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Efficiency of nodule initiation in cowpea and soybean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
When serial dilutions of a suspension of Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain 138 were inoculated onto both soybean and cowpea roots, the formation of nodules in the initially susceptible region of the roots of both hosts was found to be linearly dependent on the log of the inoculum dosage until an optimum dosage was reached. Approximately 30- to 100-fold higher dosages were required to elicit half-maximal nodulation on cowpea than on soybean in the initially susceptible zone of the root. However, at optimal dosages, about six times as many nodules formed in this region on cowpea roots than on soybean roots. There was no appreciable difference in the apparent rate of nodule initiation on these two hosts nor in the number of inoculum bacteria in contact with the root. These results are consistent with the possibility that cowpea roots have a substantially higher threshold of response to symbiotic signals from the bacteria than do soybean roots. Storage of B. japonicum cells in distilled water for several weeks did not affect their viability or efficiency of nodule initiation on soybean. However, the nodulation efficiency of these same cells on cowpea diminished markedly over a 2 week period. These differential effects of water storage indicate that at least some aspects of signal production by the bacteria during nodule initiation are different on the two hosts. Mutants of B. japonicum 138 defective in synthesis of soybean lectin binding polysaccharide were defective in their efficiency of nodule initiation on soybean but not on cowpea. These results also suggest that B. japonicum may produce different substances to initiate nodules on these two hosts.  相似文献   

Le Floch  Gaétan  Rey  Patrice  Benizri  Emile  Benhamou  Nicole  Tirilly  Yves 《Plant and Soil》2003,257(2):459-470
Plant growth promotion induced by the antagonistic fungus, Pythium oligandrum, is the result of a complex interaction which includes an indirect effect through control of pathogens in the rhizosphere and/or a direct one mediated by plant-induced resistance. The present study shows an increased plant growth associated with direct interaction between P. oligandrum and roots, which is mediated by a fungus-produced auxin compound, tryptamine (TNH2). In vitro experiments provided evidence that P. oligandrum metabolised specifically indole derivatives, such as tryptophan and indole-3-acetaldehyde, to produce THN2 through the tryptamine pathway. When P. oligandrum grew in sterile root exudates, it also produced an auxin-like compound. Additional experiments on P. oligandrum–root interaction showed that, in amended nutrient solution of plants, the antagonist metabolised Trp into TNH2 and that root absorption of this newly formed auxin-compound in appropriate concentrations was associated with enhancement of plant growth. This phenomenon was observed only when nutrient solution was amended with low tryptophan (Trp) concentrations, i.e. 0.05 and 0.1 mM; higher concentration (0.5 and 1 mM Trp) induced abnormal root development. Similar experiments were performed with Pythium group F, a minor pathogen known for its ability to produce auxin-compounds through the tryptamine pathway. In this case, irregular root development was always noticed with all Trp concentrations added to the nutrient solution of plants. Moreover, Pythium group F colonization of roots was associated with leakage of auxin-compounds in the nutrient solution. Our results, therefore, highlight that the production of similar auxin-compounds by two Pythium species has contrary effects on plant development.  相似文献   

Two protocols for following soil methane enrichment were used, one with methane dosed as a carbon source ([C]-soil) and one with methane plus minerals ([C+M]-soil). Methane oxidation occurred much faster in soil receiving minerals in addition to methane than in the control soil receiving only methane. In both treatments, only a small fraction of methane (2% to 14%) was converted into microbial biomass C. Nevertheless, a strong increase in soil microbial biomass (up to 1.5 to 2.0-fold) was achieved in the [C+M]-soil in a 3-week period. Due to methane application, the NO3 - content of the soil was significantly decreased, by 83% to 90% in the [C]-soil and by 56% to 83% in the [C+M]-soil. Soil enzymatic activities were slightly increased in the [C+M]-soil only. The soil-methane incubation did not alter the composition of the monitored microbial populations in the soil or in rhizosphere of plants. In the [C]-soil, methane incubation resulted in reduction of the shoot dry wt of maize by 8% to 12%. In the [C+M]-soil under non-limiting mineral-nutrient status, a significant increase in shoot dry wt was observed for maize (13%), a neutral effect was registered for spinach and a negative effect was observed for wheat.  相似文献   

A phosphate-solubilizing bacterial strain NII-0909 isolated from the Western ghat forest soil in India was identified as Micrococcus sp on the basis of phenotypic characteristics, carbon source utilization pattern, fatty acid methyl esters analysis, and 16S rRNA gene sequence. The strain exhibited the plant growth-promoting attributes of phosphate solubilization, auxin production, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase activity, and siderophore production. It was able to solubilize (122.4 μg of Ca3PO4 ml?1), and produce IAA (109 μg ml?1) at 30 °C. P-solubilizing activity of the strain NII-0909 was associated with the release of organic acids and a drop in the pH of the NBRIP medium. HPLC analysis detected two organic acids in the course of P-solubilization. A significant increase in the growth of cow pea was recorded for inoculations under controlled conditions. Scanning electron microscopic study revealed the root colonization of strain on cow pea seedlings. These results demonstrate that isolates NII-0909 has the promising PGPR attributes to be develop as a biofertilizer to enhance soil fertility and promote the plant growth.  相似文献   

Murthy  N. B. K.  Raghu  K. 《Plant and Soil》1976,44(2):491-493
Summary Thiram applied as a seed dresser fungicide had no inhibitory effect on seedling height and rhizosphere microflora of barley plants (Hordeum vulgare) and on nodulation of cowpea plants (Vigna catjang).  相似文献   

The effect of gibberellin A1 (GA1) on production of ethylene by cowpea (Vigna sinensis cv Blackeye pea no. 5) epicotyl explants and its relationship to epicotyl elongation was investigated. The explants were placed upright in water and incubated in sealed culture tubes or in large jars. GA, and IAA in ethanol solution were injected into the subapical tissues of the decapitated epicotyls. Cowpea epicotyl explants elongated after GA but not after IAA treatment, and they were very sensitive to exogenous ethylene. As little as 0.14 1/1 ethylene reduced significantly GA1-induced epicotyl elongation.Treatment with GA1 induced the production of ethylene which began 10 h after GA application, showed a peak at about 22 h and then declined. The yield of ethylene was proportional to the amount of GA, injected. The inhibition of epicotyl elongation in closed tubes was avoided by absorbing ethylene released with Hg(Cl04)2 , or by adding AVG to the incubation solution to inhibit ethylene production. Treatment with IAA elicited a rapid production of ethylene which ceased about 10 h after application. The effects of IAA and GA1 on ethylene production were additive.Abbreviations AVG aminoethoxyvinylglycine 2-amino-4-(2-aminoethoxy)-trans-3butenoic acid - ACC 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid - GA gibberellin - IAA indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   

In this study, the in vitro potential of 42 Trichoderma spp. were evaluated against four isolates of soil borne phytopathogenic fungi viz., Rhizoctonia solani, Macrophomina sp., Sclerotium rolfsii and Pythium aphanidermatum in dual culture techniques and through production of volatile and non-volatile inhibitors. In vitro screening results showed that the proportion of isolates with antagonistic activities was highest for the S. rolfsii followed by R. solani, Macrophomina sp. and P. aphanidermatum, respectively. The isolates TNT1, TNP2 and TWP1 showed consistent results in volatile and non-volatile activity in vitro against any of the two pathogens tested. Based on genomic finger prints, potential isolates showed no particular correlation between the origin of the isolates and the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) groups could not be established. However, the polymorphism shown by the isolates did not correlate to their level of antagonism. Whereas, in physiology studies using BIOLOG (microbial identification system), three groups were formed, one group consists with 14 different Trichoderma species and two groups with two isolates each comprised of only T. koningii and T. viride.  相似文献   

Seven cadinane terpenoids have been tested as plant growth regulators. Khusinoloxide and epikhusinol acetate greatly stimulated root initiation with hypocotyl cuttings of Phaseolus aureus seedlings.  相似文献   

Plants of Psophocarpus tetragonolobus cv. Chimbu Illinois were germinated under uniform conditions, after which they were transferred to three water treatments, ‘wet’, control and ‘stress’. Those plants given most water (i. e. ‘wet’) grew best and produced most root nodules. Water stress delayed nodule formation and quantitative microscopic examination showed that nodules from stress plants had more bacteroid-containing cells per unit area up to 4 wk than nodules from either of the other treatments. Bacteroid-containing cells were found to be vacuolated in P. tetragonolobus.  相似文献   

Summary Staphylococcus aureus 196E, when grown in a glucose (0.25% wt./vol.)-containing medium, produced cells that would undergo injury when subjected to sublethal heat conditions (45 min at 50°C); however, if glucose was omitted from the growth medium, the extent of injury was greatly reduced. Media containing glucose sterilized by filtration or by separate autoclaving produced cells equal in injury susceptibility to medium in which glucose was autoclaved as part of the medium components. Injury also occurred when other sugars such as fructose, mannose, maltose, or lactose were substituted for glucose. Sugar-containing media that producedStaphylococcus aureus of maximal susceptibility to heat injury reached a pH of approximately 6 or lower during growth of the cells. Incubation of staphylococci in growth medium acidified with acetic or lactic acids or HCl did not lead to cells that would undergo injury under the stated conditions. The stimulatory effect of glucose on injury appears to be related to the metabolism of the sugar byStaphylococcus aureus.Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Reference to brand or firm name does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture over others of a similar nature not mentioned.  相似文献   

The comparative study of the antimicrobial effect of ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin on the in vitro kinetic models of the pathogen growth showed that ciprofloxacin was more active against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The post-antibiotic effect depended of the drug concentration and period of the pathogen content with ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin. With respect to the both pathogens, the post-antibiotic effect of ciprofloxacin was more pronounced.  相似文献   

The porphin requirements of the Hemophilus organisms have been studied. Organisms of the parainfluenzae group show quantitative differences in their ability to synthesize heme. The ability of the parainfluenzae organisms to grow appears to depend on the rate with which they synthesize heme and in part at least on the properties of the medium to protect the heme from peroxidative breakdown. Quantitative studies of the growth of H. influenzae Turner on various iron porphins have been made. Iron protoporphin gives greatest growth when supplied in excess, although iron mesoporphin appears more efficient at lower concentrations. Iron deutero- and iron hematoporphin are much less effective. This suggests that although the vinyl groups are not essential for growth of the Turner organism they may be required for some particular enzymes which aid in attaining maximum growth. A number of substances potentiate the growth-promoting properties of iron porphins. These substances include reducing agents and agents which destroy H(2)O(2). E. influenzae Turner appears to require heme for anaerobic as well as aerobic growth. The possibility of an essential heme enzyme functioning under anaerobic conditions must therefore be considered.  相似文献   

Cowpea, Vigna unguiculata was infested at the young, mid-fill and mature pod growth stages with, respectively, one, two and three pre-reproductive adult apterae of Aphis craccivora per pod in a screen house. A. craccivora caused pod shrivelling at the young and mid-fill pod stages, on which the aphid was more fecund. All levels of infestation caused significant reduction in seed yield irrespective of age of pod.  相似文献   

A screening for Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) was carried out in the rhizosphere of wild populations of Nicotiana glauca Graham in south-eastern Spain. Nine hundred and sixty strains were isolated and grouped in four parataxonomic groups: Gram positive endospore forming bacilli, Gram positive non-endospore forming bacilli, Gram negative bacilli and others. Two groups were selected to continue the study: Gram negative bacilli since it was the most abundant, and Gram positive sporulated bacilli, seeking their sporulating capacity as an advantage for inoculants formulation. The ability of these to release siderophores and chitinases in vitro was evaluated. Ninety six isolates were siderophore producers, and 56 of them were also able to produce chitinases. Fifty percent of these were tested for growth promotion in tomato. The best results were obtained with 5 Gram negative bacilli and one Gram positive sporulated bacilli; 5 strains increased all growth parameters while one of them, N21.4, severely compromised plant growth. The ability of these 6 strains to induce systemic resistance against the leaf pathogen Xanthomonas campestris in tomato was evaluated. Five of them effectively reduced disease symptoms (up to 50%). The six strains were identified by 16s rDNA sequencing resulting in 3 Pseudomonas, 1 Bacillus and 2 Stenotrophomonas; it’s striking that 2 Pseudomonas protected up to 50% while the other increased disease incidence. This indicates that systemic induction is strain specific and not necessarily related to production of siderophores and chitinases.  相似文献   

通过添加硝化抑制剂(二氰胺,DCD)来控制硝化作用的水培试验方法,研究了氮高效水稻品种南光和氮低效水稻品种ELIO的籽粒产量对增硝营养(NH4+∶NO3-比例为100∶0和75∶25)的响应,同时从产量构成、不同生育时期水稻生长、氮素吸收和同化4个方面研究了造成其产量差异的生理机制。结果表明:增NO3-营养可以显著促进氮高效水稻品种南光的生长,从而使其籽粒产量水平提高21%,而对氮低效水稻品种ELIO的籽粒产量没有显著影响。进一步分析表明:在增NO3-营养条件下,南光的穗粒数增加了25%,结实率增加了16%,而氮低效水稻品种ELIO的结实率和穗粒数在两种营养条件下没有显著变化;增NO3-营养可以促进南光对氮素的吸收,使其在苗期、分蘖盛期、齐穗期和成熟期对氮素的吸收量平均增加了36%,进而促进了其生长,干物质积累量在四个生育时期平均增加了30%;南光叶片硝酸还原酶和根系谷氨酰胺合成酶的活力在增硝营养条件下分别增加了100%和95%,说明增硝营养促进了南光对NH4+和NO3-的同化利用。与氮低效水稻品种(ELIO)相比,氮高效水稻品种(南光)对增硝营养表现出较强的生理响应。  相似文献   

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