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以摇瓶所得摄氧率为基准进行发酵放大   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过设计特殊摇瓶,用亚硫酸盐法测出摇瓶口纱布层氧通透率的基础上,在实际发酵情况下通过测定瓶内气、液相氧的变化得出其发酵过程中的摄氧率(OUR)及氧传递系数(KLa)。以特制摇瓶取得的菌体CUR为基准进行发酵过程和发酵罐的放大。通过质谱仪在线检测及采样分析,研究了3种不同供气流量及搅拌转速下的放大结果。摇瓶与发酵罐在菌体OUR、菌体产量方面吻合很好,而在整个放大过程中,发现摇瓶与发酵罐内的氧传递系数(KLa)、溶解氧(CL)差异较大。  相似文献   

一种确定体积氧传递系数kLa的简便方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过将稳态法和动态法结合起来,本文提出一种简便的计算Kla的方法,这种方法仅使用稳态法的公式和动态停止通气阶段的数据。由于引入相对溶氧浓度的概念,数据可直接从溶氧电极输出获得。本文方法的最大优点是避免了电极滞后的校正问题。实验结构表明本文方法比需要数值求导的Koizumi的方法更准确。  相似文献   

发酵摇瓶测氧电检FCY—III型的研制及其应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  

测定了不同氧载体的理化参数,研究了机械搅拌罐氧载体发酵体系中的氧载体的体积分数,搅拌转速和通风量对体积氧传递系数的影响,并推导出传质系数的关联式。实验表明,加入氧载体后,可提高发酵体系的KLa值30-200%,衣原酸发酵中加入氧载体正十二烷,可提高产酸14%以上。  相似文献   

对从3136株镰刀菌中分离筛选的产真菌蛋白的镰刀菌221,进行了营养需求和摇瓶条件试验。分别以9种碳源、16种氮源、3种无机元素、4种微量元素、4种生长因子进行了单因子和复因子试验。试验结果提出:镰刀菌221菌株的最佳培养基组份为(%):玉米淀粉3;(NH_4)_2SO_4 0.6;KH_2PO_4 0.3;MgSO_4 0.05;CaCO_3 0.5。发酵条件实验表明,最适装液量为250ml三角瓶装60ml发酵液;初始pH5.5;最适培养温度28℃;培养时间为48h。最终221菌株的菌体得率为51.00%,菌体蛋白含量为40.50%。  相似文献   

本文对Coniothyrium minitans JN-CM菌株的摇瓶制种的可行性及其固体发酵的产孢条件进行了初步探究。首先通过对分生孢子萌发率和致腐能力的测定,验证了液体种子液进行固体发酵后得到分生孢子的活性,随后对液体制种条件和其后期固体发酵条件进行了优化。结果表明:摇瓶制种在初始p H 7.0的条件下,培养6 d可得到1.09×108cfu/m L分生孢子和5.4123 g/L菌丝体。将100μL摇瓶种子液(1×107cfu/m L)接种于5 g麸皮为基质、料水比1∶1.5、p H值为5.5的固体培养基内,发酵11 d可获得2.65x1010cfu/g分生孢子。  相似文献   

以雷公藤(Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. f.)不定根为材料,研究摇瓶悬浮培养条件下接种密度、装液比例、逐级放大、消泡剂、大孔吸附树脂种类及浓度对雷公藤不定根增长量、不定根及培养基中雷公藤内酯醇、雷公藤吉碱、雷公藤次碱含量的影响。结果显示,接种密度在15 g/L (FW)时较适合不定根的继代培养和次生代谢产物的积累。250 m L摇瓶中装入100 m L培养基,即装液量为2/5时,培养基利用率最高。随着摇瓶体积的逐渐放大,不定根增长量和3种次生代谢产物含量略有下降,5 L摇瓶中不定根增长量为对照的91.6%,内酯醇、吉碱和次碱的含量分别为对照的91.8%、91.7%和96.9%。6种大孔吸附树脂中,XAD-7处理对不定根的生长有明显促进作用,培养结束时,3种次生代谢产物产量显著提高,当XAD-7浓度为0.5 g/瓶时不定根增长量为对照的1.2倍,内酯醇、吉碱和次碱产量最高,分别为对照的2.9、2.4和2.2倍。培养基中添加消泡剂后不定根增长量、3种次生代谢产物总产量均不同程度下降,其中,LX-603处理后,虽然不定根增长量为对照的85%,内酯醇、吉碱和次碱产量分别为对照的78%、64%和87%,但明显抑制了培养过程中泡沫的产生。研究结果表明筛选的摇瓶逐级放大培养雷公藤不定根的方法效果较好,可为雷公藤不定根生物反应器放大培养奠定基础。  相似文献   

测定昆虫和小型无脊椎动物耗氧率的简便方法刘敬泽(河北师范大学生物学系石家庄050016)微呼吸器用毛细管中氢氧化钾溶液移动的距离和测定时间间隔来计算氧的消耗,用恒温水浴来控制动物周围的环境温度。它适用于对重量在5~500mg的无脊椎动物,在不同温度甚...  相似文献   

目的:构建高效表达白地霉脂肪酶的毕赤酵母重组菌株,并对筛选得到的菌株进行摇瓶发酵条件优化和分批补料高密度发酵工艺研究。方法:将诱导型表达载体pPIC9K-gcl电转化至毕赤酵母GS115。通过橄榄油-罗丹明B平板和摇瓶发酵筛选高脂肪酶活力的重组菌株,运用基于TaqMan探针的实时荧光定量PCR 法确定其拷贝数,并对菌株进行摇瓶发酵条件优化。在此基础上,研究重组菌在3L 发酵罐中的高密度发酵工艺。结果:筛选得到一株具有3 个白地霉脂肪酶基因拷贝的菌株GS115/pPIC9K-gcl 78#,初始酶活力为220 U/ml。当摇瓶发酵条件为甲醇诱导96 h,每24 h甲醇添加量1 %,接种量2 %,培养基初始pH 7.0,500 ml摇瓶装液量50 ml,甲醇诱导温度25℃ 时酶活力达735 U/ml。3L 发酵罐高密度发酵176.5 h,酶活力达到3360 U/ml,总蛋白含量达到4.30 g/L,且发酵过程中细胞活性一直保持在96 % 以上。结论:基因拷贝数与重组菌株的产酶水平呈正相关,摇瓶优化可显著提高重组菌株的产酶能力,为白地霉脂肪酶的工业化生产奠定了技术基础。  相似文献   

Scale-up from shake flasks to fermenters has been hampered by the lack of knowledge concerning the influence of operating conditions on mass transfer, hydromechanics, and power input. However, in recent years the properties of shake flasks have been described with empirical models. A practical scale-up strategy for everyday use is introduced for the scale-up of aerobic cultures from shake flasks to fermenters in batch and continuous mode. The strategy is based on empirical correlations of the volumetric mass transfer coefficient (k(L) a) and the pH. The accuracy of the empirical k(L) a correlations and the assumptions required to use these correlations for an arbitrary biological medium are discussed. To determine the optimal pH of the culture medium a simple laboratory method based on titration curves of the medium and a mechanistic pH model, which is solely based on the medium composition, is applied. The effectiveness of the scale-up strategy is demonstrated by comparing the behavior of Corynebacterium glutamicum on lactic acid in shake flasks and fermenters in batch and continuous mode. The maximum growth rate (micro(max) = 0.32 h(-1)) and the oxygen substrate coefficient (Y O2 /S= 0.0174 mol/l) of C. glutamicum on lactic acid were equal for shake flask, fermenter, batch, and continuous cultures. The biomass substrate yield was independent of the scale, but was lower in batch cultures (Y(X/S) = 0.36 g/g) than in continuous cultures (Y(X/S) = 0.45 g/g). The experimental data (biomass, respiration, pH) could be described with a simple biological model combined with a mechanistic pH model.  相似文献   

The rate coefficient K2 for the exchange of oxygen between flowing water and the atmosphere (reaeration) has been studied in six Danish streams covering a relatively wide range of hydraulic conditions, pollutional loading, and macrophyte abundance. 103 K2-measurements were performed in 1978–85. 82 measurements were obtained applying 5 different indirect methods all balancing the sources and sinks of stream dissolved oxygen under conditions of normal operation of the system (3 methods) and under artificial depletion of the oxygen concentration of the stream water by addition of sodium sulphite (2 methods). 21 K2-values were determined directly applying a gaseous tracer (krypton-85) for reaeration. Guidelines for selecting a proper method to determine K2 knowing macrophyte biomass and loading characteristics of the particular stream are provided.  相似文献   

Fermentation optimization experiments are ideally performed at small scale to reduce time, cost and resource requirements. Currently microwell plates (MWPs) are under investigation for this purpose as the format is ideally suited to automated high-throughput experimentation. In order to translate an optimized small-scale fermentation process to laboratory and pilot scale stirred-tank reactors (STRs) it is necessary to characterize key engineering parameters at both scales given the differences in geometry and the mechanisms of aeration and agitation. In this study oxygen mass transfer coefficients are determined in three MWP formats and in 7.5 L and 75 L STRs. k(L)a values were determined in cell-free media using the dynamic gassing-out technique over a range of agitation conditions. Previously optimized culture conditions at the MWP scale were then scaled up to the larger STR scales on the basis of matched k(L)a values. The accurate reproduction of MWP (3 mL) E. coli BL21 (DE3) culture kinetics at the two larger scales was shown in terms of cell growth, protein expression, and substrate utilization for k(L)a values that provided effective mixing and gas-liquid distribution at each scale. This work suggests that k(L)a provides a useful initial scale-up criterion for MWP culture conditions which enabled a 15,000-fold scale translation in this particular case. This work complements our earlier studies on the application of DoE techniques to MWP fermentation optimization and in so doing provides a generic framework for the generation of large quantities of soluble protein in a rapid and cost-effective manner.  相似文献   

Effects of agitation and aeration rates on volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient and oxygen uptake rate of a riboflavin broth containing Ashbya gossypii were investigated in three batch, sparged, and agitated fermentors having the working volumes of 0.42, 0.85, and 2.5 l. The change of oxygen uptake rate with time at 250 rev min−1 stirring and vvm aeration rates was shown. The volumetric oxygen transfer coefficients and maximum oxygen uptake rates obtained have been correlated to mechanical power inputs per unit volume of the fermentation broth and the superficial air velocities.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(4-6):313-320
In the introduction a review is given of the various methods available for probing the mechanism of photooxygenation reactions. To illustrate the methodology, some new results on the the photooxygenation of α-ketocarboxylic acids and esters is given in which it is shown that these compounds sensitise singlet oxygen formation but are relatively unreactive to this oxidising species. Alternative mechanistic schemes are proposed.  相似文献   

Bioprocess scale‐up is a fundamental component of process development in the biotechnology industry. When scaling up a mammalian cell culture process, it is important to consider factors such as mixing time, oxygen transfer, and carbon dioxide removal. In this study, cell‐free mixing studies were performed in production scale 5,000‐L bioreactors to evaluate scale‐up issues. Using the current bioreactor configuration, the 5,000‐L bioreactor had a lower oxygen transfer coefficient, longer mixing time, and lower carbon dioxide removal rate than that was observed in bench scale 5‐ and 20‐L bioreactors. The oxygen transfer threshold analysis indicates that the current 5,000‐L configuration can only support a maximum viable cell density of 7 × 106 cells mL?1. Moreover, experiments using a dual probe technique demonstrated that pH and dissolved oxygen gradients may exist in 5,000‐L bioreactors using the current configuration. Empirical equations were developed to predict mixing time, oxygen transfer coefficient, and carbon dioxide removal rate under different mixing‐related engineering parameters in the 5,000‐L bioreactors. These equations indicate that increasing bottom air sparging rate is more efficient than increasing power input in improving oxygen transfer and carbon dioxide removal. Furthermore, as the liquid volume increases in a production bioreactor operated in fed‐batch mode, bulk mixing becomes a challenge. The mixing studies suggest that the engineering parameters related to bulk mixing and carbon dioxide removal in the 5,000‐L bioreactors may need optimizing to mitigate the risk of different performance upon process scale‐up. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;103: 733–746. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Rotating wall vessel bioreactors have been proposed as a means of controlling the fluid dynamic environment during long-term culture of mammalian cells and engineered tissues. In this study, we show how the delivery of oxygen to cells in an annular flow bioreactor is enhanced by the forced convective transport afforded by Taylor vortex flows. A fiberoptic oxygen probe with negligible lag time was used to measure the dissolved oxygen concentration in real time and under carefully controlled aeration conditions. From these data, the overall mass transfer coefficients were calculated and mass transport correlations determined under laminar Couette flow conditions and discrete Taylor vortex flow regimes, including laminar, wavy, and turbulent flows. While oxygen transport in Taylor vortex flows was significantly greater, and the available oxygen exceeded that consumed by murine fibroblasts in free suspension, the proportion of cells that remained viable decreased with increasing Reynolds number (101.8 < Rei < 1018), which we attribute to the action of fluid shear stresses on the cells as opposed to any limitation in mass transport. Nevertheless, the results of this study suggest that laminar Taylor-vortex flow regimes provide an effective means of maintaining the levels of oxygen transport required for long-term cell culture.  相似文献   

The effects of oxygen transfer on serine alkaline protease (SAP) production by Bacillus licheniformis on a defined medium with Cc = 9.0 kg m−3 citric acid as sole carbon source were investigated in 3.5 dm3 batch bioreactor systems. The concentrations of the product (SAP) and by-products, i.e., neutral protease, amylase, amino acids, and organic acids were determined in addition to SAP activities. At Qo/V = 1 vvm air flow rate, the effect of agitation rate on DO concentration, pH, product, and by-product concentrations and SAP activity were investigated at N = 150, 500, and 750 min−1; these are named as low-(LOT), medium-(MOT), and high oxygen transfer (HOT) conditions. LOT conditions favor biomass concentration; however, substrate consumption was highest at HOT conditions. MOT was optimum for maximum SAP activity which was 441 U cm−3 at t = 37 h. The total amino acid concentration was maximum in LOT and minimum in MOT conditions; lysine had the highest concentration under all oxygen transfer conditions. Among organic acids, acetic acid had the highest concentration and its concentration increased with oxygen transfer rate. The oxygen transfer coefficient increases with the agitation rate and the oxygen consumption rate increased almost linearly with the biomass concentration.  相似文献   

通过对固定化小球藻产氧及光合速率的研究,进一步解决水产养殖水体溶解氧不足的问题,为生物增氧技术投入使用奠定基础.固定化具有较高的生物量及生物活性,在研究中被广泛使用.运用固定化技术对固定化小球藻产氧及光合速率进行了研究,结果表明,固定化小球藻具有较好的生物量及生物活性,海藻酸钠+羧甲基纤维素钠+硅藻土作为固定化基质有利...  相似文献   

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