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针对当前医疗资源的结构性失衡、居民看病就医的“倒金字塔”现象突出等问题,国家和各省市均采取了相应的政策导向和举措,目的在于引导秩序就医及优质医疗资源下沉基层。新型的区域医疗卫生协同网络在促进医疗资源纵向整合上有着明显优势,从上海浦东新区区域医疗中心联合区域内11家社区卫生服务中心构建业务紧密型的医疗卫生协同网的实践,围绕新农合按人头支付政策实施,探索引导优质医疗资源下沉和患者就医科学、合理的模式。  相似文献   

改革县级公立医院的运行机制,提升县级公立医院服务能力,发挥县级公立医院的区域基本医疗中心的作用,是体现公立医疗机构的公益性,解决基层群众就医需要的关键措施。文章结合我国医疗资源配置的区域失衡,通过对浙江省城市大型医院与县级公立医院通过托管等不同形式建立协作关系的情况和效果进行了总结,对城市大型医院优质医疗资源下沉到县区开展医疗服务的活动进行了评价和分析,并且进一步阐述了从根本上改变区域医疗资源失衡、完善医疗服务体系、促进医疗卫生事业健康发展的策略。  相似文献   

面对区域医疗资源布局失衡、城乡医疗卫生资源配置不均衡的现状,我国部分地区开始落实推行三级医院医疗资源下沉,通过举例分析浙江、河南、福建医疗资源下沉的不同实践模式,从供给侧视角分析优质医疗资源下沉中存在的困境。建议大力推进供给侧结构改革,增加医疗资源的供给,加大政府财政对医疗资源的投入,并坚持市场机制在资源配置中的决定性作用;鼓励社会资本办医,增加供给的主体;鼓励执业医师多点执业缓解医疗人才供给的不足,促进医疗供给结构调整,促使医疗资源下沉。  相似文献   

为了着力改变基层中医药资源匮乏现状,促进优质中医药资源下沉,实现中医药人才、管理和技术等要素的整合与流动,切实提升基层中医药服务能力,为百姓提供更方便、更规范、更有效的中医医疗、预防、保健服务。积极探索,根据我国国情,结合成都市新都区的实际,提出了帮扶式体系托管城乡中医药服务一体化管理新模式,并在实践中取得了初步成效。  相似文献   

通过对辽宁省县级综合医院的调查,分析了自2008年以来辽宁省启动实施医疗资源纵向整合改革的特征和效果。反映出通过医疗资源纵向整合的实施,推动城市大医院的优质医疗资源向县及县以下流动,有利于改变医疗卫生资源配置不均衡的状况;提升县医院医疗服务效率,增强医疗服务能力;有利于增加医院住院医疗服务数量,降低新农合县外转诊率增幅。  相似文献   

作为有限的公共资源之一的卫生资源,其配置状况直接影响卫生服务需求及利用,本文重点分析了影响医疗服务公平性和可及性相关的宏观背景、发展趋势和主要问题,提出战略建议如下:落实公立医疗机构改革,发挥示范作用;规范“互联网+医疗流程”模式,促进传统医疗资源共享,提高健康大数据利用效率;推进紧密型医疗集团发展,建立柔性的分级诊疗制度;构建全科医生生态区域和健康管理网络,实现资源下沉;试行第三方影像检验平台等新型服务模式,推进均质服务。  相似文献   

省部级医院托管地市级医院是深化医药卫生体制改革的重要举措。通过从同济医院输入先进的管理机制与优秀业务技术骨干,建立鄂南医疗联合体,形成了“省—市—县”医疗联盟体系,使国内顶级的优质管理、人力、技术资源层层下沉,托管医院整体医疗技术水平实现重大突破,学科建设取得显著成效,带动了区域内医疗联合体成员医院快速发展。  相似文献   

新医改方案中明确提出了健全基层医疗卫生服务体系,建立城市医院与社区卫生服务机构的分工协作机制,引导一般诊疗下沉到基层,逐步实现社区首诊、分级医疗和双向转诊,缓解目前“看病难、看病贵”的就医矛盾。双向转诊是实施医疗卫生体制改革的突破方略。对双向转诊模式进行实践和研究,以期最终实现医疗资源的节约和人民群众的就医方便。  相似文献   

当前我国城市卫生资源在城区和郊区的分布存在严重不均衡。在郊区新建大型公立医院新院,是快速完善郊区医疗体系、实现优质医疗资源下沉的最佳方法之一。选取北京、上海两个城市为样本,分析其大型公立医院郊区新院建设情况,从主管单位、治理结构、改革措施等方面进行总结和比较。经过分析得出:当前新院建设虽取得了一定成果,但仍存在一些问题,文章从多个方面提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   




D Naylor  A L Linton 《CMAJ》1986,134(4):333-340
If current limitations on health care funding continue, medical practitioners will face increasing pressure to conserve scarce resources and to participate in the allocation of funds. This article discusses the ethical and economic aspects of the physician''s role and briefly reviews some efficiency measures that might mitigate the effects of rationing of health care services.  相似文献   

近来,新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)疫情成为“国际关注的突发公共卫生事件”,大量医务工作者积极投入应对疫情的战役,在承担繁重工作的同时,也承受着巨大的心理压力。本文分析在重大传染病疫情下,一线医务工作者可能面临的心理问题,并提出自我解决的方案,这将有助于医务人员以良好的情绪状态投入防疫和抗疫工作。  相似文献   

An analysis of the establishment and running of a general-practitioner medical unit in a district general hospital has shown that it fulfills a useful and positive role in the area health services and is well used. It shows that selectivity of admission can and does work and that the theoretical drawbacks to such a unit did not materialize in practice during the study.  相似文献   

建立适应我国国情的高效双向转诊机制,对于推进我国的医疗体制改革具有至关重要的作用。本文通过对中西方现行卫生制度的对比,结合我国有中国特色的社会主义国家的国情,对我国的卫生制度中存在的问题进行了深入剖析,探讨如何才能有效地实现高效的双向转诊。目前,我国医疗卫生事业的问题覆盖多个方面:主要表现在医疗资源,医院管理,在岗医护人员的个人职业素质,卫生部门的监管,医疗资源的大量浪费,医院分级不平衡另多数患者普遍选择三级医院就诊,而选择二级以下医院就诊的患者则较少。如何在符合我国国情的基础上改变我国的医疗卫生现状、满足人民群众不断提高的医疗服务需求是我国医疗改革亟待解决的问题。建立高效率的双向转诊制度势在必行。目前,在双向转诊中遇到的问题:1.传统理念导致的对各级医疗机构职能的理解上存在偏差,2.医疗机构自身定位不明确,3.双向转诊制度的各项相关配套政策不完善,4.双向转诊制度的社会认同度低。高效双向转诊机制建立以后,可以节省大量的医疗资源,减少了不必要的浪费,推进了医疗资源的合理配置,减少了因地区差异引起的治疗时机延误,高效的双向转诊制度会使医疗卫生资源配置进一步优化、还可以加强医疗机构之间的协作、降低医疗费用支出、促进社区卫生服务迅速发展等有重大的意义。  相似文献   

An Area Health Education Center (AHEC) system has been established in California to address the maldistribution of physicians and other health care professionals. The AHEC program uses educational incentives to recruit and retain health care personnel in underserved areas by linking the academic resources of university health science centers with local educational and clinical facilities. The medical schools, working in partnership with urban or rural AHECs throughout the state, are implementing educational programs to attract trainees and licensed professionals to work in underserved communities. The California AHEC project entered its fifth year in October of 1983 with the participation of all eight medical schools and the Charles Drew Postgraduate School of Medicine, 35 other health professions schools, 17 independent AHECs and more than 400 clinical training sites. Educational programs are reaching more than 22,000 students and practicing health professionals throughout California. We review the current status of the California AHEC system and use the AHEC programs at Loma Linda University to illustrate the effect this intervention is having.  相似文献   

Govind Persad 《Bioethics》2019,33(6):684-690
The assumption that procuring more organs will save more lives has inspired increasingly forceful calls to increase organ procurement. This project, in contrast, directly questions the premise that more organ transplantation means more lives saved. Its argument begins with the fact that resources are limited and medical procedures have opportunity costs. Because many other lifesaving interventions are more cost‐effective than transplantation and compete with transplantation for a limited budget, spending on organ transplantation consumes resources that could have been used to save a greater number of other lives. This argument has not yet been advanced in debates over expanded procurement and could buttress existing concerns about expanded procurement. To support this argument, I review existing empirical data on the cost‐effectiveness of transplantation and compare them to data on interventions for other illnesses. These data should motivate utilitarians and others whose primary goal is maximizing population‐wide health benefits to doubt the merits of expanding organ procurement. I then consider two major objections: one makes the case that transplant candidates have a special claim to medical resources, and the other challenges the use of cost‐effectiveness to set priorities. I argue that there is no reason to conclude that transplant candidates’ medical interests should receive special priority, and that giving some consideration to cost‐effectiveness in priority setting requires neither sweeping changes to overall health priorities nor the adoption of any specific, controversial metric for assessing cost‐effectiveness. Before searching for more organs, we should first ensure the provision of cost‐effective care.  相似文献   

目的 研究中国省际卫生资源对医院创新的影响与空间溢出效应。方法 基于2000—2014年31个省份的面板数据,以各省份医院专利数量表示医院创新并作为被解释变量,以各省份医疗机构床位数、人均GDP、医疗卫生支出等变量作为解释变量,运用面板空间杜宾的计量方法分别对全部省份,东部、中部、西部省份进行回归。结果 医疗卫生资源不仅对本省份医院创新有显著的促进作用,而且还会显著影响相邻省份的医院创新,即存在溢出效应;本省份医疗资源对本省份和邻省份医院创新的促进效果大体相当;东部、中部省份医疗资源对本省份医院创新作用显著,中部省份存在溢出效应。结论 进一步增加医疗卫生资源投入,搭建省际之间资源与创新交流平台,促进东、西部省份溢出效应的提升,以创新推动供给侧改革。  相似文献   

为响应国家卫计委全面推进分级诊疗工作的号召,解决百姓看病难、看病贵以及医疗资源不均衡的问题,西安市雁塔区作为陕西省城市医院分级诊疗首个试点,探索组建了以西安交通大学第一附属医院为核心的区域医疗联合体,并且将区域内各个医疗卫生机构的医疗资源整合在一起,搭建起地方区域分级诊疗信息共享平台。通过区域卫生分级诊疗信息平台的建立,实现了区域内医疗卫生机构基本业务信息系统数据的交换和共享,解决了医疗机构、卫生管理机构“信息孤岛”问题,建立起基层首诊、双向转诊、急慢分治、上下联动的分级诊疗模式,全面带动了陕西省医疗机构分级诊疗工作的开展。  相似文献   

Sleep deprivation and medical disorders of sleep are common in today's society and have significant public health implications. In this article, we address 3 specific issues related to the public health and safety consequences of sleep disorders. First, we review data that has linked sleep restriction to a variety of adverse physiologic and long-term health outcomes including all-cause mortality, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Second, we will review recent data that has demonstrated that therapy for obstructive sleep apnea (the most common respiratory disorder of sleep) is an extremely efficient use of healthcare resources (in terms of dollars spent per quality adjusted life year gained), and compares favorably with other commonly funded medical therapies. Finally, we will review data that illustrate the potential adverse patient and occupational safety impacts of the extreme work schedules of housestaff (physicians in training).  相似文献   

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