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Our natural body odor goes through several stages of age-dependent changes in chemical composition as we grow older. Similar changes have been reported for several animal species and are thought to facilitate age discrimination of an individual based on body odors, alone. We sought to determine whether humans are able to discriminate between body odor of humans of different ages. Body odors were sampled from three distinct age groups: Young (20-30 years old), Middle-age (45-55), and Old-age (75-95) individuals. Perceptual ratings and age discrimination performance were assessed in 41 young participants. There were significant differences in ratings of both intensity and pleasantness, where body odors from the Old-age group were rated as less intense and less unpleasant than body odors originating from Young and Middle-age donors. Participants were able to discriminate between age categories, with body odor from Old-age donors mediating the effect also after removing variance explained by intensity differences. Similarly, participants were able to correctly assign age labels to body odors originating from Old-age donors but not to body odors originating from other age groups. This experiment suggests that, akin to other animals, humans are able to discriminate age based on body odor alone and that this effect is mediated mainly by body odors emitted by individuals of old age.  相似文献   

Mammalian newborns exhibit avid responsiveness to odor compounds emanating from conspecific milk. Milk is however developmentally heterogeneous in composition as a function of both evolved constraints and offspring demand. The present study aimed to verify whether milk odor attractivity for neonates is equally distributed along lactation in Mus musculus (Balb-c strain). Therefore, we exposed pups varying in age to milk samples collected from females in different lactational stages. The pups were assayed at postnatal days 2 (P2), 6 (P6) and 15 (P15) in a series of paired-choice tests opposing either murine milk and a blank (water), or two samples of milk collected in different stages of lactation [lactation days 2 (L2), 6 (L6), and 15 L15)]. Pups of any age were able to detect, and were attracted to, the odor of the different milk. When milk from different lactational stages were simultaneously presented, P2 pups oriented for a similar duration to the odors of L2 and of L6 milk, but significantly less to the odor of L15 milk. Next, P6 pups roamed equivalently over L2 and L6 milk odors, but still less over the odor of L15 milk. Finally, P15 pups explored as much L15 milk odor as the odors of both L2 and L6 milk. This developmental shift in milk attractivity is discussed in terms of changing chemosensory properties of milk and of shifting chemosensory abilities/experience of pups.  相似文献   

The neuroscience of flavor perception is hence becoming increasingly important to understand food flavor perception that guides food selection, ingestion and appreciation. We recently provided evidence that rats can use the retronasal mode of olfaction, an essential element of human flavor perception. We showed that in rats, like humans, odors can acquire a taste. We and others also defined how the input of the olfactory bulb (OB) -not functionally imageable in humans- codes retronasal smell in anesthetized rat. The powerful awake transgenic mouse, however, would be a valuable additional model in the study of flavor neuroscience. We used a go/no-go behavioral task to test the mouse''s ability to detect and discriminate the retronasal odor amyl acetate. In this paradigm a tasteless aqueous odor solution was licked by water-restricted head-fixed mice from a lick spout. Orthonasal contamination was avoided. The retronasal odor was successfully discriminated by mice against pure distilled water in a concentration-dependent manner. Bulbectomy removed the mice''s ability to discriminate the retronasal odor but not tastants. The OB showed robust optical calcium responses to retronasal odorants in these awake mice. These results suggest that mice, like rats, are capable of smelling retronasally. This direct neuro-behavioral evidence establishes the mouse as a useful additional animal model for flavor research.  相似文献   

Emerging evidence from a number of laboratories indicates that humans have the ability to identify fatty acids in the oral cavity, presumably via fatty acid receptors housed on taste cells. Previous research has shown that an individual''s oral sensitivity to fatty acid, specifically oleic acid (C18:1) is associated with body mass index (BMI), dietary fat consumption, and the ability to identify fat in foods. We have developed a reliable and reproducible method to assess oral chemoreception of fatty acids, using a milk and C18:1 emulsion, together with an ascending forced choice triangle procedure. In parallel, a food matrix has been developed to assess an individual''s ability to perceive fat, in addition to a simple method to assess fatty food liking. As an added measure tongue photography is used to assess papillae density, with higher density often being associated with increased taste sensitivity.  相似文献   

Wind tunnel experiments were conducted to determine roles of odor learning in food foraging of the larval parasitoid,Microplitis croceipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Females that had neither fed on sucrose water nor experienced any odor and females that had experienced an odor without feeding failed to respond to any odors in a wind tunnel. Most of the females that had fed without an odor also did not respond to odors. However, most of the females that had experienced an odor during feeding on sucrose water flew to the odor. These results indicate that when females experience an odor during feeding, they learn to associate the odor with food and subsequently respond to the odor. As age of females increased, their response to an experienced odor increased, peaked 2 to 5 days after emergence, and then decreased. With an increasing number of odor experiences while feeding, accuracy of females choosing the experienced odor increased. Females that experienced an odor while feeding three to five times chose the experienced odor 90% of the time. When females experienced an odor while feeding five times, the memory of food associated odor lasted at least 2 days. When they experienced food with two odors successively, they could memorize both odors, and multiple experiences did not cause memory interference. Even when females had learned a food-associated odor, their response to the learned odor ceased after several visits on patches containing the odor but no food. Such negative experience may cause switching of food searching to new odors by females.  相似文献   

Moths possess highly tuned olfactory capabilities, which can detect very low concentrations of pheromonal odorants. Much is known about the structure and function of the moth olfactory system with respect to detection of pheromones. However, we lack an understanding of the broader olfactory system, in particular, to what degree are moths capable of detecting and discriminating odorants that are not components of pheromone blends. Here we describe a methodology used to investigate the discriminability of nonpheromonal odors in moths. In a series of experiments we show that the moth Manduca sexta can (1) discriminate a number of different odors but (2) that methyl jasmonate, neither readily conditions to a food reward nor is it readily discriminated from another odor. The lack of a response to methyl jasmonate may be related to its role in host plant defense. This work provides a basis for future mapping of physiological and pharmacological studies of nonpheromonal coding in insects onto learned behavioral responses to those odorants.  相似文献   

The majority of olfaction studies focus on orthonasal stimulation where odors enter via the front nasal cavity, while retronasal olfaction, where odors enter the rear of the nasal cavity during feeding, is understudied. The coding of retronasal odors via coordinated spiking of neurons in the olfactory bulb (OB) is largely unknown despite evidence that higher level processing is different than orthonasal. To this end, we use multi-electrode array in vivo recordings of rat OB mitral cells (MC) in response to a food odor with both modes of stimulation, and find significant differences in evoked firing rates and spike count covariances (i.e., noise correlations). Differences in spiking activity often have implications for sensory coding, thus we develop a single-compartment biophysical OB model that is able to reproduce key properties of important OB cell types. Prior experiments in olfactory receptor neurons (ORN) showed retro stimulation yields slower and spatially smaller ORN inputs than with ortho, yet whether this is consequential for OB activity remains unknown. Indeed with these specifications for ORN inputs, our OB model captures the salient trends in our OB data. We also analyze how first and second order ORN input statistics dynamically transfer to MC spiking statistics with a phenomenological linear-nonlinear filter model, and find that retro inputs result in larger linear filters than ortho inputs. Finally, our models show that the temporal profile of ORN is crucial for capturing our data and is thus a distinguishing feature between ortho and retro stimulation, even at the OB. Using data-driven modeling, we detail how ORN inputs result in differences in OB dynamics and MC spiking statistics. These differences may ultimately shape how ortho and retro odors are coded.  相似文献   

Body odors provide a rich source of sensory information for other animals. There is considerable evidence to suggest that short-term fluctuations in body odor can be caused by diet; however, few, if any, previous studies have demonstrated that specific compounds can directly mask or alter mouse urinary odor when ingested and thus alter another animal's behavior. To investigate whether the ingestion of citronellal, a monoterpene aldehyde that produces an intense aroma detected by both humans and mice, can alter mouse urinary odor, mice (C57BL6J) were trained in a Y maze to discriminate between the urinary odors of male donor mice that had ingested either citronellal in aqueous solution or a control solution. Trained mice could discriminate between urinary odors from the citronellal ingestion and control groups. A series of generalization tests revealed that citronellal ingestion directly altered mouse urinary odor. Moreover, trained mice that had successfully discriminated between urinary odors from donor mice of different ages failed to detect age-related changes in urine from male mice that had ingested 50 ppm of citronellal. This study is the first to show that ingestion of a xenobiotic can alter mouse urinary odor and confuse the behavioral responses of trained mice to age-related scents.  相似文献   

Tetragonisca angustula stingless bees are considered as solitary foragers that lack specific communication strategies. In their orientation towards a food source, these social bees use chemical cues left by co-specifics and the information obtained in previous foraging trips by the association of visual stimuli with the food reward. Here, we investigated their ability to learn the association between odors and reward (sugar solution) and the effect on learning of previous encounters with scented food either inside the hive or during foraging. During food choice experiments, when the odor associated with the food was encountered at the feeding site, the bees’ choice is biased to the same odor afterwards. The same was not the case when scented food was placed inside the nest. We also performed a differential olfactory conditioning of proboscis extension response with this species for the first time. Inexperienced bees did not show significant discrimination levels. However, when they had had already interacted with scented food inside the hive, they were able to learn the association with a specific odor. Possible olfactory information circulation inside the hive and its use in their foraging strategies is discussed.  相似文献   

The hypothesis of this experiment was that humans in an anxious state compared with a nonanxious state are able to increase anxiety levels in other humans via their body odors. Specifically, we hypothesized that male chemosensory anxiety signals compared with neutral chemosignals increase state anxiety of female subjects. Thirteen male subjects participated in 2 different sweat donation sessions: chemosignals were collected during participation in a high rope course (anxiety condition) and in an ergometer workout (neutral condition). State and trait anxiety were evaluated in 20 female odor recipients using Spielberger's state-trait anxiety inventory in a double-blind design. Comparison of state anxiety of odor donors between control and anxiety condition differed significantly indicating that our model of anxiety induction successfully led to the expected change in emotion. Comparison of state anxiety of odor recipients showed a trend toward higher state anxiety in the anxiety condition compared with the neutral condition after 5 min of odor exposure. After 20 min of odor exposure, state anxiety of female subjects was significantly higher during the perception of sweat collected during the anxiety condition in comparison with the perception of sweat collected during the neutral condition. This experiment gives evidence that male anxiety chemosignals compared with neutral chemosignals are capable of inducing an increased state anxiety in female subjects.  相似文献   

Yee  KK; Costanzo  RM 《Chemical senses》1998,23(5):513-519
Following recovery from olfactory nerve transection, animals regain their ability to discriminate between odors. Odor discrimination is restored after new neurons establish connections with the olfactory bulb. However, it is not known if the new connections alter odor quality perception. To address this question, 20 adult hamsters were first trained to discriminate between cinnamon and strawberry odors. After reaching criterion (> or = 90% correct response), half of the animals received a bilateral nerve transection (BTX) and half a surgical sham procedure. Animals were not tested again until day 40, a point in recovery when connections are re-established with the bulb. When BTX animals were tested without food reinforcement, they could not perform the odor discrimination task. Sham animals, however, could discriminate, demonstrating that the behavioral response had not been extinguished during the 40 day period. When reinforcement was resumed, BTX animals were able to discriminate between cinnamon and strawberry after four test sessions. In addition, their ability to discriminate between these two familiar odors was no different than that of BTX and sham animals tested with two novel odors, baby powder and coffee. These findings suggest that, after recovery from nerve transection, there are alterations in sensory perception and that restoration of odor quality discrimination requires that the animal must again learn to associate individual odor sensations with a behavioral response.   相似文献   

In humans, the pleasantness of odors is a major contributor to social relationships and food intake. Smells evoke attraction and repulsion responses, reflecting the hedonic value of the odorant. While olfactory preferences are known to be strongly modulated by experience and learning, it has been recently suggested that, in humans, the pleasantness of odors may be partly explained by the physicochemical properties of the odorant molecules themselves. If odor hedonic value is indeed predetermined by odorant structure, then it could be hypothesized that other species will show similar odor preferences to humans. Combining behavioral and psychophysical approaches, we here show that odorants rated as pleasant by humans were also those which, behaviorally, mice investigated longer and human subjects sniffed longer, thereby revealing for the first time a component of olfactory hedonic perception conserved across species. Consistent with this, we further show that odor pleasantness rating in humans and investigation time in mice were both correlated with the physicochemical properties of the molecules, suggesting that olfactory preferences are indeed partly engraved in the physicochemical structure of the odorant. That odor preferences are shared between mammal species and are guided by physicochemical features of odorant stimuli strengthens the view that odor preference is partially predetermined. These findings open up new perspectives for the study of the neural mechanisms of hedonic perception.  相似文献   

In the traditional sense, food ingestion consists of prehending, masticating, swallowing, and digesting plant matter. It is also possible to ingest plants without eating them. Volatile compounds are inhaled directly into the lungs and transported from the lungs into the bloodstream. Volatiles in high concentrations could presumably produce toxicosis, without an herbivore ever ingesting a plant in the customary sense. Volatile compounds may be aposematic, serving to warn potential predators of toxins in plants. We conducted three experiments to explore the roles of odor, taste, and toxicity in the food preferences of lambs. The first experiment determined if brief exposure to a novel odor followed by lithium chloride (LiCl)‐induced toxicosis caused lambs to avoid a familiar food that contained the odor. Lambs that sniffed coconut‐flavored barley and then received LiCl subsequently ate less coconut‐flavored barley than lambs that did not receive LiCl. The second experiment determined if lambs were deterred from eating a familiar food by the odor of Astragalus bisulcatus. A. bisulcatus is a malodorous (to humans) sulfur‐containing herb considered unpalatable and toxic. Neither odor nor intraruminal infusions of A. bisulcatus deterred lambs from feeding. The third experiment also determined how the degree of familiarity with the odor of A. bisulcatus, along with toxicosis, influenced preference of lambs for food with or without the odor of A. bisulcatus. Lambs with 8 d exposure to the odor but not given LiCl ate similar amounts of food, with and without the odor of A. bisulcatus, whereas lambs given LiCl showed a mild aversion to food with the odor during testing. Lambs with 1 d exposure to the odor but no LiCl ate similar amounts of food, with and without the odor, whereas lambs given LiCl showed a strong but transient aversion to food with the odor. Collectively, these findings show that lambs responded strongly to novel odors, but their response was transient and depended on the postingestive consequences of toxins and nutrients associated with odor inhalation. Thus, we submit that odor alone, in the absence of toxicosis or nociception, is not a deterrent to herbivores that continually sample foods and adjust intake based on the postingestive effects of toxins and nutrients. It also is unlikely that non‐toxic plants can mimic the odors of toxic plants to avoid herbivory (Batesian mimicry), unless the odors are indistinguishable by herbivores, again because herbivores constantly sample foods.  相似文献   

This video demonstrates a technique to establish the presence of a normally functioning olfactory system in a mouse. The test helps determine whether the mouse can discriminate between non-social odors and social odors, whether the mouse habituates to a repeatedly presented odor, and whether the mouse demonstrates dishabituation when presented with a novel odor. Since many social behavior tests measure the experimental animal’s response to a familiar or novel mouse, false positives can be avoided by establishing that the animals can detect and discriminate between social odors. There are similar considerations in learning tests such as fear conditioning that use odor to create a novel environment or olfactory cues as an associative stimulus. Deficits in the olfactory system would impair the ability to distinguish between contexts and to form an association with an olfactory cue during fear conditioning. In the odor habitation/dishabituation test, the mouse is repeatedly presented with several odors. Each odor is presented three times for two minutes. The investigator records the sniffing time directed towards the odor as the measurement of olfactory responsiveness. A typical mouse shows a decrease in response to the odor over repeated presentations (habituation). The experimenter then presents a novel odor that elicits increased sniffing towards the new odor (dishabituation). After repeated presentation of the novel odor the animal again shows habituation. This protocol involves the presentation of water, two or more non-social odors, and two social odors. In addition to reducing experimental confounds, this test can provide information on the function of the olfactory systems of new knockout, knock-in, and conditional knockout mouse lines.  相似文献   

Hundreds of studies have assessed variation in the degree to which people experience disgust toward substances associated with pathogens, but little is known about the mechanistic sources of this variation. The current investigation uses olfactory perception and threshold methods to test whether it is apparent at the cue-detection level, at the cue-interpretation level, or both. It further tests whether relations between disgust sensitivity and olfactory perception are specific to odors associated with pathogens. Two studies (N's = 119 and 160) of individuals sampled from a Dutch university each revealed that pathogen disgust sensitivity relates to valence perceptions of odors found in pathogen sources, but not to valence perceptions of odors not associated with pathogens, nor to intensity perceptions of odors of either type. Study 2, which also assessed olfactory thresholds via a three-alternative forced-choice staircase method, did not reveal a relation between pathogen disgust sensitivity and the ability to detect an odor associated with pathogens, nor an odor not associated with pathogens. In total, results are consistent with the idea that pathogen disgust sensitivity relates to how olfactory pathogen cues are interpreted after detection, but not necessarily to the ability to detect such cues.  相似文献   

Current trends in artificial nose research are strongly influenced by knowledge of biological olfactory systems. Insects have evolved over millions of years to detect and maneuver toward a food source or mate, or away from predators. The insect olfactory system is able to identify volatiles on a time scale that matches their ability to maneuver. Here, biological olfactory sense organs, insect antennae, have been exploited in a hybrid-device biosensor, demonstrating the ability to identify individual strands of odor in a plume passing over the sensor on a sub-second time scale. A portable system was designed to utilize the electrophysiological responses recorded from a sensor array composed of male or female antennae from four or eight different species of insects (a multi-channel electroantennogram, EAG). A computational analysis strategy that allows discrimination between odors in real time is described in detail. Following a training period, both semi-parametric and k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) classifiers with the ability to discard ambiguous responses are applied toward the classification of up to eight odors. EAG responses to individual strands in an odor plume are classified or discarded as ambiguous with a delay (sensor response to classification report) on the order of 1 s. The dependence of classification error rate on several parameters is described. Finally, the performance of the approach is compared to that of a minimal conditional risk classifier.  相似文献   

Through the use of proboscis-extension reflex conditioning, we demonstrate that honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) bred for hygienic behavior (a behavioral mechanism of disease resistance) are able to discriminate between odors of healthy and diseased brood at a lower stimulus level than bees from a non-hygienic line. Electroantennogram recordings confirmed that hygienic bees exhibit increased olfactory sensitivity to low concentrations of the odor of chalkbrood infected pupae (a fungal disease caused by Ascosphaera apis). Three-week-old hygienic bees were able to discriminate between the brood odors significantly better than three-week old non-hygienic bees. However, the differential performance in brood odor discrimination was primarily genetically based, not a direct result of age, experience, or the temporary behavioral state of the bee. Lower stimulus thresholds for both the olfactory and behavioral responses of hygienic bees may facilitate their ability to detect, uncap and remove diseased brood rapidly from the nest. In contrast, non-hygienic bees, possessing higher response thresholds, may not be able to detect diseased brood as easily. Our results provide an example of how physiological and behavioral differences between the hygienic and non-hygienic honey bee lines, operating at the level of the individual, could produce colony-specific behavioral phenotypes.  相似文献   

Sensory analysis studies are critical in the development of quality enhanced crops, and may be an important component in the public acceptance of genetically modified foods. It has recently been established that odor preferences are shared between humans and mice, suggesting that odor exploration behavior in mice may be used to predict the effect of odors in humans. We have previously found that mice fed diets supplemented with engineered nonbrowning potatoes (-PPO) consumed more potato than mice fed diets supplemented with wild-type potatoes (WT). This prompted us to explore a possible role of potato odor in mice preference for nonbrowning potatoes. Taking advantage of two well established neuroscience paradigms, the "open field test" and the "nose-poking preference test", we performed experiments where mice exploration behavior was monitored in preference assays on the basis of olfaction alone. No obvious preference was observed towards -PPO or WT lines when fresh potato samples were tested. However, when oxidized samples were tested, mice consistently investigated -PPO potatoes more times and for longer periods than WT potatoes. Congruently, humans discriminated WT from -PPO samples with a considerably better performance when oxidized samples were tested than when fresh samples were tested in blind olfactory experiments. Notably, even though participants ranked all samples with an intermediate level of pleasantness, there was a general consensus that the -PPO samples had a more intense odor and also evoked the sense-impression of a familiar vegetable more often than the WT samples. Taken together, these findings suggest that our previous observations might be influenced, at least in part, by differential odors that are accentuated among the lines once oxidative deterioration takes place. Additionally, our results suggest that nonbrowning potatoes, in addition to their extended shelf life, maintain their odor quality for longer periods of time than WT potatoes. To our knowledge this is the first report on the use of an animal model applied to the sensory analysis of a transgenic crop.  相似文献   

The human olfactory systems recognize and discriminate a large number of different odorant molecules. The detection of chemically distinct odorants begins with the binding of an odorant ligand to a specific receptor protein in the ciliary membrane of olfactory neurons. To address the problem of olfactory perception at a molecular level, we have cloned, functionally expressed, and characterized some of the human olfactory receptors from chromosome 17. Our results show that a receptor protein is capable of recognizing the particular chemical substructure of an odor molecule and, therefore, is able to respond only to odorants that have a defined molecular structure. These findings represent the beginning of the molecular understanding of odorant recognition in humans. In the future, this knowledge could be used for the design of synthetic ideal receptors for specific odors (biosensors), or the perfect odor molecule for a given receptor.  相似文献   

A new method will be presented which allows the perception of body odors in humans to be studied objectively. The analysis of body odor‐evoked potentials was used to investigate if and how the human brain is able to differentiate self from non‐self body odor for the first time. Six subjects (three females) participated in two experimental sessions. In each session, two body odors (axillary hair) were presented within an olfactory oddball paradigm. One of the odors was collected from the subject and the other from an odor donor of the same sex. In the first session the subjects' attention was distracted to a secondary task (passive paradigm), in the second session the subjects were asked to actively differentiate the odors (active paradigm). For the EEG recordings the odors were presented within a constantly flowing airstream. The results show that the subjects could hardly differentiate the body odors subjectively. However, it could be demonstrated that the central nervous processing of one's own odor was faster than the processing of the chemosensory non‐self signal. Moreover, in the active paradigm, the potentials appeared to be larger when the subjects perceived their own body odor. The conclusion is reached that the measurement of chemosensory event‐related potentials (CSERP) is the method of choice for the investigation of HLA‐associated body odors. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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