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The effects of dietary-induced iron deficiency on fetal and maternal metabolism were studied in the rat. Concentrations of phenylalanine, but not tyrosine, were significantly elevated in plasma from iron-deficient maternal and fetal rats at day 20 of gestation with individual fetal plasma levels of phenylalanine as high as 10 mg per 100 ml. Concentrations of total 5-hydroxyindole compounds were significantly decreased in brain tissue from iron-deficient fetuses (day 20 of gestation), suggesting that synthesis of the compounds may be inhibited by iron deficiency. Mitochondrial NADH oxidase activity was markedly decreased (60%) in homogenates of fetuses at day 14 of gestation and may account for the high fetal resorption rate and small fetal size observed in the rat in iron deficiency.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that a low-copper (Cu) diet produced alterations in placental Cu transport and fetal Cu stores. Because Cu deficiency has been associated with lipid deposition in rat dam liver, we hypothesized that a high fat intake, a prevalent dietary habit in many populations, may worsen fetal Cu status and its closely linked iron (Fe) deposits. Pregnant rats were fed one of four diets during the second half of gestation: NFNCu: normal fat (7%), normal Cu (6 mg/kg); HFNCu: high fat (21%), normal Cu; NFLCu: normal fat, low Cu (0.6 mg/kg), and HFLCu: high fat, low Cu. One day before delivery, dams were anesthetized, and maternal as well as fetal plasma and tissues were obtained. Maternal, fetal, and placental weights were indistinguishable regardless of the group. Dam plasma Cu and placental Cu were lower in both LCu groups than in the NFNCu or the HFNCu groups. However, fetal plasma Cu was similar in all treatment groups. Dam and fetal liver Cu stores were reduced in the LCu groups compared to the NCu groups. This resulted in lower fetal/maternal liver Cu ratios in the NFLCu (1.79 ± 0.14,p < 0.05) and HFLCu (1.59 ± 0.21,p < 0.05) as compared to the NFNCu (4.12 ± 0.44) and the HFNCu (4.15 ± 0.27). Dam liver Fe was higher in the NFNCu than in HFNCu group (1.10 ± 0.8 vs. 0.89 ± 0.06 μmol/g,p < 0.05); fetal liver Fe from HFNCu and NFLCu dams was lower than that from NFNCu fetuses (NFNCu: 2.42 ± 0.14; HFNCu: 1.92 ± 0.15,p < 0.05; NFLCu: 1.81 ± 0.10,p < 0.01). Fetuses of the HFLCu group had a lower heart Fe than the NFNCu group (0.56 ± 0.03 vs. 44.0 ± 3.0 μg/g,p < 0.01). These data indicate that a maternal high-fat diet can potentially aggravate the effects of Cu deficiency by further altering fetal Cu and Fe tissue stores.  相似文献   

Copper and iron are cofactors of many metallo-proteins that accomplish vital functions, such as oxygen and electron transport. Specific metabolic pathways have been selected through evolution, although still not fully elucidated, to confine the dangerous reactivity of their free ionic forms. Inadequate supply of both metals can severely affect basic physiological functions. A differential analysis of the rat intestinal proteome evidenced the following dietary copper- and iron-deficiencies, i.e., significant changes in the levels of proteins belonging to different functional classes (glucose and fatty acid metabolism, molecular chaperones, cytoskeleton plasticity, vitamin transporters). The presented results bring new perspectives to understand the role of copper and iron in the metabolic pathways and provide novel diagnostic tools to characterize the effects of subclinical deficiencies of both metals in unbalanced nutritional disorders.  相似文献   

Iron and copper in fetal development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Copper and iron are both essential micronutrients. Because they can both accept and donate electrons, they are central to many energy dependent chemical reactions. For example, copper is a critical part of ferroxidase enzymes ceruloplasmin, hephaestin and zyklopen, as well as enzymes such as dopamine-β-monoxygenase, while iron is part of the catalytic site of many cytochromes and enzymes involved in fatty acid desaturation. Unsurprisingly, therefore, copper and iron deficiency, especially during pregnancy, when cell proliferation and differentiation are very active, sub-optimal nutrient status can lead to serious consequences. These problems can persist into adulthood, with an increased risk of mental problems such as schizophrenia and, in animal models at least, hypertension and obesity. In this review, we consider what these problems are and how they may arise. We examine the role of copper and iron deficiencies separately during fetal development, in terms of birth outcome and then how problems with status in utero can have long term sequelae for the offspring. We examine several possible mechanisms of action, both direct and indirect. Direct causes include, for example, reduced enzyme activity, while indirect ones may result from changes in cytokine activity, reductions in cell number or increased apoptosis, to name but a few. We examine a very important area of nutrition-interactions between the micronutrients and conclude that, while we have made significant advances in understanding the relationship between micronutrient status and pregnancy outcome, there is still much to be learned.  相似文献   

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutritional disorder in the world. Anemia is especially serious during pregnancy, with deleterious consequences for both the mother and her developing fetus. We have developed a model to investigate the mechanisms whereby fetal growth and development are affected by maternal anemia. Weanling rats were fed a control or iron-deficient diet before and throughout pregnancy and were killed at Day 21. Dams on the deficient diet had lower hematocrits, serum iron concentrations, and liver iron levels. Similar results were recorded in the fetus, except that the degree of deficiency was markedly less, indicating compensation by the placenta. No effect was observed on maternal weight or the number and viability of fetuses. The fetuses from iron-deficient dams, however, were smaller than controls, with higher placental:fetal ratios and relatively smaller livers. Iron deficiency increased levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) only in the trophoblast giant cells of the placenta. In contrast, levels of type 1 TNFalpha receptor increased significantly in giant cells, labyrinth, cytotrophoblast, and fetal vessels. Leptin levels increased significantly in labyrinth and marginally (P = 0.054) in trophoblast giant cells. No change was observed in leptin receptor levels in any region of the placentas from iron-deficient dams. The data show that iron deficiency not only has direct effects on iron levels and metabolism but also on other regulators of growth and development, such as placental cytokines, and that these changes may, in part at least, explain the deleterious consequences of maternal iron deficiency during pregnancy.  相似文献   

The teratogenicity of copper deficiency is well known, but underlying mechanisms have not been delineated. One method of studying the biochemical lesions of copper deficiency is the use of chelating drugs with different chemical characteristics. The teratogenicity of a copper deficient diet and of diets containing either D-penicillamine or triethylenetetramine is quite different, although all three diets result in decreased fetal liver copper levels. Feeding D-penicillamine can result in decreased fetal liver zinc, while feeding triethylenetetramine can result in increased fetal liver zinc. The effect of these three diets on fetal liver copper and zinc molecular localization was determined. Gel filtration showed that fetal liver copper and zinc in controls was localized in 3 fractions with MWs of > 50,000 (H), 30,000 (I) and 8–10,000 (L). Independent of dietary treatment, as liver copper diminished, copper was missing first from the L peak, then the I peak and with severe deficiency, from the H peak. Drug induced increases and decreases in fetal liver zinc were reflected in the L peak. These data suggest that the absolute levels of copper in the liver of the term fetus determines the distribution of the element among its binding ligands.  相似文献   

We utilized the chronically catheterized bovine fetus to compare maternal and fetal responses to maternal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) infusion. Our hypothesis was that LPS-induced abortion was primarily a maternal luteolytic event with minimal transplacental fetal exposure. Fetal tibial arteries, amniotic, allantoic cavities and maternal carotid arteries were catheterized. Three cows had patent catheters with viable fetuses (190 to 200 days of gestation) 1 week after operation and were included in the study. Following a 2-day maternal and fetal baseline, 0.5 mug Salmonella typhimurium LPS/kg was infused into a maternal jugular vein over a 2-hour period. Maternal and fetal responses were monitored clinically, biochemically and hormonally. The maternal response consisted of marked increases in plasma prostaglandin F(2alpha) metabolite (PGFM), tumor necrosis factor (TNF), ACTH and cortisol with a dramatic maternal leucopenia within 2 hours. Progesterone concentrations decreased within 7 hours (P<0.05). The LPS was rapidly cleared from maternal circulation and no transplacental exposure was detected in the fetuses. Fetal responses to maternal endotoxemia consisted of increased ACTH and cortisol concentrations with delayed increases in PGE(2); TNF did not change in fetal fluids following maternal endotoxemia. There was a fetal leucocytosis within 2 hours. The results indicate that the fetus does not appear to play a major role in the pathogenesis of LPS-induced abortions. However, the role of maternal TNF in endotoxin abortion requires further study.  相似文献   

The molecular localization of maternal and fetal zinc and copper metalloproteins in diabetic and control rats was studied. Compared to controls, liver and kidneys of diabetic dams showed an increased concentration of zinc and copper that was associated with metallothionein. In contrast, fetuses of diabetic dams had lower zinc and metallothionein levels than fetuses from controls. The abnormal maternal trace element metabolism seen with diabetes resulted in alterations of zinc uptake and/or retention of their fetuses.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed on pregnant albino rats (Wistar strain) of 150-200 g b.w. Biochemical investigations involved the determination of maternal and fetal hepatic DNA content (Spirin's method), of maternal serum proteins (total protein content and electrophoretic fractions). The mean litter size, early resorptions, fetal mortality, and some biochemical data of fetuses were also determined. The main statements were as follows: The chronic, peroral administration of 20% ethanol to pregnant albino rats before and during pregnancy induced changes of the biosynthesis of hepatic DNA: a nonsignificant increase as compared with the control group was recorded. The control of serum proteins revealed an increase of the total protein content and of the total electrophoretic serumglobulin fractions. Within the globulin fraction, a hyper-alpha-globulinemia, and a hypo-beta and gamma globulinemia were detected. In the fetuses of the experimental group a slight but statistically significant increase of the hepatic DNA content appeared. In the experimental group the early resorption rate (10.97%) and the fetal mortality (2.43%) was increased in comparison with the control group (0%). In the alcoholized mothers a nonsignificant decrease of the crown-rump length and a significant decrease of fetal and placental weight could be observed.  相似文献   

Perinatal copper (Cu) deficiency was studied by offering pregnant Sprague Dawley rats a basal diet low in copper, 0.44 mg/kg, and drinking water containing 0 (-Cu) or 20 (+Cu) mg Cu/L as CuSO4 starting at day 7 of gestation and continuing throughout lactation. To investigate dopamine-beta-monooxygenase (DBM) and tyrosine monooxygenase (TM) in adrenal gland and brain, offspring were weaned at Day 21 to treatments of their respective dams for 9 days. Offspring, 30 days old, of Cu-deficient (-Cu) dams were smaller, anemic, and had biochemical features characteristic of severe Cu deficiency. Adrenal DBM enzyme activity of 30-day-old -Cu rats was 40% higher than Cu-adequate (+Cu) rats and DBM protein levels, estimated by Western immunoblot, were 45% higher. Adrenal DBM mRNA levels of -Cu rats were 108% higher than +Cu rats. Adrenal TM protein levels of -Cu rats were 39% higher than +Cu rats. Hypothalamus DBM activity was significantly higher in -Cu than +Cu rats but no reproducible changes in DBM or TM protein levels could be detected by Western immunoblots. Diet history did not impact adrenal gland or hypothalamus levels of actin as detected on reblotted membranes. However, activity of the cuproenzyme Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase was 50% lower and 30% lower, respectively, in extracts from rat adrenal gland and hypothalamus of -Cu than +Cu rats, indicating altered Cu status in the tissues studied. These data suggest that Cu deficiency is associated with increased formation of DBM and TM protein levels in adrenal gland. Further research will be required to determine the chemical signal responsible for this induction and if DBM or TM protein levels change in other tissues.  相似文献   

Effects of insulin and maternal diabetes on fetal lipogenesis in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D Pillay  E Bailey 《Enzyme》1983,29(2):126-130
Offspring of diabetic mothers have been investigated with regard to fetal hepatic and brown adipose tissue lipogenesis in the rat. Results, which cannot be explained by existing theory, are obtained from offspring of subdiabetic mothers and manifest diabetic mothers. In re-evaluating the effect of exogenous insulin on perinatal lipogenesis, we find important differences in hormone sensitivity between liver and brown adipose tissue.  相似文献   

During the entire period of their pregnancies, three groups of adult pregnant Wistar albino rats were provided with tap water (control; group I) or with tap water containing 10 mg/kg CdCl2 (group II) or 10 mg/kg CdCl2 plus 10 mg/kg CuSO4 (group III). At term, the animals were sacrificed and the fetal livers were removed and examined under electron microscopy. The liver tissue of the fetuses in maternal groups II and III showed degenerative changes to their hepatocytes. In group II, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum tubules showed dilatation, and the mitochondria showed a dense matrix. In group III, some mitochondrial degeneration was also seen, with a diluted matrix and mitochondrial dilatation. There were also more heterochromatic nuclei and an increased number of ribosomes. None of these histopathological changes were present in the fetal liver samples from the maternal group I control animals.  相似文献   

Copper (Cu) is believed to be integral in prion biology and the lack of Cu or replacement by other metal ions on prions may be involved in prion diseases. This theory has not been evaluated in the bovine. Thus, mature cows were used to determine the effects of Cu deficiency on brain Cu concentrations and prion functional characteristics. Two Cu states were induced, Cu-adequate (n=4) and Cu-deficient (n=4). Copper deficiency resulted in decreased (44%) brain Cu concentrations but had no effect on prion concentrations. Based on Western blot analysis, the molecular weights, glycoform distributions, and elution profiles of brain prions were not affected by Cu status. Importantly, Cu status did not affect prion proteinase degradability as all prions were completely degraded by proteinase K. In conclusion, Cu status affected bovine brain Cu concentrations but had no detectable effects on brain prion protein characteristics.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of maternal alcohol consumption on the development of the fetal thyroid gland, Sprague-Dawley rats were given 20% ethanol for 4 weeks prior to mating and 30% ethanol throughout gestation. Pair-fed controls received an isocaloric amount of corn starch and chow, with water ad libitum, and ad libitum controls received rat chow and water. On Days 17, 18, 19, and 20 of gestation, the fetuses were weighed and the fetal thyroids were removed for histometric observation. On Days 19 and 20, the fetal thyroids of alcohol-exposed fetuses weighed significantly less than those of the two control groups, but more than the control thyroids 1 day earlier. Maternal alcohol consumption caused a significant decrease in both the follicular cell height and the follicle diameter of the fetal thyroid on all days examined. In the alcohol group on Days 19 and 20 of gestation, the cell height was less than, and the follicle diameter was approximately equal to those in the two controls 2 days earlier. These results indicate that, as a consequence of maternal alcohol consumption, growth of the fetal thyroid gland is retarded, and there are indications of fetal hypothyroidism, as seen from the histometric data. This latter is suggestive of a retarded thyrotropic activity of the fetal pituitary gland.  相似文献   

Immunoreactive prolactin was measured by RIA in 13.5-15.5 day gestation fetal and 0.5-3.5 day neonatal hamster serum and found to significantly reflect rises and falls in maternal levels. On the average, fetal and neonatal levels were 37% of maternal prolactin serum levels. 125I-PRL injected into 13.5-15.5 day pregnant hamsters was demonstrated to cross the placenta and enter fetal circulation. Ten min after injection, fetal serum levels were calculated to be an average of 3.9% of the radioactivity recorded in maternal serum. There is a strong possibility that fetal prolactin serum levels may be, at least in part, attributed to a maternal source.  相似文献   

Maternal malnutrition adversely affects fetal body and brain growth during late gestation. We utilized a fetal brain cell culture model to examine whether alternations in circulating factors may contribute to reduce brain growth during maternal starvation; we then used specific immunoassay and western blotting techniques, and purified peptides to investigate the potential role that altered levels of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) and IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs) may play in impaired growth during maternal nutritional restriction.Fetal, body, liver, and brain weight were reduced after 72 hr maternal starvation, and plasma from starved fetuses were less potent than fed fetal plasma in stimulating brain cell growth. Circulating levels of IGF-I were reduced in starved compared to fed fetuses, while levels of IGF-II were similar in both groups. In contrast, [125I]-IGF-I binding assay demonstrated an increase in the availability of plasma IGFBPs following starvation. Western ligand blotting and densitometry indicated that levels of 32 Kd IGFBPs were 2-fold higher in starved compared to fed fetal plasma. Immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation with antiserum against rat IGFBP-1 confirmed that heightened levels of immunoreactive IGFBP-1 accounted for the increase in 32 Kd IGFBPs in starved plasma. Levels of 34 Kd BPs, representing IGFBP-2, were unaffected by starvation. Reconstitution experiments in cell culture showed that IGF-I promoted fetal brain cell growth, and that when they were supplemented with IGF-I, the growth promoting activity of starved fetal plasma was restored to fed levels. These changes were measured using MTT to assess mitochondrial reductase activity. Conversely, addition of physiological amounts of rat IGFBP-1 inhibited the effects of fed fetal plasma on brain cell growth, and bioactivity was reduced even further with higher concentrations of IGFBP-1. Based on these results, we conclude that reciprocal changes in circulating levels of IGFBP-1 (increased) and IGF-I (decreased) may combine to reduce the availability of IGF-I to this tissue and limit fetal brain cell growth when maternal nutrition is impaired.  相似文献   

In the presentstudy, we evaluated the possibility that the abnormal bone matrixproduced during spaceflight may be associated with reduced expressionof bone matrix protein genes. To test this possibility, we investigatedthe effects of a 14-day spaceflight (SLS-2 experiment) on steady-statemRNA levels for glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH),osteocalcin, osteonectin, and prepro-(1) subunit of type I collagenin the major bone compartments of rat femur. There were pronouncedsite-specific differences in the steady-state levels of expression ofthe mRNAs for the three bone matrix proteins and GAPDH in normalweight-bearing rats, and these relationships were altered afterspaceflight. Specifically, spaceflight resulted in decreases in mRNAlevels for GAPDH (decreased in proximal metaphysis), osteocalcin(decreased in proximal metaphysis), osteonectin (decreased in proximaland distal metaphysis), and collagen (decreased in proximal and distalmetaphysis) compared with ground controls. There were no changes inmRNA levels for matrix proteins or GAPDH in the shaft and distalepiphysis. These results demonstrate that spaceflight leads to site-and gene-specific decreases in mRNA levels for bone matrix proteins.These findings are consistent with the hypothesis thatspaceflight-induced decreases in bone formation are caused byconcomitant decreases in expression of genes for bone matrix proteins.


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