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Zusammenfassung An Schnitten vom Unterkiefer und von langen wachsenden Knochen von Menschen und von anderen Wirbeltieren (Maus, Kaninchen, Seps usw.) hat der Verfasser die Verteilung, die Beschaffenheit und die Wirksamkeit der Osteoklasten und Chondroklasten untersucht, und er ist zu der Schlußfolgerung gekommen, daß diese histologischen Elemente die spezifischen Agenten der Zerstörung des Knochen- und des Knorpelgewebes darstellen; daß sie ihre Wirksamkeit dadurch entfalten, indem sie sich nach und nach vom Mittelpunkt der Knochenhöhlen entfernen, die sie vergrößern; daß sie die Knochenbalken auf jener Seite angreifen, die der Osteoblasten ermangelt und die auf die Höhle selbst schaut; daß sie endlich in konzentrischen Schlagwellen vorgehen und sich auf den Balken anordnen, die zur Zerstörung bestimmt sind.Der Verfasser hat außerdem hervorgehoben, daß die Osteoklasten ihre zerstörende Wirkung höchstwahrscheinlich durch ein Enzym entfalten, das sich auf der Oberfläche der Knochenblättchen ausbreitet und das deshalb ganz entfernt von ihnen wirkt. Die Osteoklasten sollen manchmal Körner und Bruchstücke des untergehenden Gewebes enthalten.Hinsichtlich ihres Ursprunges und ihrer Beschaffenheit, so glaubt der Verfasser, die Osteoklasten seien aus Bestandteilen des Knochenmarkstromas zusammengesetzt, d. h. aus differenzierten im selben Knochenmark enthaltenen Elementen und aus anderen Elementen, die dem zerstörten Gewebe entstammen.Der Verfasser hat schließlich darauf hingewiesen, daß sie in enger Beziehung mit Capillaren stehen; solche Beziehungen sind aber nur vorübergehend, und im Falle daß sie bestehen, so sind die endothelialen Zellen daran unbeteiligt.  相似文献   

Riassunto E' stata studiata l'istogenesi e l'istochimica della ghiandola sottomandibolare e sottolinguale di embrione di topo, in condizioni di sviluppo normale e in cultura organotipica in vitro. In condizioni normali l'attività secretrice diviene dimostrabile con mezzi istochimici al 16 giorno di gestazione, come materiale intracellulare. La secrezione presenta fino dall'inizio reazione positiva ai metodi del PAS e di Hale, ed è colorabile col blu alcian. Al 17 giorno compaiono fra le due ghiandole differenze nell'aspetto morfologico del secreto, nell'intensità delle suddette reazioni istochimiche, e nel comportamento rispetto al blu di toluidina che dopo solfatazione dà colorazione metacromatica nella sottolinguale, ma non nella sottomandibolare. Ciò indica che il componente polisaccaridico del secreto ha caratteristiche un po' diverse nelle due ghiandole.Sono state eseguite culture in vitro di ghiandole al 13 giorno di gestazione, su un coagulo di plasma e di estratto embrionale di pollo. Al momento dell'espianto, esse sono all'inizio della loro differenziazione, e sono formate ciascuna da un cordoncino epiteliale e da una gemma solida, entro una comune capsula mesenchimale. Il processo di ramificazione si svolge più lentamente che in vivo, ma la secrezione compare alla stessa età totale. Le ghiandole si sono sviluppate in vitro per 10 giorni e le loro caratteristiche istochimiche sono apparse eguali a quelle che si osservano in condizioni normali di sviluppo.
Summary Histogenesis and histochemistry of submandibular and sublingual glands of mouse embryo were studied both during normal development and in vitro. In normal conditions secretory activity becomes detectable by histochemical methods at the 16th day of gestation as intracellular material. From the start, secretion shows a positive reaction to the PAS and Hale's method, and stains with alcian blue. At the 17th day differences may be shown between the two glands in the morphological features of the secretion, in the intensity of the above said histochemical reactions, and in the behaviour towards toluidine blue, which after sulfation gives metachromatic staining in the sublingual, but not in the submandibular gland. This indicates that the polysaccharidic component of the secretion has different characters in the two glands.Cultures in vitro were made of glands at the 13th day of gestation, on a clot of chicken plasma and embryo extract. At explantation time, they are just beginning their differentiation, and both consist of an epithelial cord and a solid bud, contained in a common mesenchymal capsule. The ramification process goes on at a slower rate in vitro than in vivo, but secretion appears at the same total age. The glands developed in vitro for 10 days and their histochemical features appeared to be comparable to those which were observed in normal developmental conditions.

Lavoro eseguito coi mezzi forniti da contratti di ricerca dell'U.S.A.E.C. (NYO-3355-10) e dell'Euratom (043-65-1 BIO I) e con un contributo del C.N.R.  相似文献   


New researches on the culture « in vitro » of Aucuba japonica Thunb, – Caulinar fragments grown in vitro in nutrient media solidified with agar are compared with fragments grown on a filter paper support on unshaken liquid media. Tissue cultures of Aucuba are established putting down caulinar fragments just taken from the plant with isolated callus; subcultures are obtained more easily in July. We have observed that during the months of March or April, caulinar fragments, taken from the plant at various months of the year, of different ages and cultivated on various media, unexpectedly produce many roots.  相似文献   


Further research on the germination of Cercis siliquastrum L. Effect of gibberellic acid (GA3) and role of endosperm in dormancy.—In order to locate the causes of the dormancy in Cercis siliquastrum L., researches have been carried out also on non-scarified seeds without integument, as well as on isolated embryos.

We have noted that gibberellic acid can substitute the cold treatment to interrupt the dormancy and we have also investigated the optimal concentrations.

The results we have obtained do not show the inhibition to be located in the integument and point out a determinant role of the endosperm.

Histological investigations are being carried out to study better the possible occurrence of a mechanical restraint imposed by the albumen on the non-dormant embryo.  相似文献   


The effects of irradiation on aminoacids biosynthesis in barley. — The effect of radiations on the biosynthesis of aminoacids in barley has been studied. Seeds have been irradiated with X-tays of 7.5 and seedlings with 7.5, 15 and 30 Kr. After 6–7 days of growth the control and irradiated seedlings, and the seedlings from control and irradiated seeds, have been supplied with 10–100 μC of C14O2 in a closed chamber for 44–42 hours. The material was extracted with hot ethanol (85%–80% and 40%). Total radioactivity and the radioactivity of the basic fraction, eluted with HCl from Dowex 50, X-8′ (200–400 mesh, H?) have been measured. It was observed that radiations increase the radioactivity of the aminoacid fraction, both in leaves and roots. A correlation between the decrease of fresh weight and increase of aminoacids radioactivity was shown. A possible explanation might be visualized in terms of the inhibition of growth and protein synthesis by radiations.  相似文献   


Purpose of this paper is to point out the residues of Quercus Ilex woods in the hilly region of Murgia di Putignano (Puglia) which lies inside the distribution area of Q. trojana, now the main wood-forming tree-species of this territory.

Fourteen different small Q. Ilex stands are mentioned, as marked on alleged map. One of them (n° 1 on the map) has been more carefully studied through a whole year, and all plants growing in it have been collected.  相似文献   


The use of life-forms in phytosociological classifications: an example with data from xerophilous pastures.—The classification power of life-forms connecting to phytosociological data processing for xerophilous pastures of Central Southern Apennine (ecological classification) is discussed. Saturejo montanae-Brometum erecti Avena, Blasi 1979 and Seslerio nitidae-Brometum Bruno 1968 are compared on the basis of their weighted life-forms spectra. The high correlation between classification obtained by floristic data and classifications by life-forms is stressed.  相似文献   


Observations on vegetative growth and leghemoglobin contents of root nodules of pea and bean plants after flower bud removal. — These studies found their origin in the papers by MATTIROLO (1899) on the effect of the removal of flowers as they formed in bean plants; he observed that deflowering resulted in extraordinary plant growth, stem branching and flower buds formation as well as in a delayed root nodule senescence. In the light of modern knowledge of the leghemoglobin role in symbiotic nitrogen fixation, the aim of the present research was to ascertain any possible relation between flower bud removal and haeme pigment contents in the root nodules. The experiments were carried out during two growing seasons (1966 and 1970) using Vicia faba L. cv. Regina and Pisum sativum L. cv. Senatore during 1966 and cv. Vittoria in 1970. In both control and test plants the seasonal trends of average plant height, fresh and dry weight of vegetative portions, fresh and dry weight of root system, fresh weight of nodules, root nodule leghemoglobin concentration and total leghemoglobin content per plant, were determined. The data obtained are quoted in Table 2 and reported in Figures 1, 2, and 3. The removal of flower buds caused in both species: an increased plant growth, a marked stem branching, a longer blooming period, an increased flower number, an increased root nodule number and a certain delay in root nodule reabsorption. Deflowering did not significantly extend — at least in the species studied — life span (senescence was delayed only of one week). On the basis of these and of other Authors' results, we conclude that deflowering may actually delay senescence; the size of this delay, however, depends on the plant species considered and is fairly negligible both in pea and bean. The different effects of deflowering and of preventing floral induction on life span extension, are discussed, and these facts lead to consider floral induction as the onset of a chain of processes leading annual plants toward senescence in a more or less delayable, but definitive way. After having stressed the generally accepted importance of leghemoglobin concentration as an index of nodule nitrogen fixing ability, a correlation between biomass increase of test plants and number and total weight increase of root nodules, is put in evidence. No correlation between test plant biomass and the leghemoglobin concentration in root nodules, was however observed. Leghemoglobin concentration in root nodules is known to change in connection with various factors depending either on host plants and on Rhizobium strains and also in connection with several environmental conditions. Any prevented flower onset (ROPONEN and VIRTANEN, 1968) and deflowering (our data) however exerted no significant influence. The effects of flower bud removal were therefore the following: increased stem, leaf and root weights and increased root nodule number; no difference between control and test plants was however observed as regards size and leghemoglobin concentration of root nodules and hence probably no difference as regards their nitrogen fixing ability.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Verf. erläutert einen noch nicht geschilderten morphologischen Befund. Während der bei Kaninchen mit Thorotrast ausgeführten Speicherungsuntersuchungen des retikulär-endothelialen Systems hat er beobachten können, daß die Kupffer-Sternzellen bei seit langer Zeit behandelten Tieren aus ihrem normalen Sitz im hepatischen Acinus gegen seine zentrale Ader gewandert sind, indem sie um dieselbe einen Umkreis von mit Thorotrast belasteten Kupffer- Sternzellen bildeten und indem sie auch in das Leberaderblut eindrangen. Dagegen findet man bei seit kurzer Zeit behandelten Tieren die mit Thorotrast belasteten Zellen im Acinus, wie gewöhnlich, diffus verteilt. Verf. erörtert diese Befunde im Zusammenhang mit der Bedeutung und dem Wesen der KupfferSternzellen.  相似文献   


Cobalt, nickel and chromium effects on germination of Alyssum, during after-ripening and aging. Cobalt (2.5–20mM), nickel (2.5–25mM) and chromium (0.2-1mM) effects have been studied in seeds of three species of Alyssum, of which two, A. bertolonii and A. argenteum, endemics to serpentine soils and one, A. nebrodense, closely related to the others but endemic to the Madonie (Sicily) where it grows on limestone.

The results, expressed as percentage of germinated seeds (p), Kotowski coefficient of velocity (v) and germination average ratio (), have been subjected to statistical analysis.

The effect per mM is generally inhibitory, not significant for cobalt, weak but significant for nickel, more marked and significant for chromium, linearly correlated to concentration. The inhibition reaches its highest level when seeds are ripe, being significantly related to the control germination capacity ().

The values of the specific inhibition (effect/mM modditppτ) for all the three species are higher for chromium, which is more toxic than nickel, and increase from A. nebrodense to A. argenteum, showing that of the two serpentine endemics A. bertolonii is more tolerant both to nickel and chromium.  相似文献   


Vegetation and environment in the Marche and related problems of protection. – The « Marche » region is situated in central Italy and corresponds with the natural region east of the Appennine ridge and spreading as far as the coast which is washed by the Adriatic Sea.

As to the climate, we may distinguish a coastal strip with Mesomediterranean climate with dry season, corresponding to the distribution area of Quercus ilex; a hilly strip with Submediterranean climate, corresponding to the distribution area of Quercus pubescens; a mountain strip with temperate axeric climate with sub-dry period, corresponding to the distribution area of Fagus silvatica and finally a high mountain strip with cold axeric climate, corresponding to altitude pastures. The Marche vegetation is shown in the vegetation map of Fabriano sheet (scale 1:50,000) plotted according Ozenda's vegetational series.

The following vegetation series have been plotted: submediterranean series of Quercus ilex; series of thermophilic oak wood with priority of Quercus pubescens or Quercus cerris; series of Ostrya carpinifolia; series of Quercus petraea and series of Fagus silvatica.

As far as the problems to safegard environment are concerned, a plan is given providing for the institution of 4 complete nature reserves, 34 nature reserves, and 9 regional nature parks among which those of Monte Conero, of Monti Sibillini and Monti della Laga.  相似文献   


Action of some respiratory inhibitors on growth and greening of seedlings of Picea and Larix.—The effects of sodium azide, arseniate, jodoacetate, fluoride and 2,4-dinitrophenol on growth and greening of dark germinated seedlings of Picea abies and Larix decidua were studied.

All the inhibitors showed a negative influence on growth (determined as fresh weight) of Picea seedlings and even more remarkably on Larix seedlings.

Greening was significantly inferior to that of control plants only for groups of Picea seedlings treated with sodium azide, at all the concentrations used, and for groups treated with fluoride and arseniate at the highest concentrations.

All the groups of Larix seedlings, instead, treated with inhibitors, with the exception of the ones treated with sodium fluoride at the lowest concentrations, presented a chlorophyll content inferior to that of control groups.

From the above results the different influence of inhibitors on Picea and on Larix seedlings might be due to the different metabolic pathways through which the pigment synthesis in the two species under study takes place.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Versuche wurden ausgeführt, um weitere Beiträge zur Morphologie der Vagusfasern in der Speiseröhre zu liefern und zwecks Analyse der neurosynaptischen Verhältnisse zwischen Vagus und Sympathicus. In Speiseröhren von kleinen Säugetieren gelang es, die Verzweigungen des Vagus bis zu deren Endausbreitung zu verfolgen. Es wurden Kontrollen mit morpho-experimentellen Versuchen von Vagotomie ausgeführt.In den Ästen des Vagus der Speiseröhre befinden sich: Parasympathische präganglionäre Fasern, gemischte Fasern (heteromorphe: präganglionäre und motorische Fasern), sensitive Fasern und sehr dünne Fasern des Orthosympathicus.Viele präganglionäre Fasern breiten sich in mehr oder weniger ausgedehnten retikulären Bildungen (präneuronodales Retikulum) aus, bevor sie zu dem Ganglion, für welches sie bestimmt sind, gelangen. Im Ganglion platten sich einige präganglionäre Fasern ab und werden blattförmig. Andere wieder verbreitern sich zu fibrillären Bildungen retikulärer Struktur. In Präparaten mit feinerer Imprägnation bilden die präganglionären Fasern des Vagus keine synaptischen, perizellulären-Apparate des klassischen Typus sondern breiten sich in ein überaus dünnes Retikulum (terminalreticolo vagale pregangliare) im Ganglion aus.Dieses Retikulum umhüllt nicht bloß die nervösen Zellen, sondern breitet sich über alle Teile des Ganglions aus. Die als motorisch erkennbaren Fasern des Vagus liefern alle motorischen Endigungen, die traubenförmigen einbegriffen. Ich habe besondere, charakteristische, motorische, knäuelförmige Endapparate bemerkt. Diese und auch jene als Endbüschel (Lawrentjew) benannten Bildungen können ultraterminalen Fasern, die sich in gewöhnlichen Plättchen ausdehnen, den Ursprung geben oder das Ende traubenförmiger Ausdehnungen darstellen.Die gemischten Fasern (heteromorphe: präganglionäre und motorische) sind in überwiegender Weise motorische Vagusfasern, die einen kollateralen Ast liefern, der sich entweder auf die alleinstehenden Ganglienzellen ausdehnt oder im Ganglion sich mit den intraganglionären Fasern vermischt.Die rezeptorischen Fasern des Vagus bilden die Schlingenterritorien (Stöhr, Harting) oder die knäuelförmigen Bildungen von Greving. Manchmal schließen sich den sensitiven Vagusfasern zahlreiche, sehr dünne, wahrscheinlich metasympathische Fasern an.Ein Teil des metasympathischen Anteiles bildet einen Komplex von Fasern oder kleinen Strängen, welche die präganglionären, motorischen, gemischten und sensitiven Bestandteile des Vagus begleiten; diese metasympathischen Fasern bilden insbesondere in der Nähe der Ganglien sehr feine Retikula in enger Verbindung mit den parasympathischen Elementen.Im distalen Teil der Speiseröhre ist der sympathische Bestandteil überwiegend; es finden sich hier kleine Ringe oder kleine knöpfchenartige Bildungen, die von den motorischen Fasern des Vagus ausgehen, an dem glatten Muskelgewebe vor, es finden sich außerdem einige Nervenzellen mit perizellulären Apparaten, die jedoch von den obengenannten präganglionären Vagusendigungen verschieden und wahrscheinlich sympathischer Natur sind. Die anatomischen Eigenheiten im distalen Teil der Speiseröhre stellen wahrscheinlich die morphologische Grundlage für den Automatismus jenes Teiles der Speiseröhre dar.  相似文献   


The author examines the sole station so far found in Sardinia of Satureja Thymbra Willd., a species common only in the Eastern Mediterranean, with a range including at the western extreme the islands of the Ionian sea and the vicinity of Derna in Cyrenaica, except for the isolated station described on Mount San Michele near Cagliari.

In this station, few woody and numerous herbaceous species make up the association with S. Tymbra, which in the Eastern Mediterranean forms part of the phrygana, according to some Authors, or of the batha according to others, this latter being a gradation lower ecologico-climatically than the garigue and the phrygana. Phrygana and batha populations do not exist in the Western Mediterranean.

The San Michele station might be conveniently classified as a tomillares owing to the presence of certain Labiatae species, but because the more characteristic species of this association are lacking as compared with the Iberian Peninsula, the Author considers this population to be of the steppe type with Labiatae in which many of the steppe Graminaceae are present, though again not the most characteristic.

The Author then examines the genetic and phylogenetic aspects of the species, which he considers to be linked with the geological events of the period corresponding to the existence of the Tyrrhenian continent, between the upper Miocene and the lower Pliocene (Pontian).  相似文献   

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