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I. P. Pavlov, the great Russian physiologist, the founder of a leading scientific school of physiology, first Russian scientist to be awarded the Nobel Prize. Pavlov's work received wide international recognition. He was elected full or honorary member of more than 120 academies, scientific societies and universities. In 1907 he was elected a Full Member (Academician) of Russian Academy of Sciences and headed the Physiological Laboratory of the Academy. In 1925, at his petition, the Laboratory was transformed into the Physiological Institute, remaining his head until 1936, when he had died. Since 1950 this is the Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

In the thirtieth, the founder of ethology Austrian zoologist Konrad Lorenz put forward the new theory of behavior, which was met with considerable resistance of the dominant views on the mechanisms of behavior, including Pavlov's concept. From his first theoretical works and later on Lorenz debated with Pavlov. However, these debates were not reduced to a disagreement. He appreciated greatly the scientific contribution of Pavlov, and the ideas of the Russian physiologist were often the starting point of his own speculations. His polemics with Pavlov differed very much from his uncompromising controversies with behaviorists. When Lorenz compared Pavlov's views with behaviorism, he often preferred Pavlov's ideas. Lorenz also draw some parallels between the Pavlov's understanding of behavior and the ethological approach. Lorenz's discussion with Pavlov about the nature of conditioned reflex is of particular interest, since it stimulated Lorenz to develop the theory of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

戴芳澜教授(1893.5.4—1973.1.3)是我国真菌学的创始人,也是我国植物病理学的主要奠基人之一。他为祖国培养了大量人才。为纪念他的光辉业绩,值戴教授诞辰九十周年、逝世十周年之际,特发表他的一篇评论性论文;戴教授的主要著作目录;俞大绂、陈鸿逵、周家炽、裘维蕃、相望年等教授的怀念性文章和他一生中各时期的照片两版,以资纪念。  相似文献   

Ivan Petrovitch Pavlov significantly changed and developed our knowledge of the brain functions and of the behaviour by his fundamental experimental and theoretical work on the physiology and pathophysiology of the higher nervous activity. He was one of the scientists who prepared the development of neuroscience in our century. During the Pavlovian Conference, 1950 in Moscow Stalin and the Communist Party tried to dogmatize his and his pupil's fundamental theories. But his pupils continued to develop Pavlovian ideas in open discussions with representatives of other schools in a very creative way, opening the doors for a system approach to understand the integrative functional systems of brain and behavior. Pavlov emphasized the high plasticity of the central nervous system. He investigated the complex functional systems within the brain and between the organism and its environment, and the designed models for pathology of the higher nervous activity. During his last years, Pavlov freed himself from the strong deterministic view and characterized the organism and its environment as a self-organizing system.  相似文献   

The 150th anniversary of birth of Ivan Yakovych Horbachevsky (15.05.1854-24.05.1942) is celebrated in 2004. He was a well-known biochemist and epidemiologist, professor of medical chemistry of the Vienna University, Czech University of Prague from 1883 (rector--from 1902), Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukr.SSR (sinse 1925), the well-known public figure. His main works belonged to the field of physiological chemistry. I. Ya. Horbachevsky was the first to synthesize uric acid (1882), he established sources and methods of its formation in the organism. He established that amino acids are the components of proteins, discovered the enzyme xanthine oxidase, performed synthesis of creatine, investigated vitamins, found out the causes of pellagra, studied the problems of nutrition of Halychina population. Professor I. Ya. Horbachevsky is the author of the manual in physiological chemistry in four volumes which he wrote in Czech (1904-1908) and in organical chemistry in Ukrainian (1924). He initiated the creation of Ukrainian chemical terminology.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes works of eminent physiologists of the twentieth century the Academician of Ukraine SSR, professor Eugene Borisovich Babskii. During 50 years of research in Moscow and Kiev E.B. Babskii published more than 400 works. His main research devoted to investigation of the motility of the digestive tract, general physiology of the nervous system, chemical factors of excitation, mechanisms of muscle contraction, medical electronics and cybernetics and history of human and animal physiology. However, the most significant contribution of Babskii E.B. is his analysis of circulation physiology--the investigation of miocard energy, the physiological effects of electrical stimulation of the heart in the experiment, neural regulation, the ionic mechanisms of automaticity of the heart and myocardial metabolism in different phases of the cardiac cycle. Babskii E.B. and his colleagues firstly created the original method of study of cardiac activity--dinamocardiografy. Academician Babskii E.B. is considered the progenitor of heart electrical stimulation method of Russian Physiology and Medicine. These and many other ideas of Babskii E.B. has been further developed by his students, colleagues and followers.  相似文献   

P Lavie 《Chronobiology international》1992,9(2):83-96; discussion 97-101
This article describes the works of two 19th-century chronobiologists. Thomas Laycock (1812-1876), who held the Chair of Medicine in Edinburgh from 1855-1876, published a series of seven articles in Lancet, all dedicated to periodicities in "vital phenomena." Laycock considered the understanding of periodicities essential for the advancement of the treatment of diseases. Edward Smith (1818-1874) was a pioneer in experimental chronobiology. In his 1861 book entitled: Health and disease as influenced by daily, seasonal and other cyclical changes in the human, Smith summarized a large number of experiments in which he investigated the occurrence of periodicities in pulse rate, urine flow, urea excretion, and respiration. From his experimental results and those of others, Smith drew practical conclusions regarding patients' care, the timing of drug administration, and the design of night work.  相似文献   

Despite the tension between the United States and the Soviet Union in the early 1920's, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research found ways to assist I.P. Pavlov. In addition to providing scientific literature and financial aid, these institutions and their officers rendered important moral support to the scientific career of Pavlov during his later years. In 1923, as a guest of the Rockefeller Institute, Pavlov visited American scientific laboratories. In 1924, he requested and received a number of books on physiology, and during the 1930's the Foundation helped him to acquire equipment for his Leningrad laboratory.  相似文献   

C harles B ygrave W harton , whose death we mentioned in our last number, was the second son of the late Rev. H. J. Wharton, Vicar of Mitcham, Surrey, and elder brother of the late H. T. Wharton (see 'Ibis,' 1896, p. 159). In early life he took an active interest in bird-life, and during a residence in New Zealand, where he took part in the campaign against the Maoris in 1868, he made, though he never published, many notes on ornithology. From September 1874 to May 1875 he lived in Corsica, and on his return he contributed to this journal (Ibis, 1876, pp. 17–29) a paper containing remarks on 113 species of birds obtained or identified in that island. Thence he proceeded to Vannes, in Brittany, which he made his headquarters for exploring Belle Ile and the neighbouring islets in search of the Roseate Tern, and, though unsuccessful, he undoubtedly deserved success. Subsequently he made excursions—chiefly in spring, for he was a keen birds'-nester—to the valley of the Seine and some of the forests of Normandy, to Holland, and to the Hebrides & c. in Great Britain. At his home at Hounsdown, near Totton, Hants, on the borders of the New Forest, he continued to study birds up to the close of his life, and his garden was well stocked with nesting-boxes, at which he could observe at leisure the habits of his feathered favourites. He wrote little, but he was emphatically a field-naturalist.  相似文献   

1985年4月3日,我们敬爱的老所长、我国鱼类学和水生生物学的奠基人之一、著名的动物学家伍献文教授安详地离开了人世。伍献文教授的一生是为发展中华民族文化科学事业而奋斗的一生,他的历史业绩将永远为人们所缅怀。    相似文献   

Studies of documents and data about W.O. Kowalevsky's life and work have shed new light on his scientific background. After graduating from the School of Jurisprudence in St. Petersburg, he was first engaged in book publishing, but in 1868 began studies at the Anatomical Institute of the Medical-Surgical Academy, founded by N.I. Pirogov, a famous surgeon and anatomist. Pirogov's ideas were adopted by P.F. Lesshaft (1837–1907), later a prominent anatomist and founder of functional anatomy in Russia. Another teacher was the famous physiologist I.M. Sechenov. Only with the background of this new functional anatomy was Kowalevsky able to link up various data to form his own theories and create classical palaeontological works in the space of two and a half years (1871–1873). His influence on the development of vertebrate palaeontology has been lasting. In Russia and the Soviet Union, Kowalevsky and Lesshaft had such successors as A.P. Pavlov (1854–1929), A.A. Borissiak (1872–1944), N.N. Yakovlev (1870–1966), and many other disciples in younger generations of palaeontologists.  相似文献   

李济先生与周口店研究:纪念李济先生诞辰100周年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张森水 《人类学学报》1996,15(4):362-370
李济先生是中国考古学的奠基人,中国第一位人类学家。他毕生从事考古学研究,著作等身,桃李满天下。他的功绩主要体现在安阳殷墟的发掘与研究上,考古学的其他方面亦建树甚丰。本文仅就李先生在中国旧石器考古草创时期,特别是在周口店本世纪30年代初发掘方法改革中的贡献等方面作简要的介绍。以此纪念济先生诞辰100周年。为使读者了解他取得巨大成就的历史背景,对其生平亦作点录。  相似文献   

Over the course of the XVIIIth-XIXth centuries, in the Russian Academy of Sciences investigations were actively pursued into the physiology of the nervous system. These studies were published and widely discussed. A valuable contribution was made by D. Bernulli, P. A. Zagorski?, G. F. Bidder, F. V. Ovsiannikov, I. M. Sechenov, I. R. Tarkhanov, N. E. Vvedenski?, I. G. Orshanski? and others.  相似文献   

Emil Starkenstein (1884-1942), professor of pharmacology at the German Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague, was not only an experimental pharmacologist, but also the pioneer of clinical pharmacology. During the World War I (1914-1918) he took advantage of his knowledge of experimental pharmacology for the new approaches to the treatment of bacillary dysentery, cholera and of epidemic typhus fever. In 1918 he published the article "Clinical Pharmacology--Theory and Praxis at the Patient's Bedside", in which he defined the main task of clinical pharmacology as the implementation and verification of experimental pharmacology achievements in clinical therapy. During the period 1921-1933, his scientific interests involved namely analgesic combinations, seasickness therapy and pharmacology of iron. He published more than 240 scientific articles and three textbooks. Emil Starkenstein died on November 6, 1942 as a victim of Holocaust. Starkenstein s collection of more than 20,000 reprints of scientific studies, which has been deposited recently in the Archives of Charles University in Prague is very valuable.  相似文献   

This article is the first of the domestic publications on physiology and medical history, which highlights the discussion between I. P. Pavlov and V. M. Bekhterev on the issue of localization of functions in human cerebral cortex: it provides information of the visit by I. P. Pavlov to the clinic of V. M. Bekhterev; it discusses the role of V. M. Bekhrerev's students who described the cortex zones of tonotopics, gustation, regulation of salivation and stomach secretion, which I. P. Pavlov denied. Unlike articles on factography and history of physiology, which in various ways praise the scientists, this article is based of the modern approaches of medical history and scientific knowledge, in particular, it provides a retrospective of the major facts of the discussion.  相似文献   

Summary As a student and collaborator of Louis Agassiz on the study of fishes, F. W. Putnam gave promise of becoming a leading ichthyologist with special interest in taxonomy generally and the Etheostomidae in particular. While he was noted briefly in these fields, contributed a number of minor papers, and aided in the posthumous publications of some of Agassiz's work on fishes, he neither reached his original goal nor completed his major projected works. For in 1874 he switched careers and was appointed Curator of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University, and is remembered today primarily as a founder of American archaeology rather than as a systematic ichthyologist.Paper read at the 19th annual meeting of the Society of Systematic Zoology, New York City, 27 December 1967. Quotations are taken from the F. W. Putnam papers in the Archives of Harvard University, with permission of the Archives and the Putnam family.  相似文献   

The Darwin of pangenesis is very much another Darwin. Pangenesis is Darwin's comprehensive theory of generation, his theory about all sexual and asexual modes of reproduction and growth. He never explicitly integrated pangenesis with his theory of natural selection. He first formulated pangenesis in the 1840s and integrated it with the physiology, including the cytology, of that era. It was, therefore, not consilient with the newer cytology of the 1860s when he published it in 1868. By reflecting on the role of pangenesis in Darwin's life and work, we can learn to take a wider view of his most general theorising about animal and plant life.  相似文献   

When Pavlov was first nominated for the Nobel Prize, he was well recognized by physiologists, especially those concerned with digestion. It appears unlikely that psychological interpretations of his conditional reflex findings had begun to penetrate deeply into the discipline of psychology. The selection in 1904 of Pavlov for the award in physiology or medicine attracted the attention of a broader range of scientists. American psychologists, in particular, probably became more aware of the advantages of incorporating his "objective" conditional reflex method into their investigations. General biographical aspects relating to the award and the effect of the award upon the acceptance of the conditional reflex method by American psychologists are developed in this presentation.  相似文献   

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