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With the aim to identify unconventional DNA polymerases from human cells, we have set up a special assay to fractionate HeLa extracts based on the ability (i) to bypass DNA lesions, (ii) to be resistant to aphidicolin and an inhibitory antibody against pol alpha and (iii) to be non-responsive to proliferating cell nuclear antigen. After eight different chromatographic steps, an aphidicolin-resistant DNA polymerase activity was obtained that was able to utilize either undamaged or abasic sites-containing DNA with the same efficiency. Biochemical characterization and immunoblot analysis allowed its identification as the human homologue of DNA polymerase theta (hpol theta), whose cDNA has been cloned by homology with the mus308 gene of Drosophila melanogaster but still awaited detailed biochemical characterization. The purified hpol theta was devoid of detectable helicase activity, possessed a 3'-->5' exonuclease activity and showed biochemical properties clearly distinct from any other eukaryotic DNA polymerase known so far. Misincorporation and fidelity assays showed that: (i) hpol theta was able to catalyze efficiently DNA synthesis past an abasic site; and (ii) hpol theta showed high fidelity. Our findings are discussed in light of the proposed physiological role of hpol theta.  相似文献   

The ability of DNA polymerases to differentiate between ribonucleotides and deoxribonucleotides is fundamental to the accurate replication and maintenance of an organism's genome. The active sites of Y-family DNA polymerases are highly solvent accessible, yet these enzymes still maintain a high selectivity towards deoxyribonucleotides. Here, we biochemically demonstrate that a single active-site mutation (Y12A) in Dpo4, a model Y-family DNA polymerase, causes both a dramatic loss of ribonucleotide discrimination and a decrease in nucleotide incorporation efficiency. We also determined two ternary crystal structures of the Dpo4 Y12A mutant incorporating either dATP or ATP nucleotides opposite a template dT base. Interestingly, both dATP and ATP were hydrolyzed to dADP and ADP, respectively. In addition, the dADP and ADP molecules adopt a similar conformation and position at the polymerase active site to a ddADP molecule in the ternary crystal structure of wild-type Dpo4. The Y12A mutant loses stacking interactions with the deoxyribose of dNTP, which destabilizes the binding of incoming nucleotides. The mutation also opens a space to accommodate the 2′-OH group of the ribose of NTP in the polymerase active site. The structural change leads to the reduction in deoxynucleotide incorporation efficiency and allows ribonucleotide incorporation.  相似文献   

Human Y-family DNA polymerase kappa (polκ) is specialized to bypass bulky lesions in DNA in an error-free way, thus protecting cells from carcinogenic bulky DNA adducts. Benzo[a]pyrene (BP) is one of the most ubiquitous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and an environmental carcinogen. BP covalently modifies DNA and generates mutagenic, bulky adducts. The major BP adduct formed in cells is 10S (+)-trans-anti-BP-N2-dG adduct (BP-dG), which is associated with cancer. The molecular mechanism of how polκ replicates BP-dG accurately is not clear. Here we report the structure of polκ captured at the lesion-extension stage: the enzyme is extending the primer strand after the base pair containing the BP-dG adduct in the template strand at the −1 position. Polκ accommodates the BP adduct in the nascent DNA’s minor groove and keeps the adducted DNA helix in a B-form. Two water molecules cover the edge of the minor groove of the replicating base pair (0 position), which is secured by the BP ring in the −1 position in a 5′ orientation. The 5′ oriented BP adduct keeps correct Watson-Crick base pairing in the active site and promotes high fidelity replication. Our structural and biochemical data reveal a unique molecular basis for accurate DNA replication right after the bulky lesion BP-dG.  相似文献   

The fidelity of DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase is significantly increased by a mechanism of proofreading that is performed at the exonuclease active site separate from the polymerase active site. Thus, the transition of DNA between the two active sites is an important activity of DNA polymerase. Here, based on our proposed model, the rates of DNA transition between the two active sites are theoretically studied. With the relevant parameters, which are determined from the available crystal structure and other experimental data, the calculated transfer rate of correctly base-paired DNA from the polymerase to exonuclease sites and the transfer rate after incorporation of a mismatched base are in good agreement with the available experimental data. The transfer rates in the presence of two and three mismatched bases are also consistent with the previous experimental data. In addition, the calculated transfer rate from the exonuclease to polymerase sites has a large value even with the high binding affinity of 3′-5′ ssDNA for the exonuclease site, which is also consistent with the available experimental value. Moreover, we also give some predictive results for the transfer rate of DNA containing only A:T base pairs and that of DNA containing only G:C base pairs.  相似文献   

Based on the available crystal structure a model is presented for the polymerization activity and switching transition between polymerase and exonuclease sites of a DNA polymerase molecular motor. Using the model, the fast polymerization rate for correctly base-paired DNA and much reduced polymerization rate after an incorporation of a mismatched base can be well explained. The dependences of the polymerization rate and exonuclease rate on mechanical tension acting on the DNA template are studied. The switching rates between the two sites are analyzed. All the results show good quantitative agreement with the available experimental results.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase δ (Pol δ) is one of the main replicative DNA polymerases in human cells and therefore is a critical determinant of the overall accuracy of DNA synthesis. Here we document the fidelity of a human Pol δ holoenzyme and systematically score the types of mutations that the enzyme generates in a forward mutation assay. We find that human Pol δ is highly accurate, catalyzing less than one nucleotide mis-insertion per 220,000 nucleotides polymerized. Inactivation of proofreading or mutation of a conserved active site residue significantly elevates the frequency of incorporation errors, demonstrating the contribution of both the base selection and proofreading domains to the overall accuracy of synthesis by Pol δ. The highly selective nature of the polymerase active site is also indicated by the stalling of Pol δ upon encountering multiple types of DNA lesions. However, DNA damage is not an absolute block to Pol δ progression. We propose that partial lesion bypass by Pol δ represents a balance between stalling to allow for repair of mutagenic lesions by specialized repair proteins and bypass of damage to allow for successful completion of DNA synthesis by Pol δ in the presence of weakly blocking DNA adducts.  相似文献   

We have studied the role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase in the repair of DNA damage induced by x-ray and N-methyl N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) by using V79 chinese hamster cells, and two derivative mutant cell lines, ADPRT54 and ADPRT351, that are deficient in poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity. Under exponentially growing conditions these mutant cell lines are hypersensitive to x-irradiation and MNNG compared to their parental V79 cells which could be interpreted to suggest that poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase is involved in the repair of DNA damage. However, the level of DNA strand breaks induced by x-irradiation and MNNG and their rates of repair are similar in all the cell lines, thus suggesting that it may not be the difference in strand break formation or in its rate of repair that is contributing to the enhanced cell killing in exponentially growing poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase deficient cell lines. In contrast, under growth-arrested conditions, all three cell lines become similarly sensitive to both x-irradiation and MNNG, thus suggesting that poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase may not be involved in the repair of DNA damage in growth-arrested cells. These paradoxical results could be interpreted to suggest that poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase is involved in DNA repair in a cell-cycle-dependent fashion, however, it is functionally active throughout the cell cycle. To resolve this dilemma and explain these results and those obtained by many others, we propose that the normal function of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase is to prevent DNA recombination processes and facilitate DNA ligation.  相似文献   

The active RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of poliovirus, 3Dpol, is generated by cleavage of the 3CDpro precursor protein, a protease that has no polymerase activity despite containing the entire polymerase domain. By intentionally disrupting a known and persistent crystal packing interaction, we have crystallized the poliovirus polymerase in a new space group and solved the complete structure of the protein at 2.0 A resolution. It shows that the N-terminus of fully processed 3Dpol is buried in a surface pocket where it makes hydrogen bonds that act to position Asp238 in the active site. Asp238 is an essential residue that selects for the 2' OH group of substrate rNTPs, as shown by a 2.35 A structure of a 3Dpol-GTP complex. Mutational, biochemical, and structural data further demonstrate that 3Dpol activity is exquisitely sensitive to mutations at the N-terminus. This sensitivity is the result of allosteric effects where the structure around the buried N-terminus directly affects the positioning of Asp238 in the active site.  相似文献   


In eukaryotes three DNA polymerases (Pols), α, δ, and ε, are tasked with bulk DNA synthesis of nascent strands during genome duplication. Most evidence supports a model where Pol α initiates DNA synthesis before Pol ε and Pol δ replicate the leading and lagging strands, respectively. However, a number of recent reports, enabled by advances in biochemical and genetic techniques, have highlighted emerging roles for Pol δ in all stages of leading-strand synthesis; initiation, elongation, and termination, as well as fork restart. By focusing on these studies, this review provides an updated perspective on the division of labor between the replicative polymerases during DNA replication.  相似文献   

The fidelity of DNA replication is achieved in a multiplicative process encompassing nucleobase selection and insertion, removal of misinserted nucleotides by exonuclease activity, and enzyme dissociation from primer/templates that are misaligned due to mispairing. In this study, we have evaluated the effect of altering these kinetic processes on the dynamics of translesion DNA replication using the bacteriophage T4 replication apparatus as a model system. The effect of enhancing the processivity of the T4 DNA polymerase, gp43, on translesion DNA replication was evaluated using a defined in vitro assay system. While the T4 replicase (gp43 in complex with gp45) can perform efficient, processive replication using unmodified DNA, the T4 replicase cannot extend beyond an abasic site. This indicates that enhancing the processivity of gp43 does not increase unambiguously its ability to perform translesion DNA replication. Surprisingly, the replicase composed of an exonuclease-deficient mutant of gp43 was unable to extend beyond the abasic DNA lesion, thus indicating that molecular processes involved in DNA polymerization activity play the predominant role in preventing extension beyond the non-coding DNA lesion. Although neither T4 replicase complex could extend beyond the lesion, there were measurable differences in the stability of each complex at the DNA lesion. Specifically, the exonuclease-deficient replicase dissociates at a rate constant, k(off), of 1.1s(-1) while the wild-type replicase remains more stably associated at the site of DNA damage by virtue of a slower measured rate constant (k(off) 0.009s(-1)). The increased lifetime of the wild-type replicase suggests that idle turnover, the partitioning of the replicase from its polymerase to its exonuclease active site, may play an important role in maintaining fidelity. Further attempts to perturb the fidelity of the T4 replicase by substituting Mn(2+) for Mg(2+) did not significantly enhance DNA synthesis beyond the abasic DNA lesion. The results of these studies are interpreted with respect to current structural information of gp43 alone and complexed with gp45.  相似文献   

Although antiviral nucleoside analog therapy successfully delays progression of HIV infection to AIDS, these drugs cause unwelcome side-effects by inducing mitochondrial toxicity. We and others have demonstrated that the mitochondrial polymerase, DNA polymerase gamma (pol gamma), participates in mitochondrial toxicity by incorporating these chain-terminating antiviral nucleotide analogs into DNA. Here, we explore the role of three highly conserved amino acid residues in the active site of human pol gamma that modulate selection of nucleotide analogs as substrates for incorporation. Sequence alignments, crystal structures and mutagenesis studies of family A DNA polymerases led us to change Tyr951 and Tyr955 in polymerase motif B to Phe and Ala, and Glu895 in polymerase motif A was changed to Ala. The mutant polymerases were tested for their ability to incorporate natural nucleotides and the five antiviral nucleoside analogs currently approved for antiviral therapy: AZT, ddC, D4T, 3TC and carbovir. Steady-state kinetic analysis of the pol gamma derivatives with the normal and antiviral nucleotides demonstrated that Tyr951 is largely responsible for the ability of pol gamma to incorporate dideoxynucleotides and D4T-MP. Mutation of Tyr951 to Phe renders the enzyme resistant to dideoxynucleotides and D4T-TP without compromising the activity of the polymerase. Alteration of Glu895 and Tyr955 to Ala had the largest effect on overall polymerase activity with normal nucleotides, producing dramatic increases in K(m(dNTP)) and large decreases in k(cat). Mutation of Tyr955 in pol gamma causes the degenerative disease progressive external ophthalmoplegia in humans, and we show that this residue partially accounts for the ability of pol gamma to incorporate D4T-MP and carbovir. Alteration of Glu895 to Ala slightly increased discrimination against dideoxynucleotides and D4T-TP. The mechanisms by which pol gamma selects certain nucleotide analogs are discussed.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase proofreading is a spell-checking activity that enables DNA polymerases to remove newly made nucleotide incorporation errors from the primer terminus before further primer extension and also prevents translesion synthesis. DNA polymerase proofreading improves replication fidelity ∼ 100-fold, which is required by many organisms to prevent unacceptably high, life threatening mutation loads. DNA polymerase proofreading has been studied by geneticists and biochemists for > 35 years. A historical perspective and the basic features of DNA polymerase proofreading are described here, but the goal of this review is to present recent advances in the elucidation of the proofreading pathway and to describe roles of DNA polymerase proofreading beyond mismatch correction that are also important for maintaining genome stability.  相似文献   

High-efficiency bypass of DNA damage by human DNA polymerase Q   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Endogenous DNA damage arises frequently, particularly apurinic (AP) sites. These must be dealt with by cells in order to avoid genotoxic effects. DNA polymerase theta; is a newly identified enzyme encoded by the human POLQ gene. We find that POLQ has an exceptional ability to bypass an AP site, inserting A with 22% of the efficiency of a normal template, and continuing extension as avidly as with a normally paired base. POLQ preferentially incorporates A opposite an AP site and strongly disfavors C. On nondamaged templates, POLQ makes frequent errors, incorporating G or T opposite T about 1% of the time. This very low fidelity distinguishes POLQ from other A-family polymerases. POLQ has three sequence insertions between conserved motifs in its catalytic site. One insert of approximately 22 residues into the tip of the polymerase thumb subdomain is predicted to confer considerable flexibility and additional DNA contacts to affect enzyme fidelity. POLQ is the only known enzyme that efficiently carries out both the insertion and extension steps for bypass of AP sites, commonly formed as endogenous genomic lesions.  相似文献   

The primary role of DNA polymerases is to accurately and efficiently replicate the genome in order to ensure the maintenance of the genetic information and its faithful transmission through generations. This is not a simple task considering the size of the genome and its constant exposure to endogenous and environmental DNA damaging agents. Thus, a number of DNA repair pathways operate in cells to protect the integrity of the genome. In addition to their role in replication, DNA polymerases play a central role in most of these pathways. Given the multitude and the complexity of DNA transactions that depend on DNA polymerase activity, it is not surprising that cells in all organisms contain multiple highly specialized DNA polymerases, the majority of which have only recently been discovered. Five DNA polymerases are now recognized in Escherichia coli, 8 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and at least 15 in humans. While polymerases in bacteria, yeast and mammalian cells have been extensively studied much less is known about their counterparts in plants. For example, the plant model organism Arabidopsis thaliana is thought to contain 12 DNA polymerases, whose functions are mostly unknown. Here we review the properties and functions of DNA polymerases focusing on yeast and mammalian cells but paying special attention to the plant enzymes and the special circumstances of replication and repair in plant cells.  相似文献   

Human DNA polymerase iota (Pol ι) is a Y-family polymerase that can bypass various DNA lesions but possesses very low fidelity of DNA synthesis in vitro. Structural analysis of Pol ι revealed a narrow active site that promotes noncanonical base-pairing during catalysis. To better understand the structure-function relationships in the active site of Pol ι we investigated substitutions of individual amino acid residues in its fingers domain that contact either the templating or the incoming nucleotide. Two of the substitutions, Y39A and Q59A, significantly decreased the catalytic activity but improved the fidelity of Pol ι. Surprisingly, in the presence of Mn2+ ions, the wild-type and mutant Pol ι variants efficiently incorporated nucleotides opposite template purines containing modifications that disrupted either Hoogsteen or Watson–Crick base-pairing, suggesting that Pol ι may use various types of interactions during nucleotide addition. In contrast, in Mg2+ reactions, wild-type Pol ι was dependent on Hoogsteen base-pairing, the Y39A mutant was essentially inactive, and the Q59A mutant promoted Watson–Crick interactions with template purines. The results suggest that Pol ι utilizes distinct mechanisms of nucleotide incorporation depending on the metal cofactor and reveal important roles of specific residues from the fingers domain in base-pairing and catalysis.  相似文献   

In their seminal publication describing the structure of the DNA double helix , Watson and Crick wrote what may be one of the greatest understatements in the scientific literature, namely that "It has not escaped our notice that the specific pairing we have postulated immediately suggests a possible copying mechanism for the genetic material." Half a century later, we more fully appreciate what a huge challenge it is to replicate six billion nucleotides with the accuracy needed to stably maintain the human genome over many generations. This challenge is perhaps greater than was realized 50 years ago, because subsequent studies have revealed that the genome can be destabilized not only by environmental stresses that generate a large number and variety of potentially cytotoxic and mutagenic lesions in DNA but also by various sequence motifs of normal DNA that present challenges to replication. Towards a better understanding of the many determinants of genome stability, this chapter reviews the fidelity with which undamaged and damaged DNA is copied, with a focus on the eukaryotic B- and Y-family DNA polymerases, and considers how this fidelity is achieved.  相似文献   

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