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Oxygen uptake and evolution in illuminated and darkened cellsof Hydrodictyon africanum have been measured using 18O2 massspeetrometry. Under conditions of light and CO2 saturation forphotosynthesis, light stimulates oxygen uptake more than two-fold.This stimulation is prevented by DCMU but is not affected bycyanide or the uncoupler CCCP. The data are consistent withthe occurrence of a pseudocyclic electron flow and photophosphorylationin vivo in H. africanum; this agrees with data on light-dependentactive phosphate influx in this alga. Part of the light-stimulatedoxygen uptake might be involved in glycolate synthesis by thepathway proposed by Coombs and Whittingham.  相似文献   

Ion Transport in Hydrodictyon africanum   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The concentrations of K, Na, and Cl in the cytoplasm and vacuole, the tracer fluxes of these ions into and out of the cenocyte, and the electrical potential difference between bathing solution and vacuole and cytoplasm, have been measured in Hydrodictyon africanum. If the ions were acted on solely by passive electrochemical forces, a net efflux of K and Cl and a net influx of Na would be expected. Tracer fluxes indicate a net influx of K and Cl and efflux of Na in the light; these net fluxes are consequently active, with an obligate link to metabolism. The effects of darkness and low temperature indicate that most of the tracer K and Cl influx and Na efflux are linked to metabolism, while the corresponding tracer fluxes in the direction of the free energy gradient are not. Ouabain specifically inhibits the metabolically linked portions of tracer K influx and Na efflux. Alterations in the external K concentration have similar effects on metabolically mediated K influx and Na efflux. It would appear that K influx and Na efflux are linked, at least in the light.  相似文献   

Hydrodictyon africanum can photosynthesize at high pH underconditions in which HCO3 rather than CO2 is the carbonspecies entering the cell. A passive entry of HCO3 seemsunlikely; a metabolic HCO3 pump is proposed. It is possiblethat such a pump is related to a light-dependent reaction specificto the use of HCO3. This reaction is dependent on photosystem2, but appears to be independent of ATP. These characteristicsare similar to those of active lightdependent Cl influx in H.africanum, and suggest a similar energy source for the two pumps.The HCO3 pump may be electrogenic.  相似文献   

J. A. Raven 《Planta》1971,97(1):28-38
Summary The occurrence is reported of cells of Hydrodictyon africanum which have, contrary to previous reports by the author, a K influx which is almost insensitive to ouabain. The conditions which govern the ouabain-sensitivity of the K influx have not yet been defined. The low ouabain sensitivity of the total K influx seems to be related to a smaller than usual activity of the component of K influx which is linked to Na efflux, and also to a smaller sensitivity of this component to inhibition by ouabain. The major components of K influx in ouabain-insensitive cells correspond to those components previously described as the passive and Cl-linked components.The occurrence is also reported of an increased sensitivity of active Cl influx (and the coupled cation influxes) in the light to uncouplers when the medium is aerated or otherwise stirred.  相似文献   

Acid-base regulation during nitrate assimilation in Hydrodictyon africanum   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
Abstract The acid-base balance during NO3? assimilation in Hydrodictyon africanum has been investigated during growth from (1) an analysis of the elemental composition of the cells, (2) the alkalinity of the ash and (3) the net H+ changes in the medium during growth. These investigations agree in showing that some 0.25 excess organic negative charges are generated per N assimilation from No3? as N-source and C02 as C-source; the excess OH? (0.75 OH? per NO3? assimilated) appears in the medium. Approximately half of the excess organic negative charge is attributable to cell wall uronates; the remainder is intracellular. All of the excess OH? appearing in the medium must have crossed the plasmalemma (as net downhill H+ influx or OH? efflux). Previous work has shown that the value of ψco is more negative than ψK+ during NO3? assimilation, suggesting that the active electrogenic H+ extrusion pump is still operative despite the net downhill H+ influx. The interpretation of this in terms of H+?NO3? symport which causes the entry of more H+ than is consumed in NO3? metabolism, with extrusion of the excess H+via the active, electrogenic H+ pump, was tested by measuring short-term H+ influx upon addition of NO?3. A net H+ influx occurs before NOa assimilation (as indicated by additional O2 evolution in the light) has commenced, suggesting a mechanistic relation of H+ and NO3? influxes. This is consistent with the interpretation suggested above. Determinations of cytoplasmic pH showed no significant effect of NO3? assimilation, suggesting that cytoplasmic pH changes sufficient to change the ‘pH-regulating’ H+ fluxes are smaller than the errors in the determination of cytoplasmic pH.  相似文献   

Energetics of Active Phosphate Influx in Hydrodictyon africanum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The energy source for active phosphate influx in Hydrodictyonafricanum has been investigated using gas mixtures with andwithout O2 and CO2, light of various wavelengths, and metabolicinhibitors selective for respiratory or photosynthetic electrontransport and phosphorylation. It is concluded that, as in theother green algae studied, active phosphate transport requiresATP. In the dark this is supplied by oxidative phosphorylation;in the light the influx is much less sensitive to inhibitionof oxidative phosphorylation, and photophosphorylation (includingcyclic photophosphorylation) can act as energy source. Thissituation is more like that for active K influx (coupled toactive Na efflux) than to active Cl influx in H. africanum,except that the active dark influx is relatively greater forphosphate influx. The significance of these results for themechanism of regulation of light-stimulated ATP-requiring processes,and for the role of photosynthetic and oxidative phosphorylationin the energy metabolism of green cells, is discussed.  相似文献   

The 5, 5-dimethyl-[2-14C]oxazolidine-2, 4-dione (DMO) distributiontechnique for the measurement of intracellular pH has been appliedto giant cells of Hydrodictyon africanum. Significant metabolism of DMO was found in this alga; the free[DMO + DMO–] in subcellular samples is thus derived fromthe total label in cells equilibrated in [14C]DMO solutionsby measuring and subtracting the label in metabolic productsof DMO. A further problem arises from the observation that theDMO concentration in the vacuolar sap is always lower than thatpredicted by the transmembrane equilibration of undissociatedDMO from the bathing medium. This is interpreted in terms ofa finite permeability to the anion DMO–. Since the effectof PDMO– on the DMO distribution is much smaller at thetonoplast (where the transmembrane electrical potential differenceis small) than at the plasmalemma, the values of cytoplasmicpH are computed assuming equilibration of undissociated DMOacross the tonoplast. At an external pH of 7.0 the cytoplasmic pH is about 7.4; decreaseor increase of external pH by 1 unit causes a decrease and anincrease in cytoplasmic p11 respectively of about 0.2 pH units.Determinations of vo at pH 6, 7, and 8, together with an assumedconstant value of cv, permit calculations of µH+ at theplasmalemma and tonoplast. The values are relatively independentof external pH in the range pH 6–8 at 21–25 and12–14 kJ mol–1 respectively. The significance ofthese results for the regulation of intracellular pH, and forthe regulation and energising of the fluxes of ions, is discussed.  相似文献   

Light Stimulation of Active Transport in Hydrodictyon africanum   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The mechanism of light stimulation of active K and Cl influx and active Na efflux, in Hydrodictyon africanum has been investigated using different wavelengths of red light and different gas mixtures, and the inhibitors DCMU and CCCP. The active Cl influx requires photosystem 2, since its relative quantal efficiency falls with increasing wavelength of red light, and it is as sensitive to the inhibitor DCMU as is photosynthesis; it is relatively insensitive to the uncoupler CCCP. The active K influx and active Na efflux are inhibited by CCCP, but the relative quantal efficiency of these processes increases with increasing wavelength of red light, and they are relatively insensitive to DCMU. These cation fluxes can be supported by cyclic photophosphorylation, whereas Cl influx needs photosystem 2 but probably not ATP.  相似文献   

Acid-base regulation during ammonium assimilation in Hydrodictyon africanum   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract The acid-base balance during ammonium (used to mean NH 4+ and/or NH3) assimilation in Hydrodictyon africanum has been measured on cells growing with about 1 mol m?3 ammonium at an external pH of about 6.5. Measurements made included (1) ash alkalinity (corrected for intracellular ammonium) which yields net organic negative charge, (2) the accumulation of organic N in the cells and (3) the change in extracellular H+ (from the pH change and the buffer capacity). These measurements showed that some 0.25 excess organic negative charge (half in the cell wall, half inside the plasmalemma) accumulates per organic N synthesized, while some 1.25H+ accumulate in the medium per organic N synthesized. Granted a permeability (PNH3) of some 10?3 cm s?1, and a finite [NH3] in the cytoplasm of these N-assimilating cells it is likely that most of the ammonium entering these growing cells is as NH 4+. This means that most of the H + appearing in the medium must have originated from inside the cell and have been subjected to active efflux at the plasmalemma: H+ accumulates in the medium equivalent to any NH3 entry by requilibration from exogenous NH 4+. The cell composition (net organic negative charge, organic N content) is very similar in these ammonium-grown cells to that of NO3+grown cells, suggesting that there is no action of a ‘biochemical pH stat’ during longterm assimilation of NO3+in H. africanum. Short-term experiments were carried out at an external pH of 7.2 in which ammonium at various concentrations were supplied to NO3+-grown cells. There was in all cases a rapid influx followed by a slower uptake; at least at the lower concentrations (less than 100 μmol dm?3) the net influx was all attributable to NH4+influx via a uniporter, probably partly short-circuited by a passive NH3 efflux due to intrinsic membrane permeability to NH3. The net ammonium influx was in all cases associated with H+ accumulation in the medium. (1.3-1.7 H + per ammonium taken up); as in the growth experiments, most of the ammonium taken up was assimilated. Determinations of cytoplasmic pH showed either no effect on, or a slight decrease in, pH during ammonium assimilation; the changes that occurred were in the direction expected for actuating a ‘pH-regulating’ change in H+ fluxes.  相似文献   

Excised leaves of Elodea densa rapidly absorb methylamine1 fromdilute solutions (up to 2.0 mM). The influx isotherm is hyperbolic,with a K? of approximately 160 µM. Influx is reduced followingtransfer of leaves from light to darkness, and at low temperature.Low concentrations of ammonia reduce the influx greatly, apparentlyby competition between NH+4 and CH3NH+3, but K+ and Na+ havelittle effect, nor has removal of Cl. Influx is veryinsensitive to external pH over the range 5.0 to 9.0, with usuallya small increase between pH 9.0 and 10.0. When leaves are pretreatedin solutions containing nitrogenous compounds subsequent influxcan be decreased (by ammonia), unchanged (by methylamine) oreven increased (by arginine, proline and imidazol). Influx of methylamine and ammonia lowers influx of K+ (Rb+)and of Cl and increases efflux of K+ into solutions initiallyfree of K+. Fluxes of Ca++ are not affected and there is netefflux of H+ into unbuffered solutions. The results show that uptake of methylamine and ammonia underthese conditions is primarily by transport (uniport) of CH3NHJand NHJ and that diffusion of CH3NH+3 and NH+3 is insignificant.In Elodea, unlike some of the plants that have been previouslystudied, maintenance of charge-balance during transport of CH3NH+3and NH+3 appears to involve accumulation of organic acid anions.  相似文献   

The presence of exogenous stimulates O2evolution in illuminated H. africanum cells at the CO2 compensationpoint, and it is likely that reduction in the light uses reductant produced in non-cyclic electron flow.When sources of ATP other than fermentation are absent, thepresence of , light, and a functional non-cyclic electron transport pathway stimulates active, ATP-dependentH2 influx. This is consistent with non-cyclic electron flow associated with reduction being coupled to ATP synthesis. This -dependent ATP synthesis may be quantitatively important as a source ofATP during photolithotrophic growth with as N source in H. africanum and other algal unicells.  相似文献   

Ammonium and methylammonium are rapidly taken up by cultures of Azotobacter vinelandii respiring in the presence of succinate. The rate of methylamine uptake increased with external pH from 5.5 to 7.5 but increasing the pH further to 8.5 had little effect on activity, indicating that methylammonium cation rather than uncharged methylamine is the permeant species. The kinetics of methylammonium entry followed the Michaelis-Menten relationship, yielding a Km of 25 μM and a Vmax of 3.8 nmol/min per mg of cell protein. At saturating concentrations ammonium was taken up at rates 30-fold higher than those for methylammonium. Ammonium was a competitive inhibitor of methylammonium uptake and gave an inhibition constant of 1 μM. Ammonium derivatives were inhibitors of methylammonium entry in order of effectiveness: hydrazine > methylhydrazine > formamidine > guanidine > dimethylamine > ethylamine; amides and amino acids did not block uptake. Likewise, metal cations inhibited in the order Tl+ > Cs+ > Rb+, whereas Na+, K+, and Li+ produced no significant effect. Methylammonium uptake was blocked in cells exposed to an uncoupler, p-trifluorome-thoxycarbonyl cyanide-phenyl hydrazone or gramicidin D, but not with dicyclo-hexylcarbodiimide or arsenate. Valinomycin stimulated methylammonium entry into cells in a K+-free medium but prevented entry in the presence of 10 mM K+. Monensin and nigericin had little effect on transport. These results indicate that methylammonium and ammonium ions enter A. vinelandii electrogenically via a specific transporter.  相似文献   

Phlorizin at 1 mM inhibits the coupled active influx of K andefflux of Na in Hydrodictyon africanum in the light. It doesnot inhibit the coupled influx of Cl and monovalent cations,nor the passive ion fluxes. Photosynthesis can be stimulatedup to 30 per cent under light-saturated conditions. It is concludedthat the effects of phlorizin cannot be solely due to an inhibitionof the membrane ATPase, and that photophosphorylation must insome way be affected. The nature of this effect is discussedin the light of the effects of phlorizin on photophosphorylationin isolated chloroplasts.  相似文献   

There are reciprocal stimulations of Cl influx by K and Na,and of K and Na influx by Cl, in the light in Hydrodictyon africanum.The component of the K influx which stimulates, and is stimulatedby, Cl, is independent of the ouabainsensitive mechanism forK influx also found in H. africanum. The concentration dependenceof the cation effects on Cl influx and on the Cl-stimulatedportion of their own influxes are similar. The stimulation withK saturates at about 0.3 mM K; that with Na saturates at about2 mM Na. The Cl-dependent portions of the K and Na influxeshave similar responses to changes in photo-synthetic metabolism(far-red illumination, CDMU, and CCCP) as does the light-stimulatedCl influx. This suggests that Cl influx, and the Cl-stimulatedportions of K and Na influxes are both dependent on photosystem2 of photosynthesis, and are less sensitive to the uncouplerCCCP than is 14CO2 fixation or the K-Na pump. It would thusappear that the Cl-dependent portions of the K and Na influxesin the light are linked to the cation-stimulated portion ofthe Cl influx. There is no very great change in the electricalcomponent of the inwardly directed passive driving force oncations under conditions in which Cl is being pumped comparedwith those under which it is not. It is not clear whether suchincrease in this driving force as do occur could account quantitativelyfor the increase in the cation influxes associated with Cl transport,or whether chemical coupling must be invoked. In addition tothe Cl-stimulated portions of the cation influxes, there arealso light-stimulated portions of K and Na influx which areindependent of Cl, not associated with the cation regulatingmechanism, and which seem to have a similar linkage to photosynthesisas does the Cl-K-Na pump. Since the light-stimulated portionof the K efflux appears to be similar to this portion of theK influx, these Cl-independent light-stimulated portions ofK and Na influxes are tentatively related to light-induced changesin cation permeability.  相似文献   

Under anaerobic conditions in the light, active K influx inHydrodictyon africanum is supported by cyclic photophosphorylation.The use of selective inhibitors shows that, in the presenceof CO2, a considerable portion of the ATP used by the K pumpis supplied by noncyclic photophosphorylation. The rest of theATP in these conditions comes from cyclic photophosphorylation.This is true under light-limiting as well as light-saturatedconditions. If non-cyclic photophosphorylation is inhibited (by removalof carbon dioxide, by the addition of cyanide which interfereswith the carboxylation reaction, or by inhibition of photosystemtwo with DCMU or supplying only far-red light), the K influxat low light intensities is stimulated, and its characteristicsbecome those of a process powered by cyclic photophosphorylationalone. These results are interpreted in terms of a competitionfor ATP between K influx and CO2 fixation. Implicit in thisexplanation is a requirement for a switch of excitation energyabsorbed by photosystem one from cyclic photophosphorylationto non-cyclic photophosphorylation whenever conditions (presenceof CO2and photosystem two activity) allow CO2 fixation to occur. Further evidence for such a switch of excitation energy absorbedby photosystem one was obtained in experiments in which redand far-red light were applied separately and together. It wasfound that CO2 fixation showed the Emerson enhancement effect,while K influx (in the presence of CO2) shows a ‘de-enhancement’.This suggests that far-red light alone powers cyclic photophosphorylation;if red light is also present, some of the far-red quanta arediverted to non-cyclic photophosphorylation. The nature of the interaction between cyclic and non-cyclicphotophosphorylation is discussed in relation to these and otherpublished results.  相似文献   

Entry of Methylammonium and Ammonium Ions into Chara Internodal Cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Low concentrations of ammonia and methylamine greatly affectmembrane transport by, and the electrical properties of, cellsof Chara corallina (=C. australis). In the presence of theseamines, influx of Cl and efflux of K+ increase and alarge depolarizing current flows through the cell membrane. Measurements with [14C]methylamine show that methylamine isabsorbed rapidly over a wide pH range, and that the absorptionisotherm is complex. Methylamine influx is not affected by presenceor absence of Cl, K+, or Na+, but is decreased by additionof . The depolarizing current is associated with a small increase in membrane conductance, except at highpH, and both these effects are reversible. The current showssaturation with increasing amine concentration; when methylamineis 10–12 times more concentrated than ammonia, it producesa current of the same magnitude. The results show that the amines enter the cells as cations( or CH3) except where external pH is high, and that a specific, selective electrogenicporter is involved. There is no need to invoke active transport,as there is no evidence that internal amine concentrations exceedthe equilibrium (Nernst) concentrations.  相似文献   

Experiments are reported in which the effects on photosynthesisof various inhibitors of cyclic photophosphorylation were investigated.These inhibitors, generally had only a small inhibitory effecton photosynthesis, and the inhibition was not increased by conditionswhich inhibit pseudocyclic photophosphorylation. These inhibitorsdo not inhibit the Emerson enhancement effect. From these resultsit was concluded that photosynthesis does not need any ATP otherthan that produced in non-cyclic photophosphorylation. The effectsof these inhibitors on active K influx in light-anaerobic conditionsin the presence or absence of CO2 suggest that some of the ATPproduced by non-cyclic photophosphorylation can be used to supportactive K influx. The results are discussed in relation to themechanism of the Emerson effect, the stoichiometry of non-cyclicphotophosphorylation, and the ATP requirements for autotrophicgrowth.  相似文献   

Efficient Uptake of Cesium Ions by Rhodococcus Cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ivshina  I. B.  Peshkur  T. A.  Korobov  V. P. 《Microbiology》2002,71(3):357-361
Bacteria of the genus Rhodococcus were found to be able to accumulate cesium by means of active transport and nonspecific sorption on the cell surface structures. The maximum removal (up to 97%) of cesium from a medium supplemented with ammonium acetate was observed at 28°C, pH 7.8–8.6, and an equimolar content (0.2 mM) of potassium and cesium ions in the medium. The most active cesium-accumulating rhodococcal strains may be useful in biological treatment of industrial wastewaters contaminated with radionuclides.  相似文献   

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