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董北  阎锡蕴   《微生物学通报》1996,23(5):318-318
快速鉴定重组质粒菌落的新方法董北阎锡蕴(康奈尔大学医学院医学系,纽约)(中国科学院微生物研究所,北京100080)筛选含重组质粒菌落常用的方法有探针杂交、小规模制备质粒DNA进行限制酶切鉴定、。互补及插人失活。我们在此介绍一种新方法,即半菌落PCR扩...  相似文献   

利用微波炉可以简单、快速地高通量制备大肠杆菌质粒。  相似文献   

棒状杆菌中质粒DNA的快速检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在棒状杆菌质粒DNA快速检测中,比较了三种方法:强碱法、快裂法和我们设计的酶法。用强碱法抽提的质粒带很淡,快裂法其次,且不能区别两个分子量相近的质粒;而用酶法则显带清晰,且能很好地区分两个大小相近的质粒,分辨率高,认为在棒状杆菌质粒快速检测中是一种很好的方法。  相似文献   

一种快速提取大质粒的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金松谟  颜望明   《微生物学通报》1991,18(3):180-182
本文介绍一种快速提取大质粒的方法。应用该方法,对含有pTA1,R68.45,RP(?)Tn501,pUB307,RP_4,pJRD215和pTr30质粒的多能硫杆菌(Thiabacillus versius)、氧化硫硫杆菌(Thiobacillus thiooxidans)和大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)进行了质粒提取。结果表明,该方法提取的质粒条带清晰,分辨率高,而且重复性好。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌质粒的快速提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱帆  刘忠纯  李健 《微生物学杂志》2004,24(3):59-59,F003
质粒的提取是生物学中的常规技术之一 ,但常规法提取质粒十分复杂 ,繁琐并且费时。国外公司的试剂盒大大简化了此过程。但价格使国内大多数实验室难以承受。我们利用自制的玻璃粉提取质粒 ,大大简化了提取过程 ,同时相对于进口试剂盒而言 ,实验成本也大大降低  相似文献   

一种快速简便的CaCl2质粒转化方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍一种质粒DNA快速转化方法.质粒DNA加入感受态细胞,冰浴3~10min,涂布预热至37℃的平板,即可获得与常规转化方法相当的转化效率.操作步骤由5步减至2步,时间由2h减至3~10min.同时探讨了Ca2 浓度、4℃保存时间等因素对感受态细胞转化效率的影响  相似文献   

细菌巨大质粒的快速检测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道了一种快速检测微生物巨大质粒的方法.该方法是通过对Eckhardt所报道的方法加以改进,使之能对根瘤菌、大肠杆菌、甚至链霉菌的大质粒进行快速检测.  相似文献   

几类快生型根瘤菌质粒的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
用一种重现性好而较简便的方法,对国内的紫云英、豌豆、三叶草、大豆等快生型根瘤菌及根癌农杆菌共40多号菌进行了质粒分离,所得质粒图谱具有一定的菌株特异性。每株菌有1—3个质粒,其中至少有一个大质粒或巨大质粒。用质粒消除法获得失去结瘤(或致癌)能力的变异株,均缺少一个大质粒。快生型根瘤菌的结瘤基因定位在大质粒或巨大质粒上。用接合法将Rpl::Tn501等质粒转入根瘤菌中,能诱动根瘤菌的结瘤基因转移给失去结瘤能力的变异株,可表达功能,质粒图谱也发生变化,与供体或受体都不同。  相似文献   

A High-throughput End-point Assay for Viable Mammalian Cell Estimation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A single wavelength colorimetric microplate-based assay was developed using non-cytotoxic dye resazurin for the estimation of viable cell concentrations of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and hybridoma cells. Experimental results showed variations in pH and temperature caused by cell cultivation and assay operations were well tolerated. Cell concentrations can be effectively determined in the range of 105–107 cells ml−1 using a microplate reader at the wavelength of 605 nm. This assay can be performed in a high-throughput manner such that a large number of cell culture samples can be screened within a relatively short time frame. When used together with a cell culture system of high-throughput format, it may have potential utilities in applications such as cell culture medium formulation and optimization.  相似文献   

Polysaccharides that make up plant lignocellulosic biomass can be broken down to produce a range of sugars that subsequently can be used in establishing a biorefinery. These raw materials would constitute a new industrial platform, which is both sustainable and carbon neutral, to replace the current dependency on fossil fuel. The recalcitrance to deconstruction observed in lignocellulosic materials is produced by several intrinsic properties of plant cell walls. Crystalline cellulose is embedded in matrix polysaccharides such as xylans and arabinoxylans, and the whole structure is encased by the phenolic polymer lignin, that is also difficult to digest 1. In order to improve the digestibility of plant materials we need to discover the main bottlenecks for the saccharification of cell walls and also screen mutant and breeding populations to evaluate the variability in saccharification 2. These tasks require a high throughput approach and here we present an analytical platform that can perform saccharification analysis in a 96-well plate format. This platform has been developed to allow the screening of lignocellulose digestibility of large populations from varied plant species. We have scaled down the reaction volumes for gentle pretreatment, partial enzymatic hydrolysis and sugar determination, to allow large numbers to be assessed rapidly in an automated system.This automated platform works with milligram amounts of biomass, performing ball milling under controlled conditions to reduce the plant materials to a standardised particle size in a reproducible manner. Once the samples are ground, the automated formatting robot dispenses specified and recorded amounts of material into the corresponding wells of 96 deep well plate (Figure 1). Normally, we dispense the same material into 4 wells to have 4 replicates for analysis. Once the plates are filled with the plant material in the desired layout, they are manually moved to a liquid handling station (Figure 2). In this station the samples are subjected to a mild pretreatment with either dilute acid or alkaline and incubated at temperatures of up to 90°C. The pretreatment solution is subsequently removed and the samples are rinsed with buffer to return them to a suitable pH for hydrolysis. The samples are then incubated with an enzyme mixture for a variable length of time at 50°C. An aliquot is taken from the hydrolyzate and the reducing sugars are automatically determined by the MBTH colorimetric method.  相似文献   

Despite the availability of therapy and vaccine, tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the most deadly and widespread bacterial infections in the world. Since several decades, the sudden burst of multi- and extensively-drug resistant strains is a serious threat for the control of tuberculosis. Therefore, it is essential to identify new targets and pathways critical for the causative agent of the tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and to search for novel chemicals that could become TB drugs. One approach is to set up methods suitable for the genetic and chemical screens of large scale libraries enabling the search of a needle in a haystack. To this end, we developed a phenotypic assay relying on the detection of fluorescently labeled Mtb within fluorescently labeled host cells using automated confocal microscopy. This in vitro assay allows an image based quantification of the colonization process of Mtb into the host and was optimized for the 384-well microplate format, which is proper for screens of siRNA-, chemical compound- or Mtb mutant-libraries. The images are then processed for multiparametric analysis, which provides read out inferring on the pathogenesis of Mtb within host cells.  相似文献   

MicroRNA靶基因的高通量鉴定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MicroRNAs(miRNAs)是一类内源性非编码小RNA,可在转录后水平调节基因的表达, 在细胞生长、发育、疾病发生等过程中发挥着重要作用. 明确miRNAs所调控的靶基因对阐明miRNAs的功能及在各种生命过程和疾病发生机制的角色非常关键.目前,鉴定miRNAs的靶基因的方法主要计算机预测方法和生物学实验方法.前者对miRNA靶基因的寻找作出巨大贡献,但常存在很多假阳性,必须通过生物学实验方法加以验证.后者涉及单靶基因鉴定技术和高通量多靶基因鉴定技术,高通量技术又包括基因芯片分析技术、蛋白质组学分析技术、RNA连接酶介导的cDNA末端扩增技术和生物化学法等.本文主要对这些高通量技术的应用、优劣进行归纳,并对其改进方向予以讨论.  相似文献   

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  • •Developed a data processing pipeline to format phosphopeptide identifications.
  • •Identified the preferred substrate motif for FLT3 and mutant kinases.
  • •Designed and validated a panel of pan-FTL3 artificial substrates.
  • •Monitored FLT3 and mutant kinase activity through FAStide phosphorylation.

Systems metabolic engineering faces the formidable task of rewiring microbial metabolism to cost-effectively generate high-value molecules from a variety of inexpensive feedstocks for many different applications. Because these cellular systems are still too complex to model accurately, vast collections of engineered organism variants must be systematically created and evaluated through an enormous trial-and-error process in order to identify a manufacturing-ready strain. The high-throughput screening of strains to optimize their scalable manufacturing potential requires execution of many carefully controlled, parallel, miniature fermentations, followed by high-precision analysis of the resulting complex mixtures. This review discusses strategies for the design of high-throughput, small-scale fermentation models to predict improved strain performance at large commercial scale. Established and promising approaches from industrial and academic groups are presented for both cell culture and analysis, with primary focus on microplate- and microfluidics-based screening systems.  相似文献   

旨在建立分子水平HDAC6小分子抑制剂的高通量筛选模型,用于新型HDAC6特异性小分子抑制剂的发现。建立HDAC6的昆虫表达系统,分离纯化HDAC6蛋白,利用底物Boc-Lys(Ac)-AMC对纯化的HDAC6进行测活,并对测活体系进行优化,以SAHA为阳性抑制剂,确定适合高通量筛选的酶及底物浓度,反应时间等。首先构建HDAC6昆虫真核细胞表达载体,转入昆虫细胞中表达,并利用GST亲和柱纯化获得较高纯度的GST-HDAC6融合蛋白;建立体外HDAC6分子测活方法,表明昆虫表达的GST-HDAC6融合蛋白具有去乙酰化酶活性,并通过对多种参数优化使得Z’因子达到0.60,表明分子水平的HDAC6小分子抑制剂高通量筛选体系成功建立。  相似文献   

就维生素C微生物一步发酵方法进行了探索,构建了酮古龙酸杆菌、氧化葡萄糖酸杆菌和芽孢杆菌三菌混菌一步发酵的方法。研究发现,植物内生芽孢杆菌可以与酮古龙酸杆菌配合,促进酮古龙酸杆菌生长和产酸。在有山梨醇存在的条件下酮古龙酸杆菌及其伴生菌能够快速地生长增殖,植物内生芽孢杆菌在发酵的10h中不断消耗山梨醇。5L的发酵罐中,酮古龙酸杆菌、氧化葡萄糖酸杆菌和植物内生芽孢杆菌三菌混菌一步发酵在恒定的30℃温度,600r/min搅拌速度和1.5vvm通气条件下,补料发酵过程中醇酸质量转化率达到了81.89%,在分批发酵过程中,醇酸质量转化率达到了87.90%,进一步优化了维生素C生产工艺。  相似文献   

一株脱色真菌的鉴定及脱色特性的初步探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
从废水环境中分离筛选到一株高效染料脱色真菌, 根据形态学及显微特征初步鉴定为泡盛曲霉(Aspergillus awamori), 命名为Asaw117; 从偶氮类、蒽醌类和氧醌类中选取8种不同染料进行脱色分析表明, 该菌株对0.1 g/L蒽醌类染料还原蓝RSN的脱色率可达100%; 采用不同培养基及不同种类碳氮源进行试验比较, 菌株在查氏培养基中生长慢, 但脱色效果最好, 在马铃薯培养基中生长旺盛, 脱色效果次之。此外, 菌株Asaw117能利用还原蓝RSN作为氮源, 但不能利用其为碳源; 几种碳氮源组合实验中, 菌株在蔗糖、硝酸铵组合的査氏培养基脱色效果为好。因此对处理印染废水具有较好的应用潜力。  相似文献   

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