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Cooperative breeding is generally associated with increased philopatry and sedentariness, presumably because short-distance dispersal facilitates the maintenance of kin groups. There are, however, few data on long-distance dispersal in cooperative breeders—the variable likely to be important for genetic diversification and speciation. We tested the hypothesis that cooperative breeders are less likely to engage in long-distance dispersal events by comparing records of vagrants outside their normal geographic range for matched pairs (cooperatively vs. non-cooperatively breeding) of North American species of birds. Results failed to support the hypothesis of reduced long-distance dispersal among cooperative breeders. Thus, our results counter the conclusion that the lower rate of speciation among cooperative breeding taxa found in recent analyses is a consequence of reduced vagility.  相似文献   

Theory predicts source-sink dynamics can occur in species with the ideal preemptive distribution but not with the ideal free distribution. Source-sink dynamics can also occur in species with passive dispersal, in which a fixed fraction of the population disperses each generation. However, in nature, dispersal often approximates random diffusion rather than ideal choices or fixed probabilities. Here, I ask which dispersal system occurred in a butterfly (Euphydryas editha) known to have source-sink dynamics. The study used 13 experimental sites, where vacant and occupied habitat patches were juxtaposed. I estimated movement during the flight season and tested hypotheses about the type of dispersal system. Ideal free and ideal preemptive models were rejected because per capita movement rates were density independent. Passive dispersal was rejected because per capita rates were related to patch area and habitat preference. The diffusion model best explained the data because it predicted both the area relationship and an odd feature of the habitat preference: immigration was not higher in preferred habitat; rather, emigration was lower. The diffusion model implied that source-sink dynamics were driven by diffusion from areas of high to low population density. Existing source-sink theory assumes fine-scale patchiness, in which animals have perfect knowledge and ease of mobility. The results from the butterfly suggest that source-sink dynamics arise at coarser spatial scales, where diffusion models apply.  相似文献   



The spread of Bluetongue virus (BTV) among ruminants is caused by movement of infected host animals or by movement of infected Culicoides midges, the vector of BTV. Biologically plausible models of Culicoides dispersal are necessary for predicting the spread of BTV and are important for planning control and eradication strategies.


A spatially-explicit simulation model which captures the two underlying population mechanisms, population dynamics and movement, was developed using extensive data from a trapping program for C. brevitarsis on the east coast of Australia. A realistic midge flight sub-model was developed and the annual incursion and population establishment of C. brevitarsis was simulated. Data from the literature was used to parameterise the model.


The model was shown to reproduce the spread of C. brevitarsis southwards along the east Australian coastline in spring, from an endemic population to the north. Such incursions were shown to be reliant on wind-dispersal; Culicoides midge active flight on its own was not capable of achieving known rates of southern spread, nor was re-emergence of southern populations due to overwintering larvae. Data from midge trapping programmes were used to qualitatively validate the resulting simulation model.


The model described in this paper is intended to form the vector component of an extended model that will also include BTV transmission. A model of midge movement and population dynamics has been developed in sufficient detail such that the extended model may be used to evaluate the timing and extent of BTV outbreaks. This extended model could then be used as a platform for addressing the effectiveness of spatially targeted vaccination strategies or animal movement bans as BTV spread mitigation measures, or the impact of climate change on the risk and extent of outbreaks. These questions involving incursive Culicoides spread cannot be simply addressed with non-spatial models.  相似文献   

The intermediate disturbance hypothesis has had success in explaining changes in local diversity in many habitats. Recent laboratory work has shown that disturbance may act to increase diversity in soft‐bottom marine communities as predicted by the hypothesis. In this paper, we present the results of a field experiment which tested the impacts of physical disturbance on soft‐bottom, intertidal macrobenthic communities. Five disturbance treatments were used, differing in the frequency of applied disturbance events; the highest frequency treatments were dug every week, lowest every eight weeks. The experiment was run for a total of 25 weeks over the winter of 1997/98. Our experiment controlled for differences in recovery time after disturbances. Abundances of Pygospio elegans, Macoma balthica, Hydrobia ulvae and Streblospio benedicti were all significantly reduced in high disturbance treatments, as was the total number of species. No species showed significant increases in abundance in disturbed treatments, and there was no evidence of an increase in diversity in any treatments. These results are discussed in the context of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. Our results suggest that the interspecific competitive effects postulated by the hypothesis are not important in structuring this low diversity, intertidal community. However, unequivocally rejecting the hypothesis is difficult because it contains many ambiguities, and acts more as a conceptual model than as a falsifiable hypothesis.  相似文献   

岛屿生物地理学理论:模型与应用   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
前言岛屿有许多显著特征,如地理隔离,生物类群简单。这些特点为重复性研究和统计学分析奠定了基础,从而有利于许多深入而细致的生物学研究。因此,岛屿为发展和检验自然选择、物种形成及演化,以及生物地理学和生态学诸领域的理论和假设,提供了重要的自然实验室。岛屿生物地理学理论(MacArthurwilson学说)即为岛屿生物学研究中所产生的著名理论之一。该理论发展之  相似文献   

The phylogenetic status of the well-known Asian butterflies often known as Agehana (a species group, often treated as a genus or a subgenus, within Papilio sensu lato) has long remained unresolved. Only two species are included, and one of them especially, Papilio maraho, is not only rare but near-threatened, being monophagous on its vulnerable hostplant, Sassafras randaiense (Lauraceae). Although the natural history and population conservation of “Agehana” has received much attention, the biogeographic origin of this group still remains enigmatic. To clarify these two questions, a total of 86 species representatives within Papilionidae were sampled, and four genes (concatenated length 3842 bp) were used to reconstruct their phylogenetic relationships and historical scenarios. Surprisingly, “Agehana” fell within the American Papilio subgenus Pterourus and not as previously suggested, phylogenetically close to the Asian Papilio subgenus Chilasa. We therefore formally synonymize Agehana with Pterourus. Dating and biogeographic analysis allow us to infer an intercontinental dispersal of an American ancestor of Asian Pterourus in the early Miocene, which was coincident with historical paleo-land bridge connections, resulting in the present “East Asia-America” disjunction distribution. We emphasize that species exchange between East Asia and America seems to be a quite frequent occurrence in butterflies during the Oligocene to Miocene climatic optima.  相似文献   

While some marine animals are capable of traveling great distances, many have limited mobility as adults and spend the majority of their lifetimes in a small geographical area or may even be cemented to a single place. While it might be expected that species with limited mobility would have small geographic distributions, some nevertheless occur over very large areas. This is the case for some marine snails (gastropods). A key factor that impacts the geographic distribution of marine snails is the type of larvae they have during the phase of their life history that follows hatching from an egg. Because adult snails do not typically travel vast distances, the mobility of the larval stage determines the species?? ability to reach new territories. Some larvae are capable of long-distance travel, while others are not. An important component of the process of speciation involves geographic isolation, so the type of larvae a snail species possesses impacts the likelihood that it will become geographically isolated and give rise to a new species. Larval form also affects how long snail species will persist on geological timescales before going extinct, as well as rates of speciation. This paper briefly reviews the evolutionary consequences of different types of larval development in marine gastropods (especially cone snails, which are one of the most diverse groups of marine animals), particularly in determining the dispersal ability and geographic ranges of individual species, the amount of genetic exchange among populations within species, and the duration of species through time. The goal of this short review is to provide context and examples for classroom discussions of the connections between biogeography and macroevolution. Furthermore, a classroom activity is presented that involves students?? using information about snail life history and biogeography to develop research plans (and predicted results) that could be utilized to test (i.e., support or reject) several macroevolutionary hypotheses.  相似文献   

The vertical, latitudinal, and circumcontinental zonality of the distribution of the species, genera, and families of recent brachiopods is considered. The distortions of the latitudinal and meridional symmetry of the biogeographic structure of the ocean are analyzed in view of the patterns of the global circulation of the surface and intermediate waters. Thus ancient faunas may be reconstructed based on data on the structural characteristics of the taxocene of recent brachiopods. The features of the paedomorphic evolution of brachiopods from the different families in extreme habitats (interstitial, underwater caverns, submarine rises, abyssal depths, hydrothermal areas, and margins of habitats) are discussed. The biogeographic structure of bottom dwellers is shown to simplify with depth as well as with simplification of the hydrological structure of the ocean. The important role of the bathyal oceanic zone (slopes of continents, islands, submarine mountains, ridges, and rises) in the preservation of faunal relicts is shown. The historical change from brachiopods to bivalves that occurred from the Paleozoic to the Mesozoic and Cenozoic is shown to have resulted not from competitive exclusion, but from complex and global changes in the plankton composition, which were unfavorable for articulate brachiopods, which had already developed specialized feeding habits, feeding on food that led to the production of almost no metabolic waste products; they had even partly lost their alimentary canal. The development of shelly plankton and, especially, of diatoms hampered the post-Paleozoic revival of large assemblages of articulate brachiopods in shallow-water habitats. The unfilled ecological niches were colonized by bivalves, which were widely adapted to feeding on live phyto-and zooplankton. Recent articulate brachiopods, which are adapted to feeding on the products of decay of dead plankton, form a belt of densely populated settlements of the organic biofilter outside the photic zone on the seaward edge of shelves and on the upper parts of the slopes of continents, islands, and submarine rises throughout the world.  相似文献   

Complete nucleotide sequences from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1143 bp) were used to investigate the phylogenetic relationships among the native rodents of Madagascar. Specifically, this study examines whether the nine genera of nesomyines form a monophyletic group relative to other Old World murids. All nine of the nesomyine genera, including multiple individuals from 15 of the 21 described species, were included in the analysis, and their monophyly was assessed relative to the murid subfamilies Mystromyinae, Petromyscinae, Dendromurinae, Cricetomyinae, Murinae, Rhizomyinae, and Calomyscinae. Phylogenetic analysis of the resulting 95 taxa and 540 characters resulted in 502 equally parsimonious cladograms. The strict consensus tree weakly refutes the monophyly of Nesomyinae and suggests that the Malagasy rodents form a clade with dendromurines (as represented by Steatomys ) and the African rhizomyine Tachyoryctes . The cladogram strongly refutes the association of the South African genus Mystromys with the Malagasy genera and suggests that Petromyscus and Mystromys form a monophyletic group. We provide the first explicitly phylogenetic scenario for the biogeographic history of nesomyine rodents. Our phylogenetic hypothesis indicates: (1) rodents invaded Madagascar only once, (2) they came from Asia not from Africa as is commonly assumed, and (3) there was a secondary invasion of rodents from Madagascar into Africa.  相似文献   

The biogeography of rotifers is discussed in light of general biogeographical concepts. It is argued that, in spite of considerable abilities for passive dispersal, vicariance can develop well in this group. Examples selected from the Branchionidae illustrate the high levels of endemicity found in Australia and South America, while the Indian subcontinent and Africa have a predominantly cosmopolitan fauna. An explanation for these patterns is found in drifting continents and Pleistocene climatic changes.  相似文献   

本文研究离散单种扩散模型全局渐近稳定性,利用单调算子和凹算子的理论讨论了其全局渐近稳定性,并得到了正平衡点全局渐的稳定和物种绝灭的充分条件。  相似文献   

Aim This paper reviews the biogeography of the Australian monsoon tropical biome to highlight general patterns in the distribution of a range of organisms and their environmental correlates and evolutionary history, as well as to identify knowledge gaps. Location Northern Australia, Australian Monsoon Tropics (AMT). The AMT is defined by areas that receive more than 85% of rainfall between November and April. Methods Literature is summarized, including the origin of the monsoon climate, present‐day environment, biota and habitat types, and phylogenetic and geographical relationships of selected organisms. Results Some species are widespread throughout the AMT while others are narrow‐range endemics. Such contrasting distributions correspond to present‐day climates, hydrologies (particularly floodplains), geological features (such as sandstone plateaux), fire regimes, and vegetation types (ranging from rain forest to savanna). Biogeographical and phylogenetic studies of terrestrial plants (e.g. eucalypts) and animals (vertebrates and invertebrates) suggest that distinct bioregions within the AMT reflect the aggregated effects of landscape and environmental history, although more research is required to determine and refine the boundaries of biogeographical zones within the AMT. Phylogenetic analyses of aquatic organisms (fishes and prawns) suggest histories of associations with drainage systems, dispersal barriers, links to New Guinea, and the existence of Lake Carpentaria, now submerged by the Gulf of Carpentaria. Complex adaptations to the landscape and climate in the AMT are illustrated by a number of species. Main conclusions The Australian monsoon is a component of a single global climate system, characterized by a dominant equator‐spanning Hadley cell. Evidence of hot, seasonally moist climates dates back to the Late Eocene, implying that certain endemic elements of the AMT biota have a long history. Vicariant differentiation is inferred to have separated the Kimberley and Arnhem Land bioregions from Cape York Peninsula/northern Queensland. Such older patterns are overlaid by younger events, including dispersal from Southeast Asia, and range expansions and contractions. Future palaeoecological and phylogenetic investigations will illuminate the evolution of the AMT biome. Understanding the biogeography of the AMT is essential to provide a framework for ecological studies and the sustainable development of the region.  相似文献   

Biogeography of the marine actinomycete Salinispora   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

运用梯度──输送理论分析了植物花粉、种子湍流扩散的不同情况,导出了植物花粉、种子散布的湍流扩散模型,并运用此模型研究了亚热带常绿阔叶林优势种四川大头茶的种子散布格局.  相似文献   

Practically each one of the chapters in the book Historical Biogeography, Plate Tectonics, and the Changing Environment (Gray & Boucot 1979) would have deserved to be channelled to readers in the form of articles in periodicals, to be efficiently circulated among the most concerned specialists as offprints and to be abstracted and indexed by the secondary information services.  相似文献   

We use a model of modern baboon socio-ecology to explore the behavioral ecology and biogeography of the extinct Plio-Pleistocene baboons (genera Parapapio, Gorgopithecus, Dinopithecus, and Papio). The model is based on the way climate affects the baboons’ time budgets, and focuses on intersite variability in behavior rather than on species-typical patterns of behavior, as most previous approaches have done. We use climate estimates for individual fossil sites based on matching modern habitats using faunal profiles and estimates of individual species’ body masses given in the literature. The model allows us to examine the minimum and maximum sizes of groups that individual species would have been able to support at particular localities, and hence the biogeography of a species on a continental scale. In doing so, the model allows us to examine which variables are most responsible for limiting a species’ ecological and biogeographic flexibility, and through this to explore a species’ capacity for coping with climate change. Feeding time is identified as the main constraint. In general, large-bodied species would have had more difficulty surviving in as wide a range of habitats as smaller-bodied species, and this may explain the limited geographical distribution of large-bodied baboons such as Gorgopithecus and Dinopithecus.  相似文献   

The ubiqutin-proteasome system is the major pathway by which cells target proteins for degradation in a specific manner. The E3 ubiquitin ligase, which brings targeted proteins (substrates) and activated ubiquitin in close proximity, enabling covalent conjugation of ubiquitin to the substrate, is an essential component of this system. Of the E3 ligases, the cullin (CUL) ligases are of high interest because of their capacity to form multiple distinct E3 complexes to ubiquitinate a potentially large number of substrates. Of the six closely related cullins, very little is known about how specific substrates are recruited to CUL4-dependent ligases. A recent paper in Nature Cell Biology may shed some light on this issue as well as on the function of DDB1, a damaged-DNA binding protein that has long been associated with DNA repair.  相似文献   

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