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Many genera closest to the family Comamonadaceae have not been classified into any family; moreover, some of them are not monophyletic groups beyond the genus level. To resolve the taxonomic uncertainty of the closest-to-Comamonadaceae (CTC) group, we performed 16S rRNA gene- and genome-based phylogenetic analyses combined with genome relatedness indices and phenotypic traits comparison. Phylogenies based on the 16S rRNA gene and genome sequences demonstrated that the CTC group formed a coherent and robust monophyletic lineage and was sister to the family Comamonadaceae, thereby proposing the CTC group as a novel family, Sphaerotilaceae fam. nov. The resolved genus- and species-level taxonomic relationships of this new family were then validated by the phylogenomic reconstruction and comparisons of genome relatedness indices including digital DNA-DNA hybridization and average nucleotide identity (ANI) as well as comprehensive phenotypic analysis for type strains. Finally, we reclassified all misidentified genera and species, resulting in 19 new combinations, and proposed Sphaerotilaceae-specific thresholds of ANI and average amino acid identity for genus delineation. Collectively, this study has established a sound taxonomic framework of the novel family Sphaerotilaceae and will help guide future taxonomic efforts and prevent the propagation of taxonomic errors.  相似文献   

Rhizocephalan barnacles are parasites of Crustacea. They lack even the rudiments of an alimentary canal, but infiltrate their hosts with a nutrient-absorbing system of rootlets. We review the ultrastructure of the rootlets using light microscopy, SEM, and TEM in nine species from five families, representing both suborders of the Rhizocephala: from the Kentrogonida Peltogaster paguri, P. curvatus, Peltogasterella sulcata, Cyphosaccus norvegicus (Peltogastridae); Lernaeodiscus porcellanae (Lernaeodiscidae); and Sacculina carcini (Sacculinidae); and from the Akentrogonida Clistosaccus paguri (Clistosaccidae); Chthamalophilus delagei, and Boschmaella japonica (Chthamalophilidae). With the exception of Chthamalophilus delagei, the root system of the investigated species shares numerous apomorphies at the ultrastructural level and displays at all levels specializations that maximize the surface area. The rootlets consist of a cuticle, an epidermis and a subjacent layer of axial cells that often, but not always surround, a central lumen. The rootlets are at all times enclosed in a less than 0.5 microm thick cuticle, which is never molted. The cuticle consists of an inner homogeneous layer with a slightly fibrous structure and an outer, less than 15-nm thick electron-dense layer, from which numerous microcuticular projections extend into the hemolymphatic space of the host. The microcuticular projections consist of the outer electron-dense layer and sometimes a core of the more translucent homogeneous layer. They vary among the species from being simple in Sacculina carcini to exhibiting complex branching patterns in Peltogasterella sulcata and Cyphosaccus norvegicus. Beneath the cuticle the epidermal plasma membrane is thrown into irregularly shaped projections. The epidermal cells are joined by long septate junctions and exhibit the characteristics of a transporting epithelium. Experiments with acid phosphatase revealed activity both in the epidermis and among the microcuticular projections. The projections may therefore form a domain that is important in absorption and extracellular digestion of nutrients from the host. The axial cells contain abundant endoplasmic reticulum and seem to convert absorbed carbohydrates into lipid, which is stored in large droplets. Subepidermal muscle cells cause sinuous movements of the rootlets, but it remains unknown how nutrients are transported along the rootlets towards the external reproductive body. In C. delagei the single, bladder-shaped rootlet lacks both the apical projections in the epidermis, the electron-dense cuticle layer, and the microcuticular projections. We review previous studies on the rhizocephalan root system and discuss functional and phylogenetic aspects of the morphology.  相似文献   

vasa (vas)-related genes are members of the DEAD-box protein family and are expressed in the germ cells of many Metazoa. We cloned vasa-related genes (PpVLG, CpVLG) and other DEAD-box family related genes (PpDRH1, PpDRH2, CpDRH, AtDRHr) from the colonial parasitic rhizocephalan barnacle Polyascus polygenea, the non-colonial Clistosaccus paguri (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Rhizocephala), and the parasitic isopodan Athelgis takanoshimensis (Crustacea: Isopoda). The colonial Polyascus polygenea, a parasite of the coastal crabs Hemigrapsus sanguineus and Hemigrapsus longitarsis was used as a model object for further detailed investigations. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that PpVLG and CpVLG are closely related to vasa-like genes of other Arthropoda. The rest of the studied genes form their own separate branch on the phylogenetic tree and have a common ancestry with the p68 and PL10 subfamilies. We suppose this group may be a new subfamily of the DEAD-box RNA helicases that is specific for parasitic Crustacea. We found PpVLG and PpDRH1 expression products in stem cells from stolons and buds of internae, during asexual reproduction of colonial P. polygenea, and in germ cells from sexually reproducing externae, including male spermatogenic cells and female oogenic cells.  相似文献   

Akentrogonid rhizocephalans morphologically resembling the genus Thompsonia are revised as a result of examination of new material. The species concerned are all obligatorily colonial and have ovoid or cylindrically shaped externae with a terminal stalk and a much reduced anatomy. A numerical cladistic analysis of all Rhizocephala Akentrogonida using the Hennig 86 program leads to a redefinition of the Thompsoniidae HOeg and Rybakov, 1992. Autapomorphies for the Thompsoniidae are primarily the morphology of the attachment to the host and the total absence of a mesentery. The cladistic analysis refutes that the Thompsoniidae should have a plesiomorphic morphology and branch off very low on the rhizocephalan phylogeny. The family now comprises four genera: Pottsia gen. n. (monotypic), Diplothylacus gen. n. with two species, Thompsonia Kossmann with five species. A revived and redefined Thylacoplethus Coutière includes eight species. The genera are distinguished by the location of the spermatogenic tissue, the site where the eggs are fertilized, the presence or absence of a mantle pore and the way it is formed, the number or absence of oviducts, and the number of cuticular annuli on the stalk. All 16 species, of which six are new to science, are described when necessary, and, if possible, illustrated. A phylogeny for the redefined family is proposed. Thylacoplethus is morphologically closest to the hypothetically ancestral thompsoniid and is likely paraphyletic. The new genus Polysaccus with two species, one of them new to science, and the monotypic genus Pirusaccus Lützen resemble thompsoniids in externa morphology and in being obligatorily colonial.  相似文献   

Two species belonging to a novel genus of archaea, designated Picrophilus oshimae and Picrophilus torridus, have been isolated from two different solfataric locations in northern Japan. One habitat harboring both organisms was a dry, extremely acidic soil (pH < 0.5) that was heated by solfataric gases to about 55 degrees C. In the laboratory both species grew heterotrophically on yeast extract and poorly on tryptone under aerobic conditions at temperatures between 45 and 65 degrees C; they grew optimally at 60 degrees C. The pH optimum was 0.7, but growth occurred even around pH 0. Under optimal conditions, the generation time was about 6 h, yielding densities of up to 10(10) cells per ml. The cells were surrounded by a highly filigreed regular tetragonal S-layer, and the core lipids of the membrane were mainly bis-phytanyltetraethers. The 16S rRNA sequences of the two species were about 3% different. The complete 16S rRNA sequence of P. oshimae was 9.3% different from that of the closest relative, Thermoplasma acidophilum. The morphology and physiological properties of the two species characterize Picrophilus as a novel genus that is a member of a novel family within the order Thermoplasmales.  相似文献   

A morphological study was carried out on the fournaupliar stages of Sacculina carciniusing mainly scanning electron microscopy. Frontal horns were present and throughout development the typical nauplius limbs remained simple and gnathobases were lacking. Such features are characteristic of other lecithotrophic barnacle nauplii. The presence of a vestigial ventral thoracic process was evident on the stage III nauplius and was even more prominent on the stage IV nauplius. These observations confirm that the rhizocephalan nauplius is close to the thoracican nauplius form and lend strong support for the retention of the Rhizocephala within the Cirripedia.  相似文献   

Vegetative and reproductive development of Neosiphonia flavimarina gen. et sp. nov. (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) from Bangpo on the western coast of Korea was investigated. This species is superficially similar to Polysiphonia, but differs distinctly from the latter in vegetative and reproductive structures. The plants attach by a solid disk composed of a dense cluster of rhizoids cut off from the pericentral cell wall, and bear erect indeterminate branches producing the lateral-branch initials from successive segments in a spiral arrangement. The procarps have a three-celled carpo-gonial branch. Spermatangial branches are formed on a primary branch of the trichoblasts, terminating in a single or occasionally two large, sterile cells. Tetra-sporangia are produced from the second pericentral cell adjacent to the trichoblast basal cell on indeterminate branches, and arranged spirally. Comparing several taxonomic characters among related genera, Neosiphonia occupies an independent phylogenetic position from Polysiphonia and leads to the conclusion that the genus may have a strong link with Fernandosiphonia which has a unilateral branching system. Relevant nomenclatural changes for several Polysiphonia species are also proposed.  相似文献   

A new family, Garniidae, has been erected within the Suborder Haemosporidiidea (Protozoa: Sporozoa), for certain blood-parasites of South American lizards. Members of this family are differentiated from those of the Plasmodiidae and Haemoproteidae by their failure to produce malarial pigment when developing in the erythrocytes, and from members of the Leucocytozoidae by their schizogony in the red and white cells of the peripheral blood. Some parasites previously described as Plasmodium species in Panamanian lizards have been transferred to the new genus Garnia, and two new species are described from lizards in Brazil. Vectors and sporogonic stages are as yet unknown.  相似文献   

A new genus and two new species of Peltogastridae, Peltogaster postica sp. nov. and Ommatogaster nana gen. et sp. nov., are described from Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Islands, southwestern Japan. The two new rhizocephalans were found to be parasitic on the estuarine hermit crabs, Pagurus minutus Hess, 1865 and Diogenes leptocerus Forest, 1956, respectively. Peltogaster postica sp. nov. is allied to P. curvata Kossmann, 1874, P. paguri Rathke, 1842 , and P. reticulata Shiino, 1943 , but is distinguished by its relative length and internal and external structures of the mature externa. Ommatogaster gen. nov. is established for the present new species O. nana based on the morphologies of the visceral mass of the externa and the presence of a nauplius eye in the larvae. Partial COI sequences were obtained from the two new species and one known species, Dipterosaccus indicus Van Kampen and Boschma, 1925, to test the possible usefulness of the sequences as tags for species identification.  相似文献   

Sixty-one strains of the root-associated nitrogen fixer Spirillum lipoferum exhibited a similar morphology in peptone--succinate salts medium: vibrioid cells having a diameter of 1.0 micrometer. When grown in broth the cells had a single polar flagellum, but when grown on agar at 30 degrees C lateral flagella of shorter wavelength were also formed. The DNA base composition was 69--71 mol% guanine + cytosine when determined by thermal denaturation. DNA homology experiments indicated the occurrence of two distinct but related homology groups: 46 strains were in group I and 15 strains were in group II. Group II strains were distinguished by their ability to use glucose as a sole carbon source for growth in nitrogen-free medium, by their production of an acidic reaction in a peptone-based glucose medium, by their requirement for biotin, and by their formation of wider, longer, S-shaped or helical cells in semisolid nitrogen-free malate medium. The results indicate that two species exist, and on the basis of their characteristics it is proposed that they be assigned to a new genus, Azospirillum. Strians belonging to group II are named A. lipoferum (Beijerinck) comb. nov., while those belonging to group I are named A. brasilense sp. nov. Strain Sp 59b (ATCC29707) is proposed as the neotype strain for A. lipoferum, and strain Sp 7 (ATCC 29145) is proposed as the type strain for A. brasilense.  相似文献   

When studying Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous radiolarians from the Nordvik section (Arctic Siberia), unique morphotypes of multicyrtoid nassellarians with many horns in the apical part of the shell, which continue the rays A, V, 2l, D, and 2L of the cephalic spicule, were recorded. These morphotypes are assigned to a new family, Echinocampidae fam. nov., including three new genera (Echinocampe gen. nov., Nordvikella gen. nov., and Arctocapsula gen. nov.) and eight new species. The family Echinocampidae was probably restricted to high latitudes and belonged to the boreal fauna of the terminal Jurassic and the basal Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Summary Specimens of the blue swimming crab,Portunus pelagicus, are often infected with many thousands of externae ofThompsonia dofleini, all of which are connected through a common root system within the host crab. The species is unique in that the production of sperm cells takes place within the visceral mass of a small minority of the population of the externae. Spermatogonia are probably introduced by male cyprids into these externae when they are young, and they multiply and develop at the expense of the oocytes which rapidly disintegrate and ultimately disappear. It is assumed that the sperm cells are transferred to the ovary of the ordinary, egg-producing externae through the root system. Shortly after the eggs have been fertilized within the ovary they are transferred to the mantle cavity where they develop into cyprid larvae. The larvae become liberated when the externae drop off and the mantle wall disintegrates.Abbreviations used in the figures a annulus - an antennule - bm basal membrane around ovary - ce compound eye - cg cerebral ganglion - cr connecting root - cy cyprid larva(e) - c1 cuticle 1 - c2 cuticle 2 - do degenerating oocytes - e eggs in early division - ec embryonic cells - em embryos - en endocuticle of host - ep epidermis of host - ex exocuticle of host - hc hemocoelic cavity - m mantle - mc mantle cavity - mcy male cyprid - o ovary - oo oocyte - r rupture in wall of visceral mass - rs root system - sc scar - se spawned eggs - so spent ovary - sp spermatogonia - ss sperm and spermatids - st stalk - tc thickened cuticle of mantle cavity - th thorax - vm visceral mass - y yolk granules  相似文献   

The name Yokenella gen. nov. is proposed for a group of organisms in the family Enterobacteriaceae isolated from clinical sources and insects. Yokenella is a gram-negative, oxidase-negative, fermentative, motile rod possessing the characteristics of the family Enterobacteriaceae and the guanine plus cytosine contents of the DNA range from 58.0 to 59.3 mol%. Biochemical characteristics of this group and DNA hybridization studies indicate that the 11 strains studied here comprise a separate species which should be best placed in a new genus. This single DNA hybridization group is named Yokenella regensburgei sp. nov. The type strain of Y. regensburgei is NIH 725-83 (JCM 2403).  相似文献   

Two Gram-stain-negative, facultative anaerobic, motile, rod-shaped strains, S-B4-1UT and JOB-63a, forming small whitish transparent colonies on marine agar, were isolated from a sponge of the genus Haliclona. The strains shared 99.7% 16S rRNA gene sequence identity and a DNA-DNA hybridization value of 100%, but were differentiated by genomic fingerprinting using rep-PCRs. 16S rRNA gene sequence phylogeny placed the strains as a sister branch to the monophyletic genus Endozoicomonas (Oceanospirillales; Gammaproteobacteria) with 92.3–94.3% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to Endozoicomonas spp., 91.9 and 92.1% to Candidatus Endonucleobacter bathymodiolin, and 91.9 to 92.1% to the type strains of Kistimonas spp. Core genome based phylogeny of strain S-B4-1UT confirmed the phylogenetic placement. Major fatty acids were summed feature 3 (C16:1 ω7c/C16:1 ω6c) and 8 (C18:1 ω7c/C18:1 ω6c) followed by C10:0 3-OH, C16:0, and C18:0. The G + C content was 50.1–51.4 mol%. The peptidoglycan diamino acid of strain S-B4-1UT was meso-diaminopimelic acid, the predominant polyamine spermidine, the major respiratory quinone ubiquinone Q-9; phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylserine were major polar lipids. Based on the clear phylogenetic distinction, the genus Parendozoicomonas gen. nov. is proposed, with Parendozoicomonas haliclonae sp. nov. as type species and strain S-B4-1UT (= CCM 8713T = DSM 103671T = LMG 29769T) as type strain and JOB-63a as a second strain of the species. Based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence phylogeny of the Oceanospirillales within the Gammaproteobacteria, the Endozoicomonaceae fam. nov. is proposed including the genera Endozoicomonas, Parendozoicomonas, and Kistimonas as well as the Candidatus genus Endonucleobacter.  相似文献   

An  Jianmei  Xi  Qianqian  Paulay  Gustav 《Systematic parasitology》2021,98(2):155-165
Systematic Parasitology - Two new bopyrids, Bopyrinina articulata n. sp. and Bopyrinella asymmetrica n. sp. are described from French Polynesia, the Red Sea, and the Philippines. Bopyrinina...  相似文献   

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