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W Seufert  W Messer 《The EMBO journal》1987,6(8):2469-2472
In vitro replication of mini-chromosomes in the absence of DNA ligase activity resulted in replication products with single-strand breaks at specific sites. The occurrence of these nicks was coupled to an active replication process, therefore we expect them to represent start sites for DNA replication. Two positions within oriC for each of the two leading strands of bidirectional replication were found. Within each position are one or two start sites. Counterclockwise synthesis started at positions 194/199 and 265/272, clockwise synthesis at positions 209/219 and 254. The start positions are located close to DnaA protein binding sites. A model for initiation accommodating this observation is discussed.  相似文献   

Replicating molecules of minichromosomes pCM959 and pOC24 were analyzed by electron microscopy. Replication of pCM959 proceeded bidirectionally from the replication origin, oriC, in about 60% of the molecules; the rest of the molecules replicated unidirectionally in either direction. pOC24, in which deoxyribonucleic acid to the right (clockwise) of the oriC segment is deleted, seemed to replicate predominantly unidirectionally counterclockwise from oriC.  相似文献   

C Weigel  A Schmidt  B Rückert  R Lurz    W Messer 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(21):6574-6583
The formation of nucleoprotein complexes between the Escherichia coli initiator protein DnaA and the replication origin oriC was analysed in vitro by band-shift assays and electron microscopy. DnaA protein binds equally well to linear and supercoiled oriC substrates as revealed by analysis of the binding preference to individual DnaA boxes (9-mer repeats) in oriC, and by a competition band-shift assay. DnaA box R4 (oriC positions 260-268) binds DnaA preferentially and in the oriC context with higher affinity than expected from its binding constant. This effect depends on oriC positions 249 to 274, is enhanced by the wild-type sequence in the DnaA box R3 region, but is not dependent on Dam methylation or the curved DNA segment to the right of oriC. DnaA binds randomly to the DnaA boxes R1, M, R2 and R3 in oriC with no apparent cooperativity: the binding preference of DnaA to these sites was not altered for templates with mutated DnaA box R4. In the oriC context, DnaA box R1 binds DnaA with lower affinity than expected from its binding constant, i.e. the affinity is reduced to approximately that of DnaA box R2. Higher protein concentrations were required to observe binding to DnaA box M, making this low-affinity site a novel candidate for a regulatory dnaA box.  相似文献   

Two distinct regions in the replication origin, oriC, of Escherichia coli are separately distorted upon initiation complex formation by the initiator protein DnaA. The AT-rich region in the left part of oriC and the start site region in the right part of oriC. Chemical modification of single-stranded DNA was observed at both regions whereas endonuclease recognition of DNA mini-bulges specifically occurred in the start site region. We show that the helical phasing of binding sites for DnaA protein in oriC is important for origin function. An insertion or deletion of one helical turn between the two rightmost binding sites does not alter the efficiency of replication initiation, whereas all modifications of distance by less or more than one helical turn result in inactivation of oriC. DnaA binding and helical distortions in the AT-rich region as well as in the start site region are not affected in the distance mutants irrespective of their functionality in vivo. We propose a specific compact nucleoprotein structure for the initiation complex.  相似文献   

Summary Plasmid pTSO118 containing the Escherichia coli origin of replication, oriC, initiated replication simultaneously with the chromosome when temperature-sensitive host cells were synchronized by temperature shifts. Replicating intermediates of the plasmid as well as of the chromosome were isolated from the outer membrane fraction of the cell. Plasmid DNA with eye structures was enriched when cytosine-1--arabinofuranoside was introduced into the culture during replication. Electron microscopy of the replicating molecules, after digestion with restriction endonucleases, showed that the replication fork proceeds exclusively counter-clockwise towards the unc operon. We conclude that the replication of the oriC plasmid is unidirectional or, if bidirectional, is highly asymmetric.  相似文献   

The involvement of the Escherichia coli rep protein in the replication of M13 chimeric deoxyribonucleic acids (DNAs) carrying the E. coli chromosomal DNA replication origin (oriC) has been examined. Previous studies indicate that the cloning of a 3,550-base-pair sequence of chromosomal DNA containing oriC into an M13 vector allows extensive replication of the M13 oriC chimeric DNA in an E. coli rep-3 mutant. We have extended these studies by preparing a 330-base-pair deletion that specifically deletes the oriC sequence in the M13 oriC DNAs, to demonstrate that the replication observed in the rep-3 host is dependent on the cloned origin. Thus, a DNA-unwinding enzyme other than the rep protein may be involved in the strand separation process accompanying replication which initiates at oriC in the M13 oriC chimeric DNAs and in the E. coli chromosome. The rep assay used for assessing the functionality of the cloned oriC is useful for analysis of any rep-independent origin of replication functional in E. coli. A direct selection for a cloned origin of replication is possible in the rep-3 recA56 host. Since the cloned origin is nonessential for propagation of the M13 chimeric phage in a rep+ host, mutations in the cloned origin may be constructed, and the mutant phage may be examined by a simple transductional analysis of the rep-3 recA56 mutant strain.  相似文献   

We characterized three mutant DnaA proteins with an amino acid substitution of R334H, R342H and E361G that renders chromosomal replication cold (20 degrees C) sensitive. Each mutant DnaA protein was highly purified from overproducers, and replication activities were assayed in in vitro oriC replication systems. At 30 degrees C, all three mutant proteins exhibited specific activity similar to that seen with the wild-type protein, whereas at 20 degrees C, there was much less activity in a replication system using a crude replicative extract. Regarding the affinity for ATP, the dissociation rate of bound ATP and binding to oriC DNA, the three mutant DnaA proteins showed a capacity indistinguishable from that of the wild-type DnaA protein. Activity for oriC DNA unwinding of the two mutant DnaA proteins, R334H and R342H, was more sensitive to low temperature than that of the wild-type DnaA protein. We propose that R334H and R342H have a defect in their potential to unwind oriC DNA at low temperatures, the result being the cold-sensitive phenotype in oriC DNA replication. The two amino acid residues of DnaA protein, located in a motif homologous to that of NtrC protein, may play a role in the formation of the open complex. The E361 residue may be related to interaction with another protein present in a crude cell extract.  相似文献   

The bacterial origin of replication, oriC   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
J W Zyskind  D W Smith 《Cell》1986,46(4):489-490

SeqA limits DnaA activity in replication from oriC in Escherichia coli   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
A mutant Escherichia coli that transforms minichromosomes with high efficiency in the absence of Dam methylation has been Isolated and the mutation mapped to 16.25 min on the E. coli map. The mutant strain containing seqA2 is defective for growth in rich medium but not in minimal medium. A similar mutation In this gene, named seqA1, has also been isolated. Here we show that the product of the seqA gene, SeqA, normally acts as an inhibitor of chromosomal initiation. In the seqA2-containing mutant, the frequency of initiation increases by a factor of three. Introduction of the wild-type seqA gene on a low-copy plasmid suppresses the cold sensitivity of a dnaAcos mutant known to overinitiate at temperatures below 39°C. In addition, the seqA2 mutation is a suppressor of several dnaA (Ts) alleles. The seqA2 mutant overinitiates replication from oriC and displays the asynchronous initiation phenotype. Also the seqA2 mutant has an elevated level of DnaA protein (twofold). The introduction of minichromosomes or a low-copy-number plasmid carrying five DnaA-boxes from the oriC region increases the growth rate of the seqA2 mutant in rich medium to the wild-type level, reduces overinitiation but does not restore synchrony. We propose that the role of SeqA is to limit the activity level of the E. coli regulator of chromosome initiation, DnaA.  相似文献   

A temperature upshift of 10 or more degrees in the growth temperature of a bacterial culture causes induction of extra rounds of chromosome replication. This heat-induced replication (HIR) initiates at oriC , is transitory, requires RNase H1 and RecA proteins and requires neither RNA polymerase activity nor de novo protein synthesis. The number of origins activated by heat is growth rate and temperature differential dependent. An origin activation higher than 20% increases the DNA:mass ratio around twofold, and this value is kept constant for the subsequent generations of growth at 41°C. We have also shown that HIR is neither related to SDR nor induced by the heat shock response. We suggest that a thermodynamic alteration of oriC structure or of membrane fluidity could explain the observed HIR.  相似文献   

H Gille  W Messer 《The EMBO journal》1991,10(6):1579-1584
The leftmost region of the Escherichia coli origin of DNA replication (oriC) contains three tandemly repeated AT-rich 13mers which have been shown to become single-stranded during the early stages of initiation in vitro. Melting is induced by the ATP form of DnaA, the initiator protein of DNA replication. KMnO4 was used to probe for single-stranded regions and altered DNA conformation during the initiation of DNA replication at oriC in vitro and in vivo. Unpairing in the AT-rich 13mer region is thermodynamically stable even in the absence of DnaA protein, but only when divalent cations are omitted from the reaction. In the presence of Mg2+, oriC melting is strictly DnaA dependent. The sensitive region is distinct from that detected in the absence of DnaA as it is located further to the left within the minimal origin. In addition, the DNA is severely distorted between the three 13mers and the IHF binding site in oriC. A change of conformation can also be observed during the initiation of DNA replication in vivo. This is the first in vivo evidence for a structural change at the 13mers during initiation complex formation.  相似文献   

The sdrA224 mutants of Escherichia coli K-12, capable of continued DNA replication in the absence of protein synthesis (stable DNA replication), tolerate inactivation of the dnaA gene by insertion of transposon Tn10. Furthermore, oriC, the origin of E. coli chromosome replication, can be deleted from the chromosome of sdrA mutants without loss of viability. The results suggest the presence of a second, normally repressed, initiation system for chromosome replication alternative to the 'normal' dnaA+ oriC+-dependent initiation mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary Irradiation of Escherichia coli with UV light causes a transient inhibition of DNA replication. This effect is generally thought to be accounted for by blockage of the elongation of DNA replication by UV-induced lesions in the DNA (a cis effect). However, by introducing an unirradiated E. coli origin (oriC)-dependent replicon into UV-irradiated cells, we have been able to show that the environment of a UV-irradiated cell inhibits initiation of replication from oriC on a dimer-free replicon. We therefore conclude that UV-irradiation of E. coli leads to a trans-acting inhibition of initiation of replication. The inhibition is transient and does not appear to be an SOS function.  相似文献   

The cell division phenotypes of Escherichia coli with its chromosome replication driven by oriR (from plasmid R1) were examined by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. Chromosome replication patterns in these strains were followed by marker frequency analyses. In one of the strains, the unidirectional oriR was integrated so that the replication fork moved clockwise from the oriC region, and bacterial growth and division were similar to those of the wild-type parent. The bacteria were able to convert the unidirectional initiation from oriR into bidirectional replication. The site for conversion of uni- to bidirectional replication seemed to be localized and could be mapped genetically within 6 min to the immediate right of the minimal oriC . Replication starting in the counterclockwise direction from the R1 replicon integrated at the same site in the opposite orientation could not be described as either bi- or unidirectional, as no single predominant origin could be discerned from the more or less flat marker frequency pattern. These strains also showed extensive filamentation, irregular nucleoid distribution and the presence of anucleate cells, indicative of segregation and division defects. Comparison among intR1 derivatives differing in the position of the integrated oriR relative to the chromosome origin suggested that the oriC sequence itself was dispensable for the conversion to bidirectionality. However, passage of the replication fork over the 6 min region to the right of oriC seemed important for the bidirectional replication pattern and normal cell division phenotype.  相似文献   

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