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The dynamic remolding of the actin cytoskeleton is a critical part of most cellular activities, and malfunction of cytoskeletal proteins results in various human diseases. The transition between two forms of actin, monomeric or G-actin and filamentous or F-actin, is tightly regulated in time and space by a large number of signaling, scaffolding and actin-binding proteins (ABPs). New ABPs are constantly being discovered in the post-genomic era. Most of these proteins are modular, integrating actin binding, protein-protein interaction, membrane-binding, and signaling domains. In response to extracellular signals, often mediated by Rho family GTPases, ABPs control different steps of actin cytoskeleton assembly, including filament nucleation, elongation, severing, capping, and depolymerization. This review summarizes structure-function relationships among ABPs in the regulation of actin cytoskeleton assembly.  相似文献   

The actin cytoskeleton plays a fundamental role in all eukaryotic cells it is a major determinant of cell morphology and polarity and the assembly and disassembly of filamentous actin structures provides a driving force for dynamic processes such as cell motility, phagocytosis, growth cone guidance and cytokinesis. The ability to reorganize actin filaments is a fundamental property of embryonic cells during development; the shape changes accompanying gastrulation and dorsal closure, for example, are dependent on the plasticity of the actin cytoskeleton, while the ability of cells or cell extensions, such as axons, to migrate within the developing embryo requires rapid and spatially organized changes to the actin cytoskeleton in response to the external environment. Work in mammalian cells over the last decade has demonstrated the central role played by the highly conserved Rho family of small GTPases in signal transduction pathways that link plasma membrane receptors to the organization of the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Actin ring formation is a prerequisite for osteoclast bone resorption. Although gelsolin null osteoclasts failed to exhibit podosomes, actin ring was observed in these osteoclasts. Wiscott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) was observed in the actin ring of gelsolin null osteoclast. Osteoclasts stimulated with osteopontin simulated the effects of Rho and Cdc42 in phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) association with WASP as well as formation of podosomes, peripheral microfilopodia-like structures, and actin ring. To explore the potential functions of Rho and Cdc42, TAT-mediated delivery of Rho proteins into osteoclasts was performed. Although Rho and Cdc42 are required for actin ring formation, transduction of either one of the proteins alone is insufficient for this process. Addition of osteopontin to osteoclasts transduced with Cdc42Val12 or transduction of osteoclasts with both RhoVal14 and Cdc42Val12 augments the formation of WASP-Arp2/3 complex and actin ring. Neomycin, an antibiotic, blocked the effects of osteopontin or TAT-RhoVal14 on PIP2 interaction with WASP. WASP distribution was found to be cytosolic in these osteoclasts. Depletion of WASP by short interfering RNA-mediated gene silencing blocked actin polymerization as well as actin ring formation in osteoclasts. These results suggest that Rho-mediated PIP2 interaction with WASP may contribute to the activation and membrane targeting of WASP. Subsequent interaction of Cdc42 and Arp2/3 with WASP may enhance cortical actin polymerization in the process of actin ring formation in osteoclasts.  相似文献   

Magnesium-inhibited, non-selective cation current (I(MIC)) is activated by depletion of intracellular Mg(2+) and ATP. I(MIC) transports various divalent cations including Mg(2+) and Ca(2+), and is involved in cell viability. We investigated the effect of actin dynamics on I(MIC). Formation of a stable cortical actin network by calyculin A inhibited the activation of I(MIC), while the actin depolymerizing reagent, cytochalasin D, reversed the inhibition. Induction of a dense cortical actin layer by transfecting the constitutively active form of RhoA also inhibited the activation of I(MIC). These results suggest that the activation of I(MIC) may be dynamically regulated by actin cytoskeleton rearrangement.  相似文献   

Actin and microtubules are major cytoskeletal elements of most cells including neurons. In order for a cell to move and change shape, its cytoskeleton must undergo rearrangements that involve breaking down and reforming filaments. Many recent reviews have focused on the signaling pathways emanating from receptors that ultimately affect axon growth and growth cone steering. This particular review will address changes in the actin cytoskeleton modulated by the family of actin dynamizing proteins known as actin depolymerizing factor (ADF)/cofilin or AC proteins. Though much is known about inactivation of AC proteins through phosphorylation at ser3 by LIM or TES kinases, new mechanisms of regulation of AC have recently emerged. A novel phosphatase, slingshot (SSH), and the 14-3-3 family of regulatory proteins have also been found to affect AC activity. The potential role of AC proteins in modulating the actin organizational changes that accompany neurite initiation, axonogenesis, growth cone guidance, and dendritic spine formation will be discussed.  相似文献   

Regulation of the actin cytoskeleton by PIP2 in cytokinesis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Cytokinesis is a sequential process that occurs in three phases: assembly of the cytokinetic apparatus, furrow progression and fission (abscission) of the newly formed daughter cells. The ingression of the cleavage furrow is dependent on the constriction of an equatorial actomyosin ring in many cell types. Recent studies have demonstrated that this structure is highly dynamic and undergoes active polymerization and depolymerization throughout the furrowing process. Despite much progress in the identification of contractile ring components, little is known regarding the mechanism of its assembly and structural rearrangements. PIP2 (phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate) is a critical regulator of actin dynamics and plays an essential role in cell motility and adhesion. Recent studies have indicated that an elevation of PIP2 at the cleavage furrow is a critical event for furrow stability. In this review we discuss the role of PIP2-mediated signalling in the structural maintenance of the contractile ring and furrow progression. In addition, we address the role of other phosphoinositides, PI(4)P (phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate) and PIP3 (phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate) in these processes.  相似文献   

p120 catenin regulates the actin cytoskeleton via Rho family GTPases   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Cadherins are calcium-dependent adhesion molecules responsible for the establishment of tight cell-cell contacts. p120 catenin (p120ctn) binds to the cytoplasmic domain of cadherins in the juxtamembrane region, which has been implicated in regulating cell motility. It has previously been shown that overexpression of p120ctn induces a dendritic morphology in fibroblasts (Reynolds, A.B. , J. Daniel, Y. Mo, J. Wu, and Z. Zhang. 1996. Exp. Cell Res. 225:328-337.). We show here that this phenotype is suppressed by coexpression of cadherin constructs that contain the juxtamembrane region, but not by constructs lacking this domain. Overexpression of p120ctn disrupts stress fibers and focal adhesions and results in a decrease in RhoA activity. The p120ctn-induced phenotype is blocked by dominant negative Cdc42 and Rac1 and by constitutively active Rho-kinase, but is enhanced by dominant negative RhoA. p120ctn overexpression increased the activity of endogenous Cdc42 and Rac1. Exploring how p120ctn may regulate Rho family GTPases, we find that p120ctn binds the Rho family exchange factor Vav2. The behavior of p120ctn suggests that it is a vehicle for cross-talk between cell-cell junctions and the motile machinery of cells. We propose a model in which p120ctn can shuttle between a cadherin-bound state and a cytoplasmic pool in which it can interact with regulators of Rho family GTPases. Factors that perturb cell-cell junctions, such that the cytoplasmic pool of p120ctn is increased, are predicted to decrease RhoA activity but to elevate active Rac1 and Cdc42, thereby promoting cell migration.  相似文献   

Regulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase by the actin cytoskeleton   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the present study, the association ofendothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) with the actin cytoskeleton inpulmonary artery endothelial cells (PAEC) was examined. We found thatthe protein contents of eNOS, actin, and caveolin-1 were significantly higher in the caveolar fraction of plasma membranes than in the noncaveolar fraction of plasma membranes in PAEC. Immunoprecipitation of eNOS from lysates of caveolar fractions of plasma membranes in PAECresulted in the coprecipitation of actin, and immunoprecipitation ofactin from lysates of caveolar fractions resulted in thecoprecipitation of eNOS. Confocal microscopy of PAEC, in which eNOS waslabeled with fluorescein, F-actin was labeled with Texasred-phalloidin, and G-actin was labeled with deoxyribonuclease Iconjugated with Texas red, also demonstrated an association betweeneNOS and F-actin or G-actin. Incubation of purified eNOS with purifiedF-actin and G-actin resulted in an increase in eNOS activity. Theincrease in eNOS activity caused by G-actin was much higher than thatcaused by F-actin. Incubation of PAEC with swinholide A, an actinfilament disruptor, resulted in an increase in eNOS activity, eNOSprotein content, and association of eNOS with G-actin and in a decrease in the association of eNOS with F-actin. The increase in eNOS activitywas higher than that in eNOS protein content in swinholide A-treatedcells. In contrast, exposure of PAEC to phalloidin, an actin filamentstabilizer, caused decreases in eNOS activity and association of eNOSwith G-actin and increases in association of eNOS with F-actin. Theseresults suggest that eNOS is associated with actin in PAEC and thatactin and its polymerization state play an important role in theregulation of eNOS activity.


利用改进的Alex-phalloidin活细胞染色方法和激光共聚焦显微镜技术,观察川百合(Lilium davidii Duch)花粉原生质体极性形成及萌发过程中微丝骨架的列阵变化.结果表明,花粉原生质体从贮存状态,经过水合、极性形成至萌发花粉管,其微丝结构从短小的梭形体,经过形成均匀的网状结构、向细胞边缘汇集的平行排列的束状结构,逐渐变成多层连续环绕细胞的微丝束结构.用酪氨酸磷酸酶抑制剂苯胂化氧(PAO)处理花粉原生质体,在微丝的汇合处,肌动蛋白聚集成小的团块,花粉的萌发受到抑制;而利用酪氨酸磷酸激酶抑制剂genistein处理细胞,微丝结构的列阵变化与对照相似.结果说明,在川百合花粉萌发过程中,有某种酪氨酸磷酸酶参与了反应.  相似文献   

Regulation of actin dynamics by annexin 2   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Hayes MJ  Shao D  Bailly M  Moss SE 《The EMBO journal》2006,25(9):1816-1826
Annexin 2 is a ubiquitous Ca(2+)-binding protein that is essential for actin-dependent vesicle transport. Here, we show that in spontaneously motile cells annexin 2 is concentrated in dynamic actin-rich protrusions, and that depletion of annexin 2 using siRNA leads to the accumulation of stress fibres and loss of protrusive and retractile activity. Cells co-expressing annexin 2-CFP and actin-YFP exhibit Ca(2+)-dependent fluorescense resonance energy transfer throughout the cytoplasm and in membrane ruffles and protrusions, suggesting that annexin 2 may directly interact with actin. This notion was supported by biochemical studies, in which we show that annexin 2 reduces the polymerisation rate of actin monomers in a dose-dependent manner. By measuring actin polymerisation rates in the presence of barbed-end and pointed-end cappers, we further demonstrate that annexin 2 specifically inhibits filament elongation at the barbed ends. These results show that annexin 2 has an essential role in maintaining the plasticity of the dynamic membrane-associated actin cytoskeleton, and that its activity in this context may be at least partly explained through direct interactions with polymerised and monomeric actin.  相似文献   



The actin cytoskeleton participates in many fundamental processes including the regulation of cell shape, motility, and adhesion. The remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton is dependent on actin binding proteins, which organize actin filaments into specific structures that allow them to perform various specialized functions. The Eps8 family of proteins is implicated in the regulation of actin cytoskeleton remodeling during cell migration, yet the precise mechanism by which Eps8 regulates actin organization and remodeling remains elusive.  相似文献   

The dynamic behavior of pure actin in vitro is more complex than that of most simple polymers, due to the energy input from the irreversible nucleotide hydrolysis associated with polymerization. However, the dynamic behavior of actin is vastly more complicated inside cells, where dozens of different types of actin-binding proteins alter every rate constant for actin polymerization and the chemical environment is inhomogeneous both temporally and spatially. Actin dynamics in cells are tightly regulated, so that rapid filament polymerization can occur in response to external signals or at the front of an active lamellipodium, while rapid depolymerization occurs simultaneously elsewhere in the cell. Although more direct observations of actin dynamics in vivo are accumulating, it is not yet clear how to reconcile the behavior of actin in cells with its well-documented in vitro properties.  相似文献   

Regulation of actin cytoskeleton by Rap1 binding to RacGEF1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rap1 is rapidly and transiently activated in response to chemoattractant stimulation and helps establish cell polarity by locally modulating cytoskeletons. Here, we investigated the mechanisms by which Rap1 controls actin cytoskeletal reorganization in Dictyostelium and found that Rap1 interacts with RacGEF1 in vitro and stimulates F-actin polymerization at the sites where Rap1 is activated upon chemoattractant stimulation. Live cell imaging using GFP-coronin, a reporter for F-actin, demonstrates that cells expressing constitutively active Rap1 (Rap1CA) exhibit a high level of F-actin uniformly distributed at the cortex including the posterior and lateral sides of the chemotaxing cell. Examination of the localization of a PH-domain containing PIP3 reporter, PhdA-GFP, and the activation of Akt/Pkb and other Ras proteins in Rap1CA cells reveals that activated Rap1 has no effect on the production of PIP3 or the activation of Akt/Pkb and Ras proteins in response to chemoattractant stimulation. Rac family proteins are crucial regulators in actin cytoskeletal reorganization. In vitro binding assay using truncated RacGEF1 proteins shows that Rap1 interacts with the DH domain of RacGEF1. Taken together, these results suggest that Rap1-mediated F-actin polymerization probably occurs through the Rac signaling pathway by directly binding to RacGEF1.  相似文献   

Chondrocyte differentiation is a multi-step process characterized by successive changes in cell morphology and gene expression. In addition to tight regulation by numerous soluble factors, these processes are controlled by adhesive events. During the early phase of the chondrocyte life cycle, cell-cell adhesion through molecules such as N-cadherin and neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) is required for differentiation of mesenchymal precursor cells to chondrocytes. At later stages, for example in growth plate chondrocytes, adhesion signaling from extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins through integrins and other ECM receptors such as the discoidin domain receptor (DDR) 2 (a collagen receptor) and Annexin V is necessary for normal chondrocyte proliferation and hypertrophy. Cell-matrix interactions are also important for chondrogenesis, for example through the activity of CD44, a receptor for Hyaluronan and collagens. The roles of several signaling molecules involved in adhesive signaling, such as integrin-linked kinase (ILK) and Rho GTPases, during chondrocyte differentiation are beginning to be understood, and the actin cytoskeleton has been identified as a common target of these adhesive pathways. Complete elucidation of the pathways connecting adhesion receptors to downstream effectors and the mechanisms integrating adhesion signaling with growth factor- and hormone-induced pathways is required for a better understanding of physiological and pathological skeletal development.  相似文献   

Regulation of actin dynamics by WASP family proteins   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Rapid reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton underlies morphological changes and motility of cells. WASP family proteins have received a great deal of attention as the signal-regulated molecular switches that initiate actin polymerization. The first member, WASP, was identified as the product of a gene of which dysfunction causes the human hereditary disease Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. There are now five members in this protein family, namely WASP, N-WASP, WAVE/Scar1, 2, and 3. WASP and N-WASP have functional and physical associations with Cdc42, a Rho family small GTPase involved in filopodium formation. In contrast, there is evidence that links the WAVE/Scar proteins with another Rho family protein, Rac, which is a regulator of membrane ruffling. All WASP family members have a VCA domain at the C-terminus through which Arp2/3 complex is activated to nucleate actin polymerization. Analyses of model organisms have just begun to reveal unexpected functions of WASP family proteins in multicellular organisms.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is a potent regulator of cell growth and differentiation in many cell types. The Smad signaling pathway constitutes a main signal transduction route downstream of TGF-beta receptors. We studied TGF-beta-induced rearrangements of the actin filament system and found that TGF-beta 1 treatment of PC-3U human prostate carcinoma cells resulted in a rapid formation of lamellipodia. Interestingly, this response was shown to be independent of the Smad signaling pathway; instead, it required the activity of the Rho GTPases Cdc42 and RhoA, because ectopic expression of dominant negative mutant Cdc42 and RhoA abrogated the response. Long-term stimulation with TGF-beta 1 resulted in an assembly of stress fibers; this response required both signaling via Cdc42 and RhoA, and Smad proteins. A known downstream effector of Cdc42 is p38(MAPK); treatment of the cells with the p38(MAPK) inhibitor 4-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-(4-methylsulfinylphenyl)-5-(pyridyl)1H-imidazole (SB203580), as well as ectopic expression of a kinase-inactive p38(MAPK), abrogated the TGF-beta-induced actin reorganization. Moreover, treatment of cells with the inhibitors of the RhoA target-protein Rho-associated coiled-coil kinase (+)-R-trans-4-(aminoethyl)-N-(4-pyridyl) cyclohexanecarboxamide (Y-27632) and 1-5(-isoquinolinesulfonyl)homopiperazine (HA-1077), as well as ectopic expression of kinase-inactive Rho coiled-coil kinase-1, abrogated the TGF-beta 1-induced formation of stress fibers. Collectively, these data indicate that TGF-beta-induced membrane ruffles occur via Rho GTPase-dependent pathways, whereas long-term effects require cooperation between Smad and Rho GTPase signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The matricellular glycoprotein Secreted Protein Acidic and Rich in Cysteine (SPARC) plays an important role in the regulation of cell adhesion and proliferation as well as in tumorigenesis and metastasis. Earlier, we reported that, in addition to its potent anti-angiogenic functions, SPARC also induces apoptosis in medulloblastoma cells, mediated by autophagy. We therefore sought to investigate the underlying molecular mechanism through which SPARC inhibits migration and invasion of Daoy medulloblastoma cells, both in vitro and in vivo. For this study, we used SPARC-overexpressing stable Daoy medulloblastoma cells. SPARC overexpression in Daoy medulloblastoma cells inhibited migration and invasion in vitro. Additionally, SPARC overexpression significantly suppressed the activity of Rho, Rac and Cdc42, which all regulate the actin cytoskeleton. This suppression was accompanied by an increase in the phosphorylation of Src at Tyr-416, which led to a loss of actin stress fibers and focal contacts and a decrease in the phosphorylation level of cofilin. The reduced phosphorylation level of cofilin, which is indicative of receding Rho function, in turn led to inhibition of active Rho A. To confirm the role of SPARC in inhibition of migration and invasion of Daoy medulloblastoma cells, we transfected parental and SPARC-overexpressing Daoy cells with a plasmid vector carrying siRNA against SPARC. Transfection with SPARC siRNA reversed Src-mediated disruption of the cytoskeleton organization as well as dephosphorylation of cofilin and activation of Rho A. Taken together, these results establish SPARC as an effector of Src-induced cytoskeleton disruption in Daoy medulloblastoma cells, which subsequently led to decreased migration and invasion.  相似文献   

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