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Recent increases in biological invasions frequency may have important consequences on native communities. However, functional redundancy between invasive and native species could reduce non-native species effects on native ecosystems. Despite this, even small differences in functional traits between these species may still have unpredictable effects on colonized ecosystems. Invasive crayfish, as ecosystem engineers, potentially have wide and complex effects on recipient ecosystems, even when replacing a native counterpart. We used laboratory microcosms to test whether native (Astacus astacus) and invasive crayfish species (Orconectes limosus, Pacifastacus leniusculus and Procambarus clarkii) are actually functionally redundant in their effects on prey/shredder density and leaf litter breakdown. Results show that crayfish strongly influenced macroinvertebrate numbers and leaf litter breakdown and indicate that differences in direct (prey and leaf litter consumption) and indirect (prey habitat use and leaf litter breakdown) effects between crayfish species do exist. While the replacement of A. astacus by O. limosus may have induced only minor changes in freshwater ecosystems, invasions by the larger and more aggressive P. clarkii and P. leniusculus will likely have strong effects on invaded ecosystem. Overall, there seems to be no functional redundancy between these four species and outcomes of crayfish invasion will likely be species specific.  相似文献   

Alien species can affect native species through several ecological processes such as competition. Here we tested the hypothesis of interspecific competition for space and food resources between the native Eurasian red squirrel and the invasive Pallas’s squirrel introduced in Italy. We used an experimental study design comparing space and habitat use and body condition parameters of red squirrels between areas of co-occurrence with the Pallas’s squirrel and areas without it. There were no differences in mean home range size of red squirrels between red-only areas and red-Pallas. However, when Pallas’s squirrels were removed, the red squirrels increased their home ranges. Moreover, in the area of syntopy, red squirrels had a higher degree of intraspecific home range overlap than in the red-only area. We also found indirect evidence for competition for food with red squirrels having a poorer body condition when co-occurring with the alien species. We analyzed the body mass and size of red squirrels in the two areas and our results showed that red squirrels had a reduced body mass and size when in syntopy, confirming that the interspecific competition does not allow red squirrels to reach the optimum body condition that they would have if the competitor was not present. Moreover, tree-species niche overlap was very high and both species fed primarily on the same tree seeds. Differences in vegetation cover between areas are discussed. This is the first study that confirms the invasiveness of the Pallas’s squirrel also in terms of capability to compete with native species.  相似文献   

A species’ niche position may differ strongly between geographic regions, for instance due to the effect of competitors or ecophysiological stress. However, it is unclear whether such strong geographic niche variation is the rule or the exception. We compared the niche positions of plant species between central England and eastern central Europe (as available from the literature), using phylogenetically independent contrasts. We found that most species occupied similar niche positions in both regions. More importantly, we found that niche variation was not higher in species susceptible to competitive displacement. Nor was niche variation higher in species that reach the edge of their range and thus suffer ecophysiological stress. We suggest that although these species might be easily displaced in their position along a niche axis, they may only be displaced over a short distance. Overall, ecological mechanisms that cause niche variation at the local scale may be much less relevant at the geographic scale.  相似文献   

Aim Species introduced to an area outside of their native range are often thought to have higher impact in this new area. We examined whether this is really the case in mammals and birds and to what extent. In particular, we explored how impacts of alien species vary in relationship to invader identity and type of impact. Location Global. Methods We conducted a thorough review of the literature to compare the impact of alien European mammals and birds in their native and invaded ranges. Based on a series of environmental and economic impact scores, we ordered species along a continuum from weak invaders, which have lower impact in the invaded range, to strong invaders, which have higher impact in the invaded range. Results We found that nearly 80% of the mammals are strong invaders, but only half of the birds. Members of these two classes also affect their communities in different ways; birds more often have an impact via hybridization, whereas mammals have stronger impacts via herbivory, transmission of diseases to wildlife and their effects on agriculture, livestock and forestry. Main conclusions Generally, mammals and birds have different impacts when invading new regions. Although there are some bird species that are strong invaders, these remain the exception among birds, whereas most mammals increase their impact in the invaded range. This study provides a deeper insight into patterns of impact in the invaded range.  相似文献   

This study compared the bird assemblages of native semi-natural woodlands and non-native Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) plantations in Ireland to identify what vegetation variables most influenced birds and to identify management targets in plantations to maximise future bird conservation. Point counts were conducted in 10 Oak (Quercus spp.) and 10 Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) native woodlands and in five Mid-rotation (20–30 years old) and five Mature (30–50 years old) Sitka spruce plantations. Ordination was used to characterise woodland types according to their constituent bird species. Total bird density (calculated using Distance software) and species richness were assessed for the different woodland types. Oak and Ash woodland bird assemblages were separated from Mid-rotation and Mature plantations by the ordination. There was no difference in total bird density between any of the woodland types. Oak woodlands had significantly higher species richness than either Mid-rotation or Mature Sitka spruce plantations. Ash had higher species richness than Mature Sitka spruce plantations. Understorey vegetation was negatively associated with total bird density, which also varied with survey year. Understorey vegetation was positively associated with species richness. Reasons for the relationships between vegetation and bird assemblages are discussed. Management should seek to increase shrub and understorey vegetation in the Mid-rotation phase to improve the contribution of plantations to bird conservation.  相似文献   

The native area of gammarids from the so-called ‘Caspian complex’, Pontogammarus robustoides (G.O. Sars, 1894), Obesogammarus crassus (G.O. Sars, 1894), Dikerogammarus haemobaphes (Eichwald, 1841) and D. villosus (Sowinsky, 1894), is associated with brackish waters. Over the last several decades they have colonized the European inland waters and part of the brackish Baltic Sea. It is believed that anthropogenic increase in the salinity of inland waters facilitated their expansion. However, the influence of salinity on the dispersal of gammarid species outside their native area is not fully understood. We tested the hypothesis that salinity was a major factor in determining distribution, based on the abundance of Gammaridae in three coastal areas of low salinity (brackish Baltic), i.e. 0.3, 3.4 and 7.3 PSU, successfully inhabited by them. Additionally, for the first time, the effect of water salinity on the osmoregulatory capacity of O. crassus was examined under laboratory conditions, for the salinities given above. The experiments showed that similarly as in the case of other Caspian complex species, salinity values of about 7 PSU create better conditions for osmoregulation in O. crassus than lower salinities (i.e. 0.3 and 3.4 PSU). In the environmental part of the study, we observed that only D. villosus achieved a significantly higher abundance in the area of 7.3 PSU. Thus, we concluded that in the range of 0.3–7.3 PSU, salinity is not a key factor governing the distribution of Ponto-Caspian gammarids.  相似文献   

Suter  Werner 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):1-14
During the period 1980–1990 long-term physical, chemical and ecological studies were carried out, to study the changes induced by the building of a storm-surge barrier in the mouth of the Oosterschelde estuary and two large auxiliary compartment dams in the rear ends of the estuary. The storm-surge barrier was constructed in the mouth of Oosterschelde estuary (SW Netherlands) during the period 1979–1986. The barrier allows the tides to enter the estuary freely, and, on the other hand, the barrier guarantees safety for the human population and their properties when a stormflood threatens the area.Oosterschelde estuary is isolated from the river input, the rear ends of the ecosystem were separated from the estuary by sea-walls and the strongly decreased tidal exchange with the North Sea induced sheltered circumstances. The Oosterschelde changed from a turbid estuary into a tidal bay, and yet primary production responses appear to be robust and resilient, and the biological communities showed only quantitative shifts from the dominance of specific species assemblages to other assemblages. In many cases predicted changes in the structure of the biological communities could not be verified owing to the large natural variability mainly caused by physical factors (e.g. temperature).  相似文献   

Establishment of non-native species and human-driven alteration of habitats are major causes of the decline of native faunas. Interference between native and non-native cockroach species was evaluated here by comparing their distribution areas in two oceanic islands: Mayotte and La Réunion. A factorial correspondence analysis showed that their presence is related to environmental parameters among which human activity, humidity and altitude are the three most important. Human activity and humidity favour establishment and development of non-native species, whereas altitude limits their presence. Non-native species form guilds (up to seven species). Their distribution areas overlap and illustrate their colonizing capacities. On the contrary, distribution areas of native species never overlap, although some co-occur with non-native species. Native species are more endangered when they are established in cultivated areas than when they are in protected natural areas.  相似文献   

Large areas of tropical forest now exist as remnants scattered across agricultural landscapes, and so understanding the impacts of forest fragmentation is important for biodiversity conservation. We examined species richness and nestedness among tropical forest remnants in birds (meta-analysis of published studies) and insects (field data for fruit-feeding Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) and ants). Species-area relationships were evident in all four taxa, and avian and insect assemblages in remnants typically were nested subsets of those in larger areas. Avian carnivores and nectarivores and predatory ants were more nested than other guilds, implying that the sequential loss of species was more predictable in these groups, and that fragmentation alters the trophic organization of communities. For butterflies, the ordering of fragments to achieve maximum nestedness was by fragment area, suggesting that differences among fragments were driven mainly by extinction. In contrast for moths, maximum nestedness was achieved by ordering species by wing length; species with longer wings (implying better dispersal) were more likely to occur at all sites, including low diversity sites, suggesting that differences among fragments were driven more strongly by colonization. Although all four taxa exhibited high levels of nestedness, patterns of species turnover were also idiosyncratic, and thus even species-poor sites contributed to landscape-scale biodiversity, particularly for insects.  相似文献   

In eastern North America, the exotic invasive woodwasp, Sirex noctilio, attacks pines (Pinus spp.) and often shares larval habitat with the native woodwasp, Sirex nigricornis. The parasitic nematode, Deladenus siricidicola, has been used widely in the southern hemisphere as a biological control agent because it sterilizes female S. noctilio. This nematode was introduced accidentally to North America along with S. noctilio. Historical reports indicate nematode-woodwasp fidelity: the parasitic nematode, D. siricidicola, exclusively infects S. noctilio, and the native nematode, Deladenus proximus, exclusively infects S. nigricornis. From two sites in southern Ontario, separated by 225 km, we collected woodwasps from three Pinus sylvestris, and identified the nematode species present in the abdomens of infected wasps. Both wasp species co-occurred in all three trees. D. siricidicola was present in the haemocoel, but not inside the eggs, of infected S. noctilio and S. nigricornis. This evidence suggests horizontal transmission of D. siricidicola likely occurred from S. noctilio to S. nigricornis.  相似文献   

After a recall of the recent emergence of the great ecological problems on the scale of the European continent and of the privileged use of vegetation maps as an ecological tool, a cartographic synthesis of the main plant formations in Europe is submitted on the basis of a hierarchized and numerized nomenclature of the vegetation units. Examples of connections between vegetation and ecology, as suggested or facilitated by this map, are given: use of the monthly ombrothermic diagrams as a privileged tool, thermic limits of the boreal zone, indicative value of the Mediterranean xerothermic area, predictive models of the geographical shifts of the great ecosystems according to the expected climate changes.  相似文献   

Genetic information is used extensively to reconstruct the evolutionary and demographic history of organisms. Recently, it has been suggested that genetic information from some parasites can complement genetic data from their hosts. This approach relies upon the hypothesis that such parasites share a common history with their host. In some cases, parasites provide an additional source of information because parasite data can better reconstruct the common history. Here, we discuss which parasite traits are important in determining their usefulness for analysing host history. The key is the matching of the traits of the parasite (e.g. effective population size, generation time, mutation rate and level of host specificity) with the timescales (phylogenetic, phylogeographic and demographic) that are relevant to the issues of concern in host history.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - White-spotted charr (Salvelinus leucomaenis subspp.) and masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou subspp.) are representative stream salmonids in the Japanese Archipelago. Although...  相似文献   

Glutaraldehyde is widely used for the cross-linking of hemoglobin for blood substitute research or for technological purposes. The effects of this reagent on the biochemical properties of hemoglobin were correlated with M?ssbauer data. Human hemoglobin was cross-linked by glutaraldehyde as soluble polymers and insoluble particles. Effects of cross-linking on oxygen affinity, oxidation-reduction potential, autoxidation kinetics, and thermal stability were studied. Stability of cross-linked hemoglobin was specifically studied by M?ssbauer spectroscopy. Oxygen affinity is increased, redox potential is decreased, autoxidation rates are increased, and stability towards thermal denaturation is increased. The regeneration of partially denatured hemoglobin by glutaraldehyde cross-linking is shown. Effects of cross-linking on biochemical properties are explained by the hypothesis of the opening of the heme pocket on the distal-histidine side and the concomitant charge transfer from the iron to the oxygen.  相似文献   

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