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Airborne fungi were monitored at five sample sites with the Burkard portable, the RCS Plus, and the SAS Super 90 air samplers; the Andersen 2-stage impactor was used for comparison. All samplers were calibrated before being used simultaneously to collect 100-liter samples at each site. The Andersen and Burkard samplers retrieved equivalent volumes of airborne fungi; the SAS Super 90 and RCS Plus measurements did not differ from each other but were significantly lower than those obtained with the Andersen or Burkard samplers. Total fungal counts correlated linearly with Cladosporium and Penicillium counts. Alternaria species, although present at all sites, did not correlate with total count or with amounts of any other fungal genera. Sampler and location significantly influenced fungal counts, but no interactions between samplers and locations were found.  相似文献   

Fungal agents are responsible for a variety of respiratory diseases both in humans and animals. The nature and seasonal variations of fungi have been investigated in many environments with wide ranging results. The aims of the present report were (i) to evaluate the quality and magnitude of exposure to airborne fungi in three differently structured equine stalls (open air, partially and completely enclosed buildings) during a one-year period, using an air sampling technique and (ii) to compare the distribution and frequency of fungal species, with regards to these different environments. Air samples were collected monthly from December 2001 to November 2002 by means of a surface air sampler (SAS) Super-90, (PBI International, Milan, Italy). Penicillium and Aspergillus spp. were cultured from all the stables in all seasons. Mucoraceae were also recovered in all seasons in stalls 1 and 2, while they were not isolated in spring and fall in stall 3. These fungi were detected in 28.4%, 72.9% and 60.5% of the total number of samples, respectively. Other fungal genera such as Alternaria, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Beauveria and Drechslera were also occasionally recovered.Viable fungal concentrations varied greatly, ranging from below the limit of detection to more than 3000 CFU/m3 for stables 1 and 2, and 1750 CFU/m3 for stable 3. The median fungal concentration was approximately 178 CFU/m3. Total fungal concentration appeared to be highest in summer, winter and spring, and lowest in the fall.  相似文献   

Analyses of crab meat homogenates with Coli-Count Samplers (Millipore Corp.) resulted in fecal coliform counts comparable to counts obtained from standard most-probable-number testing procedures.  相似文献   

Analyses of crab meat homogenates with Coli-Count Samplers (Millipore Corp.) resulted in fecal coliform counts comparable to counts obtained from standard most-probable-number testing procedures.  相似文献   

Two commercially available soil water samplers and a ceramic sampler constructed in our laboratories were evaluated for their ability to recover viruses from both tap water and secondary sewage effluent. The ceramic sampler consistently gave the best recoveries of viruses from water samples. Soil columns containing ceramic samplers at various depths provide a simple method for studying virus transport through sewage-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

The air-borne fungi were studied in one hundred and fifty-six exposures made over one year at two levels (2 meter and 20 meter). Aspergillus was the only air-borne fungus identified at 45 °C. It was recovered in 33.3% and 28.2% of the exposures and was represented by four species at low level and three at high level.A. fumigatus was extremely dominant and constituted 76.4% abd 73.3% of the total count of fungi at the low and the high levels respectively.  相似文献   

Summary A six-stage Andersens's sampler was compared with a single stage type (SAS) for the collection of airborne fungi particles. The efficiency of two non selective culture media, and namely malt agar (MA) and potato dextrose agar (PDA), which were both modified in order to inhibit bacterial growth, was compared as well. An overall assessment of quantitative results suggests that the two samplers have a comparable degree of efficiency. However, the SAS appears to collect a greater number of CFU/m3 in absence of wind and viceversa the Andersen one appears to be more efficient in the presence of wind. The number of species detected with the SAS device is smaller, thus requiring an increased number of suctions. Andersen sampler sieving, according to the aerodynamic characteristics of the particles, appears to be not too accurate: there is an overlap from stage to stage of the sampler and some larger particles settle on smaller particle-collecting stages and viceversa. The PDA, with streptomycin and chloramphenicol, is better and closer to the natural distribution pattern: the number of CFU/m3 is higher although the number of the collected species is about the same.  相似文献   

Development and use of flow cytometry for detection of airborne fungi   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Traditional methods for the enumeration of airborne fungi are slow, tedious, and rather imprecise. In this study, the possibility of using flow cytometry (FCM) for the assessment of exposure to the fungus aerosol was evaluated. Epifluorescence microscopy direct counting was adopted as the standard for comparison. Setting up of the method was achieved with pure suspensions of Aspergillus fumigatus and Penicillium brevicompactum conidia at different concentrations, and then analyses were extended to field samples collected by an impinger device. Detection and quantification of airborne fungi by FCM was obtained combining light scatter and propidium iodide red fluorescence parameters. Since inorganic debris are unstainable with propidium iodide, the biotic component could be recognized, whereas the preanalysis of pure conidia suspensions of some species allowed us to select the area corresponding to the expected fungal population. A close agreement between FCM and epifluorescence microscopy counts was found. Moreover, data processing showed that FCM can be considered more precise and reliable at any of the tested concentrations.  相似文献   

Comparison of three zooplankton samplers: a taxon-specific assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We compared densities of zooplankton captured by three commonzooplankton samplers during 24 h. A tube sampler generally yieldedzooplankton densities equal to or greater than those from avertical net tow or a Schindler-Patalas trap. Exceptions includedherbivorous rotifers and Diaphanosoma. Because rotifer densityusually was greatest in the deepest stratum sampled (i.e. nearthe bottom of the tube), water loss with lifting probably accountedfor reduced rotifer capture. Why the tube and the Schindler-Patalastrap were less efficient than the net for Diaphanosoma remainsunclear. Because tubes sample the entire water column, providingzooplankton densities comparable with traditional gear, theyare a time-saving alternative for zooplankton sampling in shallowlakes and weedy littoral zones. 2The Unit is sponsored jointly by The United States Fish andWildlife Service, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, TheOhio State University and the Wildlife Management Institute.  相似文献   

The validity of obtaining soil water for fecal coliform analyses by porcelain cup soil water samplers was examined. Numbers from samples of manure slurry drawn through porcelain cups were reduced 100- to 10,000,000-fold compared to numbers obtained from the external manure slurry, and 65% of the cups yielded coliform-free samples. Fecal coliforms adsorbed to cups apparently were released, thus influencing the counts of subsequent samples. Fecal coliforms persisted in soil water samplers buried in soil and thus could significantly influence the coliform counts of water samples obtained a month later. These studies indicate that porcelain cup soil water samplers do not yield valid water samples for fecal coliform analyses.  相似文献   

Evaluation of various soil water samplers for virological sampling.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Two commercially available soil water samplers and a ceramic sampler constructed in our laboratories were evaluated for their ability to recover viruses from both tap water and secondary sewage effluent. The ceramic sampler consistently gave the best recoveries of viruses from water samples. Soil columns containing ceramic samplers at various depths provide a simple method for studying virus transport through sewage-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare three types of esophageal exfoliative cytology samplers in terms of patient acceptability, ease of use, final destination of the sampler tip in the gastrointestinal tract and cellular yield. STUDY DESIGN: A controlled, single-blind, cross-over study was undertaken to compare the balloon, sponge and sponge-mesh samplers in healthy volunteers. After completing the three procedures in random order, participants were asked about their preferred method. Ease of use was defined as the technician's ability to perform the intubation successfully. Final destination of the samplers was assessed fluoroscopically. Cytopathologists determined the cellular yield of each sampler using the Bethesda System. RESULTS: Sixty-two volunteers participated. The two encapsulated samplers were significantly preferred over the balloon (P < .0001). There was no significant difference in ease of use, final destination or cellular yield of the three techniques. All three samplers were successfully intubated on the first attempt and retrieved adequate numbers of squamous and glandular cells in > 78% of cases. CONCLUSION: All three samplers obtained satisfactory yields of squamous and glandular cells, but the encapsulated samplers were more patient acceptable. The sponge-mesh sampler may be the least complicated sampler for field screening use. Larger-scale studies will be required to test the accuracy of these three samplers for detecting esophageal dysplasia and carcinoma.  相似文献   

Viable airborne fungi in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
An aerobiological study to identify and quantify allergenic fungi and their seasonal fluctuations was conducted at two different sites, (Al-Batha, a more developed area in the south and Al-Ulia, a less developed area in the north) in Riyadh city, using portable Personal Volumetric Air Sampler (Burkard Manufacturing Co., England). Sampling was conducted twice a week in both the morning and in the afternoon at both sites, for a period of 12 months. Airborne fungi were grouped into major and minor components depending upon their frequency of appearance and catch percentage in the air. Cladosporium spp., Penicillium spp., Aspergillus spp., Alternaria spp. and Ulocladium spp. were included as major components. Minor components included Drechslera spp., Rhizopus spp., Fusarium spp. and Stachybotryis spp. In general, higher concentrations of fungi were found at the developed (Al-Batha) site than at the less developed (Al-Ulia) site, both in the morning and in the afternoon.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. From 16 air-lift samplers described in the literature, three were selected for operation from a small boat: Mackey, Pearson et al. and Verollet & Tachet samplers. Random samples (number of sampling units n= 10) were taken in a large tank with a known number of dried peas, representing invertebrates, amongst stones of uniform size. Separate experiments were performed with three sizes of stones (modal sizes 2–4, 16–20 and 32–36 mm). Stratified-random samples (usually n= 10) were taken in rivers at lour sites with modal particle sizes of < 0.1 2–4. 32–128 and 64–128 mm. The samplers were compared with a Ponar grab in the tank experiments and the field, and with a Naturalist's dredge in the field. Rates of pumping at different air-flows were established for each sampler. Water-How increased with increasing air-How and increasing submergence of the riser-pipe. The Mackey sampler achieved the highest water-flow and lifted more substratum and larger stones (64–128 mm) than the other samplers. The Verollet & Tachet sampler had the lowest pumping rate and failed to lift stones > 8 mm long, whilst the Pearson et al. sampler, with an intermediate performance, lifted mud and stones < 32 mm long. In the tank experiments, the area from which the Mackey and Pearson et al. samplers collected peas varied with air-flow, operating time and type of substratum. The Maekey sampler over-sampled and the Pearson et al. sampler usually under-sampled their respective sampling areas, except the latter sampler at high air-flows gave approximately quantitative results comparable to those of the Ponar grab for peas on the surface of stones 16–20 mm. No sampler collected much at a depth of 3 cm on larger stones (32–36 mm), and the Verollet & Tachet sampler failed completely on all substrata. In field trials, the Mackey and Pearson et al. samplers provided good qualitative samples except on large stones (32–128mm). The Verollet & Tachet sampler lifted little material. The relative abundance of taxa often differed between samplers. Estimates of the number of invertebrates per m2 differed widely between samplers except for the Pearson et al. and Ponar grab which gave similar quantitative results at three sites. Values were very low for the Verollet & Tachet sampler and Naturalist's dredge and always very high for the Mackey sampler which often grossly over-sampled its sampling area. Therefore, these three samplers cannot be considered as quantitative. The relationship between the variances and the means of samples of peas in the tank and most invertebrates in the field followed a power law with values of the exponent b in the range 1.13–2.51. The present study completes the evaluation of 14 samplers used to sample benthic macro-invertebrates in deep rivers, and the more important conclusions from the comparative studies of seven grabs, four dredges and three air-lift samplers are summarized in a table.  相似文献   

Volume assessments of the concentration of airborne fungi may provide different results depending on the methodology used. This work simultaneously analyses two methods for samples obtained outdoors and analysed in the context of meteorological conditions. The study was carried out in Badajoz (SW Spain) from Mar. 2009 to Jul. 2011. A Burkard fixed spore trap was used for the non-viable sampling, and three different methods were used for the viable sampling: a Burkard portable spore trap with two inlet port types and a Sampl'air AES trap. Daily average total concentrations of 285 CFU m−3 and 1 954 spores m−3 were recorded for the viable and non-viable methods, respectively. The spore/colony ratio showed important differences among the most relevant fungal types: Alternaria (2.6), Aspergillus–Penicillium (2.0) and Cladosporium (11.1). Although the two sampling types were essentially equivalent at showing temporal variations in outdoor airborne fungi, quantitative differences in the number of total colonies recorded depended on the culture media and conditions used.  相似文献   

In order to gain a clearer understanding of the level of fungal air contamination in indoor environments, we have adapted and tested a method to evaluate fungal biomass. Liquid phase chromatography (HPLC) of ergosterol, a component of the cell membrane of microscopic fungi, was employed. This method permits the detection and identification of ergosterol molecules at a concentration of 40 microg/ml (n=33, sigma=5). By combining this assay with a rotating cup collection apparatus, it was possible to measure fungal flora levels with a limit of quantification of 0.4 ng/m3 or a theoretical value of 150 spores per cubic meter (m3). Measurements of ergosterol levels performed on different sites showed that this method reflected the different situations of exposure of occupants to airborne fungal flora.  相似文献   

Fungal spores are widespread and common in the atmosphere. In this study, we use a metagenomic approach to study the fungal diversity in six total air samples collected from April to May 2012 in Seoul, Korea. This springtime period is important in Korea because of the peak in fungal spore concentration and Asian dust storms, although the year of this study (2012) was unique in that were no major Asian dust events. Clustering sequences for operational taxonomic unit (OTU) identification recovered 1,266 unique OTUs in the combined dataset, with between 223?96 OTUs present in individual samples. OTUs from three fungal phyla were identified. For Ascomycota, Davidiella (anamorph: Cladosporium) was the most common genus in all samples, often accounting for more than 50% of all sequences in a sample. Other common Ascomycota genera identified were Alternaria, Didymella, Khuskia, Geosmitha, Penicillium, and Aspergillus. While several Basidiomycota genera were observed, Chytridiomycota OTUs were only present in one sample. Consistency was observed within sampling days, but there was a large shift in species composition from Ascomycota dominant to Basidiomycota dominant in the middle of the sampling period. This marked change may have been caused by meteorological events. A potential set of 40 allergyinducing genera were identified, accounting for a large proportion of the diversity present (22.5?7.2%). Our study identifies high fungal diversity and potentially high levels of fungal allergens in springtime air of Korea, and provides a good baseline for future comparisons with Asian dust storms.  相似文献   

Conventional methods for the enumeration of airborne micro-organisms are inaccurate and time-consuming, hence the interest in novel approaches is increasing. In the present study, the use of solid phase cytometry (SPC) was evaluated for the enumeration of airborne micro-organisms. A 4 h SPC procedure based on viability staining was applied to samples from 50 locations and compared with an optimised culture-based method. Plate counts after air sampling were repeatable but strongly dependent on sampling volume. Samples with low or high microbial load were difficult to analyse using the culture-based method, unlike with SPC. Results show that SPC can be considered superior to the culture-based method because of its much higher dynamic range, its speed and its ability to enumerate not only culturable but all viable micro-organisms.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and concentration of airborne fungi in a hospital environment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The biodiversity and concentration of airborne fungi were monitored over a period of 6 months in a special-care unit of a hospital. Air sampling was performed in a corridor that was also accessible to visitors and in an adjacent bone-marrow transplantation (BMT) unit using an air sampler and two isolation media. Altogether, 98 fungal species could be identified, among them Aspergillus fumigatus and A. terreus as well as 48 other species reported as potential pathogens. The average contamination values of the corridor air ranged from 124 to 485 cfu m−3. Neither the degree of fungal air contamination nor the species composition inside the special care unit differed from those found in the corridor. By means of data obtained with a light-activated sensor, a possible influence of human activities on diurnal changes of fungal propagule concentration was shown. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

研究空气真菌群落结构和分布特征可为制定空气真菌污染防治对策和环境治理提供科学依据。我们于2005年7月至2006年6月,采用仪器采样法分别在居住区、交通干线、中心商业区、公园绿地4个功能区对合肥城区空气中的真菌进行了监测。结果表明,合肥城区空气已受到不同程度的真菌污染。城区空气中共分离得到真菌35个属,优势属为曲霉属(Aspergillus)、青霉属(Penicillium)、毛霉属(Mucor)、根霉属(Rhizopus)、木霉属(Trichoderma)。空气真菌平均浓度为2,744CFU/m3,真菌浓度在居住区、中心商业区、公园绿地3个功能区由早、中、晚逐渐升高;在交通干线中午较高、早晚较低。空气真菌浓度的季节变化在居住区和交通干线不明显,而在中心商业区和公园绿地表现为春秋季较高,夏冬季较低。空气真菌浓度的全年变化在居住区和交通干线不明显,而在中心商业区的4月与10月、公园绿地的4月与9月,空气真菌浓度显著高于全年其他月份。空气真菌浓度分布的时空特征不仅与环境因素、大气污染等因素有关,还受到人类活动和植被等因素的影响。  相似文献   

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