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Iron uptake from ferrated (59Fe) pseudobactin (PSB), a Pseudomonas putida siderophore, by various plant species was studied in nutrient solution culture under short term (10 h) and long term (3 weeks) conditions. In the short term experiments, 59Fe uptake rate from 59FePSB by dicots (peanuts, cotton and sunflower) was relatively low when compared with 59Fe uptake rate from 59FeEDDHA. Iron uptake rate from 59FePSB was pH and concentration dependent, as was the Fe uptake rate from 59FeEDDHA. The rate was about 10 times lower than that of Fe uptake from the synthetic chelate. Results were similar for long term experiments.Monocots (sorghum) in short term experiments exhibited significantly higher uptake rate of Fe from FePSB than from FeEDDHA. In long term experiments, FePSB was less efficient than FeEDDHA as an Fe source for sorghum at pH 6, but the same levels of leaf chlorophyll concentration were obtained at pH 7.3.Fe uptake rates by dicots from the siderophore and FeEDDHA were found to correlate with Fe reduction rates and reduction potentials (E0) of both chelates. Therefore, it is suggested that the reduction mechanism governs the Fe uptake process from PSB by dicots. Further studies will be conducted to determine the role of pH in Fe aquisition from PSB by monocots.  相似文献   

Favourable mutations involving the two dehalogenases (DehI and DehII) of Pseudomonas putida PP3 and derivative strains containing the cloned gene for DehI (dehI) occurred in response to specific environmental conditions, namely: starvation conditions; the presence of dehalogenase substrates (halogenated alkanoic acids — HAAs) which were toxic to P. putida; and/or the presence of a potential growth substrate. Fluctuation tests showed that these mutations were environmentally directed by the presence of HAAs. the mutations were associated with complex DNA rearrangements involving the movement of dehI located on a transposon DEH. Some mutations resulted in switching off the expression of either one or both of the dehalogenases, events which were effective in protecting P. putida from toxic compounds in its growth environment. Other mutations partially restored P. putida's dehalogenating capability under conditions where toxic substrates were absent. Restoration of the capability to untilize HAAs was favoured when normal growth substrates were present in the environment.  相似文献   

The pattern of pyoverdin-type siderophoresproduced by Pseudomonas putida BTP16 in iron-limitedsuccinate medium supplemented or not with isoleucine wascharacterized by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.Two new compounds were observed in culture supernatantsfrom BTP16 grown in the presence of isoleucine. For bothmolecules, mass differences with pyoverdins originallysynthesized by the strain were only interpreted consideringthe incorporation of Ile into the peptide chain.Further evidence supporting this phenomenon was provided byradioactivity incorporation in pyoverdins produced in thepresence of 14C-labeled Ile. Our results are discussedin relation to the non-ribosomal mechanism supposedto be involved in the synthesis of these molecules.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of pyoverdin-type siderophores produced byPseudomonas putida BTP16 in iron-limited succinate medium supplemented or not with isoleucine was characterized by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Two new compounds were observed in culture supernatants from BTP16 grown in the presence of isoleucine. For both molecules, mass differences with pyoverdins originally synthesized by the strain were only interpreted considering the incorporation of Ile into the peptide chain. Further evidence supporting this phenomenon was provided by radioactivity incorporation in pyoverdins produced in the presence of14C-labeled Ile. Our results are discussed in relation to the non-ribosomal mechanism supposed to be involved in the synthesis of these molecules.  相似文献   

The mechanism of Zn resistance in multiple metal-resistant Pseudomonas putida strain S4 is based on inducible efflux. An ATPase in the strain S4 mediated active extrusion of Zn2+, which occurred during the exponential phase of growth. The ATPase activity was inhibited by micromolar concentrations (50 M) of vanadate, suggesting the involvement of a P-type ATPase. The effluxed Zn2+ were not ejected out of the cell but stored in the outer membrane and periplasm, which provided the required binding sites. The strain S4, thus, employs a dual strategy of efflux and binding to bring about a proper management of essential ions like Zn.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of crystal violet by Pseudomonas putida   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crystal violet (CV), which has been extensively used as a biological stain and a commercial textile dye, is a recalcitrant molecule. A strain of Pseudomonas putida was isolated that effectively degraded CV: up to 80% of 60 μM CV as the sole carbon source, was degraded in liquid media within 1 week. Nine degradation products were isolated and identified. We propose that CV degradation occurs via a stepwise demethylation process to yield mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta- and hexa-demethylated CV species.  相似文献   

The phytosiderophore mugineic acid (MA) was studied as a source of iron for rhizosphere fluorescent pseudomonads. 55Fe supplied as Fe-MA was taken up by Pseudomonas putida WCS358, B10 and St3 grown under iron deficient conditions. The uptake decreased when the bacteria were grown in the presence of iron. However, no differences in uptake were observed when a siderophore deficient mutant was tested. Since ligand exchange between pseudobactin and MA was shown to occur rapidly with a half-life of 2 h, MA mediated iron uptake probably proceeds through this indirect mechanism. The ecological implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

A strain of Pseudomonas putida that can express a nitrate reductase that is located in the periplasmic compartment was isolated from freshwater. The enzyme was active in vivo during arginine fermentation and at the onset of oxygen limitation in batch cultures. The activity of the enzyme increased the yield of bacteria following fermentative growth under anoxic conditions with arginine, but nitrate reduction did not support growth on nonfermentable carbon substrates under anoxic conditions. Cells expressing the periplasmic nitrate reductase were capable of reducing nitrate in the presence of oxygen. Nitrate reduction under oxic conditions was clearly coupled to a respiratory electron transport chain because: (1) the process was sensitive to the respiratory inhibitors rotenone and 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide, and (2) membrane-bound and periplasmic cytochromes were involved. This is the first report of the presence of a periplasmic nitrate reductase in a member of the proteobacteria.  相似文献   

A spontaneous mutant of Pseudomonas putida (PRS 2017) has been isolated which is incapable of growth on benzoate, does not induce the enzymes of the catechol branch of the -ketoadipate pathway when grown in the presence of benzoate, cannot accumulate radioactively labeled benzoate, yet grows well with mandelate as sole source of carbon and energy. This strain apparently lacks a benzoate permease, which in the wild type shows a K mof about 0.1 mM for benzoate, is inducible, and is not under the control of the regulatory system which governs the induction of the enzymes of the catechol branch of the -ketoadapate pathway. The lesion in PRS 2017 is apparently single site and maps near other genes governing benzoate dissimilation.Dedicated to R. Y. Stanier on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Five naphthalene- and salicylate-utilizing Pseudomonas putida strains cultivated for a long time on phenanthrene produced mutants capable of growing on this substrate and 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoate as the sole sources of carbon and energy. The mutants catabolize phenanthrene with the formation of 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoate, 2-hydroxy-1-naphthoate, salicylate, and catechol. The latter products are further metabolized by the meta- and ortho-cleavage pathways. In all five mutants, naphthalene and phenanthrene are utilized with the involvement of plasmid-born genes. The acquired ability of naphthalene-degrading strains to grow on phenanthrene is explained by the fact that the inducible character of the synthesis of naphthalene dioxygenase, the key enzyme of naphthalene and phenanthrene degradation, becomes constitutive.  相似文献   

Dl-2,3,4,5,6-pentafluoromandelic acid (PFM) specifically inhibits the growth of Pseudomonas putida (ATCC 12633) on medium containing mandelate as sole carbon and energy source by competitive inhibition of mandelate dehydrogenase. PFM is not metabolized and is neither an inducer of the mandelate catabolic enzymes nor an antagonist of induction. Mutants resistant to the inhibitory effects of PFM (PFMr) were isolated; most prove to be superinducible, i.e. synthesize coordinately the mandelatespecific catabolic enzymes at elevated levels following induction. In at least one case the PFMr mutation maps very near the structural genes that encode the enzymes functional in the first two steps of mandelate catabolism. It is reasoned that the PFMr mutation is of the promotor type. Resistance to substrate analogs such as PFM offers a general method for isolation of regulatory mutants in catabolic metabolism.Dedicated to Prof. Roger Y. Stanier on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

1-Hydroxy-2-naphthoate is formed as an intermediate in the bacterial degradation of phenanthrene. A monooxygenase which catalyzed the oxidation of 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoateto 1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene was purified from the phenanthrene- and naphthalene-degrading Pseudomonas putida strain BS202-P1. The purified protein had a molecular weight of45 kDa and required NAD(P)H and FAD as cofactors. The purified enzyme also catalysed the oxidation of salicylate and various substituted salicylates. The comparison of the Kmand Vmax values for 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoate and salicylate demonstrated a higher catalytic efficiency of the enzyme for salicylate as a substrate. A significant substrate-inhibition was detected with higher concentrations of 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoate.The aminoterminal amino acid sequence of the purified enzyme showed significant homologies to salicylate 1-monooxygenases from other Gram negative bacteria. It was therefore concluded that during the degradation of phenanthrene the conversion of 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoate to 1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene is catalysed by a salicylate1-monooxygenase. Together with previous studies, this suggested that the enzymes of the naphthalene pathway are sufficient to catalyse also the mineralization of phenanthrene.  相似文献   

The uptake of 2-ketogluconate is inducible in Pseudomonas putida: 2-ketogluconate, glucose, gluconate, glycerol and glycerate were each good nutritional inducers of this ability. 2-Ketogluconate uptake obeyed saturation kinetics (apparent K min 2-ketogluconate-grown cells was 0.4 mM). 2-Ketogluconate was transported against a concentration gradient, apparently in an unchanged state, and the process required metabolic energy, all of which indicate an active transport system.A number of independently isolated mutants with deranged activity of a common glucose-gluconate uptake system were found to be also defective in 2-ketogluconate transport. Strains unable to transport 2-ketogluconate which grew readily on glucose and gluconate were also isolated. These results suggest that 2-ketogluconate transport is governed by at least two genetic elements: one which is also required to take up glucose and gluconate and another which appears to be specific for 2-ketogluconate transport. Similarly glucose and gluconate transport appears to require at least one factor which is not necessary for 2-ketogluconate transport, as suggested by the lack of induction of the common glucose-gluconate uptake system by glycerol and glycerate, substrates which are good inducers of 2-ketogluconate uptake.Abbreviations CCCP carbonyl-cyanide-m-chlorophenyl-hydrazone - cpm radioactivity counts per minute - GGU glucose-gluconate uptake - PFU plaque forming units - U.V. ultraviolet Dedicated to Prof. Roger Y. Stainer on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Insertion of a bacterial lux operon into the chromosome of Pseudomonas putida mt-2 holding TOL plasmid, yielded a new bioluminescent strain of P. putida BLU. Both in the cultures containing toluene and m-toluic acid as the sole carbon sources, P. putida BLU showed the same specific growth rate and cell yield as those of the wild strain. The bioluminescence output in the cell growth phases correlated with the cell concentration, indicating that the bioluminescent P. putida BLU can be monitored and quantified in a mixed culture in real time by the luminescence detection.  相似文献   

Several suggestions for structures of the siderophores (pyoverdins) from Pseudomonas spp. can be found in the literature which are based on a FAB mass spectrometric analysis only. Availability of two original strains of two Pseudomonas spp. allowed to re-investigate the structure of their pyoverdins. In both cases the amino acid sequence had to be corrected. In addition, d- and l-amino acids could be identified and located in the peptide chain. The knowledge of the correct structures is important in view of an ongoing study to establish relationships between the nature of the peptide chains of pyoverdins and their recognition by outer membrane proteins.  相似文献   

A strain of Pseudomonas putida (biotype A) capable of growing on caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) was isolated from a domestic wastewater processing operation. It used caffeine as the sole carbon source with a mean growth rate constant (k) of 0.049 h-1 (approximately 20 h per generation), whereas k for glucose utilization under similar incubation conditions was 0.31 (3.3 h per generation). The isolate contained at least two plasmids, and the increased expression of a 40 kDa protein was attributable to growth on caffeine. Degradation byproducts of caffeine metabolism by the bacterial isolate included other xanthine derivatives. The slow bacterial catabolism of caffeine in sewage has implications for the effectiveness of wastewater purification, re-use and disposal.The author is with the Laboratory for Molecular Ecology, Department of Environmental Analysis and Design, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717-5150 U.S.A.  相似文献   

Yu H  Kim BJ  Rittmann BE 《Biodegradation》2001,12(6):455-463
Several types of biodegradation experiments with benzene, toluene, or p-xylene show accumulation of intermediates by Pseudomonas putida F1. Under aerobic conditions, the major intermediates identified for benzene, toluene, and p-xylene are catechol, 3-methylcatechol, and 3,6-dimethylcatechol, respectively. Oxidations of catechol and 3-methylcatechol are linked to biomass synthesis. When oxygen is limited in the system, phenol (from benzene) and m-cresol and o-cresol (from toluene) accumulate.  相似文献   

Reductive catabolism of the pyrimidine bases uracil and thymine was found to occur in Pseudomonas putida biotype B. The pyrimidine reductive catabolic pathway enzymes dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase, dihydropyrimidinase and N-carbamoyl--alanine amidohydrolase activities were detected in this pseudomonad. The initial reductive pathway enzyme dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase utilized NADH or NADPH as its nicotinamide cofactor. The source of nitrogen in the culture medium influenced the reductive pathway enzyme activities and, in particular, dihydropyrimidinase activity was highly affected by nitrogen source. The reductive pathway enzyme activities in succinate-grown P. putida biotype B cells were induced when uracil served as the nitrogen source.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida, capable of utilizing acetonitrile as a sole source of C and N, was immobilized in calcium alginate and the rates of degradation of nitriles, including acetonitrile, and their respective amides were studied. All the organic nitriles and amides tested were converted into NH3 and CO2.  相似文献   

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