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赤霉菌原生质体DNA转化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱平  杨金玲 《菌物系统》2000,19(2):283-287

赤霉菌原生质体DNA转化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA转化是基因表达和其它分子生物学研究的一项重要内容。原核生物(如细菌)的DNA转化技术已相当成熟,作为真核生物的丝状真菌其DNA转化过程要相对复杂一些,且转化效率一般也不如细菌的高。但丝状真菌DNA转化的研究对于深入探讨真菌基因表达调控的机理、尤其是研究外源基因在丝状真菌中的表达有着重要意义(唐国敏,1992)。赤霉菌(Gibberellajirjtheroi)在实验室条件下易培养、生长快,是研究赤霉素储类生物合成途径的必需材料,在作为表达体系表达外源基因尤其是储类合成的关键基因方面亦有着潜在的用途。但作为赤霉菌基础研究…  相似文献   

朱新宇 《生命科学研究》2003,7(3):232-235,254
随着新的DNA聚合酶A家族成员的加入,家族内部的系统发育关系需要重新检查。分析显示:在真核生物演化的不同阶段,线粒体DNA聚合酶基因可能通过水平基因转移方式起源于不同类群的生物。原始真核生物线粒体DNA聚合酶基因可能来源于细菌,植物线粒体DNA聚合酶基因可能从质粒获得,而真菌和动物线粒体DNA聚合酶基因可能起源于T3/T7相关噬菌体。  相似文献   

DNA聚合酶X家族系统发育树的重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱新宇 《遗传学报》2003,30(9):867-872
随着DNA聚合酶X家族成员数量的增加,特别是两个昆虫痘病毒(entomopoxvirus,EPV)成员的加入,家族内部的系统发育关系需要重新检查。总共37个来自不同物种的DNA聚合酶x家族成员的核心结构域序列被分析。结果显示:系统发育树呈现的家族内部系统发育关系基本上与家族成员的物种分布状态相吻合,其中,病毒成员与真核生物DNA聚合酶beta(polβ)亚群构成姐妹群,提示病毒成员可能起源于真核细胞的相应基因。亚群的歧异时间、基因结构比较和同线基因保守性分析显示,哺乳动物DNA聚合酶基因(Pol M)可能起源于脱氧核苷酸末端转移酶基因(TdT)最近发生的基因重复。  相似文献   

随着新的DNA聚合酶A家族成员的加入,家族内部的系统发育关系需要重新检查,来自大肠杆菌DNA聚合酶I(DNA Pol I)和它的细菌、噬菌体和真核细胞同源物被用来重建这个家族的系统发育史.分析显示:在真核生物演化的不同阶段,线粒体DNA聚合酶基因可能通过水平基因转移方式起源于不同类群的生物.原始真核生物线粒体DNA聚合酶基因可能来源于细菌,植物线粒体DNA聚合酶基因可能从质粒获得,而真菌和动物线粒体DNA聚合酶基因可能起源于T3/T7相关噬菌体.  相似文献   

一种价格便宜、资源丰富和对人体无害的矿石纳米材料——海泡石,用于微生物DNA转化。该法简便、快速、对人体健康无害,但对这种转化方法机制的理解还有很多问题。通过小片段RNA竞争试验,发现了与先前报道不同的转化机制。同时,对该法进行了优化,结果可以实现对冷藏1个月的大肠杆菌EscherichiacoliDH5α单菌落直接转化,无需感受态制备和处理后的温育过程,可得到比钙转高的转化率。由于可优化的参数很多,所以这种转化方法可以提升的空间很大。同时,该方法可用于探索其他用钙转和电转未成功的微生物。  相似文献   

在基因治疗中,作为基因转移的载体,迄今几乎都用逆转录病毒,但是在某些情况下,DNA病毒作为载体具有明显的优越性,本对腺相关病毒、腺病毒和疱疹病毒作为外源基因载体进行了简要的讨论。  相似文献   

自然转化(natural transformation)是微生物水平基因转移的一种重要机制,其在遗传多样性的产生或修复DNA损伤等方面发挥着重要作用,并且与耐药基因、毒力因子的扩散息息相关。鸭疫里默氏杆菌(Riemerellaanatipestifer,RA)是威克斯菌科中第一个被发现可以发生自然转化的细菌,本文作者利用此特点建立了多种基因编辑的方法,促进了对其遗传多样性和致病机理的研究进程。通过系统性地研究影响鸭疫里默氏杆菌自然转化的因素,鉴定出了参与该菌自然转化的营养物质;通过筛选转座子插入突变体文库,鉴定出了参与该过程的必需基因;最终,在该菌发现了一种新型的自然转化系统。本文结合其他细菌自然转化研究进展,针对以上研究结果进行综述,以期对该菌的自然转化机制有更深入的理解,也为更进一步探明该菌的耐药和毒力基因获得机制提供参考。  相似文献   

为了解宽体沙鳅(Sinibotia reevesae)的种质特征,以野生宽体沙鳅为材料,采用腹腔注射植物血球凝集素(PHA)和秋水仙素,肾组织细胞短期培养、常规空气干燥法制备染色体标本,并对其核型进行分析。以鸡(Gallus gallus)血细胞DNA含量(2.50 pg/2c,2c指二倍体)为标准,用流式细胞仪测定宽体沙鳅外周血细胞的DNA含量。结果表明:(1)宽体沙鳅的染色体数目为2n=96,核型组成公式为2n=36m+14sm+20st+26t,染色体总臂数NF=146;未发现与性别相关的异型染色体。(2)宽体沙鳅的DNA含量为(2.60±0.36)pg/2c。通过与其他26种鳅科鱼类核型进行比较,发现宽体沙鳅属于鳅科鱼类中的特化类群,其染色体核型经历了罗伯逊易位和染色体多倍化等过程。本研究结果可为宽体沙鳅种质资源保护和细胞遗传学研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   

Anomalous DNA (aDNA) in prokaryotic genomes, identified by its aberrant nucleotide composition, generally represents horizontally acquired DNA. Previous studies showed that frequent DNA transfer occurs between commensal Neisseriae and Neisseria meningitidis. Currently, it is unknown whether aDNA regions are also transferred between these species. The genome of Neisseria lactamica strain 892586 was assessed by a strategy that enables the selective isolation of aDNA, using endonucleases with recognition sites that are overrepresented in aDNA. Of eight regions with aDNA, five displayed similarity to virulence-associated meningococcal sequences. Of three aDNA fragments with limited or no similarity to neisserial sequences, one encodes a novel putative autotransporter/adhesin. The remaining two fragments are adjacent in the N. lactamica genome, and encode a novel putative ATPase/subtilisin-like protease operon. A similar operon is present in the genomes of different respiratory tract pathogens. The identification of aDNA from N. lactamica with similarity to meningococcal aDNA shows that genetic exchange between the Neisseriae is not limited to the neisserial core genome. The discovery of aDNA in N. lactamica similar to a locus in other pathogens substantially expands the neisserial gene pool.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial and antibiotics resistance caused by misuse or overuse of antibiotics exposure is a growing and significant threat to global public health. The spread and horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) by the selective pressure of antibiotics in an aquatic environment is a major public health issue. To develop a better understanding of potential ecological risks die to antibiotics and ARGs, this study mainly summarizes research progress about: (i) the occurrence, concentration, fate, and potential ecological effects of antibiotics and ARGs in various aquatic environments, (ii) the threat, spread, and horizontal gene transfer (HGT) of ARGs, and (iii) the relationship between antibiotics, ARGs, and ARB. Finally, this review also proposes future research direction on antibiotics and ARGs.  相似文献   

随着各种生物基因组序列测定工作的完成,大量的DNA序列数据涌现出来,为研究在基因组中寻找水平转移基因提供了极大的便利.将基因序列特征分析和支持向量机技术结合起来,通过分析基因序列的特征差异发现水平转移基因.依据以前研究工作的基础,选取了绝对密码子使用频率(FCU)作为序列特征,主要因为它既包含了基因密码子使用偏性的信息,也包含了基因所编码蛋白的氨基酸组成信息,支持向量机利用这些信息进行水平转移基因分析和预测,可以提高预测的准确性.另外,提出了基于分链的水平转移基因预测新方法,即将细菌基因组前导链和滞后链上的基因区别对待,分别进行水平转移基因预测.结果显示,基本预测方法要优于目前预测结果最好的Tsirigos等提出的基于八联核苷酸频率的打分算法,命中率的相对提高率最高达31.47%,而基于分链的方法对水平转移基因的预测取得了更好的结果.  相似文献   

Li H  Zhou LS  Wang YF  Top EM  Zhang Y  Xu H 《应用生态学报》2011,22(2):526-536
可移动基因元件(mobile genetic elements,MGEs)在环境微生物群落中的水平转移是细菌基因组进化和适应特定环境压力的重要机制.在污染土壤和水体中接种携带具有降解基因MGEs的菌株后,随着MGEs的水平基因转移,可使降解基因转移至具有竞争性的土著微生物中并在其中表达,从而不必考虑供体菌在环境中是否能够长期存活.这种由可移动降解基因元件水平转移介导的生物修复为探索新的生物修复途径提供了可行性.本文重点综述了环境样品中携带降解基因MGEs的多样性及其在促进污染物降解过程中的重要作用,介绍了从环境样品中分离代谢MGEs的方法,并列举了在污染土壤、活性污泥、其他生物反应器等生态系统中MGEs水平转移的几个实例.  相似文献   

A significant number of mycoviruses have been identified that are related to plant viruses, but their evolutionary relationships are largely unexplored. A fusarivirus, Rhizoctonia solani fusarivirus 4 (RsFV4), was identified in phytopathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani (R. solani) strain XY74 co-infected by an alphaendornavirus. RsFV4 had a genome of 10,833 nt (excluding the poly-A tail), and consisted of four non-overlapping open reading frames (ORFs). ORF1 encodes an 825 aa protein containing a conserved helicase domain (Hel1). ORF3 encodes 1550 aa protein with two conserved domains, namely an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and another helicase (Hel2). The ORF2 and ORF4 likely encode two hypothetical proteins (520 and 542 aa) with unknown functions. The phylogenetic analysis based on Hel2 and RdRp suggest that RsFV4 was positioned within the fusarivirus group, but formed an independent branch with three previously reported fusariviruses of R. solani. Notably, the Hel1 and its relatives were phylogenetically closer to helicases of potyviruses and hypoviruses than fusariviruses, suggesting fusarivirus Hel1 formed an evolutionary link between these three virus groups. This finding provides evidence of the occurrence of a horizontal gene transfer or recombination event between mycoviruses and plant viruses or between mycoviruses. Our findings are likely to enhance the understanding of virus evolution and diversity.  相似文献   

The processes underlying host adaptation by bacterial pathogens remain a fundamental question with relevant clinical, ecological, and evolutionary implications. Zoonotic pathogens of the genus Bartonella constitute an exceptional model to study these aspects. Bartonellae have undergone a spectacular diversification into multiple species resulting from adaptive radiation. Specific adaptations of a complex facultative intracellular lifestyle have enabled the colonisation of distinct mammalian reservoir hosts. This remarkable host adaptability has a multifactorial basis and is thought to be driven by horizontal gene transfer (HGT) and recombination among a limited genus‐specific pan genome. Recent functional and evolutionary studies revealed that the conserved Bartonella gene transfer agent (BaGTA) mediates highly efficient HGT and could thus drive this evolution. Here, we review the recent progress made towards understanding BaGTA evolution, function, and its role in the evolution and pathogenesis of Bartonella spp. We notably discuss how BaGTA could have contributed to genome diversification through recombination of beneficial traits that underlie host adaptability. We further address how BaGTA may counter the accumulation of deleterious mutations in clonal populations (Muller's ratchet), which are expected to occur through the recurrent transmission bottlenecks during the complex infection cycle of these pathogens in their mammalian reservoir hosts and arthropod vectors.  相似文献   

Twelve Vibrio cholerae isolates with genes for a type III secretion system (T3SS) were detected among 110 environmental and 14 clinical isolates. T3SS‐related genes were distributed among the various serogroups and pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis of NotI‐digested genomes showed genetic diversity in these strains. However, the restriction fragment length polymorphism profiles of the T3SS‐related genes had similar patterns. Additionally, naturally competent T3SS‐negative V. cholerae incorporated the ca. 47 kb gene cluster of T3SS, which had been integrated into a site on the chromosome by recombination. Therefore, it is suggested that horizontal gene transfer of T3SS‐related genes occurs among V. cholerae in natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

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