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Peroxisomes are ubiquitous organelles characterized by a protein-rich matrix surrounded by a single membrane. In filamentous fungi, peroxisomes are crucial for the primary metabolism of several unusual carbon sources used for growth (e.g. fatty acids), but increasing evidence is presented that emphasize the crucial role of these organelles in the formation of a variety of secondary metabolites. In filamentous fungi, peroxisomes also play a role in development and differentiation whereas specialized peroxisomes, the Woronin bodies, play a structural role in plugging septal pores. The biogenesis of peroxisomes in filamentous fungi involves the function of conserved PEX genes, as well as genes that are unique for these organisms. Peroxisomes are also subject to autophagic degradation, a process that involves ATG genes. The interplay between organelle biogenesis and degradation may serve a quality control function, thereby allowing a continuous rejuvenation of the organelle population in the cells.  相似文献   

A secondary metabolite is a chemical compound produced by a limited number of fungal species in a genus, an order, or even phylum. A profile of secondary metabolites consists of all the different compounds a fungus can produce on a given substratum and includes toxins, antibiotics and other outward-directed compounds. Chemotaxonomy is traditionally restricted to comprise fatty acids, proteins, carbohydrates, or secondary metabolites, but has sometimes been defined so broadly that it also includes DNA sequences. It is not yet possible to use secondary metabolites in phylogeny, because of the inconsistent distribution throughout the fungal kingdom. However, this is the very quality that makes secondary metabolites so useful in classification and identification. Four groups of organisms are particularly good producers of secondary metabolites: plants, fungi, lichen fungi, and actinomycetes, whereas yeasts, protozoa, and animals are less efficient producers. Therefore, secondary metabolites have mostly been used in plant and fungal taxonomy, whereas chemotaxonomy has been neglected in bacteriology. Lichen chemotaxonomy has been based on few biosynthetic families (chemosyndromes), whereas filamentous fungi have been analysed for a wide array of terpenes, polyketides, non-ribosomal peptides, and combinations of these. Fungal chemotaxonomy based on secondary metabolites has been used successfully in large ascomycete genera such as Alternaria, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Hypoxylon, Penicillium, Stachybotrys, Xylaria and in few basidiomycete genera, but not in Zygomycota and Chytridiomycota.  相似文献   

丝状真菌产生的次级代谢产物是新药的重要来源之一,其生物合成过程受到众多因素的调控。最近的研究表明,表观遗传对多种丝状真菌次级代谢产物的生物合成具有调控作用。DNA和组蛋白的甲基化与乙酰化修饰是目前所知的丝状真菌主要的表观遗传调控形式。通过过表达或缺失相关表观修饰基因和利用小分子表观遗传试剂改变丝状真菌染色体的修饰形式,不仅可以提高多种已知次级代谢产物产量,而且可以通过激活沉默的生物合成基因簇诱导丝状真菌产生新的未知代谢产物。丝状真菌表观遗传学正逐渐成为真菌菌株改良的新策略以及挖掘真菌次级代谢产物合成潜力的强有力手段。  相似文献   

Filamentous fungi are used to produce fermented foods, organic acids, beneficial secondary metabolites and various enzymes. During such processes, these fungi balance cellular NAD+:NADH ratios to adapt to environmental redox stimuli. Cellular NAD(H) status in fungal cells is a trigger of changes in metabolic pathways including those of glycolysis, fermentation, and the production of organic acids, amino acids and secondary metabolites. Under hypoxic conditions, high NADH:NAD+ ratios lead to the inactivation of various dehydrogenases, and the metabolic flow involving NAD+ is down-regulated compared with normoxic conditions. This review provides an overview of the metabolic mechanisms of filamentous fungi under hypoxic conditions that alter the cellular NADH:NAD+ balance. We also discuss the relationship between the intracellular redox balance (NAD/NADH ratio) and the production of beneficial secondary metabolites that arise from repressing the HDAC activity of sirtuin A via Nudix hydrolase A (NdxA)-dependent NAD+ degradation.  相似文献   

Approaches to functional genomics in filamentous fungi   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The study of gene function in filamentous fungi is a field of research that has made great advances in very recent years. A number of transformation and gene manipulation strategies have been developed and applied to a diverse and rapidly expanding list of economically important filamentous fungi and oomycetes. With the significant number of fungal genomes now sequenced or being sequenced, functional genomics promises to uncover a great deal of new information in coming years. This review discusses recent advances that have been made in examining gene function in filamentous fungi and describes the advantages and limitations of the different approaches.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a ubiquitous, non-selective degradation process in eukaryotic cells that is conserved from yeast to man. Autophagy research has increased significantly in the last ten years, as autophagy has been connected with cancer, neurodegenerative disease and various human developmental processes. Autophagy also appears to play an important role in filamentous fungi, impacting growth, morphology and development. In this review, an autophagy model developed for the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used as an intellectual framework to discuss autophagy in filamentous fungi. Studies imply that, similar to yeast, fungal autophagy is characterized by the presence of autophagosomes and controlled by Tor kinase. In addition, fungal autophagy is apparently involved in protection against cell death and has significant effects on cellular growth and development. However, the only putative autophagy proteins characterized in filamentous fungi are Atg1 and Atg8. We discuss various strategies used to study and monitor fungal autophagy as well as the possible relationship between autophagy, physiology, and morphological development.  相似文献   

凋亡是一种程序性细胞死亡类型,为多细胞生物发育和维持生命所必需的,也普遍存在于细菌等原核生物和酵母、丝状真菌等真核生物中。丝状真菌既具有酵母和哺乳动物共有的凋亡同源蛋白,也具有酵母所不具备的哺乳动物凋亡同源蛋白,所以其凋亡机制较酵母更为复杂,而又较哺乳动物简单。凋亡在丝状真菌的发育、繁殖、衰老等过程中具有重要的作用。近年,丝状真菌作为新的凋亡研究的模式生物被广泛研究,而且进展迅速。综述丝状真菌的凋亡现象和检测方法,丝状真菌中凋亡的生物学功能,丝状真菌凋亡的诱导条件,以及丝状真菌凋亡相关基因的功能研究进展。  相似文献   

Recently, genome sequences from different fungi have become available. This information reveals that yeasts and filamentous fungi possess up to five aquaporins. Functional analyses have mainly been performed in budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which has two orthodox aquaporins and two aquaglyceroporins. Whereas Aqy1 is a spore-specific water channel, Aqy2 is only expressed in proliferating cells and controlled by osmotic signals. Fungal aquaglyceroporins often have long, poorly conserved terminal extensions and differ in the otherwise highly conserved NPA motifs, being NPX and NXA respectively. Three subgroups can be distinguished. Fps1-like proteins seem to be restricted to yeasts. Fps1, the osmogated glycerol export channel in S. cerevisiae, plays a central role in osmoregulation and determination of intracellular glycerol levels. Sequences important for gating have been identified within its termini. Another type of aquaglyceroporin, resembling S. cerevisiae Yfl054, has a long N-terminal extension and its physiological role is currently unknown. The third group of aquaglyceroporins, only found in filamentous fungi, have extensions of variable size. Taken together, yeasts and filamentous fungi are a fruitful resource to study the function, evolution, role and regulation of aquaporins, and the possibility to compare orthologous sequences from a large number of different organisms facilitates functional and structural studies.  相似文献   

Aims: We asked to what extent does the application of the OSMAC (one strain, many compounds) approach lead to enhanced detection of antibiotics and secondary metabolites in fungi? Protocols for bacterial microfermentations were adapted to grow fungi in nutritional arrays. Methods and Results: Protocols for microfermentations of non‐sporulating fungi were validated using known antifungal‐producing fungi. Detection of antifungal activity was often medium dependent. The effects of medium arrays and numbers of strains on detection of antifungal signals were modelled by interpolation of rarefaction curves derived from matrices of positive and negative extracts. Increasing the number of fermentation media for any given strain increased the probability of detection of growth inhibition of Candida albicans. Increasing biodiversity increased detection of antifungal phenotypes, however, nutritional arrays could partly compensate for lost antibiotic phenotypes when biodiversity was limiting. Conclusions: Growth and extraction in microtiter plates can enable a discovery strategy emphasizing low‐cost medium arrays that can better exploit the metabolic potential of strains. Significance and Impact of the Study: Increasing fermentation parameters raise the probability of detecting bioactive metabolites from strains. The protocols can be used to pre‐select strains and their growth conditions for scale up that will most likely yield antibiotics and secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry is an automated, laser- or impedance-based, high throughput method that allows very rapid analysis of multiple chemical and physical characteristics of single cells within a cell population. It is an extremely powerful technology that has been used for over four decades with filamentous fungi. Although single cells within a cell population are normally analysed rapidly on a cell-by-cell basis using the technique, flow cytometry can also be used to analyse cell (e.g. spore) aggregates or entire microcolonies. Living or fixed cells can be stained with a wide range of fluorescent reporters to label different cell components or measure different physiological processes. Flow cytometry is also suited for measurements of cell size, interaction, aggregation or shape using non-labelled cells by means of analysing their light scattering characteristics. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) is a specialized form of flow cytometry that provides a method for sorting a heterogeneous mixture of cells into two or more containers based upon the fluorescence and/or light scattering properties of each cell. The major advantage of analysing cells by flow cytometry over microscopy is the speed of analysis: thousands of cells can be analysed per second or sorted in minutes. Drawbacks of flow cytometry are that specific cells cannot be followed in time and normally spatial information relating to individual cells is lacking. A big advantage over microscopy is when using FACS, cells with desired characteristics can be sorted for downstream experimentation (e.g. for growth, infection, enzyme production, gene expression assays or ‘omics’ approaches). In this review, we explain the basic concepts of flow cytometry and FACS, define its advantages and disadvantages in comparison with microscopy, and describe the wide range of applications in which these powerful technologies have been used with filamentous fungi.  相似文献   

The exchange of genes by crossing over and by gene conversion is a basic process in eukaryotes. Fungi have played a special role in the study of this process because they permit tetrad analysis, which provides complete information on the distribution of genes and chromosomes in meiosis. Recombination is detected by new combinations of genetic markers. The first observation gave only the simple picture of a crossover provided by two segregating loci far apart on the chromosome. Later the discovery of recombination between sites within a gene led to a revolution in our knowledge of this process. Today we carry the resolution a step further with RFLP markers, which can detect the details of recombination down to nucleotide distances. I review here observations on filamentous fungi, which have contributed to this pursuit at each stage of the emerging synthesis.  相似文献   

Nuclear movement in filamentous fungi   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
One of the most striking features of eukaryotic cells is the organization of specific functions into organelles such as nuclei, mitochondria, chloroplasts, the endoplasmic reticulum, vacuoles, peroxisomes or the Golgi apparatus. These membrane-surrounded compartments are not synthesized de novo but are bequeathed to daughter cells during cell division. The successful transmittance of organelles to daughter cells requires the growth, division and separation of these compartments and involves a complex machinery consisting of cytoskeletal components, mechanochemical motor proteins and regulatory factors. Organelles such as nuclei, which are present in most cells in a single copy, must be precisely positioned prior to cytokinesis. In many eukaryotic cells the cleavage plane for cell division is defined by the location of the nucleus prior to mitosis. Nuclear positioning is thus absolutely crucial in the unequal cell divisions that occur during development and embryogenesis. Yeast and filamentous fungi are excellent organisms for the molecular analysis of nuclear migration because of their amenability to a broad variety of powerful analytical methods unavailable in higher eukaryotes. Filamentous fungi are especially attractive models because the longitudinally elongated cells grow by apical tip extension and the organelles are often required to migrate long distances. This review describes nuclear migration in filamentous fungi, the approaches used for and the results of its molecular analysis and the projection of the results to other organisms.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are essential organelles of eukaryotic cells. They grow continuously throughout the cell cycle and are inherited by daughter cells upon cell division. Inheritance of mitochondria and maintenance of mitochondrial distribution and morphology require active transport of the organelles along the cytoskeleton and depend on membrane fission and fusion events. Many of the molecular components and cellular mechanisms mediating these complex processes have been conserved during evolution across the borders of the fungal and animal kingdoms. During the past few decades, several constituents of the cellular machinery mediating mitochondrial behavior have been identified and functionally characterized. Here, we review the contributions of fungi, with special emphasis on the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa, to our current understanding of mitochondrial morphogenesis and inheritance.  相似文献   

Although the application of filamentous fungi, such asAspergillus niger for the production of extracellular proteins is well established for several decades, hardly any information is available about the molecular mechanisms of the process of protein secretion in these organisms.Two lines of research initiated towards a systematic analysis of the mechanism of protein targeting and secretion are presented in this paper.1 — To study routing and targeting of proteins in filamentous fungi the availability of a versatile reporter/carrier protein will be of considerable importance. Experiments towards the identification of such a protein are presented.2 — In analogy to the situation inSaccharomyces cerevisiae, the availability of defined (conditional) mutations in the secretion pathway will provide very important information about the organisation of the pathway. Therefore, based on results obtained inS. cerevisiae, the cloning of several fungal secretion genes was started. The results of the cloning and characterisation of one of these genes is presented.  相似文献   

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