species. The boundaries and main stem-loop consensus sequences were identified for all six domains of the intron. Polymorphism was estimated for the total intron and its regions. The structural regions of the rpS16 intron proved to be heterogeneous for mutation rate and spectrum. Mutations were most abundant in domains II and IV, and transition predominated in domains I, III, V, and VI. In addition to structural elements and motifs typical for group IIB introns, several Allium-specific micro- and macrostructural mutations were revealed. A 290-bp deletion involving domains III and IV and part of domain V was observed in A. altaicum, A. fistulosum, and A. schoenoprasum. Several indels and nucleotide substitutions were found to cause a deviation of the pre-mRNA secondary structure from the consensus model of group II introns.  相似文献   

Columba livia is an important reservoir and carrier of Cryptococcus neoformans, Cryptococcus uniguttulatus, Cryptococcus laurentii and Cryptococcus albidus. Upper digestive tract of this species is also known as a habitat for Cryptococcus neoformans. Given the increasing clinical interest of this microorganism, 331 swabs from crop and 174 dropping samples from pigeon lofts in Grand Canary Island have been studied. The obtained results show an extensive presence samples 81 positive (24.47%) of Cryptococcus spp. in analysed crops: 32 (9.66%) for C. neoformans, 24 (7.2%) for C. uniguttulatus, 23 (6.9%) for C. albidus and 2 (0.6%) for C. laurentii. In the same way, Cryptococcus spp was also isolated in 82 (47.13%), dropping samples: C. neoformans in 59 (33.9%), C. uniguttulatus, in 9 (5.17%), C. laurentii in 8 (4.59%) and C. albidus in 6 (3.44%) of the investigated samples, respectively. The cryptococcosis produced by species of cryptococci other than C. neoformans has become more important during the last decade, supporting the study on the role of pigeon in the epidemiology of this disease.  相似文献   

We present data on the habitat, density, and spatial distribution of Rivulus giarettai, and discuss some biotic and abiotic variables related to its abundance in Free Flowing Waters (FFW) and Dam Reservoirs (DR) in palm grove (Mauritia flexuosa) marshes (Veredas) in Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. The mean density (individuals/plot) of R. giarettai was about 13 times higher in FFW than in DR. In FFW, the density of R. giarettai was highest at intermediate amounts of substrate (plant mass) and it was positively rank-correlated with the depth, and the number of arthropods. Individuals occurred in an aggregated distribution. The aggregated pattern could be related to a concentration of individuals in microhabitats neither too much exposed nor completely saturated by plants. R. giarettai was relatively abundant and tolerant to slight man-made habitat modifications. Damming appeared to be especially problematic by negatively affecting its density.  相似文献   

Nanobodies (or VHHs) are single-domain antigen-binding fragments derived from Camelid heavy chain-only antibodies. Their small size, monomeric behaviour, high stability and solubility, and ability to bind epitopes not accessible to conventional antibodies make them especially suitable for many therapeutic and biotechnological applications. Here we describe high-level expression, in Nicotiana benthamiana, of three versions of an anti-hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) nanobody which include the original VHH from an immunized library (cAbLys3), a codon-optimized derivative, and a codon-optimized hybrid nanobody comprising the CDRs of cAbLys3 grafted onto an alternative ‘universal’ nanobody framework. His6- and StrepII-tagged derivatives of each nanobody were targeted for accumulation in the cytoplasm, chloroplast and apoplast using different pre-sequences. When targeted to the apoplast, intact functional nanobodies accumulated at an exceptionally high level (up to 30% total leaf protein), demonstrating the great potential of plants as a nanobody production system.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) detection was carried out for adventitious rooting and associated propagation traits in a second-generation outbred Corymbia torelliana × Corymbia citriodora subspecies variegata hybrid family (n = 186). The parental species of this cross are divergent in their capacity to develop roots adventitiously on stem cuttings and their propensity to form lignotubers. For the ten traits studied, there was one or two QTL detected, with some QTL explaining large amounts of phenotypic variation (e.g. 66% for one QTL for percentage rooting), suggesting that major effects influence rooting in this cross. Collocation of QTL for many strongly genetically correlated rooting traits to a single region on linkage group 12 suggested pleiotropy. A three locus model was most parsimonious for linkage group 12, however, as differences in QTL position and lower genetic correlations suggested separate loci for each of the traits of shoot production and root initiation. Species differences were thought to be the major source of phenotypic variation for some rooting rate and root quality traits because of the major QTL effects and up to 59-fold larger homospecific deviations (attributed to species differences) relative to heterospecific deviations (attributed to standing variation within species) evident at some QTL for these traits. A large homospecific/heterospecific ratio at major QTL suggested that the gene action evident in one cross may be indicative of gene action more broadly in hybrids between these species for some traits.  相似文献   

Survey of seven strains determined as Septonema ochraceum (Dothideomycetes, inc. sed.) isolated from pine litter or obtained from public collections revealed three new species, Fusicladium cordae, F. sicilianum (Venturiaceae), Cladophialophora matsushimae (Herpotrichiellaceae) and a cryptic species morphologically identical to Devriesia americana (Teratosphaeriaceae), but phylogenetically distinct. Morphological survey and phylogenetic analysis using nucleotide sequence data from the nuclear ribosomal subunit genes indicate a close relationship within three species colonising pine litter needles, F. cordae, F. pini and F. ramoconidii. F. sicilianum is most related to F. rhodense. C. matsushimae represents a species belonging to one of the lineages of the polyphyletic genus Cladophialophora. None of the strains observed can be classified morphologically as S. ochraceum, of which the type material does not exist.  相似文献   

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