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MOTIVATION: The occurrence of false positives and false negatives in a microarray analysis could be easily estimated if the distribution of p-values were approximated and then expressed as a mixture of null and alternative densities. Essentially any distribution of p-values can be expressed as such a mixture by extracting a uniform density from it. RESULTS: The occurrence of false positives and false negatives in a microarray analysis could be easily estimated if the distribution of p-values were approximated and then expressed as a mixture of null and alternative densities. Essentially any distribution of p-values can be expressed as such a mixture by extracting a uniform density from it. AVAILABILITY: An S-plus function library is available from http://www.stjuderesearch.org/statistics.  相似文献   

Matsui S  Noma H 《Biometrics》2011,67(4):1225-1235
Summary In microarray screening for differentially expressed genes using multiple testing, assessment of power or sample size is of particular importance to ensure that few relevant genes are removed from further consideration prematurely. In this assessment, adequate estimation of the effect sizes of differentially expressed genes is crucial because of its substantial impact on power and sample‐size estimates. However, conventional methods using top genes with largest observed effect sizes would be subject to overestimation due to random variation. In this article, we propose a simple estimation method based on hierarchical mixture models with a nonparametric prior distribution to accommodate random variation and possible large diversity of effect sizes across differential genes, separated from nuisance, nondifferential genes. Based on empirical Bayes estimates of effect sizes, the power and false discovery rate (FDR) can be estimated to monitor them simultaneously in gene screening. We also propose a power index that concerns selection of top genes with largest effect sizes, called partial power. This new power index could provide a practical compromise for the difficulty in achieving high levels of usual overall power as confronted in many microarray experiments. Applications to two real datasets from cancer clinical studies are provided.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Statistical tests for the detection of differentially expressed genes lead to a large collection of p-values one for each gene comparison. Without any further adjustment, these p-values may lead to a large number of false positives, simply because the number of genes to be tested is huge, which might mean wastage of laboratory resources. To account for multiple hypotheses, these p-values are typically adjusted using a single step method or a step-down method in order to achieve an overall control of the error rate (the so-called familywise error rate). In many applications, this may lead to an overly conservative strategy leading to too few genes being flagged. RESULTS: In this paper we introduce a novel empirical Bayes screening (EBS) technique to inspect a large number of p-values in an effort to detect additional positive cases. In effect, each case borrows strength from an overall picture of the alternative hypotheses computed from all the p-values, while the entire procedure is calibrated by a step-down method so that the familywise error rate at the complete null hypothesis is still controlled. It is shown that the EBS has substantially higher sensitivity than the standard step-down approach for multiple comparison at the cost of a modest increase in the false discovery rate (FDR). The EBS procedure also compares favorably when compared with existing FDR control procedures for multiple testing. The EBS procedure is particularly useful in situations where it is important to identify all possible potentially positive cases which can be subjected to further confirmatory testing in order to eliminate the false positives. We illustrated this screening procedure using a data set on human colorectal cancer where we show that the EBS method detected additional genes related to colon cancer that were missed by other methods.This novel empirical Bayes procedure is advantageous over our earlier proposed empirical Bayes adjustments due to the following reasons: (i) it offers an automatic screening of the p-values the user may obtain from a univariate (i.e., gene by gene) analysis package making it extremely easy to use for a non-statistician, (ii) since it applies to the p-values, the tests do not have to be t-tests; in particular they could be F-tests which might arise in certain ANOVA formulations with expression data or even nonparametric tests, (iii) the empirical Bayes adjustment uses nonparametric function estimation techniques to estimate the marginal density of the transformed p-values rather than using a parametric model for the prior distribution and is therefore robust against model mis-specification. AVAILABILITY: R code for EBS is available from the authors upon request. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: http://www.stat.uga.edu/~datta/EBS/supp.htm  相似文献   



Microarray data must be normalized because they suffer from multiple biases. We have identified a source of spatial experimental variability that significantly affects data obtained with Cy3/Cy5 spotted glass arrays. It yields a periodic pattern altering both signal (Cy3/Cy5 ratio) and intensity across the array.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Microarray techniques provide a valuable way of characterizing the molecular nature of disease. Unfortunately expense and limited specimen availability often lead to studies with small sample sizes. This makes accurate estimation of variability difficult, since variance estimates made on a gene by gene basis will have few degrees of freedom, and the assumption that all genes share equal variance is unlikely to be true. RESULTS: We propose a model by which the within gene variances are drawn from an inverse gamma distribution, whose parameters are estimated across all genes. This results in a test statistic that is a minor variation of those used in standard linear models. We demonstrate that the model assumptions are valid on experimental data, and that the model has more power than standard tests to pick up large changes in expression, while not increasing the rate of false positives. AVAILABILITY: This method is incorporated into BRB-ArrayTools version 3.0 (http://linus.nci.nih.gov/BRB-ArrayTools.html). SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: ftp://linus.nci.nih.gov/pub/techreport/RVM_supplement.pdf  相似文献   

Characterizing dye bias in microarray experiments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
MOTIVATION: Spot intensity serves as a proxy for gene expression in dual-label microarray experiments. Dye bias is defined as an intensity difference between samples labeled with different dyes attributable to the dyes instead of the gene expression in the samples. Dye bias that is not removed by array normalization can introduce bias into comparisons between samples of interest. But if the bias is consistent across samples for the same gene, it can be corrected by proper experimental design and analysis. If the dye bias is not consistent across samples for the same gene, but is different for different samples, then removing the bias becomes more problematic, perhaps indicating a technical limitation to the ability of fluorescent signals to accurately represent gene expression. Thus, it is important to characterize dye bias to determine: (1) whether it will be removed for all genes by array normalization, (2) whether it will not be removed by normalization but can be removed by proper experimental design and analysis and (3) whether dye bias correction is more problematic than either of these and is not easily removable. RESULTS: We analyzed two large (each >27 arrays) tissue culture experiments with extensive dye swap arrays to better characterize dye bias. Indirect, amino-allyl labeling was used in both experiments. We found that post-normalization dye bias that is consistent across samples does appear to exist for many genes, and that controlling and correcting for this type of dye bias in design and analysis is advisable. The extent of this type of dye bias remained unchanged under a wide range of normalization methods (median-centering, various loess normalizations) and statistical analysis techniques (parametric, rank based, permutation based, etc.). We also found dye bias related to the individual samples for a much smaller subset of genes. But these sample-specific dye biases appeared to have minimal impact on estimated gene-expression differences between the cell lines.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, due to the popularisation of high-throughput methodologies such as DNA microarrays, the possibility of obtaining experimental data has increased significantly. Nevertheless, the interpretation of the results, which involves translating these data into useful biological knowledge, still remains a challenge. The methods and strategies used for this interpretation are in continuous evolution and new proposals are constantly arising. Initially, a two-step approach was used in which genes of interest were initially selected, based on thresholds that consider only experimental values, and then in a second, independent step the enrichment of these genes in biologically relevant terms, was analysed. For different reasons, these methods are relatively poor in terms of performance and a new generation of procedures, which draw inspiration from systems biology criteria, are currently under development. Such procedures, aim to directly test the behaviour of blocks of functionally related genes, instead of focusing on single genes.  相似文献   

Summary A new methodology is proposed for estimating the proportion of true null hypotheses in a large collection of tests. Each test concerns a single parameter δ whose value is specified by the null hypothesis. We combine a parametric model for the conditional cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the p‐value given δ with a nonparametric spline model for the density g(δ) of δ under the alternative hypothesis. The proportion of true null hypotheses and the coefficients in the spline model are estimated by penalized least squares subject to constraints that guarantee that the spline is a density. The estimator is computed efficiently using quadratic programming. Our methodology produces an estimate of the density of δ when the null is false and can address such questions as “when the null is false, is the parameter usually close to the null or far away?” This leads us to define a falsely interesting discovery rate (FIDR), a generalization of the false discovery rate. We contrast the FIDR approach to Efron's (2004, Journal of the American Statistical Association 99, 96–104) empirical null hypothesis technique. We discuss the use of in sample size calculations based on the expected discovery rate (EDR). Our recommended estimator of the proportion of true nulls has less bias compared to estimators based upon the marginal density of the p‐values at 1. In a simulation study, we compare our estimators to the convex, decreasing estimator of Langaas, Lindqvist, and Ferkingstad (2005, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 67, 555–572). The most biased of our estimators is very similar in performance to the convex, decreasing estimator. As an illustration, we analyze differences in gene expression between resistant and susceptible strains of barley.  相似文献   



A typical microarray experiment has many sources of variation which can be attributed to biological and technical causes. Identifying sources of variation and assessing their magnitude, among other factors, are important for optimal experimental design. The objectives of this study were: (1) to estimate relative magnitudes of different sources of variation and (2) to evaluate agreement between biological and technical replicates.  相似文献   

Since mutation rate is a key biological parameter, its proper estimation has received great attention for decades. However, instead of the mutation rate, many authors opt for reporting the average mutant frequency, a less meaningful quantity. This is because the standard methods to estimate the mutation rate, derived from the Luria and Delbrück's fluctuation analysis, ideally require high-replication experiments to be applied; a requirement often unattainable due to constraints of time, budget or sample availability. But the main problem with mutant frequency, apart from being less informative, is its poor reproducibility; an especially marked defect when the chosen average is the arithmetic mean. Several authors tried to avoid this by employing other averages (such as the median or the geometric mean) or discarding outliers, though as far as we know nobody has evaluated which method performs best under low-replication settings. Here we use computer simulations to compare the performance of different methods used in low-replication experiments (≤4 cultures). Besides the customary averages of mutant frequency, we also tested two well-known fluctuation methods. Contrary to common practice, our results support that fluctuation methods should be applied in such circumstances, as they perform as well as or better than any average of mutant frequency. In particular, experimentalists will benefit from using MSS maximum likelihood in low-replication experiments because it: (i) provides more reproducible results, (ii) allows for direct estimation of mutation rate and (iii) allows for the application of conventional statistics.  相似文献   

Practical FDR-based sample size calculations in microarray experiments   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Motivation: Owing to the experimental cost and difficulty inobtaining biological materials, it is essential to considerappropriate sample sizes in microarray studies. With the growinguse of the False Discovery Rate (FDR) in microarray analysis,an FDR-based sample size calculation is essential. Method: We describe an approach to explicitly connect the samplesize to the FDR and the number of differentially expressed genesto be detected. The method fits parametric models for degreeof differential expression using the Expectation–Maximizationalgorithm. Results: The applicability of the method is illustrated withsimulations and studies of a lung microarray dataset. We proposeto use a small training set or published data from relevantbiological settings to calculate the sample size of an experiment. Availability: Code to implement the method in the statisticalpackage R is available from the authors. Contact: jhu{at}mdanderson.org  相似文献   



Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a standard immunoassay to estimate a protein's concentration in a sample. Deploying ELISA in a microarray format permits simultaneous estimation of the concentrations of numerous proteins in a small sample. These estimates, however, are uncertain due to processing error and biological variability. Evaluating estimation error is critical to interpreting biological significance and improving the ELISA microarray process. Estimation error evaluation must be automated to realize a reliable high-throughput ELISA microarray system.  相似文献   

The efficiency of pooling mRNA in microarray experiments   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
In a microarray experiment, messenger RNA samples are oftentimes pooled across subjects out of necessity, or in an effort to reduce the effect of biological variation. A basic problem in such experiments is to estimate the nominal expression levels of a large number of genes. Pooling samples will affect expression estimation, but the exact effects are not yet known as the approach has not been systematically studied in this context. We consider how mRNA pooling affects expression estimates by assessing the finite-sample performance of different estimators for designs with and without pooling. Conditions under which it is advantageous to pool mRNA are defined; and general properties of estimates from both pooled and non-pooled designs are derived under these conditions. A formula is given for the total number of subjects and arrays required in a pooled experiment to obtain gene expression estimates and confidence intervals comparable to those obtained from the no-pooling case. The formula demonstrates that by pooling a perhaps increased number of subjects, one can decrease the number of arrays required in an experiment without a loss of precision. The assumptions that facilitate derivation of this formula are considered using data from a quantitative real-time PCR experiment. The calculations are not specific to one particular method of quantifying gene expression as they assume only that a single, normalized, estimate of expression is obtained for each gene. As such, the results should be generally applicable to a number of technologies provided sufficient pre-processing and normalization methods are available and applied.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: If there is insufficient RNA from the tissues under investigation from one organism, then it is common practice to pool RNA. An important question is to determine whether pooling introduces biases, which can lead to inaccurate results. In this article, we describe two biases related to pooling, from a theoretical as well as a practical point of view. RESULTS: We model and quantify the respective parts of the pooling bias due to the log transform as well as the bias due to biological averaging of the samples. We also evaluate the impact of the bias on the statistical differential analysis of Affymetrix data.  相似文献   

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