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The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) using Methylene Blue (MB) as the photosensitizing compound and a Light-Emitting Diode (LED) in American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL). Hamsters were experimentally infected with Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis. After the development of the lesions in the footpad, the animals were treated with MB three times a week for 3 months. Ten minutes after each application of MB, the lesions were irradiated with LED for 1 h. The lesions were evaluated weekly by the measurement of the hamster footpad thickness. At the end of the treatment the parasitic load was quantified in the regional lymph node of the hamsters. The treatment promoted a decrease in the thickness of infected footpad (P = 0.0001) and reduction in the parasitic load in the regional lymph node (P = 0.0007) of the animals from group treated with MB + LED. PDT using MB + LED in ACL caused by L. amazonensis shows a strong photodynamic effect. This therapy is very promising, once it is an inexpensive system and the own patient can apply it in their wound and in their house without the need of technical assistance.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the presence of Leishmania (Viannia) subgenus DNA in peripheral blood from patients with cutaneous lesions due to American cutaneous leishmaniasis. The buffy coats from 68 blood samples were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction using the MP1L/MP3H primers. The parasite DNA was detected in 2 (3.4%) out of 59 patients who had amastigotes present in samples taken from lesions. The presence of Leishmania (Viannia) DNA in the blood of these patients indicates hematogeneous parasite dissemination.  相似文献   

PCR has proved useful for rapid diagnosis and typing of Leishmania. Lack of specificity to discriminate between species and/or sensitivity to detect from clinical samples has always been an issue. Previously developed primers either require PCR–RFLP analysis for Leishmania aethiopica discrimination or lack sensitivity to detect L. aethiopica from clinical samples. Here we report the development and validation of L. aethiopica specific PCR primers (V5F/V10R) based on cysteine protease B (cpb), a multicopy and polymorphic gene of Leishmania. V5F/V10R primers differentiate L. aethiopica from Leishmania tropica, Leishmania major, Leishmania donovani and Leishmania infantum by direct PCR. In addition, they are sensitive enough to detect L. aethiopica from biopsy samples. The primers can be very useful for epidemiological studies, species typing and diagnosis of L. aethiopica directly from clinical samples. Implementation of these primers in routine L. aethiopica diagnosis can improve detection rate, save time, money and labor required for culturing Leishmania.  相似文献   

We infected Swiss and C57BL/6 female mice in the left hind footpad with 104Leishmania (L.) amazonensis promastigotes in stationary phase. The macroscopic examination showed a nodular non-ulcerated lesion at the site of inoculation and hepatic and spleenic enlargement. Histopathologically, the primary lesion showed an extensive liquefactive necrosis and inflammatory infiltrate, mainly consisting of macrophages filled with amastigotes, and rare lymphocytes. The inflammatory reaction in liver, spleen and kidney showed amyloid deposits. Additionally, C57BL/6 had accentuated amyloidosis in both ovarian cortical and medullar region and inflammatory infiltrates in the pancreas and adrenal gland.  相似文献   

In Iran, three species of Leishmania have been incriminated as the causative agents of human leishmaniasis, Leishmania (L.) major, Leishmania tropica, and Leishmania infantum.Rhombomis opimus have been incriminated as a principal reservoirs of the parasitic protozoan Leishmania major, the causative agent of rural zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ZCL) in Iran. Rodents captured and examined to find Leishmania species using conventional methods including direct impression smear and microscopic observation inoculation samples to Balb/c and culture in NNN medium. Also molecular method was employed to detect Leishmania in rodents by amplifying a region of the ribosomal RNA amplicon of Leishmania (ITS1-5.8S rRNA–ITS2) using Nested PCR. Leshmania species were specified by DNA sequences. 36 (38.3%) of R. opimus were Leishmania positive using at least one conventional methods. Many more ITS-rDNA fragments were amplified from R. opimus but only 65 out of 74 PCR products contained enough DNA for direct sequencing or readable sequences. The PCR assays detected in Iranian R. opimus not only Leishmania major in 59 (79.7%) rodents but also Leishmania turanica in 6 (8.1%) rodents, another parasite of the great gerbil. These parasites were found in Turkemen Sahara, North East of Iran, in a focus of rural (ZCL). L. major and L. turanica in R. opimus firmly identified from Turkemen Sahara. Nine rodents with Leishmania infections unidentified which some were unreadable sequences, these could be mixed infections of L. major, L. turanica, Leishmania gerbillisensu lato and Leishmania close to L. gerbilli or a related species reported in sandflies previously from this location. The haplotypes of L. major and L. turanica were found to be identical to that of isolates of L. major and L. turanica from Iran and in GenBank elsewhere. R. opimus is probably the key reservoir in this ZCL focus because of its abundance and its infection rates with both L. major and L. turanica.  相似文献   

The acidic ribosomal proteins of the protozoan parasites have been described as prominent antigens during human disease. We present here data showing the molecular cloning and protective efficacy of P1 gene of Leishmaniadonovani as DNA vaccine. The PCR amplified complete ORF cloned in either pQE or pVAX vector was used either as peptide or DNA vaccine against experimentally induced visceral leishmaniasis in hamsters. The recombinant protein rLdP1 was given along with Freund’s adjuvant and the plasmid DNA vaccine, pVAX-P1 was used alone either as single dose or double dose (prime and boost) in different groups of hamsters which were subsequently challenged with a virulent dose of 1 × 107L.donovani (MHOM/IN/DD8/1968 strain) promastigotes by intra-cardiac route. While the recombinant protein rLdP1 or DNA vaccine pVAX-P1 in single dose format were not found to be protective, DNA vaccine in a prime-boost mode was able to induce protection with reduced mortality, a significant (75.68%) decrease in splenic parasite burden and increased expression of Th1 type cytokines in immunized hamsters. Histopathology of livers and spleens from these animals showed formation of mature granulomas with compact arrangement of lymphocytes and histiocytes, indicating its protective potential as vaccine candidate.  相似文献   

A primate model of leishmaniasis was developed with the objective of future vaccine testing. Lesion development and immunological parameters were studied upon primary and secondary infections. Seven Cebus apella were injected subcutaneously with 2×106 Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis promastigotes. Erythematous nodules appeared 19–29 days p.i., which disappeared 100 days p.i. Four months later, six of the monkeys were challenged with the same inoculum; three of them developed erythematous nodules after 7 days p.i., with ulcer formation in two of these subjects. The lesions were short-lived and all were cured 40 days post challenge. Anti-Leishmania IgG antibodies were detected and they increased after the challenge infection. Leishmania antigen-induced lymphoproliferation was found 1 month post-primary infection, which coincided with IFN-γ production and lesion development. It decreased to control levels afterwards, but at the time of the challenge dose, it was significantly above the initial level. After the challenge infection, it first increased then decreased sharply at 40 days post-challenge, coinciding with the healing of the lesion. It increased again to a higher level at 60 days post-challenge. Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis-infection in C. apella did not induce complete protection against a secondary infection with a homologous parasite although specific antibody production and lymphoproliferation with IFN-γ production were observed. This fact indicates that vaccine has to be better than infection in the induction of protective immunity, and raises a question on in vitro parameters that should be considered as a counterpart of expected protection induced by vaccine candidate. In addition, we conclude that this is a useful primate model for the evaluation of candidate vaccines.  相似文献   

Leishmania (L.) major is a protozoan parasite that infects mammalian hosts and causes a spectrum of disease manifestations that is strongly associated with the genetic background of the host. Interleukin (IL)-6 is an acute phase proinflammatory cytokine, known in vitro to be involved in the inhibition of the generation of regulatory T cells. IL-6-deficient mice were infected with L. major, and T cell and monocyte subsets were analyzed with flow cytometry. Our data show that at the site of infection in the footpad and in the draining popliteal lymph node, numbers of regulatory T cells remain unchanged between WT and IL-6-deficient mice. However, the spleens of IL-6−/− mice contained fewer regulatory T cells after infection with L. major. The development of cutaneous lesions is similar between WT and IL-6-deficient mice, while parasite burden in IL-6−/− mice is reduced compared to WT. The development of IFN-γ or IL-10 producing T cells is similar in IL-6−/− mice. Despite a comparable adaptive T cell response, IL-6-deficient mice develop an earlier peak of some inflammatory cytokines than WT mice. This data indicate that the role of IL-6 in the differentiation of regulatory T cells is complex in vivo, and the effect of an absence of this cytokine can be counter-intuitive.  相似文献   

The genus Leishmania includes many pathogenic species which are genetically very distant. The possibility of genetic exchange between different strains is still an important and debated question. Very few genetic hybrids (i.e., offspring of genetically dissimilar species) have been described in Leishmania. In this study, we report the first example of genetic hybrids occurring between two divergent Leishmania species, Leishmania infantum and Leishmania major. These two species have distinct geographical distributions and are transmitted by different vector species to different mammalian reservoir hosts. These hybrid strains were isolated in Portugal from immunocompromised patients and characterized by molecular and isoenzymatic techniques. These approaches showed that these chimeric strains probably contained the complete genome of both L. major and L. infantum. We believe this is the first report of genetic hybrids between such phylogenetically and epidemiologically distant species of Leishmania. This raises questions about the frequency of such cross-species genetic exchange in natural conditions, modalities of hybrid transmission, their long term maintenance as well as the consequences of these transfers on phenotypes such as drug resistance or pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Shiraz district in south of Iran is a classical focus of Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) and previous research has consistently documented the etiologic agent to be Leishmania tropica and Leishmania major in urban and rural areas, respectively. However, none of the Phlebotomus sergenti, a known vector for L. tropica, of the region has been found infected. We report the first isolation of L. tropica from sandflies in urban community of southern part of Shiraz city. Parasite polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and gene sequencing analyses indicate CL cases in this community were caused by either L. major or L. tropica. Sandflies of P. sergenti were infrequent, however, three out of 10 (30.0%) females captured in urban area were found infected with L. tropica. But, no human cases were found to be infected with L. tropica. Phlebotomus papatasi were found the most dominant and infected species where 41 out of 207 (20%) tested individuals harboring L. major in suburb area of the city. Patients have been lived in the suburb area of the city where people keep normally domestic animals in their houses which provide appropriate environment for completion of sandfly life cycle and expansion of CL disease in the region.  相似文献   

Ten polymorphic microsatellite markers were used to analyse 25 strains of Leishmania major collected from cutaneous leishmaniasis cases in different endemic areas in Iran. Nine of the markers were polymorphic, revealing 21 different genotypes. The data displayed significant microsatellite polymorphism with rare allelic heterozygosity. Bayesian statistic and distance based analyses identified three genetic clusters among the 25 strains analysed. Cluster I represented mainly strains isolated in the west and south-west of Iran, with the exception of four strains originating from central Iran. Cluster II comprised strains from the central part of Iran, and cluster III included only strains from north Iran. The geographical distribution of L. major in Iran was supported by comparing the microsatellite profiles of the 25 Iranian strains to those of 105 strains collected in 19 Asian and African countries. The Iranian clusters I and II were separated from three previously described populations comprising strains from Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia whereas cluster III grouped together with the Central Asian population. The considerable genetic variability of L. major might be related to the existence of different populations of Phlebotomus papatasi and/or to differences in reservoir host abundance in different parts of Iran.  相似文献   

During the infectious cycle, protozoan parasites undergo various developmental transitions and switch virulence factors in response to extracellular signals in insect vectors and human hosts. Despite the importance of environmental sensing in parasite pathogenicity, little is known about the pathways that transduce extracellular signals into stage-specific gene expression. Here, we used a transgenic approach to gain insight into localisation and activity of three green fluorescence protein (GFP)-tagged Leishmania major mitogen-activated protein kinases, LmaMPK4, 7 and 10. The GFP-LmaMPKs in both L. major and Leishmania donovani transgenic lines showed predominant cytoplasmic localisation and the over-expression had no effect on promastigote morphology, growth and the ability to differentiate into stationary-phase metacyclics for L. major and axenic amastigotes for L. donovani. We isolated the GFP-tagged MPKs from parasite extracts and tested their phosphotransferase activity across various culture conditions. For all three GFP-LmaMPKs, kinase activity was low or absent in promastigote extracts but significantly increased in L. major promastigotes after exposure to pH 5.5 and 34 degrees C, and in axenic L. donovani amastigotes. Enhanced activity correlated with increased GFP-LmaMPK phosphorylation as judged by phospho-specific fluorescent staining of the immuno-precipitated kinases. We could extend these findings to the endogenous LmaMPK10, which accumulated in the phospho-protein fraction of axenic amastigotes but not promastigotes, and thus follows the stage-specific phosphorylation profile of episomally expressed GFP-LmaMPK10. These results provide evidence for the functional conservation of Leishmania MAP kinases in parasite environmental sensing and underscore the potential of transgenic approaches to gain insight into signaling events during the Leishmania life cycle.  相似文献   

Apoptosis in amastigotes from hamsters infected with visceral leishmaniasis was absent 30-day post-infection but appeared 90-day post-infection in the liver and spleen, as analysed using the TUNEL method. Necrosis was not present in these tissues and the nuclei of macrophages harbouring apoptotic amastigotes were preserved. Amastigote DNA fragmentation was demonstrated using agarose gel electrophoresis. DNA fragmentation was evident 90-day post-infection, coinciding with the occurrence of apoptosis of amastigotes in the tissues. Apoptosis of Leishmania amastigotes in vivo may constitute a mechanism that regulates growth of the parasite population during infection.  相似文献   

Leishmania (L.) tropica is a causative agent of human cutaneous and viscerotropic leishmaniasis. Immune response to L. tropica in humans and experimental animals are not well understood. We previously established that L. tropica infection induces partial protective immunity against subsequent challenge infection with Leishmania major in BALB/c mice. Aim of the present study was to study immunologic mechanisms of protective immunity induced by L. tropica infection, as a live parasite vaccine, in BALB/c mouse model. Mice were infected by L. tropica, and after establishment of the infection, they were challenged by L. major. Our findings shows that L. tropica infection resulted in protection against L. major challenge in BALB/c mice and this protective immunity is associated with: (1) a DTH response, (2) higher IFN-γ and lower IL-10 response at one week post-challenge, (3) lower percentage of CD4+ lymphocyte at one month post-challenge, and (4) the source of IFN-γ and IL-10 were mainly CD4 lymphocyte up to one month post-challenge suggesting that CD4 lymphocytes may be responsible for protection induced by L. tropica infection in the studied intervals.  相似文献   

The protease activity of gp63 from L. major was studied in relation to tunicamycin induced N-deglycosylation. It was found that after tunicamycin treatment, a N-deglycosylated product of gp63 with protease activity is present at the cell surface of Leishmania promastigote.  相似文献   

Transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) caused by Leishmania infantum was studied in South Anatolia, Turkey. Small, non-ulcerating lesions prevailed and patients were negative in rK39 tests for antibody detection for human visceral leishmaniasis (VL). The most abundant sand fly species, Phlebotomus tobbi, was found positive for Leishmania promastigotes with a prevalence of 1.4% (13 out of 898 dissected females). The isolated strains were identical with those obtained from patients with CL and were typed as L. infantum. Phylogenetic analysis revealed similarity to MON-188 and a clear difference from the MON-1 clade. Blood-meal identification showed that P. tobbi feeds preferentially on cattle and humans. This finding, the high number of CL patients and relative scarcity of dogs in the focus, suggests that the transmission cycle could be anthroponotic.  相似文献   

Functional analysis of Leishmania major cyclophilin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A potent immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin A (CsA) is known to inhibit human cell infection by the pathogenic protozoan parasite Leishmania major both in vitro and in vivo. The proposed mechanism of action involves CsA binding to Leishmania major-expressed cyclophilin and subsequent down-regulation of signaling events necessary for establishing productive infection. Recently, we identified a ubiquitously expressed membrane protein, CD147, as a signaling receptor for extracellular cyclophilins in mammalian cells. Here we demonstrate that, while being enzymatically active, the Leishmania cyclophilin, unlike its human homologue, does not interact with CD147 on the cell surface of target cells. CD147 facilitates neither Leishmania binding nor infection. Primary structure and biochemical analyses revealed that the parasite's cyclophilin is defective in heparan binding, an event required for signaling interaction between CD147 and human cyclophilin. When the heparan-binding motif was reconstituted in Leishmania cyclophilin, it regained the CD147-dependent signaling activity. These results underscore a critical role of cyclophilin-heparan interactions in CD147-mediated signaling events and argue against the role of Leishmania cyclophilin in parasite binding to target cells.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to try to determine the possible anti-leishmanial activity of S2-Complex, an organic complex of copper chloride, ascorbic acid, and nicotinamide. The promastigotes, axenic amastigotes, and intracellular amastigotes of both Leishmania major and Leishmania tropica were incubated with different concentrations of S2-Complex. The EC50 for each form was calculated. Results show that all forms of the parasites were dose dependently inhibited by S2-Complex. The promastigotes of both parasites were the most resistant with highest EC50 followed by axenic amastigotes. While intracellular amastigotes were the most sensitive with the lowest EC50.These results indicate that S2-Complex has a direct anti-leishmanial effect. When mice were treated with S2-Complex or BCG for four days before harvesting the macrophages, and the macrophages infected with both L. major and L. tropica, they showed increased phagocytosis and increased parasite killing. The results of S2-Complex were not statistically different from the immunomodulating agent BCG. These results indicate that S2-Complex has an immunomodulating effect in addition to the direct anti-leishmanial effect.  相似文献   

Leishmania tropica is one of the causative agents of leishmaniasis in humans. Routes of infection have been reported to be an important variable for some species of Leishmania parasites. The role of this variable is not clear for L. tropica infection. The aim of this study was to explore the effects of route of L. tropica infection on the disease outcome and immunologic parameters in BALB/c mice. Two routes were used; subcutaneous in the footpad and intradermal in the ear. Mice were challenged by Leishmani major, after establishment of the L. tropica infection, to evaluate the level of protective immunity. Immune responses were assayed at week 1 and week 4 after challenge. The subcutaneous route in the footpad in comparison to the intradermal route in the ear induced significantly more protective immunity against L. major challenge, including higher delayed-type hypersensitivity responses, more rapid lesion resolution, lower parasite loads, and lower levels of IL-10. Our data showed that the route of infection in BALB/c model of L. tropica infection is an important variable and should be considered in developing an appropriate experimental model for L. tropica infections.  相似文献   

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