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<正>2014年11月,世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)在澳大利亚向全球推出了最佳保护地管理绿色名录(以下简称绿色名录)。这一旨在评估保护地是否达到保护目标的管理标准是一项响应《生物多样性公约》《爱知目标》第11条的生物多样性保护重大行动。2015年1月,绿色名录中国评委会正式为首批中国入选地授牌,拉开了构建绿色名录中国影响力的序幕。那么,如何构建绿色名录的中国影响力呢?笔者认为,应当借助媒体充分解读绿色名录与中国生物多样性保护的密切关系,突出阐释绿色名录的价值,  相似文献   

本文介绍了绿色建筑的产生、内涵以及我国绿色建筑的发展现状,简单阐述了未来绿色建筑的技术发展方向。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了《实验动物设施建筑技术规范》GB50447-2008的编制背景、与相关标准的关系、编制依据和规范的主要内容.  相似文献   

卫生部和财政部于2010年对原有的《医院财务制度》和《医院会计制度》进行了全面修订,实现了与企业会计准则部分接轨。与此相对应的是,已经开展全成本核算工作的医院,需要根据新的制度对成本核算的相关内容与细节进行相应的调整与完善。原有的《医院财务制度》和《医院会计制度》对成本核算的相关规定非常笼统,只是初步提出了医院需要进行成本核算,成本对象的划分不够科学,对医院开展成本核算工作缺乏现实指导意义。新的《医院财务制度》对医院开展成本核算工作起到了明确的指导作用,充实了成本分析和控制的内容。通过分析新的《医院财务制度》和《医院会计制度》在成本核算方面所涉及的变化与调整,结合成本核算的实践经验,对相关问题进行了深入的研究与探讨。  相似文献   

随着现代医学理论和科学的飞速发展,在医疗水平迅速提高的同时,医院感染的问题也日益突出。而预防和控制医院感染不仅贯穿于护理活动的全过程,而且涉及护理工作的诸多方面,我们认为要预防医院感染的发生,降低医院感染率,加强护理管理是核心,严格执行各项规章制度是前提,经过三年多的实践,有效的控制了医院感染的发生。加强护理管理加强组织管理:有效的组织管理是落实各项规章制度的前提,为此我院根据《医院感染管理规范》、《山东省医院感染管理评审标准》等要求,完善了医院感染管理体系和监控网络,层层落实,严格把关。在医院感染管理科的指…  相似文献   

<正>一、前言根据中华人民共和国卫生健康委员会相关标准制定的基本原则,结合《中华人民共和国人类遗传资源管理条例》、《干细胞通用要求》、《细胞治疗产品研究与评价技术指导原则》、《干细胞制剂质量控制及临床前研究指导原则》、《中华人民共和国药典》、《环境空气质量标准》、《实验室生物安全通用要求》、《实验室建筑技术规范》、《洁净室施工及验收规范》等规范性文件,制定《临床级人间充质干细胞分离、培养、扩增、超低温冻存、复苏、移植前制备及其质量控制技术规范》,简称间充质干细胞制备及质量控制技术规范。二、范围  相似文献   

党的十八大报告把生态文明建设放在突出地位,将建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会作为全面建成小康社会和全面深化改革开放的目标,它是医院改革与发展,特别是绿色医院建设的行动指南。文章以环境问题使疾病负担加重、医院能力不足,医院的医疗过程造成了新的健康危害这两个医院发展建设面临的基本问题作为切入点,讨论了建设绿色医院的必要性。从可持续发展,医疗安全、感染控制、职业安全,提高质量、增强竞争力以及经营管理四个方面阐明了绿色医院建设是医院自身实现科学发展的需要,并对绿色医院的内涵、绿色医院建设的具体内容以及应当注意避免的认识偏差进行了归纳和分析。  相似文献   


????? 绿色医院建设是我国医疗卫生事业的重要革新措施,符合时代发展的潮流。分析现代绿色医院建设所面临的管理者理念问题、硬件设施缺乏问题,从环境友好及资源节约的角度分析绿色医院建设包括的内容及最新科技进展,总结近年来我国绿色医院建设的新动向。


<正> 供血者或是在血液中心的献血员、或是患者指定的在医院采血的献血者、必要的检查原则应该一致。 1.为保护供血者的标准 可按卫生福利部《新采血标准》的通知规定执行。 2.为保护受血者的标准 一、血型检查:A B O型,Rh(D)型。  相似文献   

《医院评审暂行办法》指出社会评价是医院周期性评审的内容之一。通过国内外的相关文献回顾和梳理,探讨了医院社会评价的定义,分析了医院社会评价基本组织构架中的实施方、主体和内容,为医院社会评价体系的建立提供理论支持。  相似文献   

目的 探索帕累托法则在企业医院医疗人力资源管理中的应用。方法 应用帕累托法则对医院关键成员进行管理,在重点培养科室管理群体和系统培训专长医疗群体的基础上,提升全院医疗整体实力。结果 在床位数逐年增加、床位使用率不断增长、工作量日益攀升以及医疗人员缺编较严重的情况下,医疗工作安全有序运转,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益。结论 帕累托法则应用于基层医院护理人力资源管理行之有效。  相似文献   

目的 按照薪酬体系的分类,判断背景因素、各薪酬激励分类因素对员工被激励程度的影响。方法 利用相关分析、回归分析判断背景因素、各薪酬激励因素对员工的激励程度。结果 薪酬各个激励因素相互作用,从不同方面对员工的激励产生影响。结论 医院薪酬政策应能够体现和服务于医院发展战略的需要,薪酬激励分类因素是影响薪酬激励效果的主要因素,背景因素是影响薪酬激励的次要因素。  相似文献   

The green anole (Anolis carolinensis) is an invasive lizard on the Ogasawara Islands, Japan. Green anoles have negatively impacted the native fauna, and thus, green anole eradication measures, such as the use of PTFE-sheet fencing to restrict their movement have been implemented. However, the effectiveness of fencing appears inadequate; therefore, new methods are needed to deter this species. In this study, we explored the use of aversive bioacoustics by testing whether green anoles froze or stayed away on being exposed to predatory sounds and heterospecific alarm calls. Green anoles showed longer freezing times on hearing bird calls than on hearing no sound or single tones. In addition, they stayed far from the audio sources playing the calls of the red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) and alarm calls of the warbling white-eye (Zosterops japonicus). Our results suggest that green anoles avoid certain bioacoustics, especially the calls of B. jamaicensis and the alarm call of Z. japonicus. Hence, these bioacoustics can be used as an effective control method to restrict the invasion and dispersion of green anoles.  相似文献   

目的 回顾和总结四川省医院分级管理评审工作,研究医院分级管理评审的发展,探讨医院分级管理评审的新方法。 方法 对四川省开展医院分级管理评审工作以来的资料进行统计和分析,并对相关资料采用EXCEL软件建立数据库,进行统计和归纳,作回顾性描述分析和总结。 结果 四川省在医院分级管理评审工作中坚持标准、兼顾现实、全面考核、突出重点,采用统一数学模型、统一评审程序、统一考核检查程序、统一检查方法和公开评审标准,公开评审程序、公开检查方法的评审方法。有力地推动了四川省医院分级管理评审工作的开展,促进了各级医院的发展,取得了良好的效果。结论 实践证明,四川省采取的“四统一”和“三公开”及坚持“两原则”的评审方法是可行、有效的。  相似文献   

陕西省退耕还林工程生态效益评估   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
刘胜涛  牛香  王兵  宋庆丰  陶玉柱 《生态学报》2018,38(16):5759-5770
基于截止2013年底陕西省退耕还林工程的资源数据,依据林业行业标准《森林生态系统服务功能评估规范》和《退耕还林工程生态效益监测评估技术标准与管理规范》,采用分布式测算方法从涵养水源、保育土壤、林木营养物质积累、固碳释氧、保护生物多样性、净化大气环境及森林防护等7个方面对陕西省退耕还林工程的生态效益进行评估,得出陕西省退耕还林工程生态效益价值量为973.47亿元/a,以涵养水源(274.06亿元/a)、净化大气环境(203.96亿元/a)和固碳释氧(173.95亿元/a)价值为主;3种植被恢复类型中以宜林荒山荒地造林模式的生态价值最高,封山育林模式的价值最低;在3个林种类型中,生态林的生态效益价值大于经济林和灌木林;在不同区域的生态效益价值评估中,以延安市的生态效益价值量为最高。  相似文献   

Green roofs can notably modify the thermal properties of the building envelope and adjacent air to bring environmental benefits. This study investigates the heat flux dynamics of the tropical green roof ecosystem to provide a scientific basis for design and management. Green roof experimental plots were established to monitor the total solar radiation, net radiation, and micrometeorological parameters. The data permit calculation of sensible and latent heat fluxes using the Bowen ratio energy balance (BREB) method. The results demonstrated the life cycle characteristics of heat flux components. The dynamic changes of sensible (H), latent (λE) and soil (G) heat fluxes were denoted by single-peak quadratic curves. Net radiation (Rn) was largely determined by quantity and variation trends of λE, reaching at 1300 h a maximum λE of 655 W m?2 and maximum H of 369 W m?2. Temporal heat-flux fluctuations were strongly correlated with meteorological variables. Extreme values of H and λE correlated well with precipitation and temperature (R2 = 0.78). Dynamics of heat-flux magnitude and partitioning demonstrated notable differences by daily and season periods. They displayed considerable variations in flux partitioning, with Bowen ratios strongly correlated with weather conditions and vegetation types. The energy budget of the green roof ecosystem is unbalanced with a heat loss of about 15.5% caused by soil and canopy heat reserve. The passive indoor cooling effect under the green roof is attributed to the unbalanced energy closure.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2007,42(9):1285-1290
In vitro experiments were performed to test inhibition of nitrite-mediated N-nitrosation by individual catechins, green tea, and tannase-treated green tea extracts. The extent of inhibition was measured via nitrosamine formation. Green tea with or without tannase treatment was examined to study nitrosation inhibition in order to evaluate the inhibitory activities with the structural changes of catechins present in the extracts. The results showed that the tannase-treated green tea had a greater ability to inhibit the nitrosation than green tea and ascorbic acid did. The tannase-treated green tea strongly inhibited the formation of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). Among four major catechins tested, epigallocatechin blocked the N-nitrosation efficiently, and epigallocatechin gallate was more unstable than epigallocatechin at pH 2.0 or 8.0. These results suggest that the consumption of tannase-treated green tea can reduce NDMA formation.  相似文献   

The increase in global warming, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions has gained attention in various regions. In Malaysia, the government announced a voluntary commitment to reduce 40% of CO2 emissions by 2020 and to refurbish 100 government buildings. Existing buildings make a large contribution to energy consumption and CO2 emissions, therefore refurbishing existing buildings is an essential strategy to achieve the commitment. There is no single assessment scheme for building refurbishment in Malaysia and hence, this study aims to develop a comprehensive list of assessment themes and sub-themes for building refurbishment purposes. It examines and compares 10 assessment schemes from various countries: BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE, BEAM Plus, GBLS, Green Star, HQE, Green Mark, GBI and MyCrest. The findings revealed fourteen themes that were considered for assessment: management, sustainable site, transport, indoor environmental quality (IEQ), water, waste, material, energy, pollution, innovation, economic, social, culture and quality of services. Energy and IEQ are dominant themes in all assessment schemes. Most of the schemes are considered relatively weak in evaluating economic and social aspects, in comparison to environmental aspects. The assessment of quality of services is overlooked in most of the schemes, including GBI and MyCrest in Malaysia. Outcomes from this paper will form the baseline for a new environmental assessment scheme that aimed at non-domestic building refurbishments in Malaysia. A new model is proposed for the development of an environmental assessment scheme in the further stage.  相似文献   

Most marine turtle species are non-annual breeders and show variation in both the number of eggs laid per clutch and the number of clutches laid in a season. Large levels of inter-annual variation in the number of nesting females have been well documented in green turtle nesting populations and may be linked to environmental conditions. Other species of marine turtle exhibit less variation in nesting numbers. This inter-specific difference is thought to be linked to trophic status. To examine whether individual reproductive output is more variable in the herbivorous green turtle (Chelonia mydas Linneaeus 1758) than the carnivorous loggerhead (Caretta caretta Linneaeus 1758), we examined the nesting of both species in Cyprus over nine seasons. Green turtles showed slower annual growth rates (0.11 cm year−1 curved carapace length (CCL) and 0.27 cm year−1 curved carapace width (CCW)) than loggerhead turtles (0.36 cm year−1 CCL, 0.51 cm year−1 CCW). CCL was highly correlated to mean clutch size in both green (R2=0.51) and loggerhead turtles (R2=0.61) and maximal clutch size of green turtles (R2=0.58). Larger females did not lay a greater number of clutches or have a shorter remigration interval than smaller females of either species. On average, the size of green turtle clutches increased and that of loggerhead turtles decreased as the season progressed. Individual green turtles, however, produced more eggs per clutch through the season to a maximum in the third or fourth clutch. In loggerhead turtles, clutches 1-4 were very similar in size but the fifth clutch was 38% smaller than the first. No individuals of either species were recorded laying more than five clutches. Green turtles may not be able to achieve their maximum reproductive output with respect to clutch size throughout the season, whereas only loggerhead turtles laying five clutches (n=5) appear to become resource depleted. Green turtles nesting in years when large numbers of nests were recorded laid a greater number of clutches than females nesting in years with lower levels of nesting.  相似文献   

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