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1 A Brief History of Deception
The conceptual roots of deception began to sprout at the dawn of zoology, when Aristotle (350 CE) discussed his observations of the 'deceitful' reproductive tactics of cuckoos and partridges in his classic work The History of Animals. However, the scientific origins of deception were cemented in Descartes' (1641) Meditations on First Philosophy, in which he reasoned: All that I have, up to this moment, accepted as possessed of the highest truth and certainty, I received either from or through the senses.  相似文献   

A wide pool of cytosolic proteins is selectively degraded in lysosomes by chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA). Binding of these proteins to a receptor at the lysosomal membrane is the limiting step in CMA. Levels of this receptor are tightly regulated through changes in its degradation, multimeric organization and dynamic distribution between the lysosomal membrane and lumen. We have now reported that subcompartmentalization of the receptor in discrete lipid microdomains at the lysosomal membrane regulates its engagement in each of these processes — degradation, multimerization and membrane retrieval. Changes in the lipid composition of the membrane thus affect the dynamics of the receptor and, consequently, CMA activity. As an example of CMA dysfunction resulting from perturbation of the lipid composition of the lysosomal membrane, we discuss here a second study in which we analyzed the changes in the dynamics of the receptor during aging. CMA activity decreases with age primarily due to a decrease in the levels of the CMA receptor at the lysosomal membrane. Now we have found that age-related alterations in the lipid composition of the discrete microdomains at the lysosomal membrane are behind the reduced lysosomal levels of the receptor and, consequently, the declined CMA activity that occurs during aging.

Addendum to:

Altered Dynamics of the Lysosomal Receptor for Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy with Age

R. Kiffin, S. Kaushik, M. Zeng, U. Bandyopadhyay, C. Zhang, A.C. Massey, M. Martinez-Vicente and A.M. Cuervo

J Cell Sci 2007; 120:782-91


Lysosome Membrane Lipid Microdomains: Novel Regulators of Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy

S. Kaushik, A.C. Massey and A.M. Cuervo

EMBO J 2006; 25:3921-33  相似文献   



Carotenoids are multifunctional, taxonomically widespread and biotechnologically important pigments. Their biosynthesis serves as a model system for understanding the evolution of secondary metabolism. Microbial carotenoid diversity and evolution has hitherto been analyzed primarily from structural and biosynthetic perspectives, with the few phylogenetic analyses of microbial carotenoid biosynthetic proteins using either used limited datasets or lacking methodological rigor. Given the recent accumulation of microbial genome sequences, a reappraisal of microbial carotenoid biosynthetic diversity and evolution from the perspective of comparative genomics is warranted to validate and complement models of microbial carotenoid diversity and evolution based upon structural and biosynthetic data.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Comparative genomics were used to identify and analyze in silico microbial carotenoid biosynthetic pathways. Four major phylogenetic lineages of carotenoid biosynthesis are suggested composed of: (i) Proteobacteria; (ii) Firmicutes; (iii) Chlorobi, Cyanobacteria and photosynthetic eukaryotes; and (iv) Archaea, Bacteroidetes and two separate sub-lineages of Actinobacteria. Using this phylogenetic framework, specific evolutionary mechanisms are proposed for carotenoid desaturase CrtI-family enzymes and carotenoid cyclases. Several phylogenetic lineage-specific evolutionary mechanisms are also suggested, including: (i) horizontal gene transfer; (ii) gene acquisition followed by differential gene loss; (iii) co-evolution with other biochemical structures such as proteorhodopsins; and (iv) positive selection.


Comparative genomics analyses of microbial carotenoid biosynthetic proteins indicate a much greater taxonomic diversity then that identified based on structural and biosynthetic data, and divides microbial carotenoid biosynthesis into several, well-supported phylogenetic lineages not evident previously. This phylogenetic framework is applicable to understanding the evolution of specific carotenoid biosynthetic proteins or the unique characteristics of carotenoid biosynthetic evolution in a specific phylogenetic lineage. Together, these analyses suggest a “bramble” model for microbial carotenoid biosynthesis whereby later biosynthetic steps exhibit greater evolutionary plasticity and reticulation compared to those closer to the biosynthetic “root”. Structural diversification may be constrained (“trimmed”) where selection is strong, but less so where selection is weaker. These analyses also highlight likely productive avenues for future research and bioprospecting by identifying both gaps in current knowledge and taxa which may particularly facilitate carotenoid diversification.  相似文献   

Stingrays can undulate their wide pectoral fins to thrust themselves and swim freely underwater.Many researchers have used bionics to directly imitate their und...  相似文献   

Ataxia telangiectasia (AT) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by progressive cerebellar ataxia, oculocutaneous telangiectasia and immunodeficiency due to mutations in the ATM gene. We performed targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) on three unrelated patients and identified five disease-causing variants in three probands, including two pairs of heterozygous variants (FAT–1:c.4396C>T/p.R1466X, c.1608-2A>G; FAT–2:c.4412_4413insT/p.L1472Ffs*19, c.8824C>T/p.Q2942X) and one pair of homozygous variants (FAT–3: c.8110T>G/p.C2704G, Hom). With regard to precision medicine for rare genetic diseases, targeted NGS currently enables the rapid and cost-effective identification of causative mutations and is an updated molecular diagnostic tool that merits further optimization. This high-throughput data-based strategy would propel the development of precision diagnostic methods and establish a foundation for precision medicine.  相似文献   

The mushroom bodies (a higher center) of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L) brain were considered to comprise three types of intrinsic neurons, including large- and small-type Kenyon cells that have distinct gene expression profiles. Although previous neural activity mapping using the immediate early gene kakusei suggested that small-type Kenyon cells are mainly active in forager brains, the precise Kenyon cell types that are active in the forager brain remain to be elucidated. We searched for novel gene(s) that are expressed in an area-preferential manner in the honeybee brain. By identifying and analyzing expression of a gene that we termed mKast (middle-type Kenyon cell-preferential arrestin-related protein), we discovered novel ‘middle-type Kenyon cells’ that are sandwiched between large- and small-type Kenyon cells and have a gene expression profile almost complementary to those of large– and small-type Kenyon cells. Expression analysis of kakusei revealed that both small-type Kenyon cells and some middle-type Kenyon cells are active in the forager brains, suggesting their possible involvement in information processing during the foraging flight. mKast expression began after the differentiation of small- and large-type Kenyon cells during metamorphosis, suggesting that middle-type Kenyon cells differentiate by modifying some characteristics of large– and/or small-type Kenyon cells. Interestingly, CaMKII and mKast, marker genes for large– and middle-type Kenyon cells, respectively, were preferentially expressed in a distinct set of optic lobe (a visual center) neurons. Our findings suggested that it is not simply the Kenyon cell-preferential gene expression profiles, rather, a ‘clustering’ of neurons with similar gene expression profiles as particular Kenyon cell types that characterize the honeybee mushroom body structure.  相似文献   

As part of its strategy to evade detection by the host immune system, murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) encodes three proteins that modulate cell surface expression of major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules: the MHC-I homolog m152/gp40 as well as the m02-m16 family members m04/gp34 and m06/gp48. Previous studies of the m04 protein revealed a divergent Ig-like fold that is unique to immunoevasins of the m02-m16 family. Here, we engineer and characterize recombinant m06 and investigate its interactions with full-length and truncated forms of the MHC-I molecule H2-Ld by several techniques. Furthermore, we employ solution NMR to map the interaction footprint of the m06 protein on MHC-I, taking advantage of a truncated H2-Ld, “mini-H2-Ld,” consisting of only the α1α2 platform domain. Mini-H2-Ld refolded in vitro with a high affinity peptide yields a molecule that shows outstanding NMR spectral features, permitting complete backbone assignments. These NMR-based studies reveal that m06 binds tightly to a discrete site located under the peptide-binding platform that partially overlaps with the β2-microglobulin interface on the MHC-I heavy chain, consistent with in vitro binding experiments showing significantly reduced complex formation between m06 and β2-microglobulin-associated MHC-I. Moreover, we carry out NMR relaxation experiments to characterize the picosecond-nanosecond dynamics of the free mini-H2-Ld MHC-I molecule, revealing that the site of interaction is highly ordered. This study provides insight into the mechanism of the interaction of m06 with MHC-I, suggesting a structural manipulation of the target MHC-I molecule at an early stage of the peptide-loading pathway.  相似文献   

The deep-sea hydrothermal vent habitat hosts a diverse community of archaea and bacteria that withstand extreme fluctuations in environmental conditions. Abundant viruses in these systems, a high proportion of which are lysogenic, must also withstand these environmental extremes. Here, we explore the evolutionary strategies of both microorganisms and viruses in hydrothermal systems through comparative analysis of a cellular and viral metagenome, collected by size fractionation of high temperature fluids from a diffuse flow hydrothermal vent. We detected a high enrichment of mobile elements and proviruses in the cellular fraction relative to microorganisms in other environments. We observed a relatively high abundance of genes related to energy metabolism as well as cofactors and vitamins in the viral fraction compared to the cellular fraction, which suggest encoding of auxiliary metabolic genes on viral genomes. Moreover, the observation of stronger purifying selection in the viral versus cellular gene pool suggests viral strategies that promote prolonged host integration. Our results demonstrate that there is great potential for hydrothermal vent viruses to integrate into hosts, facilitate horizontal gene transfer, and express or transfer genes that manipulate the hosts’ functional capabilities.  相似文献   

基因沉默:获得性免疫的新途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基因沉默 (genesilencing)首先发现于转基因植物。发生沉默的基因可以是外源性转移基因 ,也可以是入侵的病毒或宿主内源性基因。双链RNA(dsRNA)作为启动因素或中间体为不同生物基因沉默所共有。通常 ,基因沉默发生在两种水平上 ,一是由于DNA甲基化、异染色质化及位置效应等引起的转录水平上的基因沉默 (transcriptionalgenesi lencing ,TGS) ,另一种是在基因转录后水平上通过对目标RNA特异性降解而使基因失活的转录后基因沉默 (post transcriptionalgene…  相似文献   

The GABA transporter (GAT) group is one of the major subgroups in the solute career 6 (SLC6) family of transmembrane proteins. The GAT group, which has been well studied in mammals, has 6 known members, i.e., a taurine transporter (TAUT), four GABA transporters (GAT-1, -2, -3, - 4), and a creatine transporter (CT1), which have important roles in maintaining physiological homeostasis. However, the GAT group has not been extensively investigated in invertebrates; only TAUT has been reported in marine invertebrates such as bivalves and krills, and GAT-1 has been reported in several insect species and nematodes. Thus, it is unknown how transporters in the GAT group arose during the course of animal evolution. In this study, we cloned GAT-1 cDNAs from the deep-sea mussel, Bathymodiolus septemdierum, and the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, whose TAUT cDNA has already been cloned. To understand the evolutionary history of the GAT group, we conducted phylogenetic and synteny analyses on the GAT group transporters of vertebrates and invertebrates. Our findings suggest that transporters of the GAT group evolved through the following processes. First, GAT-1 and CT1 arose by tandem duplication of an ancestral transporter gene before the divergence of Deuterostomia and Protostomia; next, the TAUT gene arose and GAT-3 was formed by the tandem duplication of the TAUT gene; and finally, GAT-2 and GAT-4 evolved from a GAT-3 gene by chromosomal duplication in the ancestral vertebrates. Based on synteny and phylogenetic evidence, the present naming of the GAT group members does not accurately reflect the evolutionary relationships.  相似文献   

The cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic (C) subunit is inhibited by two classes of functionally nonredundant regulatory (R) subunits, RI and RII. Unlike RI subunits, RII subunits are both substrates and inhibitors. Because RIIβ knockout mice have important disease phenotypes, the RIIβ holoenzyme is a target for developing isoform-specific agonists and/or antagonists. We also know little about the linker region that connects the inhibitor site to the N-terminal dimerization domain, although this linker determines the unique globular architecture of the RIIβ holoenzyme. To understand how RIIβ functions as both an inhibitor and a substrate and to elucidate the structural role of the linker, we engineered different RIIβ constructs. In the absence of nucleotide, RIIβ(108-268), which contains a single cyclic nucleotide binding domain, bound C subunit poorly, whereas with AMP-PNP, a non-hydrolyzable ATP analog, the affinity was 11 nM. The RIIβ(108-268) holoenzyme structure (1.62 Å) with AMP-PNP/Mn2+ showed that we trapped the RIIβ subunit in an enzyme:substrate complex with the C subunit in a closed conformation. The enhanced affinity afforded by AMP-PNP/Mn2+ may be a useful strategy for increasing affinity and trapping other protein substrates with their cognate protein kinase. Because mutagenesis predicted that the region N-terminal to the inhibitor site might dock differently to RI and RII, we also engineered RIIβ(102-265), which contained six additional linker residues. The additional linker residues in RIIβ(102-265) increased the affinity to 1.6 nM, suggesting that docking to this surface may also enhance catalytic efficiency. In the corresponding holoenzyme structure, this linker docks as an extended strand onto the surface of the large lobe. This hydrophobic pocket, formed by the αF-αG loop and conserved in many protein kinases, also provides a docking site for the amphipathic helix of PKI. This novel orientation of the linker peptide provides the first clues as to how this region contributes to the unique organization of the RIIβ holoenzyme.  相似文献   

RecA fibrils in physiological conditions have been successfully imaged using Tapping Mode atomic force microscopy. This represents the first time images of recA have been obtained without drying, freezing and/or exposure to high vacuum conditions. While previously observed structures – the monomer, the hexamer, the short rod – were seen, a new type of fibril was also observed. This protofibril is narrower in diameter than the standard fibril, and occurs in three distinct morphologies: aperiodic, 100-nm periodic, and 150-nm periodic. In addition, much longer rods were observed, and appear curved and even circular.  相似文献   

硫酸软骨素(chondroitin sulfate,CS)是一类从动物组织中提取的蛋白类黏性多聚糖,在人体免疫调节、缓解关节疼痛、抗凝活性和保护神经元等方面发挥效用,开发硫酸软骨素传感器对生物医药行业研发相关药剂、保健产品质量的粗筛具有重要意义。利用荧光传感器制备简便、响应迅速、选择性强的特点,用阳离子聚合物PDDA诱导芘基分子HPTS自组装,导致荧光淬灭构建传感器。研究结果显示,待测物的加入引起510 nm处荧光强度的恢复,最终建立了实际样品中CS的快速分析方法。构建的硫酸软骨素荧光传感器在浓度0~5 μmol·L-1间呈现良好的线性关系,线性方程为y=1.907 52+0.273 59x(R2=0.998 2),检出限为2.8 μmol·L-1,样品加标回收率在104%~121%之间。该传感器具有水溶性好、特异性强、直观可视等特点。  相似文献   

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