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This paper presents a new algorithm, Nitrous Oxide Emission (NOE) for simulating the emission of the greenhouse gas N2O from agricultural soils. N2O fluxes are calculated as the result of production through denitrification and nitrification and reduction through the last step of denitrification. Actual denitrification and nitrification rates are calculated from biological parameters and soil water‐filled pore space, temperature and mineral nitrogen contents. New suggestions in NOE consisted in introducing (1) biological site‐specific parameters of soil N2O reduction and (2) reduction of the N2O produced through nitrification to N2 through denitrification. This paper includes a database of 64 N2O fluxes measured on the field scale with corresponding environmental parameters collected from five agricultural situations in France. This database was used to test the validity of this algorithm. Site per site comparison of simulated N2O fluxes against observed data leads to mixed results. For 80% of the tested points, measured and simulated fluxes are in accordance whereas the others resulted in an important discrepancy. The origin of this discrepancy is discussed. On the other hand, mean annual fluxes measured on each site were strongly correlated to mean simulated annual fluxes. The biological site‐specific parameter of soil N2O reduction introduced into NOE appeared particularly useful to discriminate the general level of N2O emissions from site to site. Furthermore, the relevance of NOE was confirmed by comparing measured and simulated N2O fluxes using some data from the US TRAGNET database. We suggest the use of NOE on a regional scale in order to predict mean annual N2O emissions.  相似文献   

The Kyoto protocol requires countries to provide national inventories for a list of greenhouse gases including N2O. A standard methodology proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates direct N2O emissions from soils as a constant fraction (1.25%) of the nitrogen input. This approach is insensitive to environmental variability. A more dynamic approach is needed to establish reliable N2O emission inventories and to propose efficient mitigation strategies. The objective of this paper is to develop a model that allows the spatial and temporal variation in environmental conditions to be taken into account in national inventories of direct N2O emissions. Observed annual N2O emission rates are used to establish statistical relationships between N2O emissions, seasonal climate and nitrogen‐fertilization rate. Two empirical models, MCROPS and MGRASS, were developed for croplands and grasslands. Validated with an independent data set, MCROPS shows that spring temperature and summer precipitation explain 35% of the variance in annual N2O emissions from croplands. In MGRASS, nitrogen‐fertilization rate and winter temperature explain 48% of the variance in annual N2O emissions from grasslands. Using long‐term climate observations (1900–2000), the sensitivity of the models with climate variability is estimated by comparing the year‐to‐year prediction of the model to the precision obtained during the validation process. MCROPS is able to capture interannual variability of N2O emissions from croplands. However, grassland emissions show very small interannual variations, which are too small to be detectable by MGRASS. MCROPS and MGRASS improve the statistical reliability of direct N2O emissions compared with the IPCC default methodology. Furthermore, the models can be used to estimate the effects of interannual variation in climate, climate change on direct N2O emissions from soils at the regional scale.  相似文献   

This study analyses the spatial and temporal variability of N2O emissions from the agricultural soils of Belgium. Annual N2O emission rates are estimated with two statistical models, MCROPS and MGRASS, which take account of the impact of changes in land use, climate, and nitrogen‐fertilization rate. The models are used to simulate the temporal trend of N2O emissions between 1990 and 2050 for a 10′ latitude and longitude grid. The results are also aggregated to the regional and national scale to facilitate comparison with other studies and national inventories. Changes in climate and land use are derived from the quantitative scenarios developed by the ATEAM project based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change‐Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (IPCC‐SRES) storylines. The average N2O flux for Belgium was estimated to be 8.6 × 106 kg N2O‐N yr−1 (STD = 2.1 × 106 kg N2O‐N yr−1) for the period 1990–2000. Fluxes estimated for a single year (1996) give a reasonable agreement with published results at the national and regional scales for the same year. The scenario‐based simulations of future N2O emissions show the strong influence of land‐use change. The scenarios A1FI, B1 and B2 produce similar results between 2001 and 2050 with a national emission rate in 2050 of 11.9 × 106 kg N2O‐N yr−1. The A2 scenario, however, is very sensitive to the reduction in agricultural land areas (−14% compared with the 1990 baseline), which results in a reduced emission rate in 2050 of 8.3 × 106 kg N2O‐N yr−1. Neither the climatic change scenarios nor the reduction in nitrogen fertilization rate could explain these results leading to the conclusion that N2O emissions from Belgian agricultural soils will be more markedly affected by changes in agricultural land areas.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyze the impact of fertilizer‐ and manure‐induced N2O emissions due to energy crop production on the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions when conventional transportation fuels are replaced by first‐generation biofuels (also taking account of other GHG emissions during the entire life cycle). We calculate the nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions by applying a statistical model that uses spatial data on climate and soil. For the land use that is assumed to be replaced by energy crop production (the ‘reference land‐use system’), we explore a variety of options, the most important of which are cropland for food production, grassland, and natural vegetation. Calculations are also done in the case that emissions due to energy crop production are fully additional and thus no reference is considered. The results are combined with data on other emissions due to biofuels production that are derived from existing studies, resulting in total GHG emission reduction potentials for major biofuels compared with conventional fuels. The results show that N2O emissions can have an important impact on the overall GHG balance of biofuels, though there are large uncertainties. The most important ones are those in the statistical model and the GHG emissions not related to land use. Ethanol produced from sugar cane and sugar beet are relatively robust GHG savers: these biofuels change the GHG emissions by −103% to −60% (sugar cane) and −58% to −17% (sugar beet), compared with conventional transportation fuels and depending on the reference land‐use system that is considered. The use of diesel from palm fruit also results in a relatively constant and substantial change of the GHG emissions by −75% to −39%. For corn and wheat ethanol, the figures are −38% to 11% and −107% to 53%, respectively. Rapeseed diesel changes the GHG emissions by −81% to 72% and soybean diesel by −111% to 44%. Optimized crop management, which involves the use of state‐of‐the‐art agricultural technologies combined with an optimized fertilization regime and the use of nitrification inhibitors, can reduce N2O emissions substantially and change the GHG emissions by up to −135 percent points (pp) compared with conventional management. However, the uncertainties in the statistical N2O emission model and in the data on non‐land‐use GHG emissions due to biofuels production are large; they can change the GHG emission reduction by between −152 and 87 pp.  相似文献   

An empirical model of nitrous oxide emission from agricultural soils has been developed. It is based on the relationship between N2O and three soil parameters – soil mineral N (ammonium plus nitrate) content in the topsoil, soil water‐filled pore space and soil temperature – determined in a study on a fertilized grassland in 1992 and 1993. The model gave a satisfactory prediction of seasonal fluxes in other seasons when fluxes were much higher, and also from other grassland sites and from cereal and oilseed rape crops, over a wide flux range (< 1 to > 20 kg N2O‐N ha?1 y?1). However, the model underestimated emissions from potato and broccoli crops; possible reasons for this are discussed. This modelling approach, based as it is on well‐established and widely used soil measurements, has the potential to provide flux estimates from a much wider range of agricultural sites than would be possible by direct measurement of N2O emissions.  相似文献   

Natural wetlands are critically important to global change because of their role in modulating atmospheric concentrations of CO2, CH4, and N2O. One 4‐year continuous observation was conducted to examine the exchanges of CH4 and N2O between three wetland ecosystems and the atmosphere as well as the ecosystem respiration in the Sanjiang Plain in Northeastern China. From 2002 to 2005, the mean annual budgets of CH4 and N2O, and ecosystem respiration were 39.40 ± 6.99 g C m?2 yr?1, 0.124 ± 0.05 g N m?2 yr?1, and 513.55 ± 8.58 g C m?2 yr?1 for permanently inundated wetland; 4.36 ± 1.79 g C m?2 yr?1, 0.11 ± 0.12 g N m?2 yr?1, and 880.50 ± 71.72 g C m?2 yr?1 for seasonally inundated wetland; and 0.21 ± 0.1 g C m?2 yr?1, 0.28 ± 0.11 g N m?2 yr?1, and 1212.83 ± 191.98 g C m?2 yr?1 for shrub swamp. The substantial interannual variation of gas fluxes was due to the significant climatic variability which underscores the importance of long‐term continuous observations. The apparent seasonal pattern of gas emissions associated with a significant relationship of gas fluxes to air temperature implied the potential effect of global warming on greenhouse gas emissions from natural wetlands. The budgets of CH4 and N2O fluxes and ecosystem respiration were highly variable among three wetland types, which suggest the uncertainties in previous studies in which all kinds of natural wetlands were treated as one or two functional types. New classification of global natural wetlands in more detailed level is highly expected.  相似文献   

Ecosystem CO2 and N2O exchanges between soils and the atmosphere play an important role in climate warming and global carbon and nitrogen cycling; however, it is still not clear whether the fluxes of these two greenhouse gases are correlated at the ecosystem scale. We collected 143 pairs of ecosystem CO2 and N2O exchanges between soils and the atmosphere measured simultaneously in eight ecosystems around the world and developed relationships between soil CO2 and N2O fluxes. Significant linear regressions of soil CO2 and N2O fluxes were found for all eight ecosystems; the highest slope occurred in rice paddies and the lowest in temperate grasslands. We also found the dominant role of growing season on the relationship of annual CO2 and N2O fluxes. No significant relationship between soil CO2 and N2O fluxes was found across all eight ecosystem types. The estimated annual global N2O emission based on our findings is 13.31 Tg N yr−1 with a range of 8.19–18.43 Tg N yr−1 for 1980–2000, of which cropland contributes nearly 30%. Our findings demonstrated that stoichiometric relationships may work on ecological functions at the ecosystem level. The relationship of soil N2O and CO2 fluxes developed here could be helpful in biogeochemical modeling and large-scale estimations of soil CO2 and N2O fluxes.  相似文献   

韩雪  陈宝明 《应用生态学报》2020,31(11):3906-3914
全球变暖已引起人们的广泛关注,大气温室效应气体浓度增加是导致全球变暖的主要因素之一,土壤是温室效应气体的主要来源。反过来,全球变暖对土壤温室气体的排放具有反馈作用。温度升高不仅会影响植物、动物、微生物的生长及其相互作用,还会影响土壤的物质(尤其是氮、碳)循环过程,从而影响土壤温室效应气体的排放。本文主要总结了增温对土壤主要温室气体N2O和CH4排放的影响及其微生物机制。总体来看,增温能够促进这两种温室气体的排放,其排放主要与温度对氨氧化细菌(AOB)、反硝化功能基因、甲烷产生菌和甲烷氧化菌的丰度和组成的影响有关。土壤温室气体排放也受到植物的物种特性、养分吸收和群落组成,以及土壤营养元素含量、含水量、pH值等理化性质的影响。未来应更深入地从微生物角度探讨全球变暖对土壤温室气体排放的反馈作用机制,加强不同增温模式对土壤温室气体排放的影响研究,并关注增温与其他环境因子相互作用对土壤温室气体排放的影响等,以期为全球变暖对土壤温室气体排放反馈作用的预测提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The availability of O2 is believed to be one of the main factors regulating nitrification and denitrification and the release of NO and N2O. The availability of O2 in soil is controlled by the O2 partial pressure in the gas phase and by the moisture content in the soil. Therefore, we investigated the influence of O2 partial pressures and soil moisture contents on the NO and N2O release in a sandy and a loamy silt and differentiated between nitrification and denitrification by selective inhibition of nitrification with 10 Pa acetylene. At 60% whc (maximum water holding capacity) NO and N2O release by denitrification increased with decreasing O2 partial pressure and reached a maximum under anoxic conditions. Under anoxic conditions NO and N2O were only released by denitrification. NO and N2O release by nitrification also increased with decreasing O2 partial pressure, but reached a maximum at 0.1–0.5% O2 and then decreased again. Nitrification was the main source of NO and N2O at O2 partial pressures higher than 0.1–0.5% O2. At lower O2 partial pressures denitrification was the main source of NO and N2O. With decreasing O2 partial pressure N2O release increased more than NO release, indicating that the N2O release was more sensitive against O2 than the NO release. At ambient O2 partial pressure (20.5% O2) NO and N2O release by denitrification increased with increasing soil moisture content. The maximum NO and N2O release was observed at soil moisture contents of 65–80% whc and 100% whc, respectively. NO and N2O release by nitrification also increased with increasing soil moisture content with a maximum at 45–55% whc and 90% whc, respectively. Nitrification was the main source of NO and N2O at soil moisture contents lower than 90% whc and 80% whc, respectively. Higher soil moisture contents favoured NO and N2O release by denitrification. Soil texture had also an effect on the release of NO and N2O. The coarse-textured sandy silt released more NO than N2O compared with the fine-textured loamy silt. At high soil moisture contents (80–100% whc) the fine-textured soil showed a higher N2O release by denitrification than the coarse-textured soil. We assume that the fine-textured soil became anoxic at a lower soil moisture content than the coarse-textured soil. In conclusion, the effects of O2 partial pressure, soil moisture and soil texture were consistent with the theory that denitrification increasingly contributes to the release of NO and in particular N2O when conditions for soil microorganisms become increasingly anoxic.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) enrichment of ecosystems, mainly from fuel combustion and fertilizer application, alters biogeochemical cycling of ecosystems in a way that leads to altered flux of biogenic greenhouse gases (GHGs). Our meta-analysis of 313 observations across 109 studies evaluated the effect of N addition on the flux of three major GHGs: CO2, CH4 and N2O. The objective was to quantitatively synthesize data from agricultural and non-agricultural terrestrial ecosystems across the globe and examine whether factors, such as ecosystem type, N addition level and chemical form of N addition influence the direction and magnitude of GHG fluxes. Results indicate that N addition increased ecosystem carbon content of forests by 6%, marginally increased soil organic carbon of agricultural systems by 2%, but had no significant effect on net ecosystem CO2 exchange for non-forest natural ecosystems. Across all ecosystems, N addition increased CH4 emission by 97%, reduced CH4 uptake by 38% and increased N2O emission by 216%. The net effect of N on the global GHG budget is calculated and this topic is reviewed. Most often N addition is considered to increase forest C sequestration without consideration of N stimulation of GHG production in other ecosystems. However, our study indicated that although N addition increased the global terrestrial C sink, the CO2 reduction could be largely offset (53–76%) by N stimulation of global CH4 and N2O emission from multiple ecosystems.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilizer‐induced direct nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions depend on water regimes in paddy fields, such as seasonal continuous flooding (F), flooding–midseason drainage–reflooding (F‐D‐F), and flooding–midseason drainage–reflooding–moist intermittent irrigation but without water logging (F‐D‐F‐M). In order to estimate the changes in direct N2O emission from paddy fields during the rice‐growing season in Mainland of China between the 1950s and the 1990s, the country‐specific emission factors of N2O‐N under different water regimes combined with rice production data were adopted in the present study. Census statistics on rice production showed that water management and nitrogen input regimes have changed in rice paddies since the 1950s. During the 1950s–1970s, about 20–25% of the rice paddy was continuously waterlogged, and 75–80% under the water regime of F‐D‐F. Since the 1980s, about 12–16%, 77%, and 7–12% of paddy fields were under the water regimes of F, F‐D‐F, and F‐D‐F‐M, respectively. Total nitrogen input during the rice‐growing season has increased from 87.5 kg N ha−1 in the 1950s to 224.6 kg N ha−1 in the 1990s. The emission factors of N2O‐N were estimated to be 0.02%, 0.42%, and 0.73% for rice paddies under the F, F‐D‐F, and F‐D‐F‐M water regimes, respectively. Seasonal N2O emissions have increased from 9.6 Gg N2O‐N each year in the 1950s to 32.3 Gg N2O‐N in the 1990s, which is accompanied by the increase in rice yield over the period 1950s–1990s. The uncertainties in N2O estimate were estimated to be 59.8% in the 1950s and 37.5% in the 1990s. In the 1990s, N2O emissions during the rice‐growing season accounted for 8–11% of the reported annual total of N2O emissions from croplands in China, suggesting that paddy rice development could have contributed to mitigating agricultural N2O emissions in the past decades. However, seasonal N2O emissions would be increased, given that saving‐water irrigation and nitrogen inputs are increasingly adopted in rice paddies in China.  相似文献   

Aims:  To monitor emissions of NH3 and N2O during composting and link these to ammonia oxidation rates and the community structure of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB).
Methods and Results:  A laboratory-scale compost reactor treating organic household waste was run for 2 months. NH3 emissions peaked when pH started to increase. Small amounts of N2O and CH4 were also produced. In total, 16% and less than 1% of the initial N was lost as NH3-N and N2O-N respectively. The potential ammonia oxidation rate, determined by a chlorate inhibition assay, increased fourfold during the first 9 days and then remained high. Initially, both Nitrosospira and Nitrosomonas populations were detected using DGGE analysis of AOB specific 16S rRNA fragments. Only Nitrosomonas europaea was detected under thermophilic conditions, but Nitrosospira populations re-established during the cooling phase.
Conclusions:  Thermophilic conditions favoured high potential ammonia oxidation rates, suggesting that ammonia oxidation contributed to reduced NH3 emissions. Small but significant amounts of N2O were emitted during the thermophilic phase. The significance of different AOBs detected in the compost for ammonia oxidation is not clear.
Significance and Impact of Study:  This study shows that ammonia oxidation occurs at high temperature composting and therefore most likely reduces NH3 emissions.  相似文献   

The relationship between nitrous oxide (N2O) flux and N availability in agricultural ecosystems is usually assumed to be linear, with the same proportion of nitrogen lost as N2O regardless of input level. We conducted a 3‐year, high‐resolution N fertilizer response study in southwest Michigan USA to test the hypothesis that N2O fluxes increase mainly in response to N additions that exceed crop N needs. We added urea ammonium nitrate or granular urea at nine levels (0–292 kg N ha?1) to four replicate plots of continuous maize. We measured N2O fluxes and available soil N biweekly following fertilization and grain yields at the end of the growing season. From 2001 to 2003 N2O fluxes were moderately low (ca. 20 g N2O‐N ha?1 day?1) at levels of N addition to 101 kg N ha?1, where grain yields were maximized, after which fluxes more than doubled (to >50 g N2O‐N ha?1 day?1). This threshold N2O response to N fertilization suggests that agricultural N2O fluxes could be reduced with no or little yield penalty by reducing N fertilizer inputs to levels that just satisfy crop needs.  相似文献   

生物黑炭对旱地土壤CO2、CH4、N2O排放及其环境效益的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
高德才  张蕾  刘强  荣湘民  张玉平  田昌 《生态学报》2015,35(11):3615-3624
采用土柱室内模拟的方法,通过添加0%、0.5%、2%、4%、6%、8%生物黑炭于土壤中,测定土壤CO2、CH4、N2O排放通量,探讨生物黑炭对旱地土壤CO2、CH4、N2O排放及其环境效益的影响。结果表明:室内模拟土柱培养期内,施用生物黑炭能显著增加CO2排放,且生物黑炭添加百分数(x)与CO2累积排放量(y)之间满足线性方程:y=12.591x+235.02(R2=0.834,n=24);当生物黑炭添加量达到2%及以上时,基本抑制了CH4的排放和显著减少土壤N2O排放,并显著减少CH4和N2O的综合温室效应,当其达到4%以上时,CH4和N2O的综合温室效应降幅更大并趋于稳定,但施用少量生物黑炭(0.5%)可显著促进N2O排放,对减少CH4和N2O综合温室效应并无明显效果。生物黑炭表观分解率随其添加量的增加逐渐减少,生物黑炭添加比例越高,积累于土壤中的碳越多,从投入生物黑炭量与固碳量和减排比角度综合考虑,农业生产中推荐生物黑炭施用量为20 t/hm2,其固碳减排效果俱佳。  相似文献   

Three years of eddy covariance measurements were used to characterize the seasonal and interannual variability of the CO2 fluxes above an alpine meadow (3250 m a.s.l.) on the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau, China. This alpine meadow was a weak sink for atmospheric CO2, with a net ecosystem production (NEP) of 78.5, 91.7, and 192.5 g C m?2 yr?1 in 2002, 2003, and 2004, respectively. The prominent, high NEP in 2004 resulted from the combination of high gross primary production (GPP) and low ecosystem respiration (Re) during the growing season. The period of net absorption of CO2 in 2004, 179 days, was 10 days longer than that in 2002 and 5 days longer than that in 2003. Moreover, the date on which the mean air temperature first exceeded 5.0°C was 10 days earlier in 2004 (DOY110) than in 2002 or 2003. This date agrees well with that on which the green aboveground biomass (Green AGB) started to increase. The relationship between light‐use efficiency and Green AGB was similar among the three years. In 2002, however, earlier senescence possibly caused low autumn GPP, and thus the annual NEP, to be lower. The low summertime Re in 2004 was apparently caused by lower soil temperatures and the relatively lower temperature dependence of Re in comparison with the other years. These results suggest that (1) the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau plays a potentially significant role in global carbon sequestration, because alpine meadow covers about one‐third of this vast plateau, and (2) the annual NEP in the alpine meadow was comprehensively controlled by the temperature environment, including its effect on biomass growth.  相似文献   

土壤溶解性有机物对CO_2和N_2O排放的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李彬彬  马军花  武兰芳 《生态学报》2014,34(16):4690-4697
农田土壤是温室气体的重要排放源,溶解性有机物作为土壤微生物容易利用的基质,其含量变化与温室气体的产生和排放密切相关。基于室内培养试验,对溶解性有机物影响土壤CO2、N2O的排放过程进行了分析。设置空白(CK)、单施秸秆(S)、单施氮肥(N)、秸秆和氮肥(S+N)4个不同的处理,对添加不同物质条件下土壤溶解性有机碳(DOC)、溶解性有机氮(DON)和CO2、N2O的排放动态进行了研究,对DOC和DON影响CO2、N2O的排放过程进行了探讨。结果表明:不同处理的温室气体排放通量和土壤DOC、DON含量差异显著;各处理的CO2排放通量和DOC动态随培养时间的延长呈现逐渐减小的趋势,S和S+N处理的N2O排放和DON动态呈现先增大后减小的趋势;S+N处理的CO2排放量最高,DON含量也显著高于其他处理,单施秸秆(S)处理的N2O排放量和DOC含量显著高于其它处理,单施氮肥(N)对土壤CO2的排放量和DOC含量的影响较小;土壤CO2和N2O的排放通量与土壤DOC和DON含量呈显著的相关性,相关系数(R2)达0.6以上,说明溶解性有机物的含量和动态对CO2、N2O的排放过程产生显著影响。  相似文献   

通过田间试验,研究了太湖地区不同轮作模式下稻季温室气体排放规律.结果表明: 水稻生长季CH4排放呈先升高后降低趋势,CH4排放主要集中在水稻生育前期,烤田后至水稻收获期间CH4排放量较低;N2O的排放主要集中在3次施肥及烤田期.稻季排放的CH4对全球增温潜势(GWP)的贡献远高于N2O,各处理所占比例为94.7%~99.6%,是温室气体减排的主要对象.不同轮作模式下,稻季CH4排放总量及其GWP存在显著差异,表现为小麦-水稻>紫云英-水稻>休闲-水稻轮作;稻季N2O排放总量及其GWP没有显著性差异.与不施肥处理相比,紫云英-水稻轮作模式下施加氮肥显著降低了CH4排放量和GWP,但不同氮肥用量下的CH4排放量和GWP没有显著性差异,而紫云英还田稻季施氮240 kg·hm-2下的水稻产量却最高.综合经济效益和环境效益,紫云英还田稻季施氮240 kg·hm-2下的增产减排综合效果更好,是值得当地推广的耕作制度.  相似文献   

本试验对比观测研究了在稻田土壤中经3年陈化后的生物炭(B3)和新施入生物炭(B0)对稻麦轮作系统CH4和N2O综合温室效应和温室气体强度的影响,旨在明确生物炭对土壤温室气体排放的长期效应.田间试验设置4个处理,分别为对照(CK)、施用氮肥不施用生物炭(N)、施用氮肥和新生物炭(NB0)以及施用氮肥和陈化生物炭(NB3)处理.结果表明: NB0和NB3处理均显著提高了稻田土壤pH值、有机碳和全氮含量,并且显著影响与温室气体排放相关的微生物潜在活性.与N处理相比,NB3处理显著增加了作物产量,增幅14.1%,并且显著降低了CH4和N2O排放,降幅分别为9.0%和34.0%;而NB0处理显著增加作物产量,增幅9.3%,显著降低N2O排放,降幅38.6%,但增加了CH4排放,增幅4.7%;同时NB0和NB3处理均能降低稻麦轮作系统的综合温室效应和温室气体强度,且NB3处理能更有效地减少温室气体的排放并提高作物产量.在土壤中经3年陈化后的生物炭仍然具有固碳减排能力,因此,施用生物炭对稻麦轮作系统固碳减排和改善作物生产具有长期效应.  相似文献   

Estimates of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2 have been measured on a variety of ecosystems world wide including grasslands, savannahs, boreal, pine, deciduous, Mediterranean and tropical rain forests as well as arctic tundra. While there have been numerous comparisons between net primary productivity of arid and semiarid grasslands and shrublands, notably lacking are estimates of NEE with a few exceptions. The objective of this study was to characterize the seasonal and annual carbon flux of a desert shrub ecosystem using the eddy covariance technique to determine the sensitivity of the system to the timing and varying amounts of precipitation. Measurements began in July of 2001, a year with 339 mm of rainfall, considerably above the long‐term average of 174 mm and preceded by 2 years of below average rainfall (50–62 mm). Over the 2 complete years of measurements, precipitation was 147 and 197 mm in 2002 and 2003, respectively. In all years, the majority of the precipitation fell between August and September. The site was a sink of ?39 g C m?2 yr?1 in 2002 with a relatively strong uptake in the early part of the year and reduced uptake after the suboptimal rainfall in September. This contrasts with 2003 when the ecosystem took up ?52 g C m?2 yr?1 concentrated in the fall after significant rain in August and September. Likely, extremely low rainfall years would result in a carbon loss while a strengthening of the typical winter secondary peak in precipitation (notably absent in the 2 years of measurements) may extend uptake into the spring resulting in more carbon accumulation. The system appears to be buffered against variations in annual rainfall attributed to water storage in the stems and roots.  相似文献   

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