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The Drosophila proneural genes specify neuronal determination among cells within the ectoderm. Here we address the question of whether proneural genes also affect the specification of glia, the most abundant cell type in the nervous system. We provide evidence that the proneural gene daughterless is essential for the formation of two major classes of PNS glia. In contrast, the proneural genes in the achaete-scute complex have no detectable effect on the specification and differentiation of these PNS glia and certain CNS glia. We also show that, as with neuronal development, glial determination is restricted by the neurogenic genes neuralized, Delta, and the genes of the Enhancer of split complex. Finally, we demonstrate that prospero, a gene involved in neuronal differentiation, also affects glial development. These results demonstrate extensive overlap in the genetic control of glial and neuronal development.Abbreviations ß galactosidase - (ß-gal) Alkaline phosphatase - (AP) Central nervous system - (CNS) Peripheral nervous system - (PNS) Home domain binding sites - (HDS) Helix-loop-helix - (HLH) Peripheral glia - (PG) Exit glia - (EG) Dorsal roof glia - (DRG) Intersegmental glia - (ISG) Midline glia - (MG) chordotonal - (CH) Sensory mother cell  相似文献   

Whereas vertebrate achaete-scute complex (as-c) and atonal (ato) homologs are required for neurogenesis, their neuronal determination activities in the central nervous system (CNS) are not yet supported by loss-of-function studies, probably because of genetic redundancy. Here, to address this problem, we generated mice double mutant for the as-c homolog Mash1 and the ato homolog Math3. Whereas in Mash1 or Math3 single mutants neurogenesis is only weakly affected, in the double mutants tectal neurons, two longitudinal columns of hindbrain neurons and retinal bipolar cells were missing and, instead, those cells that normally differentiate into neurons adopted the glial fate. These results indicated that Mash1 and Math3 direct neuronal versus glial fate determination in the CNS and raised the possibility that downregulation of these bHLH genes is one of the mechanisms to initiate gliogenesis.  相似文献   

Vertebrate bHLH genes and the determination of neuronal fates   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

The adult glial progenitor cells were recently shown to be able to produce neurons in central nervous system (CNS) and to become multipotent in vitro. Although the fate decision of glial progenitors was studied extensively, the signals and factors which regulate the timing of neuronal differentiation still remain unknown. To elucidate the mechanisms underlying the neuronal differentiation from glial progenitors, we modified the gene expression profile in NG2+ glial progenitor cells using enhanced retroviral mutagen (ERM) technique followed by phenotype screening to identify possible gene(s) responsible for glial-neuronal cell fate determination. Among the identified molecules, we found the gene named non-metastatic cell 1 which encodes a nucleoside diphosphate kinase protein A (Nm23-M1 or NME1). So far, the Nm23 members have been shown to be involved in various molecular processes including tumor metastasis, cell proliferation, differentiation and cell fate determination. In the present study, we provide evidence suggesting the role of NME1 in glial-neuronal cell fate determination in vitro. We showed that NME1 is widely expressed in neuronal structures throughout adult mouse CNS. Our immunohistochemical results revealed that NME1 is strongly colocalized with NF200 through white matter of spinal cord and brain. Interestingly, NME1 overexpression in oligodendrocyte progenitor OLN-93 cells potently induced the acquisition of neuronal fate, while its silencing was shown to promote oligodendrocyte differentiation. Furthermore, we demonstrated that dual-functional role of NME1 is achieved through cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). Our data therefore suggested that NME1 acts as a switcher or reprogramming factor which involves in oligodentrocyte versus neuron cell fate specification in vitro.  相似文献   

During early stages of cerebral cortical development, progenitor cells in the ventricular zone are multipotent, producing neurons of many layers over successive cell divisions. The laminar fate of their progeny depends on environmental cues to which the cells respond prior to mitosis. By the end of neurogenesis, however, progenitors are lineally committed to producing upper-layer neurons. Here we assess the laminar fate potential of progenitors at a middle stage of cortical development. The progenitors of layer 4 neurons were first transplanted into older brains in which layer 2/3 was being generated. The transplanted neurons adopted a laminar fate appropriate for the new environment (layer 2/3), revealing that layer 4 progenitors are multipotent. Mid-stage progenitors were then transplanted into a younger environment, in which layer 6 neurons were being generated. The transplanted neurons bypassed layer 6, revealing that layer 4 progenitors have a restricted fate potential and are incompetent to respond to environmental cues that trigger layer 6 production. Instead, the transplanted cells migrated to layer 4, the position typical of their origin, and also to layer 5, a position appropriate for neither the host nor the donor environment. Because layer 5 neurogenesis is complete by the stage that progenitors were removed for transplantation, restrictions in laminar fate potential must lag behind the final production of a cortical layer. These results suggest that a combination of intrinsic and environmental cues controls the competence of cortical progenitor cells to produce neurons of different layers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Organizing signals such as Sonic hedgehog are thought to specify neuronal subtype identity by regulating the expression of homeodomain proteins in progenitors of the embryonic neural tube. One of these, Nkx2.2, is necessary and sufficient for the development of V3 interneurons. RESULTS: We report that Olig genes, encoding basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) proteins, are expressed in a subset of Nkx2.2 progenitors before the establishment of interneurons and oligodendroglial precursors. Gain-of-function analysis in transgenic mouse embryos indicates that Olig genes specifically inhibit the establishment of Sim1-expressing V3 interneurons. Moreover, coexpression of Olig2 with Nkx2.2 in the chick neural tube generated cells expressing Sox10, a marker of oligodendroglial precursors. Colocalization of Olig and Nkx2.2 proteins at the dorsal extent of the Nkx2.2 expression domain is consistent with regulatory interactions that define the potential of progenitor cells in the border region. CONCLUSIONS: Interactions between homeodomain and Olig bHLH proteins evidently regulate neural cell fate acquisition and diversification in the ventral neural tube. In particular, interactions between Olig and Nkx2.2 proteins inhibit V3 interneuron development and promote the formation of alternate cell types, including those expressing Sox10.  相似文献   

Sanada K  Tsai LH 《Cell》2005,122(1):119-131
Neurons in the developing mammalian brain are generated from progenitor cells in the proliferative ventricular zone, and control of progenitor division is essential to produce the correct number of neurons during neurogenesis. Here we establish that Gbetagamma subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins are required for proper mitotic-spindle orientation of neural progenitors in the developing neocortex. Interfering with Gbetagamma function in progenitors causes a shift in spindle orientation from apical-basal divisions to planar divisions. This results in hyperdifferentiation of progenitors into neurons as a consequence of both daughter cells adopting a neural fate instead of the normal asymmetric cell fates. Silencing AGS3, a nonreceptor activator of Gbetagamma, results in defects similar to the impairment of Gbetagamma, providing evidence that AGS3-Gbetagamma signaling in progenitors regulates apical-basal division and asymmetric cell-fate decisions. Furthermore, our observations indicate that the cell-fate decision of daughter cells is coupled to mitotic-spindle orientation in progenitors.  相似文献   

Objectives:  The fate choice of neural progenitor cells could be dictated by local cellular environment of the adult CNS. The aim of our study was to investigate the effect of hippocampal tissue on differentiation and maturation of oligodendrocyte NG2 precursor cells.
Materials and methods:  Hippocampal slice culture was established from the brains of 7-day-old rats. NG2 precursor cells, obtained from a 12-day-old mixed primary culture of neonatal rat cerebral hemispheres, were labelled with chloromethyl-fluorescein-diacetete and seeded on the hippocampal slices. After 7–14 days in co-culture, cells were stained with neural markers.
Results:  NG2 cells differentiated predominantly into oligodendrocytes, presenting various stages of maturation: progenitors (NG2), pre-oligodendrocytes (O4) and finally mature GalC-positive cells. However, except for a few cells with astrocyte-specific S100b staining, a considerable number of these cells differentiated into neurons: TUJ+ and even MAP-2+ cells were frequently observed. Moreover, a certain population of these cells preserved proliferative properties of primary precursor cells, as revealed by Ki67 expression.
Conclusions:  The neuronal micro-environment provided by the culture of hippocampal slices is potent for induction of neurogenesis from oligodendrocyte NG2+/PDGFRα+/CNP+ progenitor cells and promotes their differentiation not only into macroglia but also into neurons. It also sustains their proliferative capacity. The results indicate the crucial role of the local cellular environment in fate decision of primary NG2+ multipotent neural progenitor cells, which may affect their behaviour after transplantation into the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Our recent studies revealed p57kip2 as an intrinsic regulator of late gliogenesis and demonstrated that in oligodendroglial precursor cells p57kip2 inhibition leads to accelerated maturation. Adult neural stem cells have been described as a source of glial progenitors; however, the underlying mechanisms of cell fate specification are still poorly understood. Here, we have investigated whether p57kip2 can influence early events of glial determination and differentiation. We found that Sox2/GFAP double-positive cells express p57kip2 in stem cell niches of the adult brain. Short-hairpin RNA-mediated suppression of p57kip2 in cultured adult neural stem cells was found to strongly reduce astroglial characteristics, while oligodendroglial precursor features were increased. Importantly, this anti-astrogenic effect of p57kip2 suppression dominated the bone morphogenetic protein-mediated promotion of astroglial differentiation. Moreover, we observed that in p57kip2 knockdown cells, the BMP antagonist chordin was induced. Finally, when p57kip2-suppressed stem cells were transplanted into the adult spinal cord, fewer GFAP-positive cells were generated and oligodendroglial markers were induced when compared with control cells, demonstrating an effect of in vivo relevance.  相似文献   

Glial cells are not passive spectators during nervous system assembly, rather they are active participants that exert significant control over neuronal development. Well-established roles for glia in shaping the developing nervous system include providing trophic support to neurons, modulating axon pathfinding, and driving nerve fasciculation. Exciting recent studies have revealed additional ways in which glial cells also modulate neurodevelopment. Glial cells regulate the number of neurons at early developmental stages by dynamically influencing neural precursor divisions, and at later stages by promoting neuronal cell death through engulfment. Glia also participate in the fine sculpting of neuronal connections by pruning excess axonal projections, shaping dendritic spines, and secreting multiple factors that promote synapse formation and functional maturation. These recent insights provide further compelling evidence that glial cells, through their diverse cellular actions, are essential contributors to the construction of a functionally mature nervous system.  相似文献   

Bilateral asymmetry in Caenorhabditis elegans arises in part from cell lineages that differ on the left and right sides of the animal. The unpaired MI neuron descends from the right side of an otherwise left-right symmetric cell lineage that generates the MI neuron on the right and the e3D epithelial cell on the left. We isolated mutations in three genes that caused left-right symmetry in this normally asymmetric cell lineage by transforming MI into an e3D-like cell. These genes encode the proneural bHLH proteins NGN-1 and HLH-2 and the Otx homeodomain protein CEH-36. We identified the precise precursor cells in which ceh-36 and ngn-1 act, and showed that CEH-36 protein is asymmetrically expressed and is present in an MI progenitor cell on the right but not in its bilateral counterpart. This asymmetric CEH-36 expression promotes asymmetric ngn-1 and hlh-2 expression, which in turn induces asymmetric MI neurogenesis. Our results indicate that this left-right asymmetry is specified within the two sister cells that first separate the left and right branches of the cell lineage. We conclude that the components of an evolutionarily conserved Otx/bHLH pathway act sequentially through multiple rounds of cell division on the right to relay an initial apparently cryptic asymmetry to the presumptive post-mitotic MI neuron, thereby creating an anatomical bilateral asymmetry in the C. elegans nervous system.  相似文献   

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