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The chemical theory of staining is discussed in the light of recent discoveries respecting the mechanism of the reaction of basic dyes with substances of an acid character. It is pointed out that staining may result through the formation of addition products as well as through the formation of dye salts.  相似文献   

Enzymatic treatment of bacterial cells prior to staining revealed that the crystal violet nuclear stain reacts with protein components of the nucleus as contrasted to the desoxyribonucleic acid specificity of some nuclear stains.  相似文献   

A study was made of the extrinsic bacteriostatic value of different lots of two brands of several tri-phenyl methane dyes. Staphylococcus aureus Rosenbach and Bacterium communior Holland were chosen as the test organisms. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Recent lots of the two brands of each dye possess practically the same bacteriostatic value; (2) the ethyl group in brilliant green appears to be responsible for the marked inhibition of the colon organism by this dye; (3) the bacteriostatic action of a dye is influenced by the H-ion concentration and constituents of the medium and by the amount of the inoculum; (4) the therapeutic value of a dye cannot be judged by tests in vitro.  相似文献   

Five distinct nuclear stains and staining procedures which utilize basic fuchsin as the dye have been studied, compared and tested on a Feulgen-weak fungus, Blastomyces dermatitidis, and other fungi.

Aqueous basic fuchsin has been shown to be an excellent, though impermanent, stain with which to study the nuclei of this and other fungi. The conditions under which formaldehyde acts as a mordant for basic fuchsin and produces a permanent nuclear stain have been established.

Comparison of crystal violet and basic fuchsin suggests that the mordanting action of the aldehyde operates through the para-amino groups of the dye. Certain other basic dyes were not mordanted by formaldehyde.

Gentle acid hydrolysis of the tissues has been found to be essential both to the specificity of the dye as a nuclear stain and to the mordanting effect of the aldehyde.

The possible relationship of these observations to the Feulgen reaction is discussed. A protocol for the method developed is presented.  相似文献   

It is suggested that celestine blue B can stain as a colloidal dispersion, the nuclear specificity of which is controlled by the pH. The staining solution is prepared by adding 0.5 ml of concentrated H2SO4 to 1 gm of celestine blue B and dissolving the resultant granular mass in 100 ml of 2.5% ferric alum containing 14 ml of glycerol. Sections of amphibian, avian, and mammalian tissue placed for 1 min in this solution and then rinsed in water show as sharp nuclear staining as that usually produced by hematoxylin. A wide variety of fixatives is permissible. Overstaining is not possible within reasonable limits of exposure and no differentiation nor bluing is required. Both the staining solution and stained slides are stable.  相似文献   

Ammonium vanadate can act as both an oxidant and a mordant for hematoxylin. Lithium carbonate can remove vanadate hematoxylin from other structures so that only the most basic proteins are stained. Brief diazotization of the tissue sections restricts staining to the histone proteins of the nucleus.  相似文献   

A methanolic solution of the oxazine textile dye, C. I. basic blue 122, followed by an aqueous alkaline solution of the oxazine dye, C. I. basic blue 141, and a brief rinse in an acetate buffer at pH 3.45 produces intense black staining of eosinophil granules. This staining was selective for eosinophils while other types of peripheral blood leukocytes showed little if any staining under the same conditions. This staining procedure may be useful for detecting eosinophils in samples of blood, bone marrow, or urine when eosinophiluria results from interstitial nephritis.  相似文献   

Of 16 commercial oil-soluble dyes, not previously in common use among botanists, eight (including oil blue NA, already known as a stain for rubber) have proved better than Sudan m and Sudan IV in staining suberized deposits in orange vesicles.  相似文献   

The recent discovery that the actual staining agent in the Ziehl-Neelson technic is an addition product of the phenol and the dye employed led the authors to investigate the character of the reaction products of various basic dyes with a considerable variety of cyclic derivatives of a phenolic or acid character. Analytical data are presented which indicate that basic dyes form addition products, in general, with typical phenols. With more definitely acid cyclic derivatives the reaction is primarily metathetical, resulting in the formation of organic salts of the dyes. In some instances both metathesis and addition result. Readers are referred to the following paper for information as to the practical staining value of certain of these compounds.  相似文献   

The recent discovery that the actual staining agent in the Ziehl-Neelson technic is an addition product of the phenol and the dye employed led the authors to investigate the character of the reaction products of various basic dyes with a considerable variety of cyclic derivatives of a phenolic or acid character. Analytical data are presented which indicate that basic dyes form addition products, in general, with typical phenols. With more definitely acid cyclic derivatives the reaction is primarily metathetical, resulting in the formation of organic salts of the dyes. In some instances both metathesis and addition result. Readers are referred to the following paper for information as to the practical staining value of certain of these compounds.  相似文献   

Basic Blue 75: a New Stain for Erythroblasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
C.I. basic blue 75 in an aqueous alkaline solution stains the nuclei of mature anc immature erythroblasts bright red. Simultane ously, the stain colors the cytoplasm of erythro blasts blue in immature cells and purple in ma ture cells. Colors of the type described were noi found in other normal and abnormal hemato poietic cells.  相似文献   

The Antimicrobial Mechanism of Action of Epsilon-Poly-l-Lysine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Epsilon-poly-l-lysine (ε-PL) is a natural antimicrobial cationic peptide which is generally regarded as safe (GRAS) as a food preservative. Although its antimicrobial activity is well documented, its mechanism of action is only vaguely described. The aim of this study was to clarify ε-PL''s mechanism of action using Escherichia coli and Listeria innocua as model organisms. We examined ε-PL''s effect on cell morphology and membrane integrity and used an array of E. coli deletion mutants to study how specific outer membrane components affected the action of ε-PL. We furthermore studied its interaction with lipid bilayers using membrane models. In vitro cell studies indicated that divalent cations and the heptose I and II phosphate groups in the lipopolysaccharide layer of E. coli are critical for ε-PL''s binding efficiency. ε-PL removed the lipopolysaccharide layer and affected cell morphology of E. coli, while L. innocua underwent minor morphological changes. Propidium iodide staining showed that ε-PL permeabilized the cytoplasmic membrane in both species, indicating the membrane as the site of attack. We compared the interaction with neutral or negatively charged membrane systems and showed that the interaction with ε-PL relied on negative charges on the membrane. Suspended membrane vesicles were disrupted by ε-PL, and a detergent-like disruption of E. coli membrane was confirmed by atomic force microscopy imaging of supported lipid bilayers. We hypothesize that ε-PL destabilizes membranes in a carpet-like mechanism by interacting with negatively charged phospholipid head groups, which displace divalent cations and enforce a negative curvature folding on membranes that leads to formation of vesicles/micelles.  相似文献   

The Mechanism of Action of Multidrug-Resistance-Linked P-Glycoprotein   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
P-glycoprotein (Pgp), the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter, confers multidrug resistance to cancer cells by extruding cytotoxic natural product amphipathic drugs using the energy of ATP hydrolysis. Our studies are directed toward understanding the mechanism of action of Pgp and recent work deals with the assessment of interaction between substrate and ATP sites and elucidation of the catalytic cycle of ATP hydrolysis. The kinetic analyses of ATP hydrolysis by reconstituted purified Pgp suggest that ADP release is the rate-limiting step in the catalytic cycle and the substrates exert their effect by modulating ADP release. In addition, we provide evidence for two distinct roles for ATP hydrolysis in a single turnover of Pgp, one in the transport of drug and the other in effecting conformational changes so as to reset the transporter for the next catalytic cycle. Detailed kinetic measurements determined that both nucleotide-binding domains behave symmetrically and during individual hydrolysis events the ATP sites are recruited in a random manner. Furthermore, only one nucleotide site hydrolyzes ATP at any given time, causing (in this site) a conformational change that drastically decreases (>30-fold) the affinity of the second site for ATP-binding. Thus, the blocking of ATP-binding to the second site while the first one is in catalytic conformation appears to be the basis for the alternate catalytic cycle of ATP hydrolysis by Pgp, and this may be applicable as well to other ABC transporters linked with the development of multidrug resistance.  相似文献   

A selective stain useful for the study of connective tissues is described. The stain demonstrates elastic and oxytalan fibers as well as fibrils in mucous connective tissues previously undescribed. Reticular fibers are not stained. The stain may be used on sections that have been fresh frozen or fixed in formalin or ethanol. Sections are deparaffinized, washed in absolute ethanol, oxidized in peracetic acid 30 min, washed in running water, stained in Taenzer-Unna orcein 15 min, 37°C, differentiated in 70% ethanol, washed in running water, stained in Lillie-Mayer alum hematoxylin 4 min, blued in running water, and counterstained 20 sec in a modified Halmi mixture of 100 ml distilled water, 0.2 gm light green SF, 1.0 gm orange G, 0.5 gm phosphotungstic acid and 1.0 ml glacial acetic acid. Sections are rinsed briefly in 0.2% acetic acid in 95% ethanol, dehydrated and mounted.  相似文献   

This trichrome staining procedure differentially stains elastic fibers, collagen fibers and mucin. Gomori's aldehyde-fuchsin is used for elastic fibers; fast yellow TN is the component used for collagen and cytoplasm; pontacyl blue black SX is the nuclear stain. Procedure: Paraffin sections to water; aldehyde-fuchsin, 30 min; 70% ethanol; distilled water; 0.75% pontacyl blue black SX in 1.5% K.2Cr2O7, 15 min; tap water; 70% ethanol to wash off all free dye; 2% fast yellow TN in 95% ethanol, 5 min; dehydrate, clear and cover.  相似文献   

Basic Blue 148: A Rapid Stain for T Helper Cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After brief exposure to an aqueous solution of the oxazine textile dye C. I. basic blue 148 following fixation in 37% formalin, 95% ethanol and glacial acetic acid, T helper cell nuclei and cytoplasm in specimens of peripheral blood displayed a deep red-violet color. No other cell in normal blood or bone marrow specimens showed intense staining of this type. The total staining time is 1 min. Basic blue 148 stain is a promising technique for hematology and immunology laboratories as a rapid screening test for T helper cells in blood specimens using a microscopic slide and ordinary incandescent illumination.  相似文献   

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