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Luisa Brito  Helena Paveia   《Plasmid》1999,41(3):260-267
The use of a large-scale isolation technique to screen 30 Oenococcus oeni strains for extrachromosomal DNA led to the finding of large plasmids (ca. 40 kb) in most of the strains as well as the finding of small plasmids (2.5 to 4.5 kb) in 6 of the strains. The circular nature of the large plasmids was assessed by electrophoresis in ethidium bromide continuous gradient gels and the different conformations of these elements could be distinguished by three run types of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Southern hybridization with PFG-electrophoresed DNA also suggested that the low extraction yields of these probably low-copy-number plasmids could be related to the generation of the OC conformation resulting from nicking during cell lysis. The results seem to indicate that the occurrence of large plasmids in O. oeni may be more frequent than is usually considered, although their presence is difficult to ascertain. Furthermore, spontaneous curing of these elements might occur. In fact, plasmid pOg25 (37 kb) was eventually not detected by DNA-DNA hybridization in its original host strain.  相似文献   

The type strains of all known species and biovars of the Lactococcus genus were tested for the presence of plasmids, lactose genes, and insertion sequences cloned from the lactose plasmid of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis. Only the biovar xylosus of this subspecies is plasmid free. The lactose plasmid is present only in lactose-positive strains except in Lactococcus plantarum. The distribution of insertion sequences varies within the type strains of the Lactococcus genus.  相似文献   

Plasmids and Bacteriocins in Caulobacter Species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A survey of wild-type Caulobacter strains revealed naturally occurring plasmids in three species. Further analysis showed instances of naturally occurring antibiotic resistance and bacteriocin production.  相似文献   

The genus Arcobacter is composed of 17 species which have been isolated from various sources. Of particular interest are A. butzleri, A. cryaerophilus, and A. skirrowii, as these have been associated with human cases of diarrhea, the probable transmission routes being through the ingestion of contaminated drinking water and food. To date, only limited studies of virulence traits in this genus have been undertaken. The present study used 60 Arcobacter strains isolated from different sources, representing 16 of the 17 species of the genus, to investigate their ability to adhere to and invade the human intestinal cell line Caco-2. In addition, the presence of five putative virulence genes (ciaB, cadF, cj1349, hecA, and irgA) was screened for in these strains by PCR. All Arcobacter species except A. bivalviorum and Arcobacter sp. strain W63 adhered to Caco-2 cells, and most species (10/16) were invasive. The most invasive species were A. skirrowii, A. cryaerophilus, A. butzleri, and A. defluvii. All invasive strains were positive for ciaB (encoding a putative invasion protein). Other putative virulence genes were present in other species, i.e., A. butzleri (cadF, cj1349, irgA, and hecA), A. trophiarum (cj1349), A. ellisii (cj1349), and A. defluvii (irgA). No virulence genes were detected in strains which showed little or no invasion of Caco-2 cells. These results indicate that many Arcobacter species are potential pathogens of humans and animals.  相似文献   

Plasmids are mobile genetic elements of bacteria that can impart important adaptive traits, such as increased virulence or antibiotic resistance. We report the existence of plasmids in Rickettsia (Rickettsiales; Rickettsiaceae) species, including Rickettsia akari, “Candidatus Rickettsia amblyommii,” R. bellii, R. rhipicephali, and REIS, the rickettsial endosymbiont of Ixodes scapularis. All of the rickettsiae were isolated from humans or North and South American ticks. R. parkeri isolates from both continents did not possess plasmids. We have now demonstrated plasmids in nearly all Rickettsia species that we have surveyed from three continents, which represent three of the four major proposed phylogenetic groups associated with blood-feeding arthropods. Gel-based evidence consistent with the existence of multiple plasmids in some species was confirmed by cloning plasmids with very different sequences from each of two “Ca. Rickettsia amblyommii” isolates. Phylogenetic analysis of rickettsial ParA plasmid partitioning proteins indicated multiple parA gene origins and plasmid incompatibility groups, consistent with possible multiple plasmid origins. Phylogenetic analysis of potentially host-adaptive rickettsial small heat shock proteins showed that hsp2 genes were plasmid specific and that hsp1 genes, found only on plasmids of “Ca. Rickettsia amblyommii,” R. felis, R. monacensis, and R. peacockii, were probably acquired independently of the hsp2 genes. Plasmid copy numbers in seven Rickettsia species ranged from 2.4 to 9.2 per chromosomal equivalent, as determined by real-time quantitative PCR. Plasmids may be of significance in rickettsial evolution and epidemiology by conferring genetic plasticity and host-adaptive traits via horizontal gene transfer that counteracts the reductive genome evolution typical of obligate intracellular bacteria.The alphaproteobacteria of the genus Rickettsia (Rickettsiales; Rickettsiaceae) have undergone the reductive genome evolution typical of obligate intracellular bacteria, resulting in A/T-rich genomes (1.1 × 106 to 1.5 × 106 bp) with a high content of pseudogenes undergoing elimination (3, 10, 20, 26). Initial sequencing of rickettsial genomes focused on the important arthropod-borne pathogens Rickettsia prowazekii, Rickettsia conorii, and Rickettsia typhi and appeared to confirm the prevailing belief that plasmids were absent and transposons were rare among Rickettsia spp. (2, 28, 39, 44). As mobile genetic elements in bacteria, plasmids and transposons drive horizontal gene transfer (HGT) and the acquisition of virulence determinants and environmental adaptive traits (30, 43, 60, 70). Subsequent sequencing of the Rickettsia felis genome revealed the surprising presence of abundant transposase paralogs and the 63-kbp pRF plasmid, with 68 open reading frames (ORFs) encoding predicted proteins, as well as a 39-kbp deletion form, pRFδ (45). Although pRF was suggested to be conjugative, it was initially thought to be unique among the rickettsiae, a reasonable inference given that plasmids are uncommon among the reduced genomes of obligate intracellular bacteria and were previously unknown in the Rickettsiales (3, 4, 13). However, a phylogenetic analysis implied an origin for pRF in ancestral rickettsiae and the possible existence of other rickettsial plasmids (28), which was soon confirmed by the cloning of the 23.5-kbp pRM plasmid from Rickettsia monacensis (6). Some of the 23 ORFs on pRM had close pRF homologs, and both plasmids carried transposon genes and the molecular footprints of transposition events associated with HGT from other bacterial taxa.The discoveries of pRF and pRM made obsolete the long-held dogma that plasmids were not present in members of the genus Rickettsia and implied a source of unexpected genetic diversity in the reduced rickettsial genomes, particularly if potentially conjugative plasmids carrying transposon genes proved to be common among members of the genus. That hypothesis gained credence when pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and Southern blot surveys (7) using plasmid gene-specific probes demonstrated plasmids in Rickettsia helvetica, “Candidatus Rickettsia hoogstraalii” (38), and Rickettsia massiliae and possible multiple plasmids in “Candidatus Rickettsia amblyommii” (71) isolates. The same study demonstrated the loss of a plasmid in the nonpathogenic species Rickettsia peacockii during long-term serial passage in cultured cells and the absence of a plasmid in Rickettsia montanensis M5/6, an isolate with a long laboratory passage history. Genome sequencing of R. massiliae and Rickettsia africae revealed the 15.3-kbp pRMA and 12.4-kbp pRAF sequences, with 12 and 11 ORFs, respectively, that were more similar to those of pRF than to those of pRM (11, 24).The absence of plasmids in R. montanensis and important Rickettsia pathogens maintained as laboratory isolates has left unresolved the question of the true extent of plasmid distribution among Rickettsia spp. Until recently, the genus was thought to consist of closely related species, known chiefly as typhus and spotted fever pathogens transmitted by lice, fleas, mites, and ticks (31). It is now apparent that many, and possibly most, Rickettsia spp. inhabit a diverse range of arthropods that do not feed on blood, as well as leeches, helminths, crustaceans, and protozoans, suggesting an ancient and complex evolutionary history (54). A multigene phylogenetic analysis of the Rickettsiales resulted in a “molecular clock” which indicated that the order arose from a presumably free-living ancestor and then adapted to intracellular growth during the appearance of metazoan phyla in the Cambrian explosion (76). A transition to a primary association with arthropods followed during the Ordovician and Silurian periods. The genus Rickettsia arose approximately 150 million years ago and evolved into several clades, including the early-diverging hydra and torix lineages associated with leeches and protozoans. A rapid radiation occurred about 50 million years ago in the arthropod-associated lineages (76).Whole-genome sequencing has led to a revision of phylogenetic relationships among Rickettsia spp. associated with blood-feeding arthropods (10, 26, 28). A newly defined ancestral group (AG) contains the earliest-diverging species, Rickettsia bellii and Rickettsia canadensis, while R. prowazekii and R. typhi, transmitted by lice and fleas, respectively, constitute the typhus group (TG). A proposed transitional group (TRG), consisting of the mite-borne Rickettsia akari, the flea-borne R. felis, and the tick-borne Rickettsia australis, bridges the genotypic and phenotypic differences between the TG and the much larger spotted fever group (SFG), consisting of tick-borne rickettsiae (28). However, some presumptive SFG rickettsiae remain poorly characterized and are of uncertain phylogenetic status, while the accumulation of genomic data from rickettsiae found in a diverse range of invertebrate hosts may have profound impacts on the currently understood phylogeny of rickettsiae associated with blood-feeding arthropods. For example, it appears that the above AG and TRG species have many close relatives in insects (76). Despite the recent phylogenomic advances, the genetic and host-adaptive mechanisms underlying the evolution of arthropod-transmitted pathogens of vertebrates from ancestral Rickettsia spp., including any possible role of plasmids, remain poorly understood.In this report, we have taken advantage of recent isolations of rickettsiae from North and South America to conclusively demonstrate that low-copy-number plasmids are indeed common in low-passage isolates of AG, TRG, and SFG rickettsiae. The only exceptions were multiple isolates of R. parkeri, obtained from ticks and human eschar biopsy specimens and newly recognized as a mildly pathogenic SFG rickettsia (49, 50, 52, 79), and the previously characterized species R. montanensis (7). We confirmed that some Rickettsia isolates harbor more than one plasmid by cloning and sequencing multiple plasmids from “Ca. Rickettsia amblyommii” isolates AaR/SC and Ac/Pa, and we obtained PCR- and gel-based evidence that supported genome sequence evidence for the existence of multiple plasmids in REIS, the rickettsial endosymbiont of Ixodes scapularis. Phylogenetic analysis provided strong evidence for multiple plasmid incompatibility groups and possible multiple origins of plasmid-carried parA genes in the genus Rickettsia. Other than genes encoding plasmid replication initiation and partitioning proteins, the newly sequenced “Ca. Rickettsia amblyommii” plasmids resembled the previously sequenced rickettsial plasmids in sharing limited similarities in coding capacity (6, 7, 22). However, we have previously drawn attention to the presence of hsp genes, encoding α-crystalline small heat shock proteins, as a conserved feature of most rickettsial plasmids that may play a role in host adaptation (7). Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the hsp2 genes were plasmid specific, while the hsp1 genes found on four rickettsial plasmids may have been acquired by a chromosome-to-plasmid transfer event in a TRG-like species.  相似文献   

The presence of plasm ids of sizes 5.8 kbp, 5.3 kbp, 2.3 kbp, 1.7 kbp and 1.36 kbp was detected in 3 Indian male sterile cytotypes viz. Maldandi, Guntur, Vizianagaram but not in their fertile maintainer lines. The 5.8 kbp and 5.3 kbp plasm ids do not possess any homology with the nuclear or chloroplastic DNA as also with the main mitochondrial genome of sterile and maintainer fertile lines. The detection of these plasm ids in the male sterile, maintainer fertile and fertility restored lines of 296 variety is surprising as the male sterile 296A and restored line possess a milo cytoplasm that has as yet not been shown to contain such plasmids. This observation suggests that plasm ids have no role to play in male sterility but their presence could be used as a marker for characterization/classification of certain cytoplasms especially the Indian cytoplasms.  相似文献   

Leptospirosis, caused by pathogenic Leptospira, is a worldwide zoonotic infection. The genus Leptospira includes at least 21 species clustered into three groups—pathogens, non-pathogens, and intermediates—based on 16S rRNA phylogeny. Research on Leptospira is difficult due to slow growth and poor transformability of the pathogens. Recent identification of extrachromosomal elements besides the two chromosomes in L. interrogans has provided new insight into genome complexity of the genus Leptospira. The large size, low copy number, and high similarity of the sequence of these extrachromosomal elements with the chromosomes present challenges in isolating and detecting them without careful genome assembly. In this study, two extrachromosomal elements were identified in L. borgpetersenii serovar Ballum strain 56604 through whole genome assembly combined with S1 nuclease digestion following pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (S1-PFGE) analysis. Further, extrachromosomal elements in additional 15 Chinese epidemic strains of Leptospira, comprising L. borgpetersenii, L. weilii, and L. interrogans, were successfully separated and identified, independent of genome sequence data. Southern blot hybridization with extrachromosomal element-specific probes, designated as lcp1, lcp2 and lcp3-rep, further confirmed their occurrences as extrachromosomal elements. In total, 24 plasmids were detected in 13 out of 15 tested strains, among which 11 can hybridize with the lcp1-rep probe and 11 with the lcp2-rep probe, whereas two can hybridize with the lcp3-rep probe. None of them are likely to be species-specific. Blastp search of the lcp1, lcp2, and lcp3-rep genes with a nonredundant protein database of Leptospira species genomes showed that their homologous sequences are widely distributed among clades of pathogens but not non-pathogens or intermediates. These results suggest that the plasmids are widely distributed in Leptospira species, and further elucidation of their biological significance might contribute to our understanding of biology and infectivity of pathogenic spirochetes.  相似文献   

We present estimations for the amounts of Arcobacter (A. butzleri, A. cryaerophilus and A. skirrowii) and Campylobacter (C. jejuni, C. coli and C. fetus) species in retail chicken, pork and beef meat using PCR-MPN. Arcobacter butzleri, A. cryaerophilus and C. jejuni were found in 100, 60 and 55% of chicken samples, respectively. No other Arcobacter or Campylobacter species were found in chicken. The MPNs of A. butzleri, A. cryaerophilus and C. jejuni were greater than 103 per 100 g in 50, 0 and 5% of samples, respectively. The MPN of A. butzleri was higher than that of C. jejuni in 95% of samples. In pork, A. butzleri and A. cryaerophilus were detected in 10 and 11 (50 and 55%) of 20 samples, respectively. No other Arcobacter or Campylobacter species were found in pork. Only one pork sample had more than 103 MPN per 100 g of A. cryaerophilus. For beef, only two samples tested positive for A. cryaerophilus, at 4600 and 92 MPN per 100 g. Overall, we found that the presence and MPNs of Arcobacter species are very high in chicken. In contrast, the positive ratios of Arcobacter in pork were high as chicken samples, but MPNs were lower than in chicken.  相似文献   

The Penicillium roqueforti group has recently been split into three species, P. roqueforti, Penicillium carneum, and Penicillium paneum, on the basis of differences in ribosomal DNA sequences and secondary metabolite profiles. We reevaluated the taxonomic identity of 52 livestock feed isolates from Sweden, previously identified by morphology as P. roqueforti, by comparing the sequences of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region. Identities were confirmed with random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis and secondary metabolite profiles. Of these isolates, 48 were P. roqueforti, 2 were P. paneum, and 2 were Penicillium expansum. No P. carneum isolates were found. The three species produce different mycotoxins, but no obvious relationship between mold and animal disease was detected, based on medical records. P. roqueforti appears to dominate in silage, but the ecological and toxicological importance of P. carneum and P. paneum as feed spoilage fungi is not clear. This is the first report of P. expansum in silage.  相似文献   

We investigated the presence of Arcobacter spp. in 205 water samples of freshwater, seawater and sewage in Spain. These bacteria were present in 55.1% of the samples (113/205) and were significantly associated for the first time with bacterial indicators of fecal pollution. The dominant species in the positive samples was Arcobacter butzleri (94%) followed by Arcobacter cryaerophilus (30%) and Arcobacter skirrowii (1.8%).  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the importance of dogs, other domesticated animals and environmental characteristics as risk factors in the epidemiology of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL). A retrospective survey of cases of human ACL in the last ten years and visits to homes in rural locations were carried out in the municipality of Arapongas (southern Brazil) from 2008 to 2010. ACL in humans was significantly associated with a distance of up to 25 meters from the residence to a forest area (OR 5.08; 95% CI: 1.35–21.04), undergrowth area (OR 6.80; 95% CI: 1.69–45.33) and stream (OR 5.87; 95% CI: 1.15–24.59); banana plants near the residence (OR 5.98; 95% CI: 1.49–39.84), absence of ceiling below the roof in the residence (OR 7.30; 95% CI: 1.26–158.1), the dumping of trash in the forest area (OR 26.33; 95% CI: 7.32–93.46) and presence of ACL in dogs in the surrounding area (OR 4.39; 95% CI: 1.37–13.45). In dogs, ACL was associated with a distance of 25 to 50 meters and 51 to 100 meters, respectively, from the residence to a forest area (OR 2.59; 95% CI: 1.08–5.98; OR 3.29; 95% CI: 1.64–6.62), the presence of a stream up to 25 m from the residence (OR 6.23; 95% CI: 2.34–16.54) and banana plants near the residence (OR 0.45; 95% CI: 0.25–0.80). In the locations studied in the municipality of Arapongas (Brazil), the results reveal that canine infection increases the risk of human infection by ACL and the characteristics surrounding the residence increase the risk of infection in both humans and dogs. Thus, integrated environmental management could be a useful measure to avoid contact between humans and phlebotomines.  相似文献   

Even though dairy cows are known carriers of Arcobacter species and raw or minimally processed foods are recognized as the main sources of human Arcobacter infections in industrialized countries, data on Arcobacter excretion patterns in cows and in milk are scant. This study aimed to identify potentially pathogenic Arcobacter species in a dairy herd and to investigate the routes of Arcobacter transmission among animals and the potential sources of cattle infection and milk contamination. A strategy of sampling the same 50 dairy animals, feed, water, and milk every month for a 10-month period, as well as the sampling of quarter milk, animal teats, the milking environment, and animals living on the farm (pigeons and cats), was used to evaluate, by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), the characteristic patterns in animals, their living environment, and the raw milk they produced. Of the 463 samples collected, 105 (22.6%) were positive for Arcobacter spp. by culture examination. All the matrices except quarter milk and pigeon gut samples were positive, with prevalences ranging from 15 to 83% depending on the sample. Only three Arcobacter species, Arcobacter cryaerophilus (54.2%), A. butzleri (34.2%), and A. skirrowii (32.3%), were detected. PFGE analysis of 370 isolates from positive samples provided strong evidence of Arcobacter circulation in the herd: cattle likely acquire the microorganisms by orofecal transmission, either by direct contact or from the environment, or both. Water appears to be a major source of animal infection. Raw milk produced by the farm and collected from a bulk tank was frequently contaminated (80%) by A. butzleri; our PFGE findings excluded primary contamination of milk, whereas teats and milking machine surfaces could be sources of Arcobacter milk contamination.  相似文献   

Borrelia species of relapsing fever (RF) and Lyme disease (LD) lineages have linear chromosomes and both linear and circular plasmids. Unique to RF species, and little characterized to date, are large linear plasmids of ∼160 kb, or ∼10% of the genome. By a combination of Sanger and next-generation methods, we determined the sequences of large linear plasmids of two New World species: Borrelia hermsii, to completion of its 174-kb length, and B. turicatae, partially to 114 kb of its 150 kb. These sequences were then compared to corresponding sequences of the Old World species B. duttonii and B. recurrentis and to plasmid sequences of LD Borrelia species. The large plasmids were largely colinear, except for their left ends, about 27 kb of which was inverted in New World species. Approximately 60% of the B. hermsii lp174 plasmid sequence was repetitive for 6 types of sequence, and half of its open reading frames encoded hypothetical proteins not discernibly similar to proteins in the database. The central ∼25 kb of all 4 linear plasmids was syntenic for orthologous genes for plasmid maintenance or partitioning in Borrelia species. Of all the sequenced linear and circular plasmids in Borrelia species, the large plasmid''s putative partition/replication genes were most similar to those of the 54-kb linear plasmids of LD species. Further evidence for shared ancestry was the observation that two of the hypothetical proteins were predicted to be structurally similar to the LD species'' CspA proteins, which are encoded on the 54-kb plasmids.  相似文献   

The recent discoveries of the pRF and pRM plasmids of Rickettsia felis and R. monacensis have contravened the long-held dogma that plasmids are not present in the bacterial genus Rickettsia (Rickettsiales; Rickettsiaceae). We report the existence of plasmids in R. helvetica, R. peacockii, R. amblyommii, and R. massiliae isolates from ixodid ticks and in an R. hoogstraalii isolate from an argasid tick. R. peacockii and four isolates of R. amblyommii from widely separated geographic locations contained plasmids that comigrated with pRM during pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and larger plasmids with mobilities similar to that of pRF. The R. peacockii plasmids were lost during long-term serial passage in cultured cells. R. montanensis did not contain a plasmid. Southern blots showed that sequences similar to those of a DnaA-like replication initiator protein, a small heat shock protein 2, and the Sca12 cell surface antigen genes on pRM and pRF were present on all of the plasmids except for that of R. massiliae, which lacked the heat shock gene and was the smallest of the plasmids. The R. hoogstraalii plasmid was most similar to pRM and contained apparent homologs of proline/betaine transporter and SpoT stringent response genes on pRM and pRF that were absent from the other plasmids. The R. hoogstraalii, R. helvetica, and R. amblyommii plasmids contained homologs of a pRM-carried gene similar to a Nitrobacter sp. helicase RecD/TraA gene, but none of the plasmids hybridized with a probe derived from a pRM-encoded gene similar to a Burkholderia sp. transposon resolvase gene.  相似文献   

中国动物园动物种类与种群大小   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007~2008年,我们开展了中国动物园物种编目与易地保护抽样调查,抽样调查了68家动物园。抽样动物园饲养了789种[(包括虎(Panthera tigris)和金钱豹(P.pardus)的亚种]野生动物,比20世纪90年代初中国动物园饲养的600种野生动物,增加了180多种;抽样动物园饲养展出野生动物中有国外野生动物种类267种,比20世纪90年代初中国动物园饲养的100种国外野生动物,增加了160种。抽样动物园展出的中国哺乳类、鸟类、爬行类和两栖类种类数分别占中国哺乳类(607种)、鸟类(1332种)、爬行类(384种)和两栖类(302种)种类总数的25.0%、28.2%、22.7%、4.0%。这些抽样动物园饲养了234种国家重点保护野生动物和254种CITES附录物种,其中,饲养的国家Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物分别占国家Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物总数的70.57%和47.09%;饲养的列入CITES附录Ⅰ、附录Ⅱ及附录Ⅲ的中国动物分别占列入这些附录的中国动物总数的64.21%、60.86%和50%。中国动物园成功繁殖了大熊猫(Ailuiopodidae melanoleuca)、金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae)、雪豹(P.unicia)、华南虎(P.tigris amoyensis)和亚洲象(Elephas maximus)等濒危物种,也成功繁殖了从国外引入的猎豹(Acinonyx jubatus)、大猩猩(Gorilla gorilla)、美洲狮(Puma concolor)等动物。然而,调查发现,(1)抽样动物园仅饲养了四分之一左右的中国哺乳类、鸟类及爬行类动物种类,饲养的两栖类更少;(2)抽样动物园饲养种群小,多数物种没有形成可繁殖种群。抽样调查的动物园两栖类、爬行类、鸟类及哺乳类种群大小分别为5.09(±2.15)只、5.69(±4.28)只、15.00(±6.63)只和10.08(±2.91)只;(3)一些动物园,特别是小型动物园动物饲养空间小,一些动物表现出刻板行为;(4)中国动物园饲养繁殖的大熊猫、华南虎、鹤类已经建立了谱系,其他一些物种的谱系正在建立之中,然而,多数动物还没有谱系;(5)一些小型动物园存在笼舍不清洁,仅饲养了单只动物,展出动物名牌错误等问题。动物园是人类社会的重要组成部分。应当重视动物园的发展,加强国际交流与合作,为更多动物建立谱系,加大动物园的投入,增加动物种类,增大动物园面积,丰富圈养环境,发挥大型动物园的示范作用,以充分发挥动物园的动物展示、科学普及与物种资源保存功能。  相似文献   

The incompatibility reactions of a group of 90 R plasmids, isolated from the fecal Escherichia coli of calves, pigs, and chickens, have been determined against reference plasmids of the incompatibility groups F(11), I, N, P, and W. Twenty plasmids belonged to incompatibility groups F(11), I, N, or P. Forty-nine plasmids were compatible with all of the five reference plasmids. Eight plasmids exhibited marked incompatibility with representatives of two or more of the above groups, whereas two strains showed incompatibility reactions consistent with the coexistence of two compatible plasmids. In addition, 19 plasmids remain untyped because they showed intermediate reactions with one or more reference plasmids.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) among industrial metal-grinding machinists working with water-based metalworking fluids (MWF) have frequently been associated with high levels of mycobacteria in the MWF, but little is known about these organisms. We collected 107 MWF isolates of mycobacteria from multiple industrial sites where HP had been diagnosed and identified them to the species level by a molecular method (PCR restriction enzyme analysis [PRA]). Their genomic DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns, as determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), were compared to those of 15 clinical (patient) isolates of the recently described rapidly growing mycobacterial species Mycobacterium immunogenum. A total of 102 of 107 (95%) MWF isolates (from 10 industrial sites within the United States and Canada) were identified as M. immunogenum and gave PRA patterns identical to those of the clinical isolates. Using genomic DNA, PFGE was performed on 80 of these isolates. According to RFLP analysis using the restriction enzymes DraI and XbaI, 78 of 80 (98%) of the MWF isolates represented a single clone. In contrast, none of the 15 clinical isolates had genetic patterns the same as or closely related to those of any of the others. Given the genomic heterogeneity of clinical isolates of M. immunogenum, the finding that a single genotype was present at all industrial sites is remarkable. This suggests that this genotype possesses unusual features that may relate to its virulence and its potential etiologic role in HP and/or to its resistance to biocides frequently used in MWF.  相似文献   

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