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DeLong JP  Vasseur DA 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30081
Classic ecological theory suggests that resource partitioning facilitates the coexistence of species by reducing inter-specific competition. A byproduct of this process is an increase in overall community function, because a greater spectrum of resources can be used. In contrast, coexistence facilitated by neutral mechanisms is not expected to increase function. We studied coexistence in laboratory microcosms of the bactivorous ciliates Paramecium aurelia and Colpidium striatum to understand the relationship between function and coexistence mechanism. We quantified population and community-level function (biomass and oxygen consumption), competitive interactions, and resource partitioning. The two ciliates partitioned their bacterial resource along a size axis, with the larger ciliate consuming larger bacteria than the smaller ciliate. Despite this, there was no gain in function at the community level for either biomass or oxygen consumption, and competitive effects were symmetrical within and between species. Because other potential coexistence mechanisms can be ruled out, it is likely that inter-specific interference competition diminished the expected gain in function generated by resource partitioning, leading to a system that appeared competitively neutral even when structured by niche partitioning. We also analyzed several previous studies where two species of protists coexisted and found that the two-species communities showed a broad range of biomass levels relative to the single-species states.  相似文献   

Evolutionary community ecology is an emerging field of study that includes evolutionary principles such as individual trait variation and plasticity of traits to provide a more mechanistic insight as to how species diversity is maintained and community processes are shaped across time and space. In this review we explore phenotypic plasticity in functional traits and its consequences at the community level. We argue that resource requirement and resource uptake are plastic traits that can alter fundamental and realised niches of species in the community if environmental conditions change. We conceptually add to niche models by including phenotypic plasticity in traits involved in resource allocation under stress. Two qualitative predictions that we derive are: (1) plasticity in resource requirement induced by availability of resources enlarges the fundamental niche of species and causes a reduction of vacant niches for other species and (2) plasticity in the proportional resource uptake results in expansion of the realized niche, causing a reduction in the possibility for coexistence with other species. We illustrate these predictions with data on the competitive impact of invasive species. Furthermore, we review the quickly increasing number of empirical studies on evolutionary community ecology and demonstrate the impact of phenotypic plasticity on community composition. Among others, we give examples that show that differences in the level of phenotypic plasticity can disrupt species interactions when environmental conditions change, due to effects on realized niches. Finally, we indicate several promising directions for future phenotypic plasticity research in a community context. We need an integrative, trait-based approach that has its roots in community and evolutionary ecology in order to face fast changing environmental conditions such as global warming and urbanization that pose ecological as well as evolutionary challenges.  相似文献   

Resource competition is thought to drive divergence in resource use traits (character displacement) by generating selection favoring individuals able to use resources unavailable to others. However, this picture assumes nutritionally substitutable resources (e.g., different prey species). When species compete for nutritionally essential resources (e.g., different nutrients), theory predicts that selection drives character convergence. We used models of two species competing for two essential resources to address several issues not considered by existing theory. The models incorporated either slow evolutionary change in resource use traits or fast physiological or behavioral change. We report four major results. First, competition always generates character convergence, but differences in resource requirements prevent competitors from evolving identical resource use traits. Second, character convergence promotes coexistence. Competing species always attain resource use traits that allow coexistence, and adaptive trait change stabilizes the ecological equilibrium. In contrast, adaptation in allopatry never preadapts species to coexist in sympatry. Third, feedbacks between ecological dynamics and trait dynamics lead to surprising dynamical trajectories such as transient divergence in resource use traits followed by subsequent convergence. Fourth, under sufficiently slow trait change, ecological dynamics often drive one of the competitors to near extinction, which would prevent realization of long-term character convergence in practice.  相似文献   

Understanding species coexistence has been a central question in ecology for decades, and the notion that competing species need to differ in their ecological niche for stable coexistence has dominated. Recent theoretical and empirical work suggests differently. Species can also escape competitive exclusion by being similar, leading to clusters of species with similar traits. This theory has so far only been explored under competition. By combining mathematical and numerical analyses, we reveal that competition and predation are equally capable to promote clusters of similar species in prey–predator communities, their relative importance being modulated by resource availability. We further show that predation has a stabilizing effect on clustering patterns, making the clusters more diverse. Our results merge different ecological theories and bring new light to the emergent neutrality theory by adding the perspective of trophic interactions. These results open new perspectives to the study of trait distributions in ecological interaction networks.  相似文献   

Coexistence of species sharing the same resources is often possible if species are phylogenetically divergent in resource acquisition and allocation traits, decreasing competition between them. Developmental and life-history traits related to resource use are influenced by environmental conditions such as temperature, but thermal trait responses may differ among species. An increase in ambient temperature may, therefore, affect trait divergence within a community, and potentially species coexistence. Parasitoids are interesting models to test this hypothesis, because multiple species commonly attack the same host, and employ divergent larval and adult host use strategies. In particular, development mode (arrested or continued host growth following parasitism) has been recognized as a major organiser of parasitoid life histories. Here, we used a comparative trait-based approach to determine thermal responses of development time, body mass, egg load, metabolic rate and energy use of the coexisting Drosophila parasitoids Asobara tabida, Leptopilina heterotoma, Trichopria drosophilae and Spalangia erythromera. We compared trait values between species and development modes, and calculated trait divergence in response to temperature, using functional diversity indices. Parasitoids differed in their thermal response for dry mass, metabolic rate and lipid use throughout adult life, but only teneral lipid reserves and egg load were affected by developmental mode. Species-specific trait responses to temperature were probably determined by their adaptations in resource use (e.g. lipogenesis or ectoparasitism). Overall, trait values of parasitoid species converged at the higher temperature. Our results suggest that local effects of warming could affect host resource partitioning by reducing trait diversity in communities.  相似文献   

It is well established that intraspecific aggregation has the potential to promote coexistence in communities of species competing for patchy ephemeral resources. We developed a simulation model to explore the influence of aggregation on coexistence in such communities when an important assumption of previous studies – that interspecific interactions have only negative effects on the species involved – is relaxed. The model describes a community of competing insect larvae in which an interaction that is equivalent to intraguild predation (IGP) can occur, and is unusual in that it considers species exploiting very small resource patches (carrying capacity=1). Model simulations show that, in the absence of any intraspecific aggregation, variation between species in the way that resource heterogeneity affects survival increases the likelihood of species coexistence. Simulations also show that intraspecific aggregation of the dominant competitor's eggs across resource patches can promote coexistence by reducing the importance of interspecific competition relative to that of intraspecific competition. Crucially, however, this effect is altered if one competitor indulges in IGP. In general, coexistence is only possible when the species that is capable of IGP is less effective at exploiting the shared resource than its competitor. Because it reduces the relative importance of interspecific interactions, intraspecific aggregation of the eggs of a species that is the victim of IGP actually reduces the likelihood of coexistence in parts of parameter space in which the persistence of the other species is dependent on its ability to exploit its competitor. Since resource heterogeneity, intraspecific aggregation and IGP are all common phenomena, these findings shed light on mechanisms that are likely to influence diversity in communities exploiting patchy resources.  相似文献   

Although several studies have demonstrated that disturbance contributes to species’ diversity, little emphasis has been placed on the identification of species’ coexistence mechanisms related to life history traits. In this study, we compared species’ richness and components of plant communities around river confluences to explore how disturbance promotes the coexistence of species with different life history traits. Sites upstream and downstream of confluences are ideal for such comparisons because they draw on the same species’ pools and have similar ambient conditions, but differ markedly in the extents of flooding disturbance. We compared sites upstream and downstream of confluences by calculating species’ richness and community similarity indices for several life history traits in both summer and spring. In summer, the combined richness of all the species, of annual- and summer-flowering species, was higher downstream from confluences than upstream, but this was not the case for perennials. Similarity analyses suggested that plant communities are constructed according to a neutral process, whereby interactions between the coexisting species are neutral. However, in spring, species’ richness was similar upstream and downstream of confluences for all life history traits. Similarity analyses suggested that under these circumstances, the communities were constructed through a species-sorting process; i.e., each life history trait had a distinct habitat preference. Thus, the relative strengths of different community assembly processes may change seasonally. We concluded that species groups differing in their responses to disturbance may coexist in a single community. Thus, community structuring following disturbance may involve two processes: a neutral and a species-sorting process. The relative importance of each may vary between species’ life history traits and between seasons, and the interaction may account for current community structures.  相似文献   

Functional traits determine the occurrence of species along environmental gradients and their coexistence with other species. Understanding how traits evolved among coexisting species helps to infer community assembly processes. We propose fatty acid composition in consumer tissue as a functional trait related to both food resources and physiological functions of species. We measured phylogenetic signal in fatty acid profiles of 13 field‐sampled Collembola (springtail) species and then combined the data with published fatty acid profiles of another 24 species. Collembola fatty acid profiles generally showed phylogenetic signal, with related species resembling each other. Long‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, related to physiological functions, demonstrated phylogenetic signal. In contrast, most food resource biomarker fatty acids and the ratios between bacterial, fungal, and plant biomarker fatty acids exhibited no phylogenetic signal. Presumably, fatty acids related to physiological functions have been constrained during Collembola evolutionary history: Species with close phylogenetic affinity experienced similar environments during divergence, while niche partitioning in food resources among closely related species favored species coexistence. Measuring phylogenetic signal in ecologically relevant traits of coexisting species provides an evolutionary perspective to contemporary assembly processes of ecological communities. Integrating phylogenetic comparative methods with community phylogenetic and trait‐based approaches may compensate for the limitations of each method when used alone and improve understanding of processes driving and maintaining assembly patterns.  相似文献   

Species coexistence involving trophic interactions has been investigated under two theoretical frameworks—partitioning shared resources and accessing exclusive resources. The influence of body size on coexistence is well studied under the exclusive resources framework, but has received less attention under the shared-resources framework. We investigate body-size-dependent allometric extensions of a classical MacArthur-type model where two consumers compete for two shared resources. The equilibrium coexistence criteria are compared against the general predictions of the alternative framework over exclusive resources. From the asymmetry in body size allometry of resource encounter versus demand our model shows, counterintuitively, and contrary to the exclusive resource framework, that a smaller consumer should be competitively superior across a wide range of supplies of the two resource types. Experimental studies are reviewed to resolve this difference among the two frameworks that arise from their respective assumptions over resource distribution. Another prediction is that the smaller consumer may have relatively stronger control over equilibrium resource abundance, and the loss of smaller consumers from a community may induce relatively stronger trophic cascades. Finally, from satiating consumers’ functional response, our model predicts that greater difference among resource sizes can allow a broader range of consumer body sizes to coexist, and this is consistent with the predictions of the alternative framework over exclusive resources. Overall, this analysis provides an objective comparison of the two alternative approaches to understand species coexistence that have heretofore developed in relative isolation. It advances classical consumer–resource theory to show how body size can be an important factor in resource competition and coexistence.  相似文献   

Field studies of community assembly patterns increasingly use phylogenetic relatedness as a surrogate for traits. Recent experiments appear to validate this approach by showing effects of correlated trait and phylogenetic distances on coexistence. However, traits governing resource use in animals are often labile. To test whether feeding trait or phylogenetic diversity can predict competition and production in communities of grazing amphipods, we manipulated both types of diversity independently in mesocosms. We found that increasing the feeding trait diversity of the community increased the number of species coexisting, reduced dominance and changed food availability. In contrast, phylogenetic diversity had no effect, suggesting that whatever additional ecological information it represents was not relevant in this context. Although community phylogenetic structure in the field may result from multiple traits with potential for phylogenetic signal, phylogenetic effects on species interactions in controlled experiments may depend on the lability of fewer key traits.  相似文献   

Consumers acquire essential nutrients by ingesting the tissues of resource species. When these tissues contain essential nutrients in a suboptimal ratio, consumers may benefit from ingesting a mixture of nutritionally complementary resource species. We investigate the joint ecological and evolutionary consequences of competition for complementary resources, using an adaptive dynamics model of two consumers and two resources that differ in their relative content of two essential nutrients. In the absence of competition, a nutritionally balanced diet rarely maximizes fitness because of the dynamic feedbacks between uptake rate and resource density, whereas in sympatry, nutritionally balanced diets maximize fitness because competing consumers with different nutritional requirements tend to equalize the relative abundances of the two resources. Adaptation from allopatric to sympatric fitness optima can generate character convergence, divergence, and parallel shifts, depending not on the degree of diet overlap but on the match between resource nutrient content and consumer nutrient requirements. Contrary to previous verbal arguments that suggest that character convergence leads to neutral stability, coadaptation of competing consumers always leads to stable coexistence. Furthermore, we show that incorporating costs of consuming or excreting excess nonlimiting nutrients selects for nutritionally balanced diets and so promotes character convergence. This article demonstrates that resource-use overlap has little bearing on coexistence when resources are nutritionally complementary, and it highlights the importance of using mathematical models to infer the stability of ecoevolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   

方笛熙  万霞  毛婉琼  张锋 《生态学报》2023,43(17):7109-7117
病原体感染对种间竞争的影响可能是因为改变了宿主的资源利用过程,然而竞争模型(Lotka-Volterra)由于参数化竞争系数而忽略了资源的动态变化过程,因此基于此类模型的研究无法揭示病原体对宿主资源利用的影响。基于Tilman的资源竞争理论构建了病原体感染一个物种的资源竞争模型,通过分析宿主物种资源利用效率的变化探讨了病原体对种间竞争的影响。结果表明:(1)病原体降低了宿主对资源的消耗率(消费矢量变短),抬高了对资源的最低需求(零等倾线上移),这意味着宿主的竞争力减弱;(2)虽然感染影响了竞争物种的密度,但不会改变共存物种的共存状态;(3)病原体可以使宿主物种的竞争对手更容易入侵,形成共存局面,极大地扩大了竞争物种共存的参数范围,本质上促进了物种多样性维持;(4)病原体的传播率和毒性也复杂地影响了竞争物种共存,传播率越大越能促进物种共存,而中等强度毒性最能促进物种共存。研究结果明确了病原体对物种资源利用模式的潜在改变,强调了病原体在物种共存和生物多样性维持中的重要性。  相似文献   

Recent studies into community level dynamics are revealing processes and patterns that underpin the biodiversity and complexity of natural ecosystems. Theoretical food webs have suggested that species‐rich and highly complex communities are inherently unstable, but incorporating certain characteristics of empirical communities, such as allometric body size scaling and non‐random interaction distributions, have been shown to enhance stability and facilitate species coexistence. Incorporating individual level traits and variability into food web theory is seen as a future pathway for this research and our growing knowledge of individual behaviours, in the form of temperament (or personality) traits, can inform the direction of this research. Temperament traits are consistent differences in behaviour between individuals, which are repeatable across time and/or across ecological contexts, such as aggressive or boldness behaviours that commonly differ between individuals of the same species. These traits, under the framework of behavioural reaction norms, show both individual consistency as well as contextual and phenotypic plasticity. This is likely to contribute significantly to the effects of individual trait variability and adaptive trophic behaviour on the structure and dynamics of food webs, which are apparently stabilizing. Exploring the role of temperament in the context of community ecology is a unique opportunity for cross‐pollination between ecological fields, and can provide new insights into community stability and biodiversity.  相似文献   

Character displacement - the divergence of traits between species in response to competition for resources or mates - has long been viewed as a major cause of adaptive diversification and species coexistence. Yet, we lack answers to basic questions concerning the causes and consequences of character displacement, not the least of which is why some species are more prone than others to undergo character displacement. Here, we address these questions by describing how character displacement can proceed through two nonexclusive routes that differ in the source of phenotypic variation, and, hence, in the ease with which character displacement may unfold. During in situ evolution of novel phenotypes, new traits that are divergent from a heterospecific competitor are generated and spread in sympatry. During sorting of pre-existing variation, such traits are initially favoured in allopatry before the two species encounter one another. Later, when they come into contact, character displacement transpires when these pre-existing divergent phenotypes increase in frequency in sympatry relative to allopatry. Because such sorting of pre-existing variation should unfold relatively rapidly, we suggest that species that express resource or mating polymorphism prior to interactions with heterospecifics may be more prone to undergo character displacement. We discuss the key differences between these two routes, review possible examples of each, and describe how the distinction between them provides unique insights into the evolutionary consequences of species interactions, the origins of diversity, and the factors that govern species coexistence.  相似文献   

In ecological communities, numerous species coexist and affect each others’ population levels via various types of interspecific interactions. Previous ecological theory explaining multispecies coexistence tended to focus on a single interaction type, such as antagonism, competition, or mutualism, and its consequences on population dynamics. Hence, it remains unclear what, if any, contribution multiple coexisting interaction types have on the multispecies coexistence. Here, we show that the coexistence of multiple interaction types can be essential for multispecies coexistence. We present a simple model in which the exploiter and mutualist adaptively switch between two competing resource species. An adaptive mutualist, which favors the more abundant species, provides a mechanism of majority-advantage and, thus, potentially inhibits the coexistence of resource species. In the absence of an exploiter, an adaptive mutualist leads to competitive exclusion at the resource species level. However, the coexistence of an adaptive exploiter and a mutualist allows the coexistence of all species in the community, because the mutualist-mediated “winner” tends to be suppressed by the adaptive exploiter. The mutualist indirectly increases the abundance of the exploiter through mutualistic interactions, thereby indirectly supporting this coexistence mechanism. In fact, coexistence may occur even if the exploiter or mutualist alone cannot mediate the coexistence of two resources. We conclude that the coexistence of mutualism and antagonism may be the key to the persistence of the four-species module in the presence of adaptive switching.  相似文献   

Liebig's law of the minimum, which states that only one element limits the growth of organisms at any given time, is widely used in ecology. This principle is routinely applied to organisms, populations and communities, but can it really be applied indistinguishably across these different scales? Here we show, by prediction of a resource ratio conceptual model and with an experimental test carried out in microcosms with bacteria that, unlike single species, communities are likely to adjust their stoichiometry to that of their resources. This adjustment results from competitive exclusion and coexistence mechanisms, and is sensitive to the overall diversity of species in the community. It guaranties co‐limitation, i.e. simultaneous limitation by multiple resources, at the community scale and optimal use of resources and maximization of community biomass for wide ranges of resource ratios. These results question the applicability of the Liebig's law of the minimum at the community level, and the relevance of ecosystem models relying on this principle.  相似文献   

The distribution of resources in space has important consequences for the evolution of dispersal‐related traits. Dispersal moderates patterns of gene flow and, consequently, the potential for local adaptation to spatially differentiated resource types. We lack both models and experiments that evaluate how dispersal evolves in landscapes with multiple resources. Here, we investigate the evolution of dispersal in landscapes that contain two resource types that differ in their spatial autocorrelations. Individuals may possess ecological traits that give them a fitness advantage on one or the other resource. We find that resources differing in their spatial autocorrelation select for different optimal dispersal strategies and, further, that some multi‐resource landscapes can support the stable coexistence of distinct dispersal strategies. Whether divergence in dispersal strategies between resource specialists occurs depends on the underlying structure of the resources and the degree of linkage between dispersal strategies and ecological specialization. This work indicates that the spatial autocorrelation of resources is an important factor in determining when evolutionary branching is likely to occur, and sheds light on when secondary isolating mechanisms should arise between locally adapted specialists.  相似文献   

The relative importance of spatial aggregation and resource partitioning on coexistence was investigated for mycophagous insects in central Japan. The effects of spatial aggregation and resource partitioning were separated by a randomization procedure. From 124 patches of macrosporophores belonging to 37 species, 3275 individuals belonging to 14 families of Diptera and 11 individuals to Lepidoptera emerged. Since the level of identification varied among insect taxa, the analysis was made in three ways; 1) for all taxa to assess the stability of the whole community, 2) for drosophilid species to assess their persistence in the community, and 3) for species of Drosophila and Mycodrosophila to assess their persistence against congeneric and heterogeneric species. Both spatial aggregation and resource partitioning functioned for the stability of whole mycophagous insect community, and spatial aggregation played a more important role than resource partitioning. On the other hand, only spatial aggregation functioned for the persistence of drosophilid species in the community. According to the analysis on species of Drosophila and Mycodrosophila against congeneric and heterogeneric species, the relative importance of resource partitioning was smaller for the coexistence of within-genus species pairs than for that of between-genus species pairs. These results suggest that the relative importance of these two mechanisms depends on the phylogenetic and guild diversity of community.  相似文献   

Interspecific resource competition is expected to select for divergence in resource use, weakening interspecific relative to intraspecific competition, thus promoting stable coexistence. More broadly, because interspecific competition reduces fitness, any mechanism of interspecific competition should generate selection favoring traits that weaken interspecific competition. However, species also can adapt to competition by increasing their competitive ability, potentially destabilizing coexistence. We reared two species of bean beetles, the specialist Callosobruchus maculatus and the generalist C. chinensis, in allopatry and sympatry on a mixture of adzuki beans and lentils, and assayed mutual invasibility after four, eight, and twelve generations of evolution. Contrary to the expectation that coevolution of competitors will weaken interspecific competition, the rate of mutual invasibility did not differ between sympatry and allopatry. Rather, the invasion rate of C. chinensis, but not C. maculatus, increased with duration of evolution, as C. chinensis adapted to lentils without experiencing reduced adaptation to adzuki beans, and regardless of the presence or absence of C. maculatus. Our results highlight that evolutionary responses to interspecific competition promote stable coexistence only under specific conditions that can be difficult to produce in practice.  相似文献   

Density-dependent seedling mortality could increase with a species relative abundance, thereby promoting species coexistence. Differences among species in light-dependent mortality also could enhance coexistence via resource partitioning. These compatible ideas rarely have been considered simultaneously. We developed models of mortality as functions of irradiance and local conspecific density (LCD) for seedlings of 53 tropical woody species. Species varied in mortality responses to these factors, but mortality consistently increased with shading and LCD. Across species, density-dependent mortality on a per-neighbour basis was inversely related to species community abundance, but higher LCD in more common species resulted in a weak relationship between species abundance and density-dependent mortality scaled to species maximum LCD. Species mortality responses to shading and maximum LCD were strongly and positively correlated. Our results suggest that species differences in density-dependent mortality are more strongly related to physiologically based life-history traits than biotic feedbacks related to community abundance.  相似文献   

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