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Of 150 cultures capable of degrading petroleum at +6°C, 40 strains growing in a liquid mineral nutrient medium containing petroleum (2%) as the sole source of carbon were selected. Of them, 13 cultures displaying a petroleum degradation rate exceeding 25% were selected. Abilities of these cultures and their associations to utilize fuel oil and its components—oils and benzene resins—were studied. A culture exhibiting degradation rates of fuel oil, its oils, benzene resins, and petroleum amounting to 17, 26, 10, and 51%, respectively, was selected. This culture can be used for cleanup of petroleum pollution under cold climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Neurodegenerative diseases comprise both hereditary and sporadic conditions characterized by an identifying progressive nervous system dysfunction and distinctive neuopathophysiology. The majority are of non-familial etiology and hence environmental factors and lifestyle play key roles in their pathogenesis. The extensive use of and ever increasing worldwide demand for electricity has stimulated societal and scientific interest on the environmental exposure to low frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on human health. Epidemiological studies suggest a positive association between 50/60-Hz power transmission fields and leukemia or lymphoma development. Consequent to the association between EMFs and induction of oxidative stress, concerns relating to development of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer disease (AD), have been voiced as the brain consumes the greatest fraction of oxygen and is particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress. Exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF)-EMFs are reported to alter animal behavior and modulate biological variables, including gene expression, regulation of cell survival, promotion of cellular differentiation, and changes in cerebral blood flow in aged AD transgenic mice. Alterations in inflammatory responses have also been reported, but how these actions impact human health remains unknown. We hence evaluated the effects of an electromagnetic wave (magnetic field intensity 1mT; frequency, 50-Hz) on a well-characterized immortalized neuronal cell model, human SH-SY5Y cells. ELF-EMF exposure elevated the expession of NOS and O2 , which were countered by compensatory changes in antioxidant catylase (CAT) activity and enzymatic kinetic parameters related to CYP-450 and CAT activity. Actions of ELF-EMFs on cytokine gene expression were additionally evaluated and found rapidly modified. Confronted with co-exposure to H2O2-induced oxidative stress, ELF-EMF proved not as well counteracted and resulted in a decline in CAT activity and a rise in O2 levels. Together these studies support the further evaluation of ELF-EMF exposure in cellular and in vivo preclinical models to define mechanisms potentially impacted in humans.  相似文献   

Survival of Campylobacter jejuni at 4 and 20°C was investigated by using cellular integrity, respiratory activity, two-dimensional (2D) protein profile, and intact DNA content as indicators of potential viability of nonculturable cells. Intact DNA content after 116 days, along with cellular integrity and respiring cells, was detected for up to 7 months at 4°C by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Most changes in 2D protein profiles involved up- or down-regulation.  相似文献   

The distribution of xanthophyll cycle pigments (violaxanthin plus antheraxanthin plus zeaxanthin [VAZ]) among photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes was examined in Vinca major before, during, and subsequent to a photoinhibitory treatment at low temperature. Four pigment-protein complexes were isolated: the core of photosystem (PS) II, the major light-harvesting complex (LHC) protein of PSII (LHCII), the minor light-harvesting proteins (CPs) of PSII (CP29, CP26, and CP24), and PSI with its LHC proteins (PSI-LHCI). In isolated thylakoids 80% of VAZ was bound to protein independently of the de-epoxidation state and was found in all complexes. Plants grown outside in natural sunlight had higher levels of VAZ (expressed per chlorophyll), compared with plants grown in low light in the laboratory, and the additional VAZ was mainly bound to the major LHCII complex, apparently in an acid-labile site. The extent of de-epoxidation of VAZ in high light and the rate of reconversion of Z plus A to V following 2.5 h of recovery were greatest in the free-pigment fraction and varied among the pigment-protein complexes. Photoinhibition caused increases in VAZ, particularly in low-light-acclimated leaves. The data suggest that the photoinhibitory treatment caused an enrichment in VAZ bound to the minor CPs caused by de novo synthesis of the pigments and/or a redistribution of VAZ from the major LHCII complex.  相似文献   

The temperature limits of the order-disorder transition, and the Arrhenius activation energy of succinate oxidase activity for mitochondria of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) tubers were determined from the initiation to the termination of dormancy. The temperature limits for the transition at the initiation of dormancy were 25 and 3 C. These changed to 9 and −5 C at mid-dormancy and returned to 25 and 2 C at the termination of dormancy. The Arrhenius activation energy measured in the temperature range above the transition was 35 kilojoules per mole at middormancy and decreased to 17 kilojoules per mole at the termination of dormancy when sprouting was evident. The coincidence of the changes in membrane structure and function with dormancy suggests that artichokes possess a mechanism for regulating membrane lipid structure so that cellular integrity of tuber tissue is maintained even when the tubers are exposed to low temperatures.  相似文献   

To further an improved understanding of the mechanisms used by bacterial cells to survive extreme exposure to ionizing radiation (IR), we broadly screened nonessential Escherichia coli genes for those involved in IR resistance by using transposon-directed insertion sequencing (TraDIS). Forty-six genes were identified, most of which become essential upon heavy IR exposure. Most of these were subjected to direct validation. The results reinforced the notion that survival after high doses of ionizing radiation does not depend on a single mechanism or process, but instead is multifaceted. Many identified genes affect either DNA repair or the cellular response to oxidative damage. However, contributions by genes involved in cell wall structure/function, cell division, and intermediary metabolism were also evident. About half of the identified genes have not previously been associated with IR resistance or recovery from IR exposure, including eight genes of unknown function.  相似文献   

Analysis of food samples for E. coli O157:H7 using the standard U.S. Food and Drug Administration procedure is frequently complicated by overgrowth of nontarget microorganisms. A new procedure was developed for enrichment of enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) which utilizes exposure to pH 2.00 for 2 h. This procedure yielded larger populations of EHEC than the standard method by factors ranging from 2.7 to 7.7 and, when age-stressed cultures were used, by factors ranging from 2.7 to 11.5. Cultures of competing enterics were more effectively inhibited by the new enrichment protocol as well.  相似文献   

Two groups of male and female subjects aged 36–50 years were examined prior to and after short-term exposure to extreme temperatures. One group was exposed to heating in a sauna, and the other was exposed to cooling in ice-cold water. In both cases, the changes in some indices of thermoregulation and blood circulation approximated critical values. It is therefore concluded that, in adults, such procedures are stressful and dangerous for health.  相似文献   

Krylova  A. E.  Chaplygina  A. V.  Vekshin  N. L. 《Biophysics》2020,65(1):58-62
Biophysics - Abstract—A spectroscopic study of the manner in which exposure to elevated temperature or intense UV radiation leads to the occurrence of lipofuscin debris in the bodies and...  相似文献   

Chilling of leaves of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) at 5?C inmoderate light for 5 h caused almost complete suppression ofphotosynthetic oxygen evolution in the leaves. Comparison ofelectron transport activities determined in the presence andabsence of an uncoupler, methylamine, indicated that thylakoidsprepared from such treated leaves were uncoupled without anysignificant changes in the capacity for electron transport.Immunoblotting revealed that the amount of coupling factor 1(CF1) associated with membranes was reduced by the chillingtreatment in the light. Thylakoids prepared from leaves thathad been chilled in moderate light for 5 h and then re-warmedfor 1 h were coupled and capable of synthesising ATP. However,the capacity of leaf photosynthesis was not restored by therewarming. These results indicate that the thylakoids are uncoupledby the dissociation of some CF1 complexes from the thylakoidmembranes during the chilling treatment of leaves in the lightand that thylakoids are recoupled by reassociation of CF1 duringthe subsequent rewarming of the treated leaves at 25?C. It alsoappears that chilling in the light causes irreversible damageto reaction(s) other than those involved in electron transportand photophosphorylation. 1 Present address: Department of Biological Science, Facultyof Science, Himeji Institute of Technology, Kamigori, Ako-gun,Hyogo, 678-12 Japan (Received July 1, 1991; Accepted October 4, 1991)  相似文献   

念珠藻葛仙米生理生化特性对不同低温胁迫的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了不同培养温度下对念珠藻葛仙米的生长和相关生理生化特性的变化.结果表明,低温抑制葛仙米的生长,在2℃~5℃低温下其生长甚至完全停止;在10℃低温胁迫下,其生长延滞期变长,其后仍能保持正常生长.低温胁迫下,葛仙米光合系统II(PSII)的光合效率(Fv/Fm)的变化趋势与生长曲线相似;细胞电解质渗透率在低温胁迫初期尚能保持比较低的水平,但随着时间延长而升高;可溶性糖和还原性糖含量的变化则随胁迫加剧有不同程度升高.可溶性蛋白含量则在低温下保持比较低的水平.这些结果表明,低温对葛仙米的生长和光合作用具有抑制作用,但葛仙米也表现出了一定的抵抗低温胁迫的能力,并通过调节细胞膜的渗透性、重新合成低温适应调节物质(如总糖和可溶性糖等)来减少低温伤害,从而适应低温胁迫.  相似文献   

The near-UV component of sunlight decreased culturability of the leaf epiphyte and plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae. Exposure of the wild-type cells for 4 h to UV-A and UV-B in sunlight was ten fold more detrimental than exposure to sunlight with just UV-A. Sensitivity to UV-A especially increased in a mutant of P. syringae lacking the global regulatory sigma factor, RpoS. No RpoS-mutant cells were culturable after 4 h of exposure to near-UV sunlight. These findings suggest that both UV-A and UV-B wavelengths cause damage to the bacterial cell and that the RpoS protein regulates protective measures for the leaf-associated pseudomonad. Received: 6 February 2001 / Accepted: 3 April 2001  相似文献   

A fresh 1% solution of KOH in 70% ethanol in 2 hr at 2-4 C restores basophilia to methylated acid mucosubstances satisfactorily without detaching or damaging tissue sections. A 0.5% solution of Ba(OH)2 under the same conditions gives results nearly as good, but NaOH and KMnO4 are unsatisfactory.  相似文献   

The optimal growth of mesophilic methanotrophic bacteria (collection strains of the genera Methylocystis, Methylomonas, Methylosinus, and Methylobacter) occurred within temperature ranges of 31–34°C and 23–25°C. None of the 12 strains studied were able to grow at 1.5 or 4°C. Representatives of six methanotrophic species (strains Mcs. echinoides2, Mm. methanica12, Mb. bovis89, Mcs. pyriformis14, Mb. chroococcum90, and Mb. vinelandii87) could grow at 10°C (with a low specific growth rate). The results obtained suggest that some mesophilic methane-oxidizing bacteria display psychrotolerant (psychrotrophic) but not psychrophilic properties. In general, the Rosso model, which describes bacterial growth rate as a function of temperature, fits the experimental data well, although, for most methanotrophs, with symmetrical approximations for the optimal temperature.  相似文献   

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